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1. Primary focus of cooperative learning. to make each group member a stronger individual
2. Informal activities are typically characterized by personal relationships, communities of shared
interest, and social networks
3. Give example of an informal activity Volunteering
4. Primary role of the teacher in teacher-directed activities classroom manager
5. In cooperative learning, students often work together to: improve academic achievement and social
acceptance of all
6. Main purpose of using informal activities in the classroom builds knowledge, skills, and attitudes
7. Give example of a cooperative learning activity Pair or group discussions
8. When implementing teacher-directed activities, The teacher's primary role classroom manager, facili-
tator, or instructor
9. Primary purpose of professional development for teachers help teachers to become better at
planning their time and staying organized
10. Key element of effective teacher collaboration building trust
11. In the context of teacher competencies, "pedagogy" refer to the method of how teachers teach, in theory
and in practice.
12. "Differentiated instruction" mean in the realm of teaching a teaching theory based on the premise that
instructional approaches
13. Common approach to teacher professional development reviewing case studies, consultation and
14. One benefit of ongoing teacher professional development allows your staff opportunities to learn
from others in the training
15. Role does reflective practice play in teacher development facilitates teaching, learning and
16. Describes the purpose of teacher evaluations to guide improvement of teaching skills, to recognize and
reinforce teaching excellence
17. Step involves designing an innovative classroom activity empathise, define, ideate, prototype and
18. Example of a creative assessment method for evaluating student understanding Interactive multimedia
19. In the context of creating a positive classroom environment, Example of a teacher's creative intervention
individualized instruction
20. Teachers creatively address diverse learning needs in their classrooms by incorporate ed-tech and
adaptive learning tools.
21. When developing a new curriculum, Creative step might teachers take to engage students they need
to be creative
22. Teachers creatively adapt their teaching methods to improve student engagement by Encourage
students to reflect upon the learning process
23. Example of a creative classroom management technique Mix it up with project-based and inquiry
24. In experiential and situated learning, the emphasis on the individual construction of the world and
knowledge being created by the student building their own mental models based on their own
25. Reflective learning involves: looking back at something, a past experience or idea and critically

analysing the event.

26. Cooperative learning is characterized by: positive interdependence

27. Discovery and inquiry-based learning methods encourage students to: Encourages critical thinking
28. In experiential learning, the "learning by doing" approach mean The learner is an active participant in
the educational process, and learning is achieved through a continuous cycle of inquiry, reflection,
analysis and synthesis
29. Reflective learning often involves students: looking back at something, a past experience or idea and

critically analysing the event.

30. Cooperative learning can enhance the following skills in students communicating, building confidence,
providing leadership, and managing conflicts
31. In discovery and inquiry-based learning, Role does curiosity play in the learning process Inquiry enables
students to learn through curiosity, discovery, and collaboration
32. Learning approach is best described as "learning from experience" experiential learning
33. Example of a creative experiential learning activity Scavenger hunts
34. Reflective learning can be enhanced by: reflective journals, portfolios or more formal processes such as
action research projects
35. In cooperative learning, creative problem-solving is often fostered through: fostering innovation
and creativity in students
36. Discovery and inquiry-based learning encourages students to: ______________________
37. Learning approach is best described as "learning through innovation" __________________
38. When applying experiential learning, role does creativity play in designing activities _____________
39. In cooperative learning, creative thinking and problem-solving are often promoted through:
40. Best describes the understanding domain in primary grade mathematics ______________________
41. When teaching addition to primary grade students, Example of applying domain learning
42. In the context of primary grade mathematics assessment, formative assessment aim to do
43. Example of a summative assessment in primary grade mathematics _____________________
44. When assessing primary grade students' understanding of fractions, an example of an authentic
assessment task ______________________
45. Teachers apply their understanding of students' individual learning needs in mathematics instruction by
46. In applying domain learning, primary goal of using manipulatives in mathematics instruction for primary
grade students ___________________________
47. Role of rubrics in primary grade mathematics assessment _____________________
48. In the context of primary grade mathematics, the primary purpose of evaluation ____________
49. When using assessment data for evaluation in primary grade mathematics, what does it help teachers
identify ________________________
50. Purpose of evaluating student performance through summative assessments in primary grade
mathematics ___________________________
51. In primary grade mathematics, Example of a performance assessment _______________
52. How can teachers effectively use assessment results to evaluate and improve their teaching methods in
primary grade mathematics _________________
53. Role of ongoing, formative assessment in the evaluating domain of primary grade mathematics
instruction ________________________
54. In primary grade mathematics, when evaluating student performance, Significance of using a variety of
assessment methods __________________________
55. In the K to 12 BEC, Primary purpose of classroom assessment _________________
56. Formative assessment aim to achieve in the context of the K to 12 BEC __________________
57. When using rubrics in classroom assessment within the K to 12 BEC, primary function?
58. Best describes the importance of valid assessment in the K to 12 BEC __________________
59. Primary role of teachers in the K to 12 BEC classroom assessment framework ________________
60. In the K to 12 BEC, Primary objective of assessment results ______________________
61. Purpose of summative assessment in the K to 12 BEC _____________________
62. When designing assessments in the K to 12 BEC, Important to consider students' diverse needs and
abilities ____________________________
63. Role of feedback in classroom assessment within the K to 12 BEC __________________
64. Example of a creative approach to designing assessment tasks within the K to 12 BEC
65. When creating assessments in the K to 12 BEC, teachers apply creativity in the assessment process by
66. In the context of the K to 12 BEC, Represents a creative assessment design _____________________
67. How can teachers encourage creative thinking in their students through assessment in the K to 12 BEC
68. Role of project-based assessments in the K to 12 BEC's creative assessment framework ___________
69. How can creativity be applied when determining assessment criteria and rubrics in the K to 12 BEC?
70. Primary goal of encouraging creative assessment practices in the K to 12 BEC __________________

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