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SESSION 2023-24
Subject –EVS
NAME: _________________________ DATE: _________________

Q1. Fill in the blanks:

1) Water is used to produce _________________________.
2) _________________________ is a method of collecting and storing rainwater for later use.
3) ______________________ is the main source of water.
4) Water helps ______________________ to absorb food from the soil.
5) We must drink at least _________________ glasses of water every day.

Q2. Tick the correct options:

1. Three-fourths of the earth’s surface is covered by __________________________.
a) land b) trees c) water
2. Water is _______________________ so we must not waste it.
a) precious b) costly c) natural
3. In cities, water for later use is stored in __________________________.
a) rivers b) overhead tanks c) special tubs
4. Most of the water on earth comes from _________________________.
a) rivers b) overhead tanks c) rain
5. When we have to take a tablet, we need water to _________________________.
a) swallow the tablet b) make a paste c) clean the tablet

Q3. Answer in one word:

a) A person who owns land ___________________________

b) Water which is fit for drinking ___________________________

c) After heating water changes into ___________________________

d) Animal which can live without water for several days ___________________________

Q4. Rewrite the correct statements:

a) We must keep stored drinking water uncovered.

b) Rainwater harvesting will increase the problem of water shortage.
Q5. Identify the pictures:

_______________________ __________________________ ________________________

Q6. Read the passage and the following questions:

Every city has a water supply department. It supplies water to all parts of the city. Water from rivers and
lakes is collected and purified in big water treatment plants. The purified water is stored in huge tanks called
storage tanks. The water supply department send water from the tank is then supplied to the taps in our
houses through pipelines.
a) Where is purified water stored?
b) Who supplies water to our homes?
c) Where does water come from?
d) Where is the purification of water done?

Q7. Answer the following questions:

a) Give any two reasons for water shortage.




b) How do people in villages get water?



Q8. HOTS Questions:

A) How can you reuse drinking water at home?





B) Sometimes water for the entire locality is stored in one place. If you were living in such a locality,

which one of these things would you do to save water so that water is shared equally by everybody?





C) Where have you seen dirty polluted water bodies? What kind of impurities have you noticed in them?
Where do they come from?





Q9. Draw a flowchart on: How water is supplied to our homes.

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