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Explicit Textual Evidence – Something that is stated directly in the passage.

Example: It was a bright and beautiful day.

Implicit Textual Evidence – Something that is not stated directly, but readers can
understand it because of clues in the text.
Example: As Eva awoke from slumber, the warm yellow sun shone through the window and
the faint chirps of birds filled the air.
Explanation: In both examples, readers know that it is a beautiful day. However, in the
second example, it does not tell the reader that it is a beautiful day, instead, the reader has to
assume that it is a beautiful day based on the clues and details from the text.

Directions: Read the passage below and then answer the questions.

Rainbows after Rain by Emily Gray

On a dark, cold day in December, Anna gets off the bus stop and begins the journey to
her house. Because Anna lives on the border of the town, it typically takes her 20 minutes to
get home. As she walks, she hears loud rumbles coming from the sky and notices the gray
clouds that are now covering the sun. Anna wants to quicken her trip before getting caught in
the middle of the bad weather so she decides to text her sister to see if she could get a ride.
He sister quickly texts back with, “sorry, im busy. ttyl”. Anna sighs at the response but she’s
not surprised. Her sister has never helped her in the past and it’s shocking that she even
texted back at all. Up ahead, Anna sees a flash of lightening and it begins to pour. Heading to
the nearest dry area, she sees a tall man her age who seems to be doing the same. He smiles
and waves at her, welcoming her to the space. He observes Anna’s wet hair and annoyed
demeanor. He opens his bag and pulls out a small umbrella.
“Here” he says, handing Anna his umbrella. She smiles, unsure whether to take it or not, but
decides to grab it when he takes a step closer. “My ride will be here in just a minute so I don’t
really need it,” he adds.
“Thanks,” she replies, grabbing the umbrella from his hand. She begins walking away
protected from the rain and already feeling drier. She thinks about how kind the man was to
offer his umbrella. She hopes that she will see him again.

1.) Write an implicit detail from the story that shows the state of the weather.
2.) Write an explicit detail from the story that shows the state of the weather.

3.) Do you think that Anna has a good relationship with her sister? Why or why not? Use
text evidence from the story and identify whether this evidence is explicit or implicit.

4.) Identify whether the detail explicitly or implicitly shows that the man is nice.

Detail from the text Implicit or Explicit?

“He smiles and waves at her, welcoming her to

the space”

“‘Here’ he says, handing Anna his umbrella”

She thinks about how kind the man was to offer

his umbrella.

5.) Which statement is the best inference based on the explicit and implicit details from
the text?

a. Anna is worried about her next trip home.

b. Anna is thankful for the umbrella.
c. Anna only took the umbrella so that she could get away from the stranger.
d. Anna felt love at first sight when she saw the man.
6.) In the space below, create an inference about what you think might happen next in the
story. What clues lead you to believe that this is what will happen? (This is opinion-based
question so there are no right or wrong answers. You will receive credit based on how well
you explain your inference)

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