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With continual fighting in the eastern part of the DR Congo, several refugees have started moving to the
outskirts of Goma, looking for safe areas to hide. They are on the outskirts of Goma in the Eastern part of
the Congo. All five refugee camps in the North Kivu region, Katale, Kahondo, Mugunga, Lac Vert and
Sake, have seen an increase in intake, surmounting over 850 000 Congolese desperately yearning for safety.
The region has become unbearable for mothers with children, young girls and the elderly.
The resurge in rebel fighting in the area is due to failed negotiations by the DRC government and the ten
rebel fighting groups in the region. The insurgence has escalated overnight into a humanitarian disaster,
with governments in the area acting immediately. The government of Burundi – due to internal political
instability – decided not to get involved and is unable to supply support or accommodate refugees seeking
a haven in Burundi. The presidents of Zambia, Tanzania and Burundi have reached out to their DRC
counterpart and have offered a safe route through a corridor from Goma region through Tanzania, Burundi
into Zambia. The corridor offers protection for the transit period. The route is 2, 286 km and buses have
been seen leaving the region en route to the Maheba Refugee Camp in Zambia. The DRC government and
the UNHCR have approved at least 200 000 refugees to travel along this corridor looking for safety in
Zambia. Of the 200 000 refugees, there are at least 70 000 with children of which 320 are pregnant, 60 000
elderly, 20 000 males and an estimated 50 000 unaccompanied children. Refugees had to get on buses
overnight and flee the region on the route via the corridor to the Maheba Refugee Camp.
The refugee camp is already overcrowded with 20 000 refugees from Burundi, DRC and Rwanda. The
camp has serious sanitation and hygiene issues, primarily due to a lack of clean water, cleaning supplies,
and sewerage. Because of this, illnesses like Cholera and the possible outbreak of Ebola are seen as critical
in the area, and diseases can quickly spread throughout the entire population. As part of the SADC region,
the Zambian government has offered to support the 200 000 refugees and has decided to involve the NGOs,
religious and refugee communities in Lusaka to assist with three core interventions. Unfortunately, UNHCR
had to withdraw due to further refugee hotspots developing in Goma area and has decided to focus on the
closure of the refugee camps and the safety of refugees in transit and has handed over the management of
the camp to the parties mentioned above in Zambia.
Proposal 1
Please design and implement an emergency 10-point plan that could assist the over 200 000 refugees with
efficient medical care, proper hygiene and sanitation. The plan must contain a short-term intervention
dealing with immediate issues and a long-term intervention that could look into a sustainable exit for
refugees. The Zambian government would like to use this as an opportunity for refugee integration because
it wants to do away with refugee camps in the region. Your 10-point plan must have a clear visible timeline
over one year. It must have the names of stakeholders and contain an immediate emergency intervention.
The plan must also include an integration strategy. Remember, 320 pregnant women in the group must be
prioritized, and medical support in the Maheba Refugee Camp has closed down and refugees are currently
visiting a local clinic. There are also 60 000 elderly that are not on any medication and need support.
Proposal 2
Please design a psycho-social support plan, mainly focusing on women and children. Many children have
seen and experienced brutal and vicious attacks by rebels. Many of the females experienced rape and sexual
assault as a form of war crime and urgently need support. Please design a plan linked to a short- and long
– term intervention that could assist with sustainable exits and integration.
Proposal 3
The Maheba Refugee Camp’s capacity is 40 000 and with the rapid increase it cannot host the refugee
group. The Zambian government planned a community integration for all refugees in this group.
Opportunities for resettlement in the areas around urban Lusaka have been available for housing, agriculture
and exit from refugee status into citizenship. Please design a 10-point implementation strategy of how you
will facilitate the accommodation and how you will prioritize the integration process over at least one year.

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