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Q1: Null is used as a place holder for optional fields?

a None

b None

c None

d None

e True

f False

Q2: What is Hypervisor??

a None

b A hypervisor is a hardware that makes optimization possible. It is also called

Virtual Machine Monitor.

c A hypervisor is a software that makes virtualization possible. It is also called

Virtual Machine Monitor.

d A hypervisor is a software that makes optimization possible. It is also called

Virtual Machine Monitor.

e None

f None

Q3: How to push docker image to docker hub??

a By using the docker push

b By using the docker-hub command

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f By using the docker merge

Q4: How to compares the current state of the cluster against the state that the cluster would
be in if the manifest was applied in Kubernetes??

a kubectl show -f ./my-manifest.yaml

b kubectl log -f ./my-manifest.yaml

c None

d kubectl state -f ./my-manifest.yaml

e None

f kubectl diff -f ./my-manifest.yaml

Q5: How do we escape data before storing it in the database??

a None

b The addstring function enables us to escape data before storage into the database.

c The addslashes function enables us to escape data before storage into the

d None

e None

f None

Q6: All variables in PHP start with which symbol??



c None


e None


Q7: How to login into docker hub.?

a None

b None

c None

d $ docker $login

e $ docker --log

f $ docker login

Q8: When started for the first time, minikube requires Internet access. True or False??

a True

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d False

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

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