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Palaeolithic Generally located near water sources Soan Valley, Potwar plateau, Siwalik Hills,

Mainly hunter gatherers Bhimbetka, Adamgargh hill in narmada

Hand-sized and flaked off large pebbles valley
Made crude pots Kurnool in Andhra
Grew some plants Attirampakam near Chennai
Attempt to domesticate animals

Mesolithic Less than 5 cm artefacts – microliths Laghank in Gujarat

Mainly hunter gatherers Adamgarh
Shift to small animal hunting and fishing Places in Rajasthan, UP, Bihar
Use of bow and arrow
Domestication of animals started
Primitive cultivation
Burials along with microliths
Practiced painting

Neolithic Practice of agriculture Kashmir Valley, Chirand in Bihar, Belan

Domestication of animals Valley in UP, several places in Deccan,
Polishing stone tools Maski, Brahmagiri, Hallur, Kodeka in
Manufacturing of pottery Karnataka Utnur in Andhra, Paiyyampalli in
Emergence of village community TN
Emergence of mud-brick houses
Large urns as coffins
Used clothes made of cotton and wood

Chalcolithic Used copper and stone implements Jorwe, Ahar, Navdatoli, Gilund, Ganeswar,
Cultivated barley, wheat, rice Kalibangan, Banawali
Black and red pottery, ochre colored pottery
Houses were thatched
Burnt bricks used
Evidences of social inequality
Early Vedic Culture Several tribal kingdoms = Bharatas, Matsyas,
Yadhus and Purus
Sabha and Samiti
Patriarchial Society
Women got equal role – Apala, Lopamudra, Ghosa
and Viswavara
No child marriage and Sati
Mainly pastoral people,
Knowledge of Iron
Worshiped natural forces – Prithvi, Agni, Vayu,
Varuna, Indra
No temples
No idol worship
Later Vedic Times Growrh of large kingdoms – Kuri, Panchalas
Formation of janapadas – rashtra
King performing various sacrifices
Large number of officials
Sabha, Samiti diminished
Knowledge of Manure
Varna system thoroughly established
Position of women degraded
Various gods – Prajapati, Vishnu and Rudra
Importance of prayer decreased; sacrifice
Bimbisara(BC 546-494 BC) Conquest through Supported both Buddha and
Haryanka dynasty matrimonial alliances Jaina
Ajatasatru(494-462), followed by Udayin Pataligrama into Met Buddha – Picture
Pataliputra depicted in sculptures of
Udayin made Barhut
Pataliputra capital First Buddhist council in
Saisunga Dynasty > Kakavarman Conquered Avanti Second Buddhist Council
held at Kakavarman’s time
Nandas>Mahapadma Nanda> Dhana Uprooted Kshatriya Oppressive Taxation by Hathigumba inscription by
Nanda dynasties Dhana Nanda Karavela speaks of conquest
Extednded beyond of Kalinga by Mahapadma
gangetic valley
Alexander going back
Persian Invasion(558- Captured Gandhara Growth of Indo-Iranian Use of Kharoshti script, idea
456)>Cyrus(Achaemenian empire)> Panjab, Sindh(20th Satrapy) commerce, od issueing edicts under
Darius I> Xerex Ashoka inherited from them,
Persian art and wordings in
monolithic pillars
Alexander invasion(327-325) Ambhi of Taxila welcomed Encouraged political
Porus army fought in unification
Vattle of Hydaspes in Increase in trade with
plains of Karri west Asia

Chandragupta Maurya(322-298) Gangetic Valley, Selukas Assisted by Kautilya

Niketar(Alexander;s Megasthanese as
General) gave trans indus Ambassidor in the court
territories Embraced Jainism
Bindusara(298-273) Called by the Greeks as Deimachus as ambassador
‘Amritagadha’ of Syrian King
Kingdom extended up to Bindusara asking sweet wine,
Mysore dried figs and sophists
Supported the Ajivika Sect
Ashoka(273-232)> Brihatratha(last king) Kalinga war in 261 3rd Buddhist council in
BC(mentioned in 13 rock Pataliputra in 240 BC –
edicts Received Buddhism under
the influence of monk
Policy of Dhamma
Mauryan Empire in General Monarchy for the first time Various taxes – shop Use of stone started from
Monisters to assist tax, ferry tax, forest, Ashoka times
Army paid salaries in cash mines tax Major pillars p Rummindei,
Existance of both civil and 1/6 of the revenue rampurwa, Laurya
criminal courts comprised of taxes Nandangargh, Araraj,
Cruel punishments – but Taking of census in Sahasram, Saranath,
remission was also regular intervals – Kaushambi, Gujjara, meerut,
present counted animals as Jopra
Four provinces – Taxila, well Stupa – only sanchi survives
Ujjain, Suvarnagiri, Kalinga Caves – Barabar hills, Bosh
Elaborate system of gaya
provincial and local
administration – provincial
governor in charge of
collection of revenue and
law and order
Pataliputra- 6 committees
– Industry, Foreigners,
registration of birth and
death, trade,
manufacturing of goods,
collection of sales tax
Sunga(187-78) Ruled Ganfa valley after Staunch follower of
(Pushyamitra Sunga> Mauryas Brahmanism, Vaishnavism,
Agnimitra>Devabhuti>Kanva dynasty) Resisted Bactrian Greek Sanskrit
invasion But patronised Buddhist art
as well -renovated Bharhut
and Sanchi
Horse sacrifice practiced
st nd
Saravahanas(1 to 2 century AD) In Deccan – up to Krishna Ship on the coins by Nasik and Nanagarh
River VAshishtaputra inscription
Sarakarnini Hala wrote Gathasaptasati/
Coins with face of Sattasai in Prakrit
rulers Patronised Buddhism,
Vasishthiputra Pulumav
repaired Amaravati Stupa
Patronised Prakrit
Architecture of
Batcrian> Milinda> Helidorus(a Greek Tried to extend till Milindapanho – Pali work –
ambassador) Pataliputra, but stopped by conversations with Nagasena
Vasumitra Sunga Helidorus – Vaishnavite –
Capital was Sakala(Sialkot) erected Garuda pillar at
Origin of Indo- Greek
Gandhara art
First Coinage
Scythians(Sakas)> Maues/Mogu (2nd Attacked Batria and Greek and Kharoshti in coins
century BC to 2nd Century AD) > Azes 1 Parthian Mofa inscription
Extended western Satrapas Azes 1 found Vikrama era in
in Maharashtra and BC 58
Northern Satrapas from Bimaran Casket – Azes II –
Taxila(overthrown by coins – first standing
Parthians and later by Buddha
They were nomads
Gautamiputra Satakarnini
and Chandragupta II
destroying them
Capital Sirkap

Indo Parthian (first century AD) Ruled Pak, Afghan etc.

Gondaphares dynasty
Kushans Till Varanasi, Paraliputra Promoted Mahayana
Kadphises 1>Kanishka(78- Defeated by Chinese Buddhism
120)>Vasudeva general Pancho> extended Buddha Worship started
to Kashkar, Yarkhand and Sent Buddhist missionaries
Khotoan Patronised scholars like
Capital Peshawar Vasumitra, Asvagosha and
4th Buddhist Council
Patronised Charaka
Patronised Gandhara,
Mathura art
Many stupas – height
increased and became
Vasudeva was Shaivite
Chera Capital Vanji Important Sea ports – Pugalur inscription mentions
Cheralathans Tondi and Musiri about them
Cheran Senguttavan(2nd AD) Royal Emblem – Carp Elango Adikal writes
Senguttavan introduced
pattini cult

Chola Capital in Uraiyur, then Reclamation of Forest Pattanapalai mentions about

Kariokala Chola shifted to Puhar, land for agriculture the conditions
Battle of Venni I defeated Kallanai across the
Chera+Pandya Kaveri
Royal emblem Tiger
Pandyas Capital Madurai Flourishing seaport Madurai Kanji describe socio
Neduncheliyan Victory in battle of Korkai - economic conditions
talailanganam Royal emblem carp
Sangam Era in General Hereditary Monarchy Roads were well Five fold division of land – 4
Important ports: Tondi, maintained castes
Musiri, Korkai, Arikkamedu, Practice of Sati Primary deity was seyon or
Marakkanam Notable women poets: murugan
Avvaiyar, Hero stone worship
Known for handicrafts
Cotton Clothers –
women in Uraiyur
Internal trade mostly
based on barter
Chandragupta 1(320-330) Called as Maharajadhiraja
Founder of Gupta Era
Married to Lichcchvi
Samudra Gupta(330 – 380) Did not annex south Indian Gold and silver coin Allahabad pillar inscription
kingdoms, asked to with “restorer of It calls him as Kaviraja
acknowledge the asvamedha’ It is written by Harisena
suzerainty In coins he is using Promoted Sanskrit,
Defeated members of Veena Vaishnavism
Naga family Also encouraged Buddhist
Called as Indian Nepolian Scholar Vasubandhu
Pallava Kingdom
achnowledged his
Chandra Gupta (380-415) Marriage alliance with Access to seaports Fa-hein visited
Nagas, Vakatakas such as Broach, Patronised Kalidasa
War against western Saka Sopara, Cambay Buddhism flourished in north
Satrapas Ujjain became west, declined in gangetic
Called himself as important valley
Vikramaditya Variety of Gold coins Fa-hein Primarily wrote on
Defeated Vanga, Bactria till issues religious matters
Gupta Empire in General Pushyamitras tribe destroy Punishment was not Kumaragupta founded
Srigupta(founder)> 3 famous kings> Kumaragupta army severe Nalanda university
Kumaragupta Huns invasion at the time No spy system Brahmanism promoted
Skandagupta of Skandagupta Roads were kept safe Mainly VAishnavite kings
Elaborate provincial and More liberal Puranas compiled
local administration administration than Jain second council in
Mild and benevolent kings mauryas Vallabhi
Caste system became Nagara and dravida style
rigid, untouchanility evolved
started Temple at deogargh and
Position of women sculptures in Garhwas
degraded temple near Allahabad
Different types of gold No Greek style
copper and silver coins Buddha statue at Sarnath
Bitari monolithic piller by
Copper Buddha statue at
Delhi Iron pillar
Bagh caves, Mural paintings
in Ajanta
Nagari script evolved
Harisena, Kalidasa,
Visakadatta, Sudraka,
Bharavi, Dandin, Subhandhu,
Science – Aryabhatta,
Varahamihira, Vaghabhata
Vakatakas Followed Satavahans in Viharas and Chaityas in
Vindhyashakti(founder)> Praverasena Deccan; Contemporaries of Ajanta
Harshavardhana>Pushyabhuti>Vardhana Feudatories of Guptas Kanauj assembly to Harsha charita written by
dyanasty Thaneswar then Kanauj honour Hsuan Tsang Bana
became capital Frequent inspection Hiuen Tsang, Itsing visited
Military campaign against Taxation was light Harsha wrote 3 plays –
Pulikeshin 2 of chalukyas Forced labour rare Ratna, naga, Priya
– failed 1/6th of the tax Madhuben plate inscription
Ruled over Kalinga, Cruel Punishment of - Helpful to know about
friendship with Maurya contd. HJarsha
Bhaskaravarman(Assam) Maintanance of Public - Banskhera inscription has
Kashmir, Sind, Vallabhi, records(nilopitu) his signature
Kamarupa acknowledged Trade and commerce - Harsha> Saiva>
the sovereignty. declined Hinayana> Mahayana
- Five year
- Copper statue of Buddha
in Lakshmana temple,
- Bhanabatta, Brithari,
Matanga Divakara

Pallavas- 3 line of rulers Kingdom in Well Organised Patronised Brahmanism

1 line(250-350) Tondaimandalam administration system Charters in Prakrit and
Sivaskandavarman Capital in Kanchipuram Irrigation tanks during Sanskrit and Tamil
Vijaya Skandavarman Feudatories of Mahendravarman I Majhendravarman – Jain
2nd line(350-550) Satavahanas Village assemblies first; became Saivite by
Vishnugopa(defeated by Narendravarma I titles: Sabha and its Appar
Samudragupta) Gunabhadra, Satyasandha, committess Constructed many rock cut
3rd line(after 575) Chettakari, Chitrakarapuli, temples
1. Mahendravarman 1(600-630) Vichitrachitra, Mattavilasa Wrote Mattavilasa
2. Narasimhavarman 1(668) Narasimhavarman: Prahasanam in Sanskrit
3. Narasimhavarman II(695-722) Mamalla Hieun Tsanf visited
Aparajita(last king) – defeated by Battles with Chalukyans – Kanchipuram during
Chola King defeated Pulikeshin Narendravarman I
II(Vatapikonda) Gatitikas at Kanchi
Naval Expedition to Founded mamallapuram and
Srilanka monolithic rathas
Narasimhavarman II: Narasimha varman II – shore
Sankarabhakta Rajasimha temple at Kanchipuram
Dandin in his court (Sanskrit
Rise of Vaishnavism and
Shaivism(Bhakti movement)
Mahendra varman – Rock
cut temples at
Mahendravado, Mamandur,
Palavanur, Thirichirapallo,
vallam etc.
Narasimhavarman I –
monolothjic Rathas at
Narasimhavarman II-
structural temples , Shore
temple in Mamallapuram ,
Kailasanath temple in Kanchi
Sculpture – descent of
Ganga, Penance of Arjuna
Mamandur inscription and
Kudumianmalai inscription on
music, Sittanavasal paintings

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