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Verbal Ability
Instructions [1 - 4 ]
In each of the following sentences four words or phrases have been underlined. One underlined part in
each sentence is not acceptable in standard English. Pick up that part and mark its number.
1. This book is too/(1) elementary; it can help/(2) neither/(3) you nor I/(4).

A (1)

B (2)

C (3)

D (4)
Answer: E

2. I will/(1) always/(2) remember you/(3) standing by/(4) me and offering me encouragement.

A (1)

B (2)

C (3)

D (4)
Answer: E

3. As soon as/(1) the sun had rose/(2) over/(3) the mountain, the valley became unberably/(4) hot and

A (1)

B (2)

C (3)

D (4)
Answer: E

4. We admired/(1) his many/(2) attempts bravely/(3) to enter/(4) the burning building.

A (1)

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B (2)

C (3)

D (4)
Answer: E

Instructions [5 - 8 ]
Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.
5. The ties that bind us together in common aorrvily are so .......... that they can disappear at any

A tentative

B twisted

C tenacious

D tendril
Answer: E

6. It would be difficult for one so .......... to be led to believe that all men are equal and that we must
disregard race, colour and creed.

A emotional

B democratic

C intolerant

D obsolete
Answer: E

7. Automation threatens mankind with an increased number of ........... hours.

A meagre

B complex

C useless

D idle
Answer: E

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8. This island is a colony of British, but in most matters it is ........... and receives no orders from the
mother country.

A submissive

B distant

C aloof

D autonomous
Answer: E

Instructions [9 - 12 ]
Each Question below Consists of a Related Pair of Words, followed by four pair of words. Select the pair
that best expresses the relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.
9. Poor : Wealth ::

A Calorific : Heat

B Affluent : Health

C Emaciated : Obesity

D Honest : Truth
Answer: E

10. Play : Acts ::

A Essay : Topics

B Novel : Chapters

C Game : Players

D Poem : Rhymes
Answer: E

11. Clock : time ::

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A Watch : wrist
B Odometer : speed

C Radio : sound

D Yardstick : distance
Answer: E

12. Doctor : Disease ::

A Moron : Imbecility

B Paediatrician : Senility

C Broker : Stocks

D Psychiatrist : Maladjustment
Answer: E

Instructions [13 - 16 ]
In the following questions choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the given word.
13. Dubious

A doubtful

B clear

C hesitant

D cautious
Answer: E

14. Pinnacle

A pass

B taunt

C peak

D foothill
Answer: E

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15. Credible

A worthy

B believable

C noticeable

D careful
Answer: E

16. Despicable

A undesirabie

B faithless

C desperate

D contemptible
Answer: E

Instructions [17 - 20 ]
Choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the given word.
17. Ravenous

A sated

B famished

C starving

D neglected
Answer: E

18. Undulating

A ups

B flat

C steep

D gradual

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Answer: E

19. curtail

A burden

B lengthen

C encourage

D express
Answer: E

20. Supress

A stimulate

B lengthen

C abandon

D smother
Answer: E

Instructions [21 - 24 ]
In the following questions the word at the top is used in different ways. Choose the option in which the
usage of the word is incorrect or inappropriate.
21. PUSH

A The manufactures are really pushing this new shampoo.

B He has difficult pushing his feeling into words.

C We should be able to move this table if we push it together.

D She pushed through the crowed saying that she was a doctor.
Answer: E


A People fear a knock at the door in the middle of the night.

B Her confidence has taken a knock with all this criticism.

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C India was unexpectedly knocked out of the world cup.

D The players have a couple of minutes to knock out before the match starts.
Answer: E


A The light was so bright that I had to cover my eyes.

B Did you see the cover of the college magazine this year ?

We look cover from the rain in a bus


People try to avoid tax by setting up a cover to donate money to

Answer: E


A She could not master the courage to tell her friend about her loss.

B She quickly mastered the art of interviewing people.

C The terrorist was a master of disguise.

D He is the master of his house.

Answer: E

Instructions [25 - 28 ]
Fill in the blanks with appropriate alternative.
25. Rahul asked me .........................

A why didn't you go to Meerut ?

B why I didn't go to Meerut ?

C why didn't I go to Meerut ?

D why you didn't go to Meerut ?

Answer: E

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26. During the summer months, there is .........................................

A prolonged country shortage in many parts of power

B prolonged parts of the country in many power shortage

C many parts of the country in prolonged power shortage

D prolonged power shortage in many parts of the country

Answer: E

27. If I were you I ................................... what happened.

A will tell him

B would you told him

C would have been telling him

D would be telling him

Answer: E

28. This is ............................................... of such atrocious behaviour.

A my first time of hearing

B the first time that I have heard

C the first time of my hearing

D the first time of the hearing

Answer: E

Instructions [29 - 31 ]
In the following questions, a sentence is given in active voice. Find the correct passive voice version from
the given alternatives.
29. Some one had looked the class-room.

A The class-room is locked.

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B The class-room was being locked.

C The class-room has been locked.

D The class-room had been locked.

Answer: E

30. We justly rebuked him for acting so selfishly.

A He has justly rebuked for selfishness.

B He was justly rebuked by us for acting so selfishly.

C He has been justly rebuked by us for acting so selfishly.

D He has rebuked by us for acting so selfishly.

Answer: E

31. That remark has wounded my feelings.

A My feelings have been wounded by that remark.

B My feeling has been wounded by that remark.

C My feeling was wounded by that remark.

D My feelings mere wounded by that remark.

Answer: E

Instructions [32 - 35 ]
In the following sentences replace the underlined words with the appropriate expression from the given
32. The number of his supporters is expected to decrease drastically this time.

A fall off

B go out

C break down

D fall about
Answer: E

33. Which of her paremts does she resemble ?

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A look up to

B take after

C look after

D take up
Answer: E

34. Nobody was at home when the fire started.

A took off

B came about

C kicked out

D broke out
Answer: E

35. He is always prominent in a crowed because of his height.

A stands out

B looks out

C stands up

D looks up
Answer: E

Instructions [36 - 40 ]
In the following passage there are blanks which have been numbered. For each blank, four words are
suggested. Find out the most appropriaie word to fill in the blank.
A .....36..... party spirit, when it rages in full violence, exerts itself in civil war and bloodshed; and when it is
under its greatest ........37.......... naturally breaks out in falsehood, detraction, .........38........, and a partial
administration of justice. In a word, it fills a nation with bad temper and .........39........., and extinguishes all
the seeds of good nature, compassion and ........40.........

A jubilant

B enthralling

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C furious

D perservering
Answer: E

A restraint

B nadir

C zenith

D uncertainty
Answer: E

A nobility

B adulation

C revolution

D slander
Answer: E

A splinter

B harmony

C mettle

D rancour
Answer: E

A humanity

B humdrum

C laxity

D intolerance
Answer: E

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Quantitative Ability
1 3 7 1023
36. The sum 2 + + + ....... +
4 8 1024 lies between

A 5 and 6

B 6 and 7

C 7 and 9

D 9 and 10
Answer: E

37. The value of

1.001001001 − 3
1.001001 is closest to

A 0

B 10−6

C 3.10−9

D (3.3).10−10
Answer: E

(23 −1)(33 −1).......(1003 −1)

38. The value of (23+1)(33+1).......(1003+1) is closest to

A 2

B 3

C 10

D 4

Answer: E

39. If the square root of a number is between 6 and 7, then the cube root of the number wil be between

A 1 and 2

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B 2 and 3

C 3 and 4

D 4 and 5
Answer: C

Since the square root of a number is between 6 and 7.
So, number itself will lie between 6 2 = 36 and 72 = 49
Cube root of 36 = 3.3 (Approx)
Cube root of 49= 3.66 (Approx)
Hence, the cube root of the number will be between 3 and 4.

40. Of the following four numbers, the largest is

A 3210

B 7140

C 17105

D 3184
Answer: C

3210 = (32 )105 = 9105 < 17105 => 3210 < 17105
7140 = (74 )35 = 240135
17105 = (173 )35 = 491335 => 7140 < 17105
17105 = (175 )21 = 1419857​21
3184 = (314 )21 = 92352121 => 3184 < 17105
Hence, largest of the number = 17105
41. The sum of 18 consecutive natural numbers is a perfect square. The smallest possible value of this
sum is

A 169

B 225

C 289

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D 365
Answer: B

Let 18 consecutive natural number = a, a + 1, a + 2, a + 3, ........., a + 17.
Sum = 2 [2a + (n − 1)d]
= 2 [2a + (18 − 1)1]
= 9 (2a + 17)
= 18a + 153
Put a = 1, Sum = 18 + 153 = 171
Put a = 2, Sum = 36 + 153 = 189
Put a = 3, Sum =54 + 153 = 207
Put a = 4, Sum =72 + 153 = 225 [Required answer]
1 2 3 3 99
42. The sum 1+12+14 + 1+22 +24 + 1+32 +34 + 1+32 +34 + ....... + 1+992 +994 lies between

A 0.46 and 0.47

B 0.47 and 0.48

C 0.48 and 0.49

D 0.49 and 0.50

Answer: E

43. The number of different prime numbers p > 2 such that p divides 712 − 372 − 51 is

A 6

B 5

C 4

D 3
Answer: E

44. If x2 − x − 1 = 0, then the value of x3 − 2x + 1 is

A 0

1+ 5
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1+ 5
B 2

C 2

D not uniquely determined

Answer: C

x2 − x − 1 = 0
x2 = 1 + x Or x2 − x = 1
= x3 − 2x + 1 = x.x2 − 2x + 1
= x.(1 + x) − 2x + 1
= x + x2 − 2x + 1
= x2 − x + 1
45. The sum of the reciprocals of the positive divisiors of 120 is

A 2

B 3

C 4

D 6
Answer: B

120 = 2 ∗ 2 ∗ 2 ∗ 3 ∗ 5 = 23 ∗ 31 ∗ 51
Sum of factors = (2 0
+ 21 + 22 + 23 ) ∗ (30 ∗ 31 ) ∗ (50 ∗ 51 ) = (1 + 2 + 4 + 8) ∗ (1 + 3) ∗
(1 + 5) = 15 ∗ 4 ∗ 6 = 360
Ssum of the reciprocals factors = 120 =3

46. If x% of y is 1% of z, y% of z is 1% of x and z% of x is 1% of y, then the value of xy + yz + zx is

A 1

B 2

C 3

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D 4
Answer: C

x% of y is 1% of z
x 1
100 ∗y= 100 ∗z
xy = z ....... (1)
y% of z is 1% of x
y 1
100 ∗z = 100 ∗x
yz = x ....... (2)
z% of x is 1% of y
z 1
100 ∗x= 100 ∗y
zx = y ....... (3)
xy + yz + zx = z + x + y
Put value of z from equation (1) in equaiton (2):
y * xy = x

y2 = 1
y = 1 Similarly,
Hence, x + y + z = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
47. Sum of digits of (104n +8 + 1)2 . where n is a positive integer, is

A 4

B 5

C 4n

D 4n2
Answer: E

48. If x and y are positive real numbers such that their sum is 1, the maximum value of x4 y + xy4 is

A 16

B 12

C 8

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D 6

Answer: B

= x4 y + xy4
= xy(x3 + y3 )
= xy(x + y)(x2 + y2 − xy)
= xy(x2 + y2 − xy) [Since, x + y = 1]

= xy[(x + y)2 − 2xy − xy)]

= xy[1 − 3xy]
Ley xy = a

S = a[1 − 3a]
S = a − 3a2
da = 1 − 6a
For maximum;
da = 1 − 6a = 0
a = xy = 6
After putting xy =6:
= xy[1 − 3xy]
1 1
= 6 (1 − 3 ∗ 6 )
= 12

49. The average of 15 different natural numbers is 13. The maximum value of the second largest of
these nubers is

A 52

B 51

C 46

D 26
Answer: E

Let first natural number = a

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Second natural number = a + 1
15th natural number = a + 14
According to the question:
a+a+1+a+ 2+...........+a+14
15 = 13
15a + 105 = 195
Second largest of these nubers = a + 13 = 19
50. Let a1 , a2 , .........a19 be the first 19 terms of an arithmetic progression where a1 + a8 + a12 +
a19 = 224. The sum a1 + a2 + a3 + ........ + a19 is equal to

A 896

B 969

C 1064

D 1120
Answer: C

Let first term a1 = a and common difference = d
a2 = a + d; a3 = a + 2d

a1 + a8 + a12 + a19 = 224

a + a + 7d + a + 11d + a + 18d = 224
4a + 36d = 224
a + 9d = 56 ....... (1)

= a1 + a2 + a3 + ........ + a19
= a + a + d + a + 2d + .......... + a + 18d
= 19a + 171d
= 19(a + 9d)
= 19 * 56
= 1064
51. V is inversely proportional to the square root of m and m is inversly proportional to the square of t.
The relationship between V and t is

A V ∝ t2

B V ∝t

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C V ∝ t

D V ∝ t
Answer: B

V ∝ m

m∝ t2

1 1
V ∝

V ∝t

52. A circle is inscribed in an equilateral triangle and a square is inscribed in the circle. The ratio of the
area of the triangle to the area of the square is

A 3:1

B 3: 2

C 3 3:2

D 3: 2
Answer: C


Let side of square = 'a'

Diameter of circle = Diagonal of square = a 2

a 2 a
Radius of circle = 2 = 2

Let side of triangle = s

s a
Length of iInradius of triangle = 3
2 = 2

s=a 6
3 3 3 3a2
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3 3 3 3a2
Area of triangle = 4 s2 = 4 (a 6 )2 = 2

Area of square = a2
3 3a2
Required ratio = 2 : a2 = 3 3 : 2
53. In the given figure there are three circles each of radius 1 cm touching each other and internally
touching a larger circle. The radius of the larger circle is

A 2

3+ 3
B 2

3+2 3
C 3

3+3 3
D 3

Answer: C


Radius of larger circle = PC + Circum Radius of △ABC [PC = Radius of smaller circle = 1 cm]

△ABC is equilateral triangle with side = 2 cm

a 2
Circum of an equilateral triangle = 3 = 3

2 3+2 3+2 3
Radius of large circle = 1+ 3 = 3 = 3

54. If a, b, c, d and e are real numbers such that a + b < c + d, b + c < d + e, c + d < e + a and d + e < a + b,

A the largest number is a and the smallest is b

B the largest number is a and the smallest is c

C the largest number is e and the smallest is c

D the largest number is c and the smallest is b

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Answer: A

a + b < c + d ..... (1)
b + c < d + e ...... (2)
c + d < e + a ....... (3)
d + e < a + b ....... (4)
From (1) and (4):
d + e < a + b < c + d => e < c
From (1) and (3):
a + b < c + d < e + a => b < e
From (2) and (4):
b + c < d + e < a + b => c < a
Let b = 1, e = 2, c = 3 and a = 4
From (1) and (3):
a + b < c + d => 4 + 1 < 3 + d => d > 2 => d > e
c + d < e + a => 3 + d < 2 + 4 => d < 3 => d < c
Largest number is a and smallest number is b.

55. Let 2 x+y = 10, 2y+z = 20 and 2z+x = 30 where x, y and z are any three real numbers. The value of
2x is

A 2

B 15
C 2

D 15
Answer: B

2x+y = 10 ..... (1)
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2y+z = 20 ....... (2)
2z+x = 30........ (3)
From (1), (2) and (3):
22(x+y+ z) = 10 ∗ 20 ∗ 30 = 6000 = 400 ∗ 15
2x+y+ z = 20 15 .... (4)
From (3) and (4):
2x+y+z 20 15
2y+z = 20

2x = 15
56. If x and y are positive numbers, the largest of the following is

A x+y

B 3xy
x2 +y2
C x+y

x4 +x2 y2 +y4
D x3 +y3

Answer: A

Since 'x' and 'y' are positive integers. Let x = y = 1
3xy = 3∗1∗1= 3 = 1.732
x2 +y2 12 +12
x+y = 1+ 1 =1
x4 + x2 y2 +y4 14 +12 ∗ 12 +14
x3 +y3 = 13 +13 = 1.5
Hence, x + y is largest.
57. A book has 213 problemsfrom 12 years, of competitions. At first there were 25 problems per year,
then 16 problems per year and finally 20 problems per year. The number of years when there were
25 problems was

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4
Answer: E

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58. The ratio of the maximum value and the minimum value of sin6 x + cos6 x is

A 4:1

B 4: 2

C 3:1

D 3: 2
Answer: A

Let y = sin6 x + cos6 x

y= (sin2 x)3 + (cos2 x)3

y= (sin2 x + cos2 x)3 − 3 sin2 x cos2 x(sin2 x + cos2 x)
y= 1 − 3 sin2 x cos2 x
y= 1 − 3(sin x cos x)2
y= 1 − 4 (2 sin x cos x)2
y= 1 − 4 (sin2x)2
When sin2x is maximum, y will be minumum and maximum value of sin2x is 1.
3 1
y (min) = 1 − 4 ∗1= 4

When sin2x is minimum, y will be maximum and minimum value of sin2x is 0.

y (max) = 1 − 4 ∗0=1
Required ratio = 1: 4 = 4: 1
59. Let a = 111....1 (where the number of 1's is m) be an integer and b = 100....05 (where the number 0's
is m - 1), then ab + 1 =

A 33 ........ 34, where number of 3's is m - 1

B 33 ........ 36, where number of 3's is m - 1

C 33 ........ 34, where number of 3's is m

D 33 ........ 36, where number of 3's is m

Answer: E

60. If (log 3 x)(log x 2x)(log 2x y) = logx x2 , then y equals

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A 4.5
B 9

C 18

D 27
Answer: E

61. Parallel lines are drawn on a rectangular piece of paper, The paper is then cut along each of, the
lines, forming n identical rectangular strips. If the strips have the same ratio of length to width as the
original paper, this ratio is

A n:1

B n:1

C n:2

D n2 : 1
Answer: A

Let the length of each small rectangular strips is 'l' and its breadth is 'b'.
Breadth of piece of paper = Length of each small strips = l
Length of piece of paper = Sum of breadth of 'n' small strips = nb
l nb
b = l

l2 = nb2
l= nb

l:b= n:1
62. In the figure, ABCD is a rectangle and each circle has diameter 4 cm. The length BC is equal to

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A 4( 3 + 1)cm
B 4( 3 + 2)cm

C 11.5cm

D 12cm
Answer: A


Since, △P QR and △QRS are similar equilateral triangles.

Side of △P QR = Diameter of any circle = 4 cm
3 1 PS
Areaof△P QR = 4 PR = 2 ∗ QR ∗ 2
3 1 PS
4 42 = 2 ∗4∗ 2

PS = 4 3
Lenght of BC = PS + 2 + 2 = 4 3 + 4 = (4 3 + 1)cm
63. The sum of the length, breadth and depth of a cuboid is 19 cm and its diagonal is 5 5 cm. Its
surface area is

A 361 cm2

B 125 cm2

C 236 cm2

D 486 cm2
Answer: C

Let length, breadth and height of cuboid is 'l', 'b' and 'h' respectively.
According to the question:
l + b + h = 19 ........ (1)

Diagonal of cuboid = l2 + b2 + h2 = 5 5
l2 + b2 + h2 = 125 ...... (2)
We know that:

2 2 2 2
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(l + b + h)2 = l2 + b2 + h2 + 2(lb + bh + hl)
From eqaution (1) and (2):
192 = 125 + 2(lb + bh + hl)
2(lb + bh + hl) = 361 − 125 = 236
Surface area of cuboid = 2(lb + bh + hl) = 236cm2

64. A right circular cylinder with its diameter equal to its height is incribed in a right circular cone. The
base radius and altitude of the cone are 5 cm and 12 cm respectively, and axes of cylinder and cone
consider the diameter of the cylinder is

A 11 cm

B 11 cm

C 17 cm

D 17 cm

Answer: B


Base radius of cone = AQ = BQ = 5 cm

AB = 2AQ = 10 cm
Height of cone = PQ = 12 cm
Let QY = x and OQ = 2x
MN = XY = 2x

2x 12−2x
10 = 12

6x = 30 - 5x
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x= 11
Ddiameter of the cylinder = XY = 2x = 11 cm
65. A shopkeeper buys goods at 25% off the list price. He desires to mark the goods so that he can give
a discount of 20% on the marked price and still have a psofit of 25% on the selling price. What
percent of the list price, must be marked on the goods ?

A 130

B 125

C 120

D 100
Answer: E

66. A sector with acute central angle θ is cut from a circle of diameter 12 cm. The radius of the circle
circumscribed about the sector is

A 3 cos 2
B 3 sec 2

C 3 cos θ

D 3 sec θ
Answer: B


ABC is sector that is cut from a circle of diameter 12 cm.

So, AB = AC = 2 = 6cm
Let AO = R = Radius of circle that circumscribed the sector.
AB 6
OM is perpendicular to AM. AM = 2 = 2 = 3cm
Since, ∠BAC = θ, then∠BAO = 2


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In △AMO :
θ AO
sec 2 = AM
θ R
sec 2 = 3
R = 3sec 2

67. On a river, B is between A and C and is equidistant from A and C. A boat goes from A to B and bank
in 5 hours 15 minutes and from A to C in 7 hours. How less will it take to go from C to A, if water
flows from A to C.

A 3 hours
B 3 2 hours

C 4 hours
D 4 2 hours
Answer: B

River is flowing from A to C, that means A to C is downstream and C to A is upstream.
Since, Time taken to go from A to C in downstream = 7 hours
Time taken to go from A to B in downstream = 2 = 3.5hours
Since, time taken to go from A to B and come back to the same point = 5 hours 15 minutes = 5+ 60 =
Now, time taken to go from B to A = 5.25 - 3.5 = 1.75 hours
Hence, time taken to go from C to A = 1.75 * 2 = 3.5 hours = 3 2 hours
Instructions [68 - 71 ]
Study the following table and answer the questions.

68. In which school, the number of students is the largest ?


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Answer: E

69. The Average number of students scoring marks less than or equal to 60% is

A 1268

B 2980

C 3248

D 4248
Answer: E

70. The number of students of school D is more than the number of students of schools A and E
together, by about

A 15%

B 18%

C 30%

D 38%
Answer: E

71. The ratio of the number of students of school B and C scoring marks less than or equal to 60% to
that of schools A and D combined scoring marks above 60%, is

A 13 : 5

B 5 : 13

C 8 : 13

D 13 : 8
Answer: E

Number of students of school B scoring marks less than or equal to 60% = 1170 ∗ 30 = 2730
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Number of students of school C scoring marks less than or equal to 60% = 1170 ∗ 50 = 1170
Number of students of schools A and D together scoring marks above 60% = 1160 + 1200 = 2360
Required ratio = (2730 + 1170): 2360 = 3900: 2360 =
Instructions [72 - 75 ]
Study the following graph which gives the production (in hundreds) of scooters and motorbikes in a factory
over the years and answer the questions.

72. The percent drop in the production of scooters from 2002 to 2003 is about

A 28.6

B 35.7

C 38.5

D 42.9
Answer: D

Production of scooters in 2002 = 140
Production of scooters in 2003 = 80
Drop in number of production of scooters in 2003 from 2002 = 140 - 80 = 60
Required percent = (60/140) * 100 = 42.9% (Approx)

73. The production of motorbikes in 2003 was what percent of the production of scooters in the same
year ?

A 162.5

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B 144

C 122.2

D 61.5
Answer: A

Production of motorbikes in 2003 = 130
Pproduction of scooters in 2003 = 80
Required percent = (130/80) * 100 = 162.5%
74. In which year, the production of motorbikes was equal to the average production of motorbikes per
year during the period 2000 to 2004 ?

A 2000

B 2001

C 2003

D 2005
Answer: B

140+ 120+100+ 130+110
Average production of motorbikes per year during the period 2000 to 2004 = 5 = 120
Hence, in the year 2001 production of motorbikes was equal to the average production of motorbikes per
year during the period 2000 to 2004.
75. The ratio of the number of scooter to that of motorbikes produced during the period 2000 to 2003 is

A 49 : 44

B 43 : 48

C 44 : 49

D 48 : 43
Answer: C

Number of scooters produced during the period 2000 to 2003 = 120 + 100 + 140 + 80 = 440
Number of motorbikes produced during the period 2000 to 2003 = 140 + 120 + 100 + 130 = 490
Required ratio = 440: 490 = 44: 49

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Reasoning and Logical Ability
Instructions [76 - 80 ]
In the questions given below, a situation has beena explained in a few statements, followed by a
conclusion. You have to say whether the conclusion:(Your answers should be in the light of the statements
76. Statements:
1. Mr. 'A' was given a chargesheet by his boss
2. His son met with an accident the same day.
conclusion: Misfortune never comes alone.

A Necessarily follows from the statements.

B Is only a long drawn one.

C Definitely does not follow from the statements.

D Is doubtful as the daia provided is inadequate.

Answer: E

77. Statements:
1. Magazine often have a Readers’ ‘Column.
2. Some friends are going to publish a new magazine.
Conclusion : It will have a Readers’ Column.

A Necessarily follows from the statements.

B Is only a long drawn one.

C Definitely does not follow from the statements.

D Is doubtful as the daia provided is inadequate.

Answer: E

78. Statements:
1. Some disabled devotees often reach places of worship situated among high mountains.
2. Some Persons claim to have been helped by gods and saints when other efforts quite fruitless.
Conclusion: Faith has great power.

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A Necessarily follows from the statements.
B Is only a long drawn one.

C Definitely does not follow from the statements.

D Is doubtful as the daia provided is inadequate.

Answer: E

79. Statements:
1. Marriages are made in Heaven.
2. Some marriages end up in the divorce.
conclusion: Divorces are fixed up in Heaven too.

A Necessarily follows from the statements.

B Is only a long drawn one.

C Definitely does not follow from the statements.

D Is doubtful as the daia provided is inadequate.

Answer: E

80. Statements:
1. Most of the accidents occur due to negligence.
2. A cobbler, sitting on the footpath and working was hit a bus.
conclusion: The cobbler was negligent.

A Necessarily follows from the statements.

B Is only a long drawn one.

C Definitely does not follow from the statements.

D Is doubtful as the daia provided is inadequate.

Answer: E

Instructions [81 - 85 ]
Words in questions given below have a definite relationship. Your task is to find the choice with similar
81. Hair : Head

A Hand : Arm

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B Teeth : Mouth

Footpath :

D Tea-leaves : Mountain slopes

Answer: E

82. Fore : Hind

A Face : Neck

B North : South

C Land : Sea

D Sky : Space
Answer: E

83. Rogue : Rascal

A Merderer : Cruelty

B Polite : Harsh

C Spendthrift : Extravagant

D Notorious : Famous
Answer: E

84. Horse : cow

A Milk : Icecream

B Snow : Water

C Pink : Blue

D Mars : Moon
Answer: E

85. Watch : Time

A Barometer : Pressure

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B Lactometer : Milk

C Yard : Metre

D Hour : Minute
Answer: E

Instructions [86 - 90 ]
Each of the questions given below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II. You have
to decide whether data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the questions.
86. Who among P, Q and R is the shortest ?
I. R is taller than P
II. Q is taller than P.

if the data either in statement I or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the

if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in
statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.

if the data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the

D if the data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
Answer: D

Statement 1: R is taller than P. This statement alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 2: Q is taller than P. This statement alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Combining the statements, we get both Q and R to be taller than P. Hence, P is the shortest.
So, the correct choice is Option (D).
87. A’s and B’s Salaries are in the proportion of 4 : 3 respectively. What is A’s salary ?
I. B’s salary is 75% that of A’s salary.
I. B’s salary is Rs. 4,500.

if the data either in statement I or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the

if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in
statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.

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if the data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the
C question.

D if the data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
Answer: B

Suppose A's salary is 4x and B's salary is 3x.
Statement 1: B's salary is 75% of that of A's salary. This statement is the same as the original statement
since 75% equals 3/4. So, we dont get any valuable iformation from this statement.
Statement 2: B's salary is 4500 Rs.
Combining with original statement, 3x = 4500
Therefore, x = 1500
And 4x = 6000.
Hence, we get A's salary as Rs 6000.
So, the second statement is sufficient to get A's salary. Hence Option (B).
88. How many books are on the table ?
I. The total weight of the books on the table is 130kg.
II. The weight of the table is also 130 kg.

if the data either in statement I or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the

if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in
statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.

if the data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the

D if the data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
Answer: C

Statement 1: Total weight of the books on the table is 130 kg.
This does not tell us anything on the number of books.
Statement 2: Total weight of table is 130 kg.
Again, this statement does not tell us anything on the number of books.
Combining the 2 statements, also does not give us any information on the number of books.
Hence, Option C.

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89. In a code ‘lee pee tin’ means ‘Always Keep Smiling’. What is the code for ‘Smiling’?
I. 'tin lut lee' means 'Always Keep left'.
II. 'dee pee' means 'Rose Smiling'.

if the data either in statement I or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the

if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in
statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.

if the data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the

D if the data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
Answer: A

lee pee tin - Always Keep Smiling.
Statement 1: tin lut lee - Always Keep left
Combing the code with the given statement, tin and lee stand for Always and keep, hence, pee should stand
for Smiling. Thus, this statement alone is sufficient to get the code for Smiling.
Statement 2: dee pee - Rose smiling
Combining the code with the given statement, dee stands for Rose and pee stands for smiling. Thus, this
statement also alone is sufficient to get the code for Smiling.
Hence Option (A).
90. What is X’s present age in years ?
I. X was born in September.
II. Y was 22 years old during September, 1993.

if the data either in statement I or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the

if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in
statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.

if the data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the

D if the data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
Answer: B

If we know that X is 22 years old during September, 1993, we can calculate his present age by adding up
the number of years from 1993 to present. Hence statement 2 is sufficient to get X's present age.
Statement 1 mentions the month but not the year, so that statement a;on is not sufficient to give us X's

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Instructions [91 - 95 ]
In the questions given below, a statement is followed by if implications I and II An implication is an
underlying hint or suggestion that is taken for granted. Give your answer as:
91. Statement:
A further confirnation by the Finance Minister that the prices of essential items would not be raised
was welcome feature for the public.
implications :
I. He proposes to raise prices of luxury items.
II. Some people had doubted the Finance Minister's announcement regarding the stability of prices
of essential items.

A if only I is implicit:

B if only II is implicit:

C if neither I nor II is implicit:

D if both I and II are implicit.

Answer: C

The statement says: A further confirmation by the Finance Minister that the prices of essential items would
not be raised was welcome feature for the public.
Implication 1: He proposes to raise prices of luxury items. The statement says that the prices of essential
items would not be raised, but it does not mention anything about the price of the luxury items. Hence it is
not an implicit implication.
Implication 2: Some people had doubted the Finance Minister's announcement regarding the stability of
prices of essential items. The statement does not say anything about the people's reaction to the Finance
Minister's announcement on the stability of price of essential items. So, we are not sure if they doubted the
announcement. Hence this is also not an implicit implication.
Hence, option (C).

92. Statement :
Prayers are sometimes answered when there is no chance or hope.
I. Some times, we do get helped miraculously.
II. God shows favour only when we are in absolute despair:

A if only I is implicit:

B if only II is implicit:

C if neither I nor II is implicit:

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D if both I and II are implicit.
Answer: A

The statement says: Prayers are sometimes answered when there is no chance or hope.
Implication 1:Some times, we do get helped miraculously. This is an implicit implication because, it is a
direct implication of the statement that the prayers are answered miraculously when there is no chance or
Implication 2:God shows favour only when we are in absolute despair. This is not an implicit implication
because the statement describes the scenario when there is no chance or hope, but it never says that
prayers are not answered otherwise. Prayers may be answered even when we are not in absolute despair
or hopeless.
Hence, option (A).
93. Statement :
Virtually all bosses are problem bosses in one way or the other.
I. No employee other than boss creates problems.
II. Boss and employees never have coordination.

A if only I is implicit:

B if only II is implicit:

C if neither I nor II is implicit:

D if both I and II are implicit.

Answer: C

The statement says: Virtually all bosses are problem bosses in one way or the other.
Implication 1: No employee other than boss creates problems. This statement says only about bosses. It
does not mention anything about employees other than bosses. So, this is not an implicit implication.
Implication 2: Boss and employees never have coordination. This statement is not related to the given
statement in any way. So, this is also not an implicit implication.
Hence, option(C).
94. Statement :
First defeat often becomes a key to victory for some players.
I. After first defeat they come to know where they stand and what they have to achieve.
II. After first defeat, every player is bound to win.

A if only I is implicit:

B if only II is implicit:

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C if neither I nor II is implicit:

D if both I and II are implicit.

Answer: A

The statement says: First defeat often becomes a key to victory for some players.
Implication 1: After first defeat they come to know where they stand and what they have to achieve. This
gives us a reason why defeat helps some players to be victorious for the future. So, this is an implicit
Implication 2: After first defeat, every player is bound to win. This statement does not provide any reason
as to why defeat becomes a key to victory for some players. So this is not an implicit implication.
Hence, Option (A).

95. Statement :
Road and other areas around hospitals are marked as silence zone.
I. Hospitals do not have sound-proof doors.
II. Noisy vehicles disturb patients.

A if only I is implicit:

B if only II is implicit:

C if neither I nor II is implicit:

D if both I and II are implicit.

Answer: D

The statement says: Road and other areas around hospitals are marked as silence zone.
Implication 1: Hospitals do not have sound-proof doors. If hospitals did have sound-proof doors, the areas
did not need to be marked as silence zone. So this implication is implicit.
Implication 2: Noisy vehicles disturb patients. Again, if noisy vehicles did not disturb patients, they don't
need to be marked as silence zones. So this implication is implicit as well.
Hence, Option (D).
Instructions [96 - 100 ]
A word arrangement machine when given a particular input, rearranges it following a particular rule. The
following is the illuseration of the input and the steps of arrangement:
Input: You do things to help others in difficulty.
Step I : Do you others to help things difficulty in:
Step II : Do others you help to difficulty things in.

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Step III: Do others help you difficulty to things in.
Step IV : Others do help difficulty you to in things.
And so on goes the machine. Study the logic and answer the questions that follow :
96. If step II of a given input be ‘why are you not in contact with me’, what is the seventh step of the
input ?

A Why in you with are not contact me

B Why you in aRe with not tontact me

C Why in you are with Contact not me

D You why in with are nof contact me

Answer: C

Substituting the words in the given statement 'why are you not in contact with me' to Step-2 word ->
2 why
6 are
1 you
5 not
4 in
8 contact
3 with
7 me.
Now 7th Step word = 24163857 = Why in you are with contact not me.
Hence, Option C.
97. If step VI of an input is ‘Above is the message to you from me’, what is step III of that input ?

A Above from the message to you is me

B Above the from message to is you me

C Above the message from to you is me

D The above from message you to is me

Answer: B

Considering the block of logic, and substituting words by their position in the statement, i.e Original
statement (You do things to help others in difficulty) -> 12345678
Step 1: 21645387

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Step 2: 26154837
Step 3: 26518437
Step 4: 62581473
For getting step 6: We impose step 2 transformation on the step-4 transformed word 62581473.
Let's suppose the Step-4 transformed word is A, an the Step-6 transformed word is B.
Therefore applying Step-2 transformation on A will give us B.
A = 62581473
B = 26154837 transformation on A = [2 index of A][6 INDEX OF A][1 index of A][5 index OF A][4 index of A][8
index of A][3 index of A][7 index of A] = 24618357.
Therefore the word after 6th step = B = Above is the message to you from me = 24618357.
2 Above
4 is
6 the
1 message
8 to
3 you
5 from
7 me
Word after 3rd step = 26518437 = Above the from message to is you me.
Hence, Option B.

98. Given the following

Input : I am talking about your Delhi Patna Agra.
What step will be the following arrangement ?
About am I talking Delhi Agra Patna you.




Answer: C

Considering the block of logic, and substituting words by their position in the statement, i.e Original
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statement (You do things to help others in difficulty) -> 12345678
Step 1: 21645387
Step 2: 26154837
Step 3: 26518437
Step 4: 62581473
Consider the statement given in the question, I am talking about your Delhi Patna Agra.
Assigning index to each word in their order in the statement:
am - 2
talking - 3
about - 4
your - 5
Delhi - 6
Patna - 7
Agra - 8
The second statement is About am I talking Delhi Agra Patna you. Writing in the form of indices of the
words in the original statement, it becomes 42136875.
Step 8 arrangement gives us the same.
For getting step 8: We impose step 4 transformation on the step-4 transformed word 62581473.
Let's suppose the Step-4 transformed word is A, an the Step-8 transformed word is B.
Therefore applying Step-4 transformation on A will give us B.
A = 62581473
B = 62581473 transformation on A = [6 index of A][2 INDEX OF A][5 index of A][8 index OF A][1 index of A][4
index of A][7 index of A][2 index of A] = 42136875.
Hence the right answer is step VIII.
99. If step VII of a given input be 'I am serious about the conversation to you', what would be the input ?

A The I serious to am conversation you about

B The I to serious conversation am you about

C Serious am the I you to about conversation

D Serious I the am to about you conversation

Answer: D

Explanation: >
Therefore the word after 7th step = B = Serious I the am to about you conversation

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100. Given the following input, what would be step VIII of the input ?
Input : I am waiting for your reply in future

A For am I waiting reply future in your

B For am waiting reply I future in your

C Reply am your I future in waiting for

D Am reply your I future for waiting in

Answer: A

Considering the block of logic, and substituting words by their position in the statement, i.e Original
statement (You do things to help others in difficulty) -> 12345678
Step 1: 21645387
Step 2: 26154837
Step 3: 26518437
Step 4: 62581473
For getting step 8: We impose step 4 transformation on the step-4 transformed word 62581473.
Let's suppose the Step-4 transformed word is A, an the Step-8 transformed word is B.
Therefore applying Step-4 transformation on A will give us B.
A = 62581473
B = 62581473 transformation on A = [6 index of A][2 INDEX OF A][5 index of A][8 index OF A][1 index of A][4
index of A][7 index of A][2 index of A] = 42136875.
Therefore the word after 8th step = B = For am I waiting reply future in your

Instructions [101 - 105 ]

In the following questions the sumbols −, ÷, +, = and × are used with the following meaning:
P − Q means P is greaterthan Q
P ÷ Q means P is greaterthan or equal to Q
P + Q means P is equal to Q
P = Q means P is smaller than or equal to Q
P × Q means P is smaller than Q
For each question you have to assume given statements to be true and then. decide which of the two given
conclusions is/are definitely true Give answer:
101. Statements : A = K, N x A, M + N, R - M
Conclusions : I. K - N II. N x R

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A if only conclusion I is true:

B if only conclusion II is true:

C if either conclusion I nor II is true:

D if both are true.

Answer: D

Statement 1. A≤K
Statement 2. N<A
Statement 3. M=N
Statement 4. R>M

Hence R>M=N<A≤K
Conclusion 1. K>N True
Conclusion 2. N<R True
Hence, option D.

102. Statement : A - T, R ÷ A, D + R, S x D
Conclusions: I. D + A II. D - A

A if only conclusion I is true:

B if only conclusion II is true:

C if either conclusion I nor II is true:

D if both are true.

Answer: C

Statement 1. A > T

Statement 2. R ≥A
Statement 3. D=R
Statement 4. S<D
Therefore: S<D=R≥A>T
1. D=A May/may not be true (Can't be definitely termed as true)
2. D>A May/may not be true (Can't be definitely termed as true)
Hence, Option C

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103. Statement : E + E, H × F, O - E, H = G
Conclusions: I. O - H II. G x F

A if only conclusion I is true:

B if only conclusion II is true:

C if either conclusion I nor II is true:

D if both are true.

Answer: E

104. Statement : R x S, D - E, G ÷ S, E + G
Conclusions : I. R x D II.D - G

A if only conclusion I is true:

B if only conclusion II is true:

C if either conclusion I nor II is true:

D if both are true.

Answer: D

R x S -> R <S

D - E -> D>E
G ÷ S -> G ≥S
E + G -> E =G
Hence, D>E=G≥S>R
Conclusion: 1. R <D True
2. D>G True
Hence Option D
105. Statement : M = W, B + A, M + A, G - W
Conclusions : I. B + M, II. M - B

A if only conclusion I is true:

B if only conclusion II is true:

C if either conclusion I nor II is true:

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if both are true.
Answer: A

M = W -> M ≤ W
B + A -> B = A
M + A -> M = A
G - W -> G >W
Hence, A = B = M ≤ W < G
1. B+M -> B=M -> True
2. M-B -> M >B -> False
Hence, Option A
Instructions [106 - 112 ]
Read the set of informations given below carefully and then answer the subsequent questions :
I. There is a group of seven persons in a family, A, B, C, D, E, F and G. They all apeared in an I.Q. to test their
II. There are two married Couples in the family and three females in total.
III. G, a female, is the most intelligent.
IV. B, the father of E, is more intelligent than his son.
V. C has one son and one daugter. She is more intelligent then her husband.
VI. The father of B is more intelligent than B himself.
VII. E, the grandson of F, is the least intelligent. F, the grandfather, is the second most intelligent in the
VIII. The mother of B is less intelligent than B.
IX. None among the married topped the I.Q. test.
X. The grandfather of G has two sons, one of whom is D, who is more intelligent than his brother but less
intelligent than his wife.
XI. Nobody is a widow or a widower in the family.
106. Who among them is married couple ?




Answer: A

From the fig., A is married to F.

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Hence, option (A).

107. How is G related to D ?

A cousin

B daughter

C daughter-in-law

D niece
Answer: D

From the figure, G is the daughter of D's brother, hence niece.
Option (D).
108. Who is the third most intelligent in the family ?




Answer: A

From the diagram, we can deduce that C is the third most intelligent.
Hence Option (A).
109. How are C and A related ?

A daughter-in-law and mother-in-law

B daughter-in-law and father-in-law

C sister-in-law and father-in-law

D mother and daughter

Answer: A

C is A's Daughter-In-Law, whereas A is C's mother-in-law.

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Hence Option (A).

110. Who among the following is not of the same generation as others ?




Answer: D

Hence, A is of different generation than B,C and D.
Hence, option (D).
111. Who is less intelligent than all but E ?




Answer: A

Hence, A whose rank is 6, is less intelligent than all but E whose rank is 7.
Option (A).
112. Who is B married to ?




Answer: C

Lets use the following symbols for male and female: Male - ' and Female - ".
For the order of intelligence, lets rank them from 1 to 7, where 1 denotes most intelligent and 7 denotes the

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least intelligent.
From hint (3), we get G is a female and the most intelligent. Therefore, G"(1).
Using hint (4) and (7), we get that B is the father of E, and F is the grandfather of E, and E is male. Also, e
get E as the least intelligent and F as the second most intelligent. So, we can map them as

Using hint (10), we get that D is another son of F. Adding it to our mapping, wet get,

Using hint (2) which says there are 2 married couple, and hint (11) that says there are no widow or
widower, we get to know the married couples are F and his wife and B and his wife.
Using hint (5), we get that C has one son and one daughter, so C can not be F's wife, because he has 2
sons, so, C is the wife of B. Also, B and C have a daughter. Mapping into the existing solution, we get:

Now, we have 2 people remaining, both are females. One of them is the daughter of B and C, and the other
one is the wife of F. Using hint (9) that none of he married topped the IQ test, and using hint (3) that G is the
topper of the IQ Test, we get G as the daughter of B and C, and the remaining person A is the wife of F.
Mapping into the figure, we get,

From hint (10), D is more intelligent than B, but less intelligent than C. Also, using (8), B is more intelligent
than A. Using hint (5), C is more intelligent than B.
We know that G is ranked 1, F is ranked 2, E is ranked 7. Using the remaining ranks and applying them to
the deduction from the previous line, we get, C as 3, D as 4, B as 5 and A as 6. Hence the figure comes out

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So, this is our final figure, depicting all relationships and the intelligence test ranks.
Hence, B is married to C.
Option (C).

Instructions [113 - 115 ]

In each of the following letter series, some of the letters are missing which are given in that order as one of
the alternatives below it. Choose the correct alternative.
113. a b c a - b c a a b - c a - b b c - a

A abba

B abac

C bbaa

D ccaa
Answer: B

Starting the sequence with abc. For the next set of terms, we use the original set (i.e abc) after incluing an
additional a.
So, the next set of terms becomes aabc.
Similarly for the next set of terms, we add b to the previous term in the right place. Hence it becomes
In a similar way, the next set of terms become aabbcc.
So, the final sequence comes out as abcaabcaabbcaabbcca.
114. a b c - d - b c - d - b - c d a

A bacda

B cdaba

C dacdb

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Answer: D

We start the series with a,b,c,d as the first 4 terms.
The next 4 terms can be derived from the first 4 in the following way.
1. Place the last term(i.e d) as the first term of the new series.
2. The next terms of the new series are the next terms of the original series in a circular
fashion (a,b,c,d,a,b,c,d....etc)
So the second set of terms is d,a,b,c.
In a similar way, the subsequent terms should be c,d,a,b and b,c,d,a.
The final series is a,b,c,d,d,a,b,c,c,d,a,b,b,c,d,a.
115. - b c - - b b - a a b c

A acac

B babc

C abab

D aacc
Answer: A

We start the series with a,b,c as the first 3 terms.
For the next 3 terms, we start with the last term i.e ' c' of the previous series(a,b,c in his case), and continue
with the next 2 terms in circular fashion (a,b,c,a,b,c). So the second set of 3 terms comes out as c,a,b.
Continuing in a similar way, the next 3 terms are b,c,a, and the subsequent terms are a,b,c.
Hence, the final series turns out as a,b,c,c,a,b,b,c,a,a,b,c.

General knowledge
116. To whom the title ‘Kaiser-e-Hind’ was given by the British Government which was surrendered by
him during the Non-Ceoperation Movement ?

Sardar Vallabhbhai

B Mohd. Ali Jinnah

C Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
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Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi
Answer: E

117. The last Mauryan emperor was

A Bindusara

B Brihadratha

C Vishakhadatta

D Vikramaditya
Answer: E

118. 'Lepchas' may be found in

A Sikkim

B Manipur

C Tripura

D Nagaland
Answer: E

119. Ujjain is situated on the banks of river

A Narmada

B Sarya

C Shipra

D Ganga
Answer: E

120. ........... was the first woman in India to recieve Ashoka Chakra.

A Aarti Saha

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Nirija Bhanot

C Ashapuma Devi

D Puneeta Arora
Answer: E

121. Currency Swap is an instrument to manage

A Currency risk

B Interest rate risk

C Currency and interest rate risk

D Cash flow in different currency

Answer: E

122. First Film of Satyajit Ray was

A Aparajita

B Pather Panchali

C Apur Sansar

D Kanchanjangha
Answer: B

123. Indian EVM researcher ............. has won the Pionner Award, 2010.

A V.B. Srikhande

B K.M. Panikkar

Hari Krishna Prasad


D M.V. Kamat
Answer: E

124. Which among the following schemes was not started in the Eighth Five Year Plan ?

A Jawahar Rozgar Yojana

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Mahila Samridhi Yojana

C Scheme for Infrastructural Development in Mega cities.

D Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme

Answer: E

125. The cocept of "Rainbow Nation" was given for which of the following countries?

A Malaysia

B Singapore

C South Africa

D Thailand
Answer: E

126. Who among the following is the author of the book "India-pakistan Coming to Terms" ?

A Anita Desai

B Ashutosh Misra

C Kiran Mazumdar

D Dr. M.S. Swaminathan

Answer: E

127. Which of the following terms is used in more than one game/sport ?

A Love

B Cox

C Google

D Jockey
Answer: E

128. Which one of the following is the Capital of Colobia?

A Colombo

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C Bogota

D Quito
Answer: C

129. Which film walked away with five awards, including the best-feature film at the 57th National Fim
Award presentation ceremony on 22 October, 2010 ?

A Pazhasri Raja

B Paa

C 3 Idiots

D Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara.

Answer: B

130. What is Malathion ?

A An Instrument

B A Vitamin

C An Insecticide

D An Engyme
Answer: E

131. Who has received the "Global Vision Award"?

A Jeffrey Immelt

B Ratan Tata


D John D. Rockefeller
Answer: E

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132. In which year Public Dept Act was passed ?

A 1940

B 1944

C 1948

D 1950
Answer: E

133. Who among the following is the author of book "I Predict a Century of Hope Towards an Era of
Harmony with Nature and Freedom from Hunger" ?

A Amartya Sen

B M.S. Swaminathan

C A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

D Manmohan Singh
Answer: E

134. With which country India has signed a Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement?

A Malaysia

B Singapore

C Bhutan

D Bangladesh
Answer: E

135. Which organisation has launched ‘Awaaz Do’ with the support of Government of India ?



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Answer: E

136. Folkland Islands have been a disputed territory between

A Mexico and USA

B Argentina ‘and Chile

C Britain and testin

D Britain and Chile

Answer: E

137. Which of the following has implemented the scheme FRIENDS for better deliverance of service to the
people ?

A Kerala

B Tamil Nadu

C Himachal Pradesh

D Uttar Pradesh
Answer: E

138. Which cooking oil has the highest amount of essential fatty acids ?

A Castor oil

B Sun Flower oil

C Groundnur oil

D Coconut oil
Answer: E

139. Indian Standard Time relates to

A 75.5∘ E longitude

B 82.5∘ E longitude

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C 90.5∘ E longitude

D 0∘ E longitude
Answer: E

140. Jailed political activist Lio Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, 2010. From which country is
he ?

A South Korea

B Myanmar

C Vietnam

D China
Answer: E

141. 'World Food Day' is observed on

A 16 October

B 12 October

C 10 October

D 5 October
Answer: E

142. Tibetan spritual leader Dalai Lama was made an honorary citizen of which country, recently?

A Hungary

B France

C Canada

D Germany
Answer: E

143. Aung San Suu Kyi is the native of

A Vietnam

B Taiwan

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D Japan
Answer: E

144. Which country got the least number of medals at the 16th Asian Games concluded at Gaugzhou

A India

B Iran

C Kazakhistan

D Taiwan
Answer: E

145. Kashmir continued to be under its Hindu rulers upto 1339. Its first muslim ruler was

A Shamsuddin Shah

B Zainul Abidin

C Akbar

D Mohammad Gauri
Answer: E

146. The name "Cross roads of the Pacific" is often given to

A Hawaii

B New Zealand

C Naura

D Tonga
Answer: E

147. The official language of Nigeria is

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A Hausa
B Yoruba

C Ibo

D English
Answer: E

148. The rivers Dhansiri, Doyang, Dikhu and Jhanji folow through which Indian state ?

A Andhra Pradesh

B Kerala

C Arunachal Pradesh

D Nagaland
Answer: E

149. Tke word ‘Iron’ is associated with the game of

A Swimming

B Golf

C Shooting

D Football
Answer: E

150. The folk dance of Uttara Khand is

A Jagar

B Jogida

C Karma

D Nati
Answer: E

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151. Match the Following :

A-3, B-4, C-1, D-


A-4, B-2, C-3, D-


A-4, B-1, C-2, D-


A-2, B-1, C-4, D-

Answer: E

152. Which one of the following is the capital of Yemen ?

A Berne

B Sana

C Monaco

D Riga
Answer: E

153. Name of the currency of Israel is

A Shekel

B Riyal

C Kyat

D Riel
Answer: E

154. Security Council which is an executive body of the United Nations Organisation, consider the total of

A 15 members

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B 16 members

C 17 members

D 18 members
Answer: E

155. 'Duma' is the name of the Parliament of

A Russia

B Turkey

C Sweden

D Poland
Answer: E

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