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CHP 4: Human Health

4.1 Infectious and Non-infectious Dieseases

Disease 疾病
- Abnormal condition of body/mind that causes discomfort 不舒服 ,
参考来源: Bing Hung & 网上

difficulty to function or stress to an individual

Infectious disease 传染性疾病

- Caused by infection 传染 of pathogens 病原体 directly 直接地
through mediums and vectors载体
- Exp: a) Tuberculosis 肺结核 e) dengue fever 登革热
b) flu 流感 f) malaria fever 疟疾
c) ringworm / tinea 癬 g) Zika fever 茲卡病毒
d) leptospirosis 鼠尿病

Non-infectious disease 非传染性疾病

- Caused by genetic factor or lifestyle [基因 | 生活方式]
- Exp: a) Cancer 癌症 d) cardiovascular disease
b) hypertension 高血压 e) asthma 哮喘
c) diabetes 糖尿病

Methods of disease trasmission 传播

Airbone disease 空气传播
a) Droplet transmission 液滴传播
- Pathogen 病原体 cointaining droplet 水珠 sprays 喷洒 from the
mouth & nose of an infected person 感染者 through sneezing ,
coughing 咳嗽 , talking, yawning 打哈欠 or breathing
b) Dust transmission 粉尘传播
- Bacteria 细菌 in the spit 痰 (saliva 唾液) of an infected
person dry up 干涸 and form spores 孢子 which are spread
together with the dust in the air

by 一群努力学习的孩纸 の Yeng Jun

CHP 4: Human Health
Ways to overcome
> Cover the mouth and nose when sneezing, coughing or yawning
> Do not spit everywhere 不随地吐痰
参考来源: Bing Hung & 网上

> Avoid being in a crowded place 避免去人多的地方

> Ensure the living place gets enough light as ultraviolet rays can kill certain
microorganisms in the air 确保家里有足够灯光coz紫外线可以杀菌
Tuberculosis, flu, SARS严重急性呼吸道综合征 , H1N1 甲型流
感病毒, chicken pox 水痘
Waterbone disease 水源性疾病
- Causes: 不干净的水源
Ways to overcome
> Add chlorine into swimming pool& water supply system 在水里加氯
> Good sanitation system 修改卫生系统
> Boil drinking water 把水煮熟再喝
> Wash hands with soap after using toilet 勤用肥皂洗手

Cholera霍乱[肚子痛], Typhoid寒病[泻肚子], Ameobic dysentry
Contact 接触

Tinea & ringworm > through skin contact (share personal items)
> caused by fungi 霉菌
> through sexual intercourse 性交
Syphilis 梅毒 & > pathogens spreads via semen & vaginal fluid
gonnorrhea 淋病 [病原体传播通过精液&阴道的液体]
> caused by HIV 艾滋病毒
> through sex, blood transfusion 输血& sharing
AIDS 艾滋病 of injection needles 注射剂 in drug addicts and
patients 吸毒成瘾者和病人

by 一群努力学习的孩纸 の Yeng Jun

CHP 4: Human Health
Vector 载体
Definition: animal that transmit 传播 the pathogens 病原体

Disease 疾病 Symptoms 症状 Pathogen Vectors 载体 Way of infection

- shivering发抖 Plasmodium Female Anopheles
Malaria - fever发烧 malariae
疟疾 mosquito 疟蚊
- sweating 出汗 疟原虫
- joint pain 关节痛
Dengue - fever 发烧 Aedes mosquito Mosquito bite
登革热 - headache 头痛 Virus 病毒 黑斑蚊 蚊虫叮咬
- watery 湿润 eyes
- fever 发烧
茲 - rashes 疹子
Zika 卡 - joint pain 关节痛 Virus 病毒
Aedes mosquito
- conjunctivitis红眼症
- Diarrhea 腹泻 Vibrio cholerae
Cholera霍乱 - vomiting 呕吐 bacteria Fly 苍蝇 Contaminated
[肚子痛] 霍乱弧菌 food and water
- fever 发烧 肠出血 Salmonella 被污染的
Typhoid - intestinal bleeding typhi bacteria Cockroach, fly
寒病 - red rashes 红皮疹 沙门氏菌 蟑螂&苍蝇

- fever 发烧 Leptospira sp. Contaminated

Leptospiros - headache 头痛 bacteria soil, food and
鼠尿病 - muscle pain 肌肉痛 细螺旋体病毒 Rat 老鼠



学习账号[IG]: @study.wit_chong.yj
CHP 4: Human Health
Mechanism to prevent the spread of infectious diseases
Primary stage 第一阶段 [*在还没生病之前]
参考来源: Bing Hung & 网上

a) Improving health 提高健康水平

> Improving personal and family hygiene, cleanliness of living places and
sanitation systems [保持自身, 家庭, 居住的地方清洁]
b)Strengthening the body's defence system 提高自身免疫力
> Getting vaccines 疫苗 and immunisation 免疫接种 for babies 婴儿 ,
children, pregnant women 孕妇 , food premises operators 食肆经营者 ,
hajj pilgrims 朝觐者 and travellers 旅客
c) Frequent health check-ups 固定身体检查
d) Maintaining healthy lifestyle 保持健康的生活方式
> Inhaling clean air 吸入干净的空气
> Eating a balanced diet 饮食均衡

Secondary stage 第二阶段 [*开始生病了]

a) Determining 确定 transmission 传播 of infections through active and
passive case detection
> Giving early treatment to patients 赶快提供治疗for病人
> Separating patients from others 进行隔离

- 图片/贴纸[千与千寻]来源:@狂操土豆豆
-背景图by @酸奶兮吖
-参考来源: 网上

by 一群努力学习的孩纸 の Yeng Jun

CHP 4: Human Health

Tertiary stage 第三阶段

a) Controlling vector populations 控制载体的数量
参考来源: Bing Hung & 网上

> Destroying vector breeding and hiding places 消除载体的居住地

> Fogging to kill vectors 喷烟雾消灭载体 加强法律
> Enforcing laws by issuing compounds to owner of dirty food premies

b) Protecting hosts
> Using mosquito nets or mosquito coils 用蚊帐/蚊香
> Wearing thick clothes 穿厚衣

4.2 Body defence

1) Prevents pathogens from entering the body

2) Fights pathogen through phagocytosis

3) Fights pathogens by producing antibodies

by 一群努力学习的孩纸 の Yeng Jun

CHP 4: Human Health
First line of defence 第一道防线
Skin 坚强 进入
> Made up of tough layer and is difficult to be penetrated by
参考来源: Bing Hung & 网上

microorganisms 伤口
> Microorganisms can only get into the body through wound or the
skin is injured 受伤
> Sweat 汗水 and sebum 皮脂 secreted 分泌 to kill microorganisms
Mucuous membrance 粘膜 消化道 呼吸通道
> A membrance that lines the digestive tract and respiratory tract
> Microorganisms that enter the respiratory tract are filtered 过滤
by nasal hairs鼻毛 and trapped被困 by mucous lining内膜 the nasal
cavity 鼻腔 分泌物
> Earwax 耳屎 , tears 眼泪 and vaginal 阴道[的] secretions
function as an antiseptic 抗菌剂 that kills microorganisms
Second line of defence 第二道防线
Phagocytosis 吞噬
> White blood cells 白细胞 engulf 吞没 and digest 消化 the
pathogens using enzymes 酶 through phagocytosis
Third line of defence 第三道防线
Body immune system 抵抗
> Immunity免疫力 : ability of the body system resist pathogens
before it is infected (pathogens enter the body ➜ produce
> Antibody 抗体: protein produced by white blood cells into the
bloodstream 血液 in response to antigens 抗原
> Antigen: foreign 涉外 substance that comes from outside the body
and induces 引起 the production of antibodies (exp of antigens:
Pathogens , toxin molecules & blood cell from other blood groups
by 一群努力学习的孩纸 の Yeng Jun
CHP 4: Human Health
Passive immunity
参考来源: Bing Hung & 网上

Body gains antibody from external sources 从别的地方获取抗体

Natural 天然 Artificial 人造

✓ Antibody from the mother's blood ✓ Antibody from antiserum injection

✓ Antibody from breast milk 母奶 打血清
> Antiserum 抗血清 fights against
> Temporary 暂时 and short-lived pathogens without interrupting 中断
immunity the patient's immune system免疫系统
> Immunity dissapears消失 after a > Antiserum: a clear liquid 液体 in
few months the blood that cointains antibodies
to prevent disease

> Immunity is fast and temporary


*疾病例子: 破伤风 & 狂犬病

by 一群努力学习的孩纸 の Yeng Jun

CHP 4: Human Health

Active immunity
参考来源: Bing Hung & 网上

Body produces its own antibodies when stimulated by antigens 身体主


Natural 天然 Artificial 人造
✓ Occurs when a person recovers ✓ Occurs when a vaccine is injected
康复 from an infection into the body
> Immunity lasts long after the > Immunity lasts long after the
infection infection

*疾病例子: 水痘
*解释: 生过的病身体就会有
免疫力 *疾病例子: 肺痨
免疫力: 待久,需要时间才有效果

Practices that strengthen the immune system
- getting enough sleep and rest
- exersicing and inhaling 吸入 fresh air
- doing periodic 定期 health examination
- not smoking

by 一群努力学习的孩纸 の Yeng Jun

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