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I threw a few more things into my bag and snapped a photo.

Someone told me years ago,

before Maggie arrived, to get a photo right before heading to the hospital. It’s crazy to be
when I look at those because my belly looks so huge and so much lower than the rest of
the pregnancy.

We were heading to a different hospital this time around and it was a little farther away. I
just kept staring at Waze app as Tom drove, watching the minutes until we’d arrive. Just
a few minutes into the drive the contractions were getting much closer together and I was
in too much pain to talk to Tom.

We got to the hospital 25 minutes later, just after 3am. Tom dropped me off in front so he
could park. I walked in and realized I had no idea where to go. It was the first time I ever
stepped foot in that hospital and the entrance we were to use for maternity was
completely empty at 3am. I found an elevator that luckily had a directory and made my
way up to labor and delivery. At this point I was walking around with what were the most
intense contractions I ever remember having with any of the kids. I got to the security
desk where I got lots of questions about where I had traveled the previous month and if I
had been in NYC in the past 2 weeks. I was let through and immediately admitted. Tom
found his way up and it was go time.

This pregnancy, I took a class called Mindful Pregnancy and Birth, The class was taught
by a friend of mine that owns a wonderful yoga studio. I had never taken a class with any
of my other pregnancies and while I had 4 pretty easy births, I get super anxious at soon
as I step foot into a hospital. I also was considering not getting an epidural this time,
mainly because the process of getting an epidural added so much to my anxiety and after
Miles I had an allergic (super itchy) reaction that was related to it. I wanted to take the
class to see if learning more about breathing and mindfulness could help. It made a world
of difference. I felt so much more control the entire time, even through the hardest
contractions and learning the right way to breathe, ways to focus, etc made me feel a lot
more in control through the whole labor and delivery.

I did get an epidural but wasn’t anxious, was able to breathe and also communicate what
happened last time and they were able to ensure no itchy allergy. The epidural kicked in
but only on one side, which was a very strange experience. After a little while and some
shifting position it started to kick in and I could relax a lot, felt great and chatted with
Tom and my doctor about some final guesses about whether it would be a boy or girl and
if we had name ideas. We still hadn’t decided 100% on a girls name.

About 10 minutes later, around 5:30am it was time to push. A couple pushes and Tom
yelled “it’s a boy!”. Lots of smiles and tears and holding onto this beautiful new baby
boy. The doctor showed Tom how to cut an umbilical cord for the first time. I couldn’t
believe he did it and we laughed about how far he came in the deliver room since our first
baby. I could tell holding him that he was going to be the biggest baby yet and I was
right: 8lbs 8oz. They passed him back to me, we thanked our amazing doctor and nurses
and they left us to enjoy our new little boy.

It doesn’t matter how many times you do it: welcoming a new baby into the world is
different and equally wonderful each time. This time was the most relaxed and at ease
both Tom and I were. We were beaming with joy over this new little one.

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