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Daily Routine

Word Scramble

1. waek up ___________________
2. tea kbfraaest ___________________
3. og ot oohcls ___________________
4. srbuh arih ___________________
5. surhb eetth ___________________
6. haws ___________________
7. dyust ennlio ___________________
8. og mheo ___________________
9. od homkerwo ___________________
10. ktae a tahb ___________________
11. get ssreedd ___________________
12. eat lucnh ___________________
13. tea inrden ___________________
14. og to selpe ___________________
Daily Routine
Word Scramble

1. waek up wake up
2. tea kbfraaest eat breakfast
3. og ot oohcls go to school
4. srbuh arih brush hair
5. surhb eetth brush teeth
6. haws wash
7. dyust ennlio study online
8. og mheo go home
9. od homkerwo do homework
10. ktae a tahb take a bath
11. get ssreedd get dressed
12. eat lucnh eat lunch
13. tea inrden eat dinner
14. og to selpe go to sleep

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