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Receiving Quranic Certification

By : Ali Zainal Abidin

Umar bin Khotob was an Islamic boarding school located in the foothills of
Salak mountain, known for its exceptional language and Quranic programs.
The school had a long and rich history, having been established by a group of
dedicated scholars and teachers who wanted to provide a comprehensive
Islamic education to young students.

From its humble beginnings, Umar bin Khotob had grown to become one of
the most respected Islamic schools in the region. The school's focus on
language programs, in particular, had drawn students from all over the world
who were eager to learn Arabic, the language of the Quran.

In addition to its language programs, Umar bin Khotob was also renowned
for its Quranic program, which was considered one of the best in the country.
The program was designed to help students memorize the entire Quran, a feat
that required years of dedicated study and practice.

The teachers at Umar bin Khotob were all experts in their respective fields,
and they were dedicated to providing a comprehensive education to each and
every student. They worked tirelessly to create a supportive and nurturing
environment where students could grow and thrive.

Living in the boarding school was an experience like no other. The students
formed close bonds with one another, and they supported each other through
the ups and downs of their studies. They spent long hours memorizing the
Quran, perfecting their recitation skills, and studying the intricate grammar
and vocabulary of the

Arabic language.
Despite the challenges, the students at Umar bin Khotob were passionate
about their studies and were committed to achieving their goals. They knew
that the education they received at the school would help them become not
just better Muslims, but also better human beings.
As a student of Umar bin Khotob, I had the privilege of being surrounded by
a beautiful natural environment that made memorizing the Quran a much
more peaceful and enjoyable experience. The school was situated in a quiet
area, surrounded by lush green trees and fresh mountain air, which made it
the perfect place to focus and study.

Living in a boarding school had its challenges, but the supportive community
and dedicated teachers made it a fulfilling experience. My classmates and I
spent countless hours studying and practicing Quranic recitations, and the
hard work had paid off in the form of my certification.

However, the certification process was not without its challenges. When I and
my classmate went to the Ministry of Religion to be tested on our Quranic
memorization, we were faced with a difficult challenge. The scholars who
were testing us seemed determined to find faults in our recitations, asking us
to recite the same verse in different ways and pointing out even the slightest
At first, I was nervous and unsure of myself. But I quickly reminded myself
of all the hard work I had put in, and I focused on my recitations, pouring my
heart and soul into each and every verse.

Despite the challenge, I was able to recite the Quran flawlessly, impressing
even the most critical of the scholars. They were impressed by my knowledge
and recitation skills, and they commended me on my dedication and hard

As I left the Ministry of Religion, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and
accomplishment. I had not only earned my Quranic certification, but I had
deepened my understanding and appreciation of the holy book.

Looking back, I realized that the journey to becoming certified in Quranic

memorization was not an easy one, but it was certainly worth it. The sense of
accomplishment and pride that I felt was indescribable, and it was all thanks
to the supportive community and beautiful environment that had helped me
along the way.
Receiving a Quranic certification is a remarkable achievement that requires
years of dedicated study and practice. It is a testament to one's commitment
to Islam and the deep understanding and respect for the Quran.
As I received my certification from the Ministry of Religion, I was filled with
a sense of pride and accomplishment. However, the joy that I felt was not
only my own. My parents were equally proud of me and celebrated my
achievement with great enthusiasm and pride.

Growing up in a Muslim family, I was always encouraged to learn and

understand the teachings of the Quran. My parents instilled in me the
importance of memorizing the Quran and its significance in shaping one's
character and faith.

They would wake me up early in the morning for Fajr prayers and encourage
me to recite the Quran daily, emphasizing the importance of making it a
lifelong habit. Their unwavering support and guidance motivated me to
continue my Quranic studies, even when it seemed challenging and

When I received my Quranic certification, my parents were overjoyed. They

had seen the hard work and dedication that I had put in over the years, and
they were delighted that it had paid off in such a significant way.

Their pride and joy in my achievement were more than just a reflection of
their love for me, it was a celebration of the importance of Quranic studies
and the significance of the Quran in shaping one's character and faith.

Looking back, I realized that my parents' guidance and encouragement had

played a significant role in my journey towards receiving my Quranic
certification. Their unwavering support had given me the strength and
motivation to persevere, even during the most challenging times.

As I move forward in life, I am grateful for the foundation that my parents

have given me. Their love and support have helped me become the person
that I am today, and I am determined to continue on this path of learning and
growth, guided by the teachings of the Quran.
Looking back, I realized that the journey to becoming certified in Quranic
memorization was not an easy one, but it was certainly worth it. The sense of
accomplishment and pride that I felt was indescribable, and it was all thanks
to the supportive community and beautiful environment that had helped me
along the way.

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