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SET -1
1. 1 BTU(British thermal unit) is equal to 1055 joules
2. 1 light Year is equal to 9.5×1012 km
3. 1 nanometer is equal to 10-9 meter
4. 1 yard is equal to 3 feet
5. The lifespan of Red Blood Cells is Days 120
6. The density of water is 1 g/cm
7. Radioactivity was Discovered by Becquerel
8. 99% percentage of water is lost during transpiration, True or False True
9. A bird that can fly backwards Humming Bird
10. A bite of a mad dog causes Hydrophobia
11. A camera uses to form an image Convex lens
12. A canyon is a large form of Gorge
13. A chronometer meter measures Time
14. A Cresco graph is a device for measuring the growth in Plants
15. A dark-skinned man experiences, as compared to a fair-skinned man Less heat & Less cold
16. A device that converts mechanical energy into electric energy is Called Generator
17. A device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy is Called Battery
18. A doctor who specializes in diseases of the nose Rhinologist
19. A group of elephants is Called Herd
20. A human skull has number of bones 22 Bones
21. A is the smallest structural and functional unit of nervous system Neuron
22. A light Year is a unit of Length
23. A loudspeaker changes ------ energy into sound energy Electrical
24. A man can survive without food for at least One Month
25. A Photoelectric cell contains metal Selenium
26. A satellite moving round the earth with a uniform speed has Uniform Acceleration
27. A seed can germinate in the absence of Light
28. A short duration wave is Known as Puls
29. A Vegetable containing Sulphur is Cabbage
30. A Washing machine works on the principle of Centrifugation
31. A wind which reverses Seasonally is Known as Monsoon
32. Acceleration acts always in the direction of Net force
33. According to Big Bang Theory, the Universe began about billion Years ago 10-20
34. According to which law gas is directly proportional to temperature Charles Law
35. Accumulation of salts in kidneys results in Kidney Stone
36. Acid deposition causes lakes and forests to die
37. Adult human brain is about% of the total body weight 2%
38. Age of the lion is determined through Nose Colour
39. Ageusia is the loss of which sense Taste
40. Air contains maximum amount of Nitrogen

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

41. Albatross is A Sea Bird

42. Albert Einstein was awarded the Noble prize for Photoelectric Effect
43. Alcohol affects which part of human brain Cerebellum
44. Alcoholic drink contains Ethyl Alcohol
45. Alexanders Fleming Invented Penicillin
46. All forms of energy that we use are ultimately transformed into Heat Energy
47. Amnesia is related to Loss of memory
48. An instrument to detect the purity of milk is Lactometer
49. An ordinary mobile phone communicate by using Radio waves
50. Animal which captures and readily kills living animals for its food is Called Predator
51. Animal with the sharpest hearing ability Greater wax moth
52. animals does not have nervous system Sponges
53. Animals living in the Tree trunks are Known as Arboreal Animal
54. Another name of vitamin C is Ascorbic Acid
55. Apiculture refers to Science of Bee Keeping
56. how many times each Day do our heart valves open and close 1,00,000
57. Are Called the powerhouses of the cell Mitochondria
58. Ascariasis is caused by Round Worm
59. Astigmatism can be corrected by Cylindrical lenses
60. At night, Plants intake and release Oxygen Carbon dioxide
61. At what angle above the horizon must the sun be to create a rainbow 40 degrees
62. Atmospheric layers help in radio communication Ionosphere
63. Atom was a name given by Democritus
64. Average body weight 70 kg
65. B12 deficiency can produce Insomnia
66. Balloons are filled with Helium
67. Bamboo is a Grass
68. Bar is the unit of Atmospheric pressure
69. Basic metals can be converted into gold by Artificial nuclear radioactivity
70. Bats can also fly in dark because they are capable of taking the help of Ultrasonic Waves
71. BCG vaccination gives immunity from Tuberculosis
72. Beaufort Scale is used to measure Wind Velocity
73. Best sources for Vitamin D are Sunlight & Fish liver
74. Biopsy is done on tissues taken from Living Body
75. Biosensor is used to measure Blood Glucose Level
76. Black gold is an oil; Black diamond is Coal
77. Blades of a windmill possess, hence they are turned by a fast wind Potential Energy
78. Bleaching powder contains Chlorine
79. Blood clotting time 3-5 minutes
80. Blood does not coagulate inside the body due to the presence of Heparin
81. Blood groups was Discovered by Karl Landsteiner
82. Blood is cleaned by Kidneys

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

83. Blood which heart pumps to lungs is deoxygenated Blood

84. Botany is also Called Phytology
85. brightest star in the night sky Sirius
86. Bromine is arid-brown Liquid
87. Bronze is an alloy of Copper and Tin
88. Bubo Bubo is the scientific name of which species Owl
89. By which process copper is refined Roasting
90. By which process does the smell of cooking spread to all the rooms in a house Diffusion
91. Calcium Sulphate is Known as Gypsum Salt
92. Calculus was Invented by Isaac Newton
93. Candela is the basic unit of luminous intensity
94. Carbon dioxide was Discovered by Joseph Black
95. Carrot is good source of Vitamin Vitamin A
96. Cell or Tissue death within a living body is Called as Necrosis
97. Central Color of Rainbow is Green
98. Chemical used to kill rats and mice are Rodenticides
99. Chemically finger nails are made up of Protein
1. Christian Friedrich Schönbein Discovered Ozone
2. Chronometer is Invented by John Harrison
3. Cigarette lighters contain Gas Butane
4. Circadian Rhythm refers to Human body cycles
5. Companion cells are unique to Angiosperms
6. Copper can be converted into gold by Artificial Radioactivity
7. Copper is used in the production of Electric wires
8. Cotton is grown on Black Soil
9. Cow milk is a rich source of Vitamin A
10. Current stage of star Sun is yellow Dwarf
11. Cusec is a unit of Rate of Fluid Flow
12. Dead red blood corpuscles are stored in Spleen
13. Deficiency of Iodine causes Goiter
14. Deficiency of iodine leads to Enlargement of Thyroid Gland
15. Deficiency of vitamin B1 is causes Beriberi
16. Deficiency of Vitamin-A results in Night blindness
17. Deficiency of Vitamin-D results in Rickets
18. Dengue Fever is also Called Breakbone Fever
19. Dental cavities are caused because of the deficiency of Fluorine
20. Dermatology is the study of Human Skin
21. Diameter of Sun is 14 Lakh Km
22. It is composed of a single element of Carbon
23. Diamond is an allotropic form of Carbon
24. Diamonds are made up almost entirely of what element Carbon

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

25. Diesel engine was Discovered by Rudolf Diesel

26. Digestion of food is completed in the Small Intestine
27. Diode Bulb was Discovered by Sir J. S. Fleming
28. Diopter is a unit of measurement for Lens
29. Disease which transferred from animal to Human is Zoonosis
30. Distance of stars are measured in Light Years
31. DNA stands for Deoxy ribonucleic Acid
32. Dog bite can cause rabies. Bite of which other animal can also cause rabies Bat
33. Dolly is the name of the First Cloned Sheep
34. Drag is the force exerted by fluids Friction
35. During a total solar eclipse the rate of Photosynthesis Decrease
36. During photosynthesis, Solar Energy is converted to Chemical Energy
37. During Sonography which types of Waves are used Ultrasonic waves
38. During winter in cold countries, the is mixed to melt the ice on the icy roads Salt
39. Each Day human body breathe in liters of air 15,000 to 20,000
40. Earth is divided into three layers Crust, Mantel, Core
41. Earth rotates the sun in 23 hours 56 min 4 sec
42. Earthquakes occur most frequently at Plate Boundaries
43. EEG records the activity of Brain
44. Egg shell is made up of Calcium Carbonate
45. Electric motor was Invented by Michael Faraday
46. Electron was Discovered by J.J Thomson
47. Elements is not present abundantly in earth’scrust Radium
48. Elephant large unit of paper measurement equal to 28 by 23 inches
49. Endocrine glands are also Known as Ductless Glands
50. Entomology Is the Study of Insects
51. Epsom salt is chemically Known as Magnesium Sulfate
52. Fan was Invented by Skaats Wheeler
53. Fathom is the unit of measurement for Depth
54. Female mosquito is the cause of Dengue fever Aedes Aegypteis
55. fermi unit is equal to 10⁻¹⁵m
56. First Atomic theory was proposed by John Dalton
57. First vaccine produced by bio-technology was used against which virus Hepatitis-B
58. Food poisoning is caused by Clostridium botulinum
59. For being able to see three-dimensional pictures we have to use An Epidiascope
60. For being able to see three-dimensional pictures we have to use a Stereoscope
61. For proper formation of teeth, is essential Fluorine
62. For water purification, we use Chlorine
63. Founder of modern astronomy was Nicolas Copernicus
64. Freezing point of water is 0 °C
65. Frog Heart has how many chambers 3
66. Frozen dew is also Known as Black Ice

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

67. Frozen dew is also Known as Black ice

68. Fuel used in a Fast Breeder Reactor is Uranium Plutonium Oxide
69. Fuzzy logic is a part of Computer Science
70. Gas used to fill Balloons Helium
71. Gas usually filled in the electric bulb is Nitrogen
72. Geiger-Muller counter is used to detect Protons
73. Genes are made by Polynucleotides
74. Glands secrete tears Lachrymal
75. Glucose in stored in the form of by Animals Glycogen
76. Glucose syrup is made Frommaize
77. Granite is a Igneous Rock
78. Growth is provided by Protein
79. Gulf streams are caused by Ocean Pressure
80. Hailey’scomet is visible after every 76 Years
81. he oral polio vaccine was Discovered by Jonas Salk
82. Hematopoiesis is occurs in Bone marrow
83. Highly intelligent Mammals are Dolphin
84. Hookes law is related to Elasticity
85. How does smoking cigarettes impact the cells Decreases their ability to carry Oxygen
86. How long does it take for the moon to orbit the earth once 27.3 Days
87. How long does the earth take to cover 1° longitude 4 Minutes
88. How many basic S.I. units are there Seven
89. How many bones are in human Eyes Seven
90. How many Calories are there in 100 grams Natural Honey 304
91. How many chambers are in the human heart 04
92. How many Dynes are there in one gram weight 981
93. How many eyes does a worm have None
94. How many hearts an Octopus has 3
95. How many latitude lines are there 180
96. How many layers of Atmosphere 5 Layers
97. How many longitudes are there in Globe 360
98. How many meters are in one mile 1609.34
99. How many milky teeth or primary teeth does a human have 20
1. How many mm are there in 10 cm 100mm
2. How many moons does Neptune have 13
3. How many moons does Saturn have 62
4. How many moons does Uranus have 27
5. How many Number of eyes found in Earthworm No Eye
6. How many numbers of chromosomes in Pea plant 14
7. How many pairs of walking legs does a cockroach have Three
8. How many teeth are there in human mouth 32

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

9. How many teeth does a dog have 42

10. How many time zones are there in the World 24
11. How many times the sun is bigger than the size of the earth 109 times
12. Human beings use liters of pure oxygen per Day 550
13. Human bone does not contain Boron
14. Human eye is how many Megapixels 576 MP
15. Human saliva contains the enzyme Known as Ptyalin
16. Humming bird belongs to a category Called Endotherm
17. Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of Nuclear fusion
18. Hyetology is the study of Rainfall
19. Hygrometer is used for measuring the Humidity of air
20. Hypermetropia or Hyperopia Means being able to see Distant object clearly
21. If the body is hollow, then its centre of gravity lies Outside the Material
22. If the temperature inside a room is increased, the relative humidity will Decrease
23. In a Battery, which energy is converted into Electrical energy Chemical Energy
24. In a very low temperature which will freeze at Last Sea Water
25. In an oil lamp, the oil rises up in the wick due to Capillary Action
26. In blood, the percentage of water is 90%
27. In BTU system, one BTU is equal to 1055 Joule
28. In context of environment, the term dirty dozen refers to 12 persistent organic Pollutants
29. In eye donation, which parts of donors eye is utilized Cornea
30. In general, Comets have orbits Highly Elliptical
31. In general, the most destructive earthquake waves are the Surface waves
32. In human body there are how many kinds of bones and Joints 4
33. In human, Which body part develop First Heart
34. In humans , most nutrient molecules are absorbed by the Small Intestine
35. In night, when photosynthesis is stopped, plants give off Carbon Dioxide
36. In Space, our Body Loses Weight
37. in summer, the mirages are seen due to the phenomenon of Total Internal Reflection
38. In the Composition of the earth, Aluminum is 8.23%
39. In the manufacture of banaspati ghee the gas used is Hydrogen
40. In the visible spectrum which color has the Longest Wavelength Red
41. In which layer of atmosphere does commercial aircrafts usually fly Stratosphere
42. In which medium sound travels faster Solid
43. In which part of the Plant does photosynthesis take place Leaves
44. In which system of units, gas bills are charged British Thermal Unit
45. In whole Periodic Table which element Is Most Reducing Agent Lithium
46. Insects can move on the surface of the water without sinking due to Surface tension of water
47. Insects responsible for transmitting diseases are Called Vectors
48. Instrument used for measuring very high temperature is Pyrometer
49. Insulin drug was Discovered by Sir Frederick Banting
50. Intake of which vitamin is recommended to improve blood coagulation Vitamin K

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

51. Is a mammal who fly Bat

52. Is also Called White Gold Platinum
53. Is also Known as Fools Gold Iron Pyrite
54. is Known as the strongest natural fiber Silk
55. is termed as Metal of Future Titanium
56. Is used for measuring velocity Speedometer
57. Isobars are the lines connecting the places having same Pressure
58. It is a secondary plant nutrient Sulphur
59. It is impossible for a type of O+ baby to have a type of mother AB-
60. James D. Watson, a Nobel Prize winning scientist is expert in the field of Genetics
61. Jupiter has Known moons 79
62. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are Called Jovian Planets
63. Kilowatt-hour is a unit of Energy
64. Lack of ----- causes diabetes Insulin
65. Lamberts Law is related to Illumination
66. Largest Galaxy in the Universe is Spiral Galaxy
67. Largest Gland Liver
68. Largest moon in our solar system is Ganymede
69. Largest White Blood Cells Monocytes
70. Laughing gas has chemical composition Nitrogen + Oxygen
71. Leprosy is also Known as Hansen’s Disease
72. letter does not represent in periodic table J&Q
73. Leukemia is a disease of the Blood
74. Light travels in a Straight Line
75. Long-sight defect could be corrected by using lens Convex
76. Lunar eclipse occurs on Full Moon
77. Mach number is used in connection with the speed of Aircraft
78. Max Planck received the noble prize in Physics for his discovery of Energy Quanta
79. Maxilla bones are found in Jaw
80. Medium sized kidney stones are removed by Lithotripsy
81. Medulla oblongata is a part of human Brain
82. Mercury is also Known as Quick Silver
83. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are Called Terrestrial Planets
84. Metal occurs in Free State Lead
85. Meteorology is the study of Atmosphere
86. Microphone converts sound energy into Electrical Signals
87. Mohs Scale is used to indicate the Degree of hardness of Minerals
88. Moon is a Satellite
89. Moon light reaches to earth in seconds 1.3 Seconds
90. Most abundant color in Earth is Blue
91. Most drugs are excreted through Kidney
92. Most of the ozone in the atmosphere is concentrated in the Stratosphere

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

93. Mostly which gases found of the Planet Jupiter Hydrogen and Helium
94. Myopia is a defect of Human eye. it can be corrected by using a lens Called Concave lens
95. Myopia is a disease connected with Eyes
96. Nail polish remover contains Acetone
97. Name the animal which can do without water in its entire life Kangaroo Rat
98. Name the gas used for making vegetable ghee Hydrogen
99. Nature of sound waves is Longitudinal
1. Nearest galaxy to our milky way is Andromeda
2. Nephology is study of Clouds
3. Nervous system includes of major components Brain, Spinal Cord and Neurons
4. Night vision is possible with the help of Infrared Rays
5. Nitrogen occurs in plant and animals in the form of Proteins
6. Nitrous Oxide (N2O) is also Known as Laughing Gas
7. Noble gases is not present in atmosphere Radon
8. Nonstick cooking utensils are coated with Teflon
9. Nuclear Fissions are initiated by Neutrons
10. Oasis is associated with Desert
11. Ombrophobia is Fear of Rain
12. On passing through food stuff, X-ray can kill the Bacteria
13. On which disease did Robert Koch work Tuberculosis
14. Oncology is the Study of Cancer
15. One Astronomical unit is equal to how much Km in whole numbers 150 Million km
16. One barrel of oil is Equal to 159 Liters
17. One is Natural Satellite Moon
18. One of the countries through which equator passes is Kenya
19. One Quintal is Equal to 100 Kg
20. Only male frog produce crocking sound because Female frog have no larynx
21. Only Planet whose Day is longer than its Year is Venus
22. Orange belongs to the family Rutaceae
23. Oranges are rich source of Vitamins
24. Orbital period of the Planet Mercury around the sun is 88 Days
25. Ornithology is the study of Birds
26. Other name of red blood cells is Erythrocytes
27. Oxidation is a chemical reaction involving the Loss of Electrons
28. Ozone is an of Oxygen Allotrope
29. Ozone layer protects the Earth from___radiations from the Sun Ultraviolet
30. P Waves are also Called Push-Pull Waves
31. Parkinson is a disease of Brain
32. Parsec is a unit of Distance
33. Particle clouds from where stars are formed are Known as Stellar Nurseries
34. Pathology is the study of Disease

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

35. Penicillin is used to fight what type of infections Bacteria

36. People living in high altitudes usually have a larger number of Red Blood Cells
37. Periodontics deals with Dentistry
38. Permanent magnets are made of Steel
39. Person with blood group are considered to be universal recipient AB+
40. PH of milk is 6.5
41. Phobos is the natural satellite of which Planet Mars
42. Pig iron is also Called Cast Iron
43. Place directly above focus on Earth’s surface Known is as Epicenter
44. Polio is caused by a Virus
45. Potential energy of your body is minimum when you Lie down on the Ground
46. Pressure is measured by Barometer
47. Proton number is denoted by symbol Z
48. Quantity of fresh air required for a man is 1000 cubic feet of air for every 20 minutes
49. Radio waves of constant amplitude can be generated with an Oscillator
50. Radioactive isotope of Uranium used in Nuclear Bomb is 92 U 235
51. Radon is Radio Active Gas
52. RBCs count in the blood is increased when a Person is having Polycythaemia
53. Rearing of honey bees for honey production is Called Apiculture
54. Rectified spirit contains alcohol about 95%
55. Red + Green + Blue = White
56. Red blood corpuscles are formed in the Bone marrow
57. Reflex actions in head region are under the control of Brain
58. Ring Planet is Saturn; least dense and 2nd Largest Planet is Saturn
59. Robert Koch has Invented the Electron Microscope
60. Role of biotechnology in the production of food based on Fermentation
61. Safety matches are prepared using Red Phosphorous
62. Salinization is Accumulation of Salts in Soil
63. Saliva contains Amylases
64. Saliva helps in the digestion of Starch
65. Science is derived from Latin word Scientia which Means Knowledge
66. Scientific Name of Human is Homo sapiens
67. Second name of ethyl alcohol is Ethanol
68. Sedimentary rocks are Porous
69. Segmented Worms take breath through Moist Skin
70. Sensitive layer of the eye is Retina
71. Sensory neurons carry message towards Brain and Spinal Cord
72. Serum if blood plasma minus its Clotting proteins
73. Severe deficiency of Vitamin D results in Rickets
74. SI unit of time is Second
75. SI unit of volume is Meter Cube
76. Siemens is the unit of Electrical Conductance

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

77. Silicon is an example of Semiconductor

78. Silver fish is the name of Insect
79. Smallest White Blood Cells Lymphocyte
80. Soap is Salt
81. Sound cannot travel through Vacuum
82. Sound travels about ___times faster in water than in air 4 Time
83. Sound waves are waves Longitudinal
84. Spinach leaves are rich source of Iron
85. Steradian is the unit of Solid Angle
86. Stethoscope was Invented by Rene Laennec
87. Sudden fall in barometer is indication of Storm
88. Sum of all ecosystems is classified as Biosphere
89. Summer solstice Means Longest Day
90. Sun is divided into main layers 3
91. Sun is moving around the centre of the galaxy at a velocity of km/s 220
92. Sun revolves around Milky Way in about million Years 230
93. Sunlight is a Great Source of vitamin D
94. Sunlight is composed of Seven Colours
95. Sunsets on Mars are Blue
96. Symbol of Iron is Fe
97. Television signals are converted into light signals by Photo Diode
98. Temperature at both the Fahrenheit and the centigrade scales have the same value -40
99. Tesla is the unit of Magnetic Field Strength
1. The stone formed in human kidney consist mostly of Calcium Oxalate
2. The Rising of the evening star indicates the direction of the West
3. The absorption of ink by blotting paper involves Capillary Action Phenomenon
4. The atmosphere of moon consists of 60% Nitrogen, 40%inert gases
5. The average adult has a blood volume of about liters 5
6. The average human body contains how many pints of blood 9 to 12 Pints
7. The average length of the kidney of a man is about 10cm to 13 cm
8. The average weight of man brain is 4.8 ounces. Average weight of woman brain 4.4 ounce
9. The biggest Planet in our solar system is Jupiter
10. The biggest species of the cat family is Tiger
11. The bio-gas used for cooking is a mixture of Methane & Carbon dioxide
12. The blue color of the clear sky is due to Dispersion of Light
13. The brain of human adult weighs about 1200-1300 gm
14. The carbon dioxide content in the air that we exhale is about 4%
15. The Chemical name of Washing Soda is Sodium Carbonate
16. The chemical name of Laughing gas is Nitrous Oxide
17. The chemical name of quartz is Silicon Dioxide
18. The coldest region of the Earth’satmosphere is Mesopause

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

19. The common refrigerant used in domestic Refrigerator is Freon/Ammonia

20. The Continent Antarctica lies at the South Pole
21. The cow’smilk contains how much amount of water in terms of percentage 80%
22. The deficiency of vitamin E causes Sterility
23. The deficiency of vitamin K causes Blood Clotting Disorder
24. The device used to convert Alternate Current into Direct Current is Called Rectifier
25. The distance b/w Earth and Moon is 3,84,400km
26. The distance between Earth and Sun is termed as 1 Astronomical Unit
27. The distance of a place South or North of equator is Called Latitude
28. The distance of longitude represents how many minutes difference in time 4 minutes
29. The distance of mercury from sun is 57.9 million km
30. The earth’satmosphere is divided into layers based on the vertical profile of Air Temperature
31. The earths is divided into 15 major plates of various sizes Lithosphere
32. The element common to all acids is Hydrogen
33. The energy stored in a dam is Potential energy
34. The energy value of food is measured in Calories
35. The Enology is the study of Wine
36. The filament string in an electric bulb is made of which metal Tungsten
37. The flow of energy in the Energy Pyramid is always Upwards
38. The fluid part of blood is Known as Plasma
39. The fourth State of matter is Plasma
40. The fruits without seed, like banana, are Called Parthenocarpic Fruits
41. The function of hemoglobin is Transportation of oxygen
42. The gas used in a refrigerator to cool water is Ammonia
43. The gas, commonly Known as laughing gas, is Nitrous Oxide
44. The gland Known as master gland in human body is the Pituitary Gland
45. The good sources of iodine are Sea Foods
46. The good sources of Vitamin-A are Green Leafy Vegetables
47. The good sources of Vitamin-B Complex are Seeds
48. The Great Spot is on the Planet Jupiter
49. The Green House Effect is caused by an excess of Carbon dioxide
50. The hearing function is associated with which part of the Human Brain Temporal Lobe
51. The heaviest naturally-occurring element is Uranium
52. The horizontal rows of the periodic table are Called Periods
53. The human brain uses percent of the total oxygen and blood in the body 20
54. The hydraulic brake used in automobiles is a direct application of Pascal’s Law
55. The image formed by convex lens in a simple microscope is Virtual & Erect
56. The inner most part of the earth is Core
57. The insect responsible for the spread of Kala-azar is Sand Fly
58. The instrument used to measure wind speed is Anemometer
59. The instrument which measures very high temperature is Pyrometer
60. The large plates of Solar Panels are painted Black

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

61. The Largest latitude circle on earth is The Equator

62. The Largest part of the human brain is Cerebrum
63. The Laws of Electrolysis were proposed by M Faraday
64. The lens used in a simple microscope is Convex
65. The lifespan of White Blood Cells is Day(s) 5 -21 Days
66. The lightest metal is Lithium
67. The Longest and Largest bone in the human body is Femur
68. The longitudinal mechanical waves of less than 20 Hz are Called Infrasonic
69. The M.K.S. system was First introduced by Giorgi
70. The main Constituent of Biogas is Methane
71. The main constituent of hemoglobin is Iron
72. The major component of honey is Fructose
73. The major part of natural gas, petroleum and coal consists of Methane
74. The matter of our sun is in State of Plasma
75. The Mirror used in the Automobiles are Convex
76. The most abundant element in the Earth’scrust is Oxygen
77. The most abundant element in the universe is Hydrogen
78. The most dense and heaviest Planet is Earth
79. The most densest substance on the Earth is Osmium
80. The most splendid and the most magnificent constellation on the sky is Orion
81. The natural fats and oils are composed of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
82. The natural source of hydrocarbon is Crude Oil
83. The nearest Planet to the Earth is Venus
84. The normal cholesterol level in human blood 180-200 mg/dL
85. The number of spark plugs needed in a diesel engine is 0
86. The Oldest barrage on the river Indus at Sukkur was built in 1932
87. The olfactory nerves affect what sense in brain Smell
88. The only living cells in the body without blood supply is Cornea
89. The outermost layer of skin is the Epidermis
90. The outermost layer of the Earth is Called Crust
91. The ozone layer is at height of kilometers from the surface of the Earth 20 to 30
92. The part of the human eye which regulates the quantum of light entering is Iris
93. The Percentage of Water used for Drinking in the World is 1%
94. The PH value of human blood is 7.40
95. The Planet of the solar system which has Maximum number of moons is Jupiter
96. The Planet that moves round the Sun at the highest speed is Mercury
97. The Planet which is easily visible from the Earth is Venus
98. The Planet which revolves slowly around the Sun is Neptune
99. The Planets visible to us without using a telescope are 5
1. The plant which yields biodiesel or biofuel Jatropha Curcas
2. The plants, which grow under water stress conditions are Called Xerophytes

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

3. The point within the Earth where earthquakes originate is Focus

4. The post-mortem examination of a body is Called Autopsy
5. The power of electric circuit is measured with a Wattmeter
6. The principal constituent of the atmosphere of the Earth is Nitrogen
7. The principle used in working of an atom bomb is Nuclear Fission
8. The process of cell division is Known as Mitosis
9. The process of converting wet waste to manure is Composting
10. The process whereby energy is dissipated from the oscillating system is Called Damping
11. The protein content in wheat is approximately 12%
12. The protein content of edible portion of egg is 13.3%
13. The ratio of Pure Gold in 18 carat gold is 0.75
14. The rear view mirror of a motor vehicle is Convex
15. The Saturn rings Discovered by Galileo
16. The science which deals with study of manners and customs of people is Ethnology
17. The scientific study of fingerprints is Called Dactylography
18. The scientific study of measurement is Known as Metrology
19. The scientific study of teeth is Called Odontology
20. The Scientist who told Heat is a form of Energy was Joule
21. The Season changes because of the Earth is Revolving Round the Sun
22. The Sericulture is the study of which discipline Silk production
23. The severity of 2005 earthquake in Pakistan on Richter scale was 7.6
24. The shape of the external ear is due to Elastic Cartilage
25. The Shortest (smallest) bone in human body is Stapes
26. The SI base unit for mass is Kilogram
27. The SI unit of pressure is Pascal
28. The SI unit of charge is Coulomb
29. The SI unit of electric current is Ampere
30. The SI unit of Heat is Joule
31. The size of Covid-19 virus is 29-30KB
32. The sky appears blue because the earth’satmosphere Scatters Blue Light
33. The Small Pox vaccine was Discovered by Edward Jenner
34. The smallest functional unit of a kidney is the Nephron
35. The sounds of which frequency are human beings most sensitive 5000 hertz
36. The source of oxygen in photosynthesis is Water
37. The species that Flower are Called Angiosperms
38. The speed of light is 300,000 km/s
39. The speed of sound in air at Sea level is approximately 340 Meters Per Second
40. The Study of Aging is Called Gerontology
41. The study of cancer is Called Oncology
42. The Study of energy production in living bodies is Called Bioenergetics
43. The study of fish is Known as Ichthyology
44. The Study of fruit is Called Pomology

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

45. The study of geographical areas, plants and animal distribution is Called Chorology
46. The study of Glands is Called Endocrinology
47. The Study of growth is Called Auxology
48. The Study of human beauty is Called Kalology
49. The Study of life in outer space is Known as Exobiology
50. The study of rearing fine and intelligent human beings through genetics is Called Eugenics
51. The Study of Soil is Called Pedology
52. The study of the Measurement is Called Metrology
53. The study of the weather is Called Meteorology
54. The study of Trees is Called Dendrology
55. The Sun is a Star
56. The sun is containing % mass of the solar system 99.86%
57. The Sun produces most of its energy by Nuclear Fusion
58. The sunlight can reach a depth of___meters in the ocean 200 Meter
59. The sunlight can reach a depth of meters in the ocean 200
60. The temperature at which water boils depends mainly on Air Pressure
61. The theory of Expanding Universe was First propounded by Hubble
62. The three elements needed for healthy growth of plants are N, P, K
63. The Time taken for sunlight to reach the Earth is 8 mins 20 Sec
64. The Tree sends down roots from its branches to the soil is Known as Banyan
65. The turning effect of force is Called Torque
66. The unit of power of lens is Called Diopter
67. The unit to measure the quantity of Ozone in atmosphere is Dobson
68. The value of which quantity remains same in all system of units Specific Gravity
69. The volume of Blood in a Human body to be approximately of body weight 7%
70. The wire in an electric heater is made up of Archimedes Principle
71. The yellow color of the human faces is a result of the pigment Called Urobilin
72. There are kinds of Joints in human body 4
73. There are three types of plate boundaries i.e. Divergent, Convergent and Transform
74. There is a hole in the Ozone Layer at South Pole
75. Thirst, hunger and sleep are controlled by which part of the brain Hypothalamus
76. Through which organ does a fish respire Gills
77. Tibia is a bone found in the Leg
78. Tomato contains which acid Oxalic Acid
79. Tooth decay is caused by Sugar
80. Total volume of blood in a normal adult human being is 5-6 liters
81. Trachoma is a disease of the Eyes
82. Transistor is a device that convert weak signal into Strong Signal
83. Turmeric is obtained from of a Plant Stem
84. Twinkling of stars is caused by Refraction of light
85. Types of bones in human body are Long, short, irregular and Flat
86. un is divided into ---- main layers 3 Layers

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

87. Upper most layer of skin is Called Epidermis

88. Vacuum tubes have been replaced by Transistors
89. Vernal equinox of northern hemisphere in March marks Season of Spring
90. Vertebral Column in human beings consists of how many vertebrae 33
91. Very High Frequency (VHF) have wavelengths Shorter
92. Very small time intervals are accurately measured by the Atomic Clocks
93. Vitamin A is found in the Green Vegetables
94. Vitamin B1 is also Known as Thiamine
95. Vitamin B2 is also Called as Riboflavin
96. Vitamin B3 is also Known as Niacin
97. Vitamin C deficiency leads to Scurvy
98. Vitamin K is required for the synthesis of Prothrombin
99. Vitamins were Discovered by Casimir Funk
1. Water has maximum density at 4°C
2. Water is 50 times more viscous than Gases
3. Water is a universal solvent for what reactions Biochemical
4. Water moving up a straw is an example of Capillary Action
5. Water vapor is A Gas
6. Water vapor turns into clouds in the atmosphere when Dew point is reached
7. Weather describe the condition of at any one time The Atmosphere
8. Weight of Brain 1300-1400 gm
9. What Enrico Fermi Invented Nuclear Reactor
10. What are Bryophytes Amphibious Plants
11. What are stars mainly made of Balls of Gas
12. What are the names of the two stars in the Big Dipper used to locate Polaris The Pointer Stars
13. What are the primary colors of Light Red, Green, Blue
14. What are the primary colors of Pigment Red, Yellow, Blue
15. What are the three basic units of measurement for the metric system Meter, Liter & Gram
16. What causes mumps Virus
17. What Color does chlorophyll not absorb Green
18. What converts the alternating current into direct current Rectifier
19. What do you understand by disease Insomnia Inability to Sleep
20. What does TCM stand for in medical terms Traditional Chinese Medicine
21. What happens to a Person who receives the wrong type of blood The RBCs Agglutinate
22. What is a magnetic fields direction within a magnet From South to North
23. What is amoxicillin Anti biotic
24. What is anthracite Hard Coal
25. What is chemical symbol for Tungsten W
26. What is Dry Ice Solid Carbon Dioxide
27. What is it Called when the Earth is closest to the sun Perihelion
28. What is Known as Suicidal bags of cell ChloropLast

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

29. What is Known as Artificial Silk Rayon

30. What is Meant by Equinox Equal duration of Day and Night
31. What is systolic and diastolic pressure in a healthy man 120mm & 80mm
32. What is the addictive drug in tobacco Nicotine
33. What is the average adult pulse rate 72-80
34. What is the average weight of Human Heart 300 Gram
35. What is the body temperature of a normal man 37.0 °C
36. What is the body’snatural or acquired ability to resist certain disease Immunity
37. What is the breathing rate of human being body 16-20 minutes
38. What is the chemical formula for Sodium carbonate Na2CO3
39. What is the chemical formula of Ozone O3
40. What is the date when Day and night are equal March 20 and September 23
41. What is the Dental formula of man 2123/2123
42. What is the element required for solar energy conversion Silicon
43. What is the First element in the periodic table Hydrogen
44. What is the freezing point (temperature) of Pure Water 32
45. What is the height of The atmosphere layer mesosphere 85 km
46. What is the Largest Flower in the World Rafflesia
47. What is the main component of bones and teeth Calcium Phosphate
48. What is the mass of the Sun 1.98×10 Power 30 Kg
49. What is the measuring unit of length of light waves Angstrom
50. What is the Medical term for Fever Pyrexia
51. What is the medical term for low blood sugar Hypoglycemia
52. What is the name of First cloned sheep Dolly
53. What is the name of the biggest part of human brain Cerebrum
54. What is the name of the branch of the science that studies the ocean Oceanography
55. What is the name of the central part of the earth Core
56. What is the name of the gas used in an air conditioner Freon
57. What is the name of the test done to diagnose cancer Biopsy Test
58. What is the name the hormone that regulates the amount of glucose in the blood Insulin
59. What is the percentage of water present in our brain 73%
60. What is the photometer Measuring Light Intensity
61. What is the principle on which a transformer work Mutual Induction
62. What is the process of filtering blood through an artificial kidney Called Dialysis
63. What is the rarest blood type in humans AB-
64. What is the scientific name of flying fish Exocoetidae
65. What is the SI unit of luminous intensity Candela
66. What is the smallest unit of heredity Gene
67. What is the speed of sound in air 332m/sec
68. What is the study of mushrooms Called Mycology
69. What is the symbol of Gold Au
70. What is the temperature at the center of the Sun 5 Million °C

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

71. What is the third most common gas found in the air we breathe Argon
72. What is the total number of chromosomes found in the human gene 46
73. What is the unit of magnetic flux Maxwell
74. What is the unit of measurement of an Angle Radian
75. What is the unit of Radioactivity Curie
76. What is the unit of specific resistance Ohm-meter
77. What is the unit used to measure the depth of Sea Fathom
78. What is the Warmest Ocean Indian Ocean
79. What is the World’s Warmest Sea Red Sea
80. What kind of mirror is used in motor vehicles near the driver’sSeat Convex Mirror
81. What part of the brain controls thirst and hunger Hypothalamus
82. What Principle is used in the designing of ships and submarines Archimedes Principle
83. What type of Energy does spring have Elastic Potential Energy
84. What color will a red glass appear if it is heated in dark room Green
85. When a single Month has two full moons, the second moon is Called Blue moon
86. When did Einstein propose that matter can be converted into energy 1905
87. When we sleeps blood pressure Decreases
88. When white light is passed through a prism, it splits into colours 7
89. Where are the Lachrymal glands situated in the human body Eye Orbit
90. Where is the uvula located in human body Throat
91. Which Acid is Known as Oil of Vitriol Sulphuric Acid
92. Which air pollutant causes the most serious health hazards Sulphur dioxide
93. Which animal has no vocal chords Giraffes
94. Which are the elements that are liquid at room temperature Mercury and Bromine
95. Which are the Largest of the white blood cells Monocytes
96. Which blood cells are Called Soldiers of the body White Blood Cells
97. Which blood group is universal receiver Group AB
98. Which body part affected by rickets in the human body Bones
1. Which bone in human body is not directly attached to other bones Hyoid
2. Which breed of dog has a black tongue Chow Chow
3. Which cell organelles function as the power house of a living cell Mitochondria
4. Which cells acting as phagocytes are present in the liver Kupffer cells
5. Which chemical is popularly used in Rat poison White Phosphorus
6. Which component of the Cell is Called its Kitchen Chloroplast
7. Which compound is used in anti-malarial drug Chloroquine
8. Which creature is the symbol of Medicine Snake
9. Which device converts light energy into electric energy Photoelectric Cell
10. Which device is used to find submerged objects SONAR
11. Which device is used to measure the temperature of the sun Pyrometer
12. Which disease is Known as silent killer High Blood Pressure
13. Which does not have nervous system Sponges

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

14. Which element is used as a moderator in nuclear reactors Graphite

15. Which element is used as moderator in nuclear reactor Heavy Water
16. Which Element is used for making of Lead Pencil Graphite
17. Which enzyme is present in all members of the animal kingdom except Protozoa Amylase
18. Which Flower is Called Queen of Water Lilly
19. Which Gas is also Called Stranger Gas Xenon
20. Which Gas is included in Fry Chips Packets for safety Nitrogen Gas
21. Which gas is the chief component of Bio-gas Methane
22. Which gas is used in fire extinguisher Carbon Dioxide
23. Which gas is used in preparation of Soda water Carbon Dioxide
24. Which Gas is used in the preparation of Soft drinks Carbon Dioxide
25. Which Gases are used by Sea divers for under water breathing Oxygen & Helium
26. Which gland disappears during Old age Thymus
27. Which gland endocrine and exocrine gland Pancreas
28. Which group of animals has heterogametic females Earthworm
29. Which hormone is used as an oral contraceptive Progesterone
30. Which human hormone is Called love hormone Oxytocin
31. Which instrument is used for viewing the sun Heliograph
32. Which instrument is used to measure altitudes in aircrafts Altimeter
33. Which instrument is used to measure the power of electric circuit Wattmeter
34. Which is Known as graveyard of RBCs Spleen
35. Which is more elastic – Steel or Rubber Steel
36. Which is the Coldest Planet Neptune
37. Which is the First vaccine injected into a newly born baby BCG
38. Which is the hardest substance in the human body Tooth enamel
39. Which is the heaviest metal Osmium
40. Which is the Largest gland in the human body Liver
41. Which is the nearest star to our sun Proximal Centurial
42. Which is the only element found in Chlorophyll Magnesium
43. Which is the only natural magnet Magnetite
44. Which is the outermost Planet in the solar system Neptune
45. Which is the purest form of water Rain Water
46. Which is the smallest bone in the human body ` Stapes
47. Which is the strongest force in the nature Nuclear Force
48. Which is the sweetest sugar Fructose
49. Which layer of the atmosphere lies close to the earth Troposphere
50. Which layer of the atmosphere reflects radio waves back to the earth’s surfaceIonosphere
51. Which layers make radio transmission possible Ionosphere
52. Which major chemical compound is found in human kidney stones Calcium Oxalate
53. Which Metal is naturally Anti-Bacterial Copper
54. Which metal is present in hemoglobin Iron
55. Which metal is present in Insulin Zinc

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

56. Which metal is pure conductor of electricity Silver

57. Which Mineral element is found in chlorophyll Magnesium
58. Which Month of calendar Year can lack a new moon February
59. Which natural element has the highest melting point Tungsten
60. Which Nobel Gas is also Known as Stranger Gas Xenon
61. Which of spacecraft enabled man to step on the moon First Apollo XI
62. Which of cells are Colorless White Blood Cells
63. Which of is most elastic Steel
64. Which of the bonds are weakest in nature Hydrogen bond
65. Which of the cannot be stored in glass bottle HF
66. Which of the chemicals is not found in tobacco smoke Nail Polish Remover
67. Which of these plants open its mouth when insect sit on its lid Pitcher Plant
68. Which one is the brightest star in the night sky Sirius
69. Which organ is considered as chemical factory of human body Liver
70. Which Parents chromosome is used for sex determination test Father
71. Which part of human brain is the regulating center for swallowing and vomiting Medulla
72. Which part of the body is attacked by Gingivitis disease Gums
73. Which Part of the Brain Regulates Body Temperature Hypothalamus
74. Which part of the Camera is analogue to the retina in the human eye Film
75. Which part of the human brain controls Motor skills of the body Frontal Lobes
76. Which part of the Human Eye changes it size based on the amount of Light Pupil
77. Which part of tongue bears cells for sour taste Sides
78. Which Planet has purple rocks according to NASA Mars
79. Which Planet is Called red Planet Mars
80. Which Planet is Called Earths Sister Venus
81. Which Planet is Known as Watery Planet Earth
82. Which Planet is much brighter in our solar system Venus
83. Which Planets have the Longest Day Venus
84. Which Planets is Known as morning star Venus
85. Which pollutant from motor car exhaust causes mental disease Lead
86. Which Rays are more Penetrating Gamma Rays
87. Which salt is found in bone in Largest amount Calcium Phosphate
88. Which science is considered mother of all sciences Mathematics
89. Which stone floats on water Pumice Stone
90. Which substances do not allow flow of charge through them Insulators
91. Which two organs glands are affected by malaria Spleen and Liver
92. Which Vitamin gets destroyed on heating Vitamin C
93. Which Vitamin helps in clotting of blood Vitamin K
94. Which Vitamins are Fat Soluble Vitamin A, D, E & K
95. Which Vitamins are Water Soluble Vitamin C
96. Which was the First element to be produced after Big Bang Hydrogen
97. Which waves are used in sonography Ultrasonic Waves

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

98. Which woody raw material is used for the manufacture of paper pulp Poplar
99. White bloods cells are also Known as Leucocytes
1. Who came up with three laws of motion Issac Newton
2. Who created periodic table Mendeleev
3. Who developed the telegraph code Samuel Morse
4. Who Discovered the Gamma Rays Paul Villard
5. Who Discovered the Polio Vaccine Jonas Salk
6. Who First Discovered how blood circulates in the human body William Harvey
7. Who First measured the velocity of light Ole Roemer
8. Who Invented bifocal eyeglasses Benjamin Franklin
9. Who Invented bulb Edison
10. Who Invented Logarithm Tables John Napier
11. Who Invented steamboat Robert Fulton
12. Who Invented the First battery Alessandro Volta
13. Who Invented the Hot Air Balloon Montgolfier
14. Who Invented the safety pin Walter Hunt
15. Who is considered as Father of Botany Theophrastus
16. Who is considered the father of psychoanalysis Sigmund Frend
17. Who is considered the founder of meteorology Aristotle
18. Who is the founder of solar system Copernicus
19. Who proposed the Theory of natural selection Charles Darwin
20. Who proposed this concept All motion is relative Albert Einstein
21. Who said that light is made of corpuscles/particles Newton
22. Who was the First scientist to prove that Planets move around the sun Galileo Galilei
23. Who was the First to measure the earths radius Eratosthenes
24. Who was the surgeon who pioneered antiseptic surgery in 1865 Joseph Lister
25. Wind always blows from area of High Pressure to Low Pressure
26. Wind energy is the energy. Kinetic
27. Winter Solstice Means Longest Nigh
28. Wisdom teeth normally grow between the age of 17-30 Years
29. Worlds loudest bird White bellbird
30. Xerophthalmia is a disease caused by lack of which vitamin Vitamin A
31. X-rays were Discovered by Wilhelm Roentgen
32. Year is Longest on Jupiter
33. Yeast is used in making bread because it produces Carbon dioxide
34. Zika virus is carried by Mosquito Aedes

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Faiz Marri

1. 1 nibble equals to 4 bits
2. 13 Chambered heart occurs in Cockroach
3. 1992 World cup final was played in Melbourne
4. 1st Commonwealth Games were held in Year 1930
5. 38th Parallel line is the boundary line between North Korea – South Korea
6. 7 April is observed Internationally as World Health Day
7. A bird that can fly backwards Humming Bird
8. A book titled A Promised Land authored by Barack Obama
9. A canyon is a large form of Gorge
10. A chronometer meter measures Time
11. A device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy is Called Generator
12. A group of elephants is Called Herd
13. A group of mostly female lions is Called Pride
14. A kind of War such is Guerrilla a word of Spanish its Meaning Little War
15. A large group of islands is Known as Archipelago
16. A lion sleeps hours a Day 20 hours
17. A man who is eighty Years Old Octogenarian
18. A metal which is liquid at room temperature Mercury
19. A Nation in chains book is written by GM Syed
20. A pipeline project between Russia and Turkey is Known as Turk Stream
21. A poet of the Italian Renaissance Dante
22. A Quadrillion has zeros 15 zeros
23. A shuttlecock is used in what sport Badminton
24. A touchdown is worth how many points in football Six
25. A.S Hornsby is famous for Writing dictionaries
26. Abbasid defeated Umayyad in 750 AD
27. Abdul Qasim Al Zahrwi was great Muslim Surgeon
28. Abdul Sattar Edhi died at the age of 88
29. About how many taste buds does the average human tongue have 10,000
30. According to ICC rules, In 4Day test matches how many overs are there in a single Day 98
31. Adolf Hitler committed suicide by gunshot on 30 April 1945
32. After many Years Cinema houses were opened in Saudi Arabia 35 Years
33. Agra City was founded by Sikandar Lodhi
34. Agrology is the study of Soils
35. Al Farooq and AL Ghazali are written by Shibli Nomani
36. Al Tahrir Square is in Cairo, Egypt
37. Albert Einstein was a Physicist
38. Albert Einstein was born in Germany
39. Aetiology is the study of Study of truth
40. Alexandria is a City in Egypt
41. All African countries are members of African Union except Morocco
42. All powers to the Soviets is the slogan given by Vladimir Lenin
43. Amapola Flyg is the airline of Sweden
44. Amazon rainforest spans over how many countries 9
45. Amir Khosro was disciple of Nizam Uddin Auliya
46. An Enologist studies what Wine

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

47. An ordinary mobile phone communicate by using Radio waves

48. Ancient City of Byzantium is today Known as Istanbul
49. Ancient Roman brides wore a wedding dress - what color Yellow
50. ANSA is the news agency of Italy
51. ANTARA is the news agency of Indonesia
52. Arabic is National language of how many Islamic countries 26
53. Arachnophobia is Fear of Fear of Spider
54. Archery is a National Game of Bhutan
55. Area of Thar Desert in square miles is 77,000
56. Arena is the special name for playground of Wrestling
57. Arfa Software technology park is located in Lahore
58. Article 51 of the UN charter deals with Right to self defense
59. Asabiyyah, a concept of social solidarity given by Ibn-e-Khaldune
60. Ashgabat is the capital of Turkmenistan
61. Asia covers what percent of World area 30%
62. Asia Watch is a Human Rights Organization
63. Asiana Airline is belongs to South Korea
64. ASIS is a secret agency of which Country Australia
65. Astola Island is located in Balochistan
66. Athens is the new name of Athinai
67. Atlas Mountain is found in Morocco
68. Atom was a name given by Democritus
69. Attock fort was constructed by Akbar
70. Australia was Discovered by James Cook
71. author of the book We Are Displaced Malala Yousafzai
72. Babri Masjid incident was occurred on 6 December 1992
73. Bahadur Shah Zafar was imprisoned in Rangoon
74. Bakhtar is the news agency of what Country Afghanistan
75. Baku is the Seaport of Azerbaijan
76. Baltic countries or Baltic States are Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
77. Basman Palace is the official residence of King of Jordan
78. Bastille Day is celebrated in France every Year on 14 July
79. Battery was Invented by Alessandro Volta
80. Battle of Actium was a decisive War fought between Roman Republic and Octavian
81. Battle of waterloo was fought in Year 1815
82. BBC Stands for British Broadcasting Corporation
83. BEAR is the symbol of Russia
84. becomes the First Country with free public transport Luxembourg
85. Benghazi is a City of Libya
86. Bering Strait separates Asia from America
87. Bermuda Triangle is located in North Atlantic Ocean
88. BERNAMA is the news agency of Malaysia
89. Biafra is a news agency of which Country Nigeria
90. Big Apple is a nickname of New York
91. Bilafond Glacier claimed by both India and Pakistan and controlled by Pakistan
92. Bill Gates futuristic City will be built in Southwestern Arizona
93. Bir Shrestha is the highest military award of Bangladesh
94. Black Lives Matter (BLM) Movement started on 13 July 2013
95. Blind dolphins are found in which river of Pakistan Indus

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

96. Blue River is located in U.S

97. Bogotá is the capital of which Country Colombia
98. BoKaap is Historic character and Heritage located in South Africa
99. Name the legless fighter pilot of WW2 Douglas Bader
1. Bolshevik revolution was led by Lenin
2. Book named The Voice of Human Justice is biography of Hazrat Ali (R.A)
3. Border line which separates outer space from Earth’s atmosphere Knownisas Karman line
4. Borneo Island is in which Ocean Pacific Ocean
5. Boston Tea Party is associated with the American Independence
6. Boundary line between Canada and United States is 49th Parallel Line
7. Boxer Muhammad Ali died of which disease Parkinson
8. Braille education system was introduced by Braille for Blinds
9. Breeding and management of bees is Known as Sericulture
10. Bubo Bubo is the scientific name of which of the following species Owl
11. Buddha temple is in China
12. Building of the Supreme Court in Islamabad was designed by an architect Japanese
13. Buka is the capital of Bougainville
14. Buraq Air is the airline of Libya
15. Buzkushi is a A traditional Afghan Game
16. Canada has how many provinces 10 provinces and 3 territories
17. Canton is a City in China
18. Capital and Largest City of Bahrain is Manama
19. Capital of Albania is Tirana
20. Capital of Algeria is Algeris
21. Capital of America Washington D.C was founded in 1790
22. Capital of Argentina is Bunes Aires
23. Capital of Belgium is Brussels
24. Capital of Bhutan is Thimphu
25. Capital of Bulgaria is Sofia
26. Capital of Cameroon is Yaounde
27. Capital of Chad is N Djmena
28. Capital of Colombia is Bogota
29. Capital of Cyprus is Nicosia
30. Capital of Ecuador is Quito
31. Capital of Ethiopia is Addis Ababa
32. Capital of Georgia is Tabilisi
33. Capital of Ireland is Dublin
34. Capital of Maldives is Male
35. Capital of Samoa is Apia
36. Capital of Scotland is Edinburgh
37. Capital of Serbia is Belgrade
38. Capital of Tajikistan is Dushanbe
39. Capital of the Lebanon is Beirut
40. Capital of the Panama is Panama City
41. Capital of Uganda is Kampala
42. Capital of Zambia is Lusaka
43. Capital of Zimbabwe is Harare

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

44. Carthage is a City of Tunisia

45. Center for Research on National Security (CISEN) is intelligence agency of Mexico
46. Charles Bridge is located in Czech Republic
47. Charlie Chaplins stolen dead body was recovered in Year 1978
48. Chennai is the new name of which Indian City Madras
49. Chinas biggest ecommerce company is Alibaba
50. Chop Shot is a shot in Table Tennis Backhand
51. City of Aleppo is the historical City Centre of Syria
52. CNBC is a American Channel
53. Communist Manifesto was originally published in language German
54. Constantinople is the Old name of Istanbul
55. Constantinople, the capital of Roman Empire was captured by Turks in 29th May 1453
56. Council of Trent was held from 1545 to 1563
57. Council of Westphalia was by nature a Peace treaty
58. Countries with the Largest area in the World Russia
59. Country has no Armed Forces Iceland
60. CPEC has how many Special Economic Zones 9
61. CPI stands for Consumer Price Index
62. Crimean Wars were fought between Russia and Ottomans
63. Cross to the Heroic Valour in Combat is the highest military award of Argentina
64. Crude Oil is heated in the furnace up to 400°C
65. CSIS is the intelligence agency of Canada
66. CT Scan stand for Computed Tomography Scan
67. Currently, which Country has the Largest number of tigers India
68. Dapsang is another name of K2
69. Dar e Salaam was former capital of Tanzania
70. Darling river is situated in Australia
71. Darul Uloom Deoband was founded in 31 May 1866
72. Dashte Lut desert is located in Iran
73. Deficiency of which vitamin causes beriberi Vitamin B1
74. Deficiency of which vitamin causes night blindness Vitamin A
75. Democracy Wall is located in China
76. Diesel engine was Discovered by Rudolf Diesel
77. Digital computer was Invented by John Vincent
78. Dove is a symbol of Peace
79. Dow Jones is stock exchange market of New York
80. Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan did his Ph.D. from Leaven University of Belgium
81. Driest place in the World is Death Valley
82. Dubai is Building another World’s Tallest Tower Named Creek Tower
83. Due to World Wars the Olympic Games were cancelled in 916, 1940, and 1944
84. Duma is parliament of Russia
85. Durand line was demarcated between Pakistan and in Afghanistan in Year 1893
86. Duration of National anthem of Pakistan is seconds 80
87. During rainy Season Wooden doors are difficult to open or closure because of Imbibition
88. During which era Nelson Mandela remained the President of South Africa 1994 to 1999
89. Each Year World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day is celebrated on May 8
90. Eagle is the National emblem of Spain
91. Earth revolves around the sun in which direction West to East
92. East London is a City of South Africa

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

93. Economies of Scale Meaning Reduced Per Unit Cost

94. Edward Genner Discovered vaccine in 1796
95. Electric motor was Invented by Michael Faraday
96. Elephants are the only animals that cannot Jump
97. Empire State building is in New York
98. England fought second World War under the leadership of Winston Churchill
99. Englishmen was honored by Mughal king Jahangir with the title of Khan William Hawkins
1. Epigraphy Means The study of Inscriptions
2. Epsom is the place associated with Horse Racing
3. Etihad Airways is an airline of United Arab Emirates
4. European Court of justice established in 1952, is located in Luxembourg City
5. Evening Light was the failed operation of U.S
6. Famous Bondi Beach is located in Australia
7. Famous fast food restaurant company Burger King belongs to which Country America
8. Famous novel Train to Pakistan written by Khushwant Singh
9. Famous painting The Sunflower is painted by Vincent van Gogh
10. Fan was Invented by Skaats Wheeler
11. FATF has its Headquarter in Paris
12. Father of rivers is Called Indus River
13. Father of Slave dynasty Qutub-Ud-Din Aibak
14. Fatimid Caliphate came to end in. 1171 A.D
15. Favorite place for Hollywood film production is Los Angeles
16. Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) founded in 1975
17. FFC stands for Film Finance Corporation
18. Fidel Castro was the President of Cuba
19. FIH (International Hockey Federation) was founded in which Year 1924
20. Fire and Fury Inside the Trump White House is written by Michael Wolff
21. Fire temple is the place of worship of which of the following Religion Zoroastrianism
22. First Afghan War took place in 1839
23. First ambassador of Pakistan to UNO was Ahmed Shah Patras Bokhari
24. First American woman in space Sally Ride
25. First battle of Panipat began on. April 21, 1526
26. First Blind Cricket World Cup won by India
27. First Capital of British Raj was Calcutta
28. First China War was fought between China and Britain
29. First Chinese woman in space Major Liu Yang
30. First commercial cellphone service started in 1984 in Chicago (USA)
31. First Country to make Education Compulsory is Prussia
32. First Digital Camera Invented By Steven Sasson
33. First ever Chinese Newspaper was launched in Pakistan is Hushang
34. First Female Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to US is Princess Rima bint Banda
35. First king of slave dynasty of India was Qutub-Ud-Din Aibak
36. First marriage of Quaid Azam took place in which Year 1892
37. First meeting of Indian National Congress was held in Bombay
38. First meeting of UN General Assembly meeting was held on 10 January, 1946
39. First Muslim interpreter of Quran in English is Abdul Hakeem
40. First Opium War was fought between United Kingdom and China

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

41. First Oscar Award was given in 1929

42. First T20 International was played Between Australia & New Zealand
43. First time which Country introduced competitive examination for of public servants China
44. First Tuesday of May is observed as World Asthma Day
45. First woman Chief Minister of Occupied Kashmir is Mahbooba Mufti
46. First Women to win the Nobel Prize was Madam Marie Curie
47. Fleet Street is famous for Newspapers & Press Agencies Offices
48. Fleet Street is situated in London
49. Folketing is the parliament of Denmark
50. For Economics category a First Nobel prize was given in 1969
51. Forint is the currency of which Country` Hungary
52. Former Egypt President Hosni Mubarak ruled Egypt for almost Years 30
53. Formosa is the Old name of Taiwan
54. Founder of Exam is Henry A Fischel
55. Frederick Hegel was Philosopher
56. Freedom Air is an airline of New Zealand
57. From where the Arab Spring started Tunisia
58. From which City, the Russian revolution of 1917 begin Petrograd
59. From which Country Indonesia got independence in August 17, 1945 Holland
60. G.T Road was constructed by Sher Shah Suri
61. Gambit is a term associated with which of the following Games Chess
62. Game Changer is the autobiography of which famous Cricketer Shahid Afraid
63. Gangotri glacier located in India
64. GATT Headquarters is located At Geneva
65. Gawadar remained under Omans rule for Years 174
66. Genghis Khan founded the Mongol Empire
67. Gobi desert is located in Mongolia
68. God Is The Greatest is the Motto of Iraq
69. Good Friday agreement which is related to Northern Ireland was signed in 1998
70. Google is an multinational technology company American
71. Google was founded by how many people Two
72. GPEI is abbreviation for Global Polio Eradication Initiative
73. Granada fall in the Year of 1492 A.D
74. Grand Mosque at Damascus was built by Walid bin Abdul Malik
75. Grand Old Party is also Known as The Republican Party
76. Graveyard of Empires is Afghanistan
77. Great Dividing Range Mountain is in Australia
78. Green river is located in U.S
79. GST was First imposed by which Country in the World France
80. Guarani is the currency of which Country Paraguay
81. Gulf Cooperation Council was established in 1981
82. Gulf of Sidra is located in Libya
83. Guns, Germs, and Steel book is written by Jared Mason Diamond
84. Gynophobia is the Fear of Nudity
85. Habsha is the Old name of Ethiopia
86. Hamid Karzai was chosen President of Afghanistan in 2002
87. Hardest substance in the human body is Enamel
88. Harrapa City is situated on the bank of which river Ravi
89. Harry Potter is the famous character of J.K Rolling

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

90. Havana is the capital of Cuba

91. Hazrat Umar R.A embraced Islam, influenced by which Surah Of Holy Quran Surah Taha
92. Headquarter of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is located in Beijing
93. Headquarter of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is located in Montreal
94. Headquarter of International Energy Agency (IEA) is located in France
95. Headquarter of the African Union is located in Addis Ababa
96. Headquarter of the International Monetary Fund is in Washington
97. Headquartered of Pakistan Railways founded in, 1861
98. Headquarters of Interpol is located in Lyon, France
99. What was the First James Bond book Casino Roya
1. Headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organization is in Montreal, Canada
2. Headquarters of the multinational company Nestle is in Switzerland
3. Heeresnachrichtenamt (HNA) is the army intelligence agency of Austria
4. Height of Statue of liberty is 93 m
5. Helvetia is the Old name of Switzerland
6. Highest Civilian Award of Bahrain is The King Hamad Order of the Renaissance
7. Hindenburg line divides Germany and Poland
8. Hippocratic Oath is related with Medicine
9. History of Wolves book was written by Emily Fridlund
10. How long has Robert Mugabe ruled Zimbabwe 37
11. How many balls are used in play in the Game of snooker 22
12. How many bones are in human Eyes Seven
13. How many British members of European Parliament are there 73
14. How many Caribbean countries are there 26
15. How many Countries are GCC 6
16. How many Countries are in there in the World having Glaciers 50
17. How Many Countries Are Landlocked In Asia 12 Countries
18. How many countries are members of European Union 27
19. How many countries are presently members of the None Aligned Movement 120
20. How many Countries Are the Members Of NATO 30
21. How many countries are the members of OPEC currently in 2020 13
22. How many countries are there in Asia 48
23. How many Countries are there Landlocked in the World 44 Countries
24. How many countries have French as their official language 29 Countries
25. how many countries have republic government in the World 90
26. How many countries have walked on the moon 3
27. How many currencies are in the World 180
28. How many different flavor of jelly bean exist 50
29. how many feathers in shuttle in badminton 16 feathers
30. How many football World Cups have been played till now 21
31. How many goals were identified in the MDGs 8
32. How many hemispheres does earth have 4
33. How many holes in a standard golf course 18
34. How many Hundred Years Old City found in Iraq 20
35. How many Landlocked Countries are in South America 2
36. How many men have walked on the moon Twelve
37. How many minutes was the Longest recorded point in the history of Tennis 29 min

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

38. How many Muslim Country are there in ASEAN 3

39. How many official working languages recognized by UN 6
40. How many pairs of ribs are there in Human Body 12
41. How many people walked on moon’s surface as of 2021 12
42. How many Players are in a Volleyball Team 6 Players
43. How many Players are there on a Football Team 11 Players
44. How many players can each team have on the soccer field 11
45. How many Players in Polo Team on each side 4 Players
46. How many Players on a field Hockey Team 11 Players
47. How many points are in badminton Game 21
48. How many prisons are in Punjab 40
49. How many rows and columns are in the modern Periodic Table 18 Columns and 7 Rows
50. How many Seats in British house of commons 650 Seats
51. How many Sovereign States have English as an official language 54
52. How many squares has a chessboard 64
53. How many stars are in the flag of European Union 12
54. How many States are in Europe 54
55. How many States does Malaysia have 13
56. How many States does Sri Lanka have 9 States
57. How many time has Queen Elizabeth visited Pakistan Two Time
58. How many time zones are there in France 12
59. How many time zones are there on Earth 24
60. How many times Australia won the cricket World Cup Five times
61. How many times England won the ICC World Cup One time
62. How many times the sun is bigger than the size of the earth 109 times
63. How many US States border the Gulf of Mexico 5
64. How many white stars are on the National flag of the USA 50
65. How many white stars have on European Union flag 12 Stars
66. How many white stars have on Flag of Mississippi the State of US 13 Star
67. How many white stars have on Flag of Tennessee the State of US 3 Stars
68. How many white stars have on Singapore flag 5
69. How many Years did Elizabeth I reign England 44 Years
70. How many Years the 1st Constituent Assembly Lasted 7
71. How much water can be used by a camel in drinking in a single time Up to 100 ltr.
72. How Old was Alexander the Great when he died in Babylon 32
73. How Old was Malala when she was shot 15 Year
74. Hundred Years War fought between England and France
75. ICC was founded in the Year 1909
76. Identify the blackest fish in the oceans Black Dragon fish
77. In American history name the only President who resigned Richard Nixon
78. in how many European Countries Euro currency is used 19
79. In Japan, Tuesday is Known as Fire Day
80. In the manufacture of banaspati ghee the gas used is Hydrogen
81. In the marathon race athletes have to cover a distance of how many miles 26
82. In US politics, who carries the nickname the Veep Vice President
83. In US Senate, each State is represented by 2 Senators
84. In what direction earth rotates on its axis West to East
85. In what State Brake Obama born in Hawaii
86. In what US State is Area 51 located Nevada

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

87. In which Country Angel Falls is located Venezuela

88. In which Country are the aptly named Snowy Mountain located Australia
89. In which Country is the Hillary Tenzing airport is situated Nepal
90. In which Country is the volcano Mount Also Japan
91. In which Country paper was First Invented China
92. In which Country the revolution of 1848 First begins that lead to a series of revolutions Italy
93. In which region New Zealand is situated Oceania
94. In which State of USA is the Harvard University Massachusetts
95. In which US State is the City of San Diego California
96. In Which Year America joined the Second World War 1941
97. In which Year Cricket World Cup was started 1975
98. In which Year did man step out on the moon 1969
99. In which Year European rulers captured Palestine from the Muslims in Crusades War 1099
1. In which Year Imran Khan married to Jemima Goldsmith 1995
2. In which Year Muhammad Bin Qasim died 18 July 715 AD
3. In which Year New Zealand Government granted unqualified right of vote to women 1893
4. In which Year Pakistan was World champion of Cricket, Hockey, Squash & Snooker 1994
5. In which Year PULITZER PRIZE was founded 1917
6. In which Year Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom was born 1926
7. In which Year Smart Card (Smart National Identity Card) Issued in Pakistan 2012
8. In which Year the Taliban Office opened in Qatar 2013
9. In which Year Vatican City was established as an independent State 1929
10. In which Year was the football World Cup held for the First time 1930
11. In which Year, Alexander the Great become the king of Macedonia 336 BC
12. India Wins Freedom book is written by Moulana Abul Kalam Azad
13. Indian National Anthem is written in which language Bengali
14. Indonesia is a Country with around islands 13,000
15. Indus valley civilization was destroyed by Aryans
16. Indus valley people worshiped Mother goddess
17. Interfax is the news agency of Russia
18. International Anti-Corruption Day observed on Dec 9
19. International Children’sDay is observed on 20 November
20. International Civil Aviation Day is observed on 7 December
21. International Cricket Council (ICC) Headquarters is located in Dubai
22. International date line passes through which strait Bering Strait
23. International Day of Education is celebrated on 24th January
24. International Day of Friendship is observed globally on 30 July
25. International Day of Peace is observed around the World on 21 September
26. International Day of UN Peacekeepers is observed on May 29
27. International Energy Agency (IEA) was founded in Year 1974
28. International Human Rights Day is observed every Year on 10th December
29. International Human Solidarity Day celebrated on December 20th
30. International Monkey Day celebrated on December 14th
31. International Mountain Day is observed every Year on 11 December
32. International Ozone Day is observed on September 16
33. International students Day is celebrated on 17 November
34. International Tea Day is observed on December 15th

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

35. International Women Year Observed by UNO in 1975

36. International Womens Day is celebrated each Year on 8 March
37. Ipoh is a City in Malaysia
38. Iranian parliament is also Called The Islamic Consultative Assembly
39. Iraq granted independence by the in 1932 League of Nation
40. Iraq’s Capital Baghdad was built by Al Mansoor
41. Is Called Father of Comedy. Aristophanes
42. Is Called Pearl of Antilles Cuba
43. Is the Fear of bathing Ablutophobia
44. Is the key to the Mediterranean Sea Gibraltar
45. Is the Longest Strait in the World Strait of Malacca
46. Islam at the Crossroads was originally written in 1934
47. Island aviation services is the government runs airlines of Maldives
48. Isthmus is Narrow Piece of Land Connecting Larger Land Areas
49. Jaffna is situated in which Country Sri Lanka
50. Jahangir Nagar is the Old name of Dhaka
51. Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi was a columnist for The Washington Post
52. Jamia Masjid Damascus was built by Walid I
53. Jamia Millia is located in which City Delhi
54. Jamrud is Called the Gateway to Khyber Pass
55. JANA is the news agency of Libya
56. Jiji Press is the news agency of which Country Japan
57. Jinnah of Pakistan by Stanley Wolpert was published in 1984
58. John Stuart Mill wrote a famous book on liberty in 1859
59. Juba is the capital of South Sudan
60. Julius Caesar was killed by Brutus
61. Kai valley is ancient valley of Sindh situated in Jamshoro
62. Keemyae Saadat is authored by Imam Ghazal
63. Keeping of Birds Called Aviculture
64. KGB was the National security agency of Soviet Union
65. Kidney Hill Park located in Karachi
66. Kigali is capital of Rwanda
67. Kilimanjaro is a Mountain locate Tanzania
68. Kingston is the capital of Jamaica
69. Kirkuk famous for its oil fields is the City of Iraq
70. Kouprey is the National animal of Cambodia
71. Largest City Of South Africa is Cape town
72. Largest Museum in the World is in France
73. Last Guru in Sikhism was Guru Gobind
74. Last Judgment is the famous painting of Michel Angelo
75. Last Mughal Empire was Bahadur Shah II
76. Latitude of place is indicative of its Temperature
77. Leaning Tower of Pisa is in Italy
78. Leaves of Grass was written by Walt Whitman
79. Lenin Prize was started in 1925
80. Loire is the Longest river of France
81. Maghreb Arab Press is the news agency of Moroccan
82. Mahan Airline belongs to which Country Iran
83. Maize, Rice and Wheat are generally referred as Cereal Crops

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

84. Malthusian Theory is regarding Population

85. Marathon a long distance foot rare has an official distance of 26.2 miles
86. Mein Kampf or My fight is a book written by Adolf Hitler
87. Metacarpal bones are located in which part of human body Hand
88. Microsoft was founded in 1975
89. Military Intelligence and Security Service (MUST) is the intelligence agency of Swedish
90. Military Merit Decoration is the highest military award of Austria
91. Moroni is the capital of which Country Comoros
92. Mosquito has sharp edges like teeth 47
93. Most immigration Country is USA
94. Most Populated Country in Africa is Nigeria
95. Most Populated Country of South America is Brazil
96. Most populated State of USA is California
97. Most Populous City in the World is Tokyo
98. Mostly bank notes in the World are made of what Cotton
99. Mr. Chips said goodbye - from which fictional school Brookfield
1. Mughal Emperor Humayun died from Fall from library stairs
2. Muhammad bin Qasim was born in 695 AD
3. My life is the autobiography of Bill Clinton
4. Myth of Independence written by Zalfiqar Ali Bhutto
5. Nagorno-Karabakh is a disputed region between Armenia and Azerbaijan
6. Nairobi is the capital City of Kenya
7. Name of the Alexander horse was Bucephalus
8. Name of the Germany parliament is Bundestag
9. Name of the Iceland parliament is Alpingi (Assembly of all)
10. Name of US President who was a film actor Ronald Reagan
11. Name of World’s Largest Twin Engine Jet Boeing 777X
12. Name the Architecture of Mazar e Iqbal Nawab Zain Yar Jang Bahadur
13. Name the author of Kapas ka Phool Ahmed Nadeem Qasim
14. Name the bird that migrates from the North Pole to the South Pole and back Arctic tern
15. Name the capital City of Switzerland Bern
16. Name the Continents that form a mirror image of each other Africa and South America
17. Name the European who First landed on Indian Subcontinent Vasco da Gama
18. Name the First Muslim who traveled in space Prince Salman Al
19. Name the First Pakistani who won Pulitzer Prize Adrees Latif
20. Name the Longest rail tunnel of the World Seikan Japan
21. Name The Mughal Empire Who Died in 1556 after falling from stairs Humayun
22. Name the only City which has hosted three Olympics London
23. Name the only secretary general of UN who resigned from his post Trygve Lie
24. Name the World’s Biggest Cricket Stadium Motera Stadium Ahmedabad, India
25. Napoleon had Fear of what Cats
26. Napoleon suffered from ailurophobe which Means Fear of cats
27. NASDAQ is the stock exchange of America
28. National Action Plan was created in 2014
29. National animal of Austria is Eagle
30. National Animal of China is Giant Panda
31. National animal of Mongolia is Przewalski Horse

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

32. National Day is observed in which Islamic Country on First January Sudan
33. National Day of the Islamic Country Sudan is observed on 1 January
34. National Flower OF USA is Rose
35. National Saint of Pakistan is Fariduddin Ganj Shaker
36. NATO also Known as Washington Treaty
37. Nelson Mandela released from the prison in 1990
38. NEQS refer to Environment
39. Netherlands literally Means lower countries
40. New capital of Kazakhstan is Nur Sultan
41. Nicosia is the capital of which Country Cyprus
42. Night watch is a famous Painting
43. Nightingale Florence (belongs to France) was a. Nurse
44. Nippon is the Old name of Japan
45. Nizar Qabbani is the National poet of Syria
46. Noble Eagle is The US Military Operation
47. Nokia Mobile business was acquired by Microsoft
48. NSO is the secret agency of which Country Nigeria
49. Number of members required in Knesset (Israels assembly) to form government 60
50. Nurenberger in English is Known as Bread Ginger
51. Of the following who is the most translated author of the World Agatha Cristie
52. Office of strategic service (OSS) was the Old name of which Intelligence agency CIA
53. Official Currency of OPEC is Dollar
54. Official language of Universal Postal Union is French
55. Ogaden desert is present in Africa
56. Old Name of Palestine is Canaan
57. Old Name of Squash is Rackets
58. Olympics are held once in every. Four Year
59. On which island of French, Napoleon was born Corsica
60. On which National flag is there an Eagle and a Snake Mexico
61. On which river City of Paris is situated Seine
62. one nautical mile is equal to how many kilometers 1.853
63. One People, One State, One leader was the policy of Hitler
64. OPCW deals with Chemical Weapons
65. OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Headquarter is in Austria
66. Operation Pluto was planned by U.S
67. Order of Cloud and Banner is the most prestigious military award of China
68. Ornithology is the study of Birds
69. Oxford is also Called City of Dreaming
70. Pakistan A Modern History is written by Ian Talbot
71. Pakistan came into being 27 Ramadan A.H 1366 A.H
72. Pakistan Television started in the reign of Ayub Khan
73. Pakistan won Asia cricket cup in which Year 2012
74. Pakistan First coin was issued on 3rd January 1948
75. Pakistan National Flag was prepared by Ameer-ud-din Qadwai
76. Pakistan response to Indian aggression on February 27 Operation Swift Retort
77. Pakistan standard time equivalent to GMT+5
78. Pakistan standard time was suggested by Professor Muhammad Anwar
79. Paradise Leaks data originates from which law firm Appleby law firm

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

80. Paradise Lost was written by John Milton

81. Paris is Known as the City of Love
82. Parliament of Denmark is Called Folketing
83. PCIW stands for Pakistan Commissioner for Indus Waters
84. Peace treaty of Council of Westphalia was signed in 1648
85. Peter Meckler Award is related to the field of Journalism
86. Pine is a Tree
87. Ping pong is another name of which sport Table Tennis
88. Polar bears are mostly Carnivorous
89. Polo Game originated from Iran
90. Pound Sterling is the Currency of United Kingdom
91. Princess of Hope is in Lasbela
92. Pristine is Capital Of Kosovo
93. PTI is the news agency of India
94. PTV started its transmission on November 26, 1964
95. Public Security Intelligence Agency (PSIA) is the intelligence agency of Japan
96. P-waves is a term associated with Earthquakes
97. Qawali was introduced in the 13th century by Amir Khusro
98. Queen Elizabeth I of England belongs to dynasty Tudor
99. What is the Islamic equal to the red cross Red Crescent
1. Quide Azam mother tongue was Gujarati
2. Qutub Minar was built by Qutub-ud-din-Aiba
3. Quwwat ul Islam Mosque is in Delhi
4. Rabat is the capital of Morocco
5. Rainfall related to Mountains is Orographic rainfall
6. Ramon Magsaysay Award was started in 1957
7. Ratoons is associated with Sugarcane
8. Red Lake is situated in USA
9. Reformation started in which Country Germany
10. Ring of Fire is attributed to Pacific Ocean
11. Riskdag is the name of parliament of Swedish
12. River Nile flows mainly through which City Cairo
13. Rome Statute, is related to which of the following organizations ICC
14. Rome was founded in which Year 753 BC
15. Rome’sFirst code of laws; adopted in 450 B.C. Twelve Tables
16. ROMPRESS is the news agency of Romania
17. Roscommon is space agency of a which Country Russia
18. Ruble is the Currency of Russia
19. Russia observed its independence Day every Year on June 12
20. Russia withdrew from Afghanistan under the Geneva Accord
21. Ryder cup is the biggest Tournament of which of the following sports Golf
22. Saigon is the Old name of which City Hu Chi Minh
23. Sargasso Sea is located in North Atlantic Ocean
24. Saudi Arabia kingdom founded in 23 September 1932
25. Scientific Name of Human is Homo Sapiens
26. Scotland Yard is a police department of UK
27. Sea of Japan is famous for Fishing Area

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

28. Second battle of Panipat began on November 5, 1556

29. Sense and Sensibility was written by Jane Austen
30. Separation of United Kingdoms from European union is Called Brexit
31. Serology is the study of what Blood Serum
32. Seven Queens of Sindh are mentioned in Shah Jo Risalo
33. SHABAK is the Intelligence agency of which Country Israel
34. Shah Burj gate is located in Lahore
35. Shah Burj was constructed by which Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan
36. Shakespeare beach is located in which Country England
37. Shakespeare is Known mostly for his Plays
38. Shining Path is a militant group of which Country Peru
39. Shuttle run Test measures Agility
40. Siam is the Old Name of Which Country Thailand
41. Silk is produced by Larva of silkworm
42. Sir William Wallace is Known as the independence fighter of Scotland
43. Slavery was abolished in America in 1865
44. Smallest Republic of the World is Nauru
45. SNAS Aviation is an airline of which Country Saudi Arabia
46. Som is the currency of what Country Uzbekistan
47. South Pole was Discovered by Roald Amundsen
48. Soviet Union tested its First nuclear bomb on 29 August 1949
49. Spectrum is made of colors 7
50. STAR stands for Standard Terminal Arrival Route
51. State of Denial book is written by. Bob Woodward
52. Stephen Hawking graduated from university of Cambridge
53. Steve jobs was an American and he was founder of Apple
54. Stromboli volcano is located in Sicily (Italy)
55. Study of Aging is Called Gerontology
56. Sudan has won the status of an independent State in 1956
57. Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul is popularly Known as the Blue Mosque
58. Sunlight is composed of Seven Colours
59. SUPARCO stand for The Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission
60. SUPO is the secret agency of which Country Finland
61. Surma is the name of a River
62. Synagogue is place of worship of which Religion Judaism
63. Tafseer al Quran al Azeem was written by Ismail bin Kathir
64. Tanjug is the news agency of which Country Serbia
65. Tarawa is the capital of Kiribati
66. Tashkent is the capital of Uzbekistan
67. TASS is the Largest Russian news agency. it was founded in 1904
68. Tbilisi is the capital of which Country Georgia
69. TCS stands for Tranzum Courier Service
70. Tea can be best cultivated on Hill slopes
71. The Amazon river dolphins is also Called Pink river dolphins
72. The apex Elected body in Israel is Called Knesset
73. The areas around the North and South poles within the Polar circles is Called The Frigid
74. The art of growing dwarfed trees in small pots a technique is Bonsai
75. The Atomic Bomb was dropped on the City of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

76. The Atomic Bomb was dropped on the City of Nagasaki on 9 August 194
77. The Author of book Pakistan A Hard Country is Anatol lieven
78. The Author of book The Reluctant Fundamentalist is Mohsin Hamid
79. The author of novel The Bluest Eye is Toni Morrison
80. The author of the book Shehron Mein Shehr Karachi is Nasreen Aslam
81. The author of the Novel Godfather is Mario Puzo
82. The ball point pen was invited by Laszlo Biro
83. The Battle of Waterloo was fought in 1815
84. The Biography Of Holy Prophet (SAW) entitled Sirat Rasul Ullah was written by Ibn Ishaq
85. The Black river is located in Jamaica
86. The blood donor Day is celebrated on 14th June
87. The Bloodless Revolution of 1688 was started in which Country England
88. The Bolshevik Revolution is associated with Russia
89. The Book A farewell to Arms was written by Ernest Hemingway
90. The book Friends not Masters was written by General Ayubi
91. The book Pakistan the Formative Phase was written by Khalid Bin Saeed
92. The Book Higher Than Hope The Biography Of Nelson Mandela is written by Fatima Meer
93. The Book Higher than Hopes is a biography of Nelson Mandela
94. The Book Long Walk to Freedom is written by Nelson Mandela
95. The book No Spin is the autobiography of which veteran Cricketer Shane Warn
96. The border between USA and Canada is officially Known as International Boundary
97. The capital of Malta is Valletta
98. The code name for Abbottabad Operation (2011) was Operation Neptune Spear
99. What is the Largest State in the USA Alaska
1. The coin Rupiah was Firstly issued by Sher Shah Suri
2. The collective name for the group of owls is Parliament
3. The Continent Antarctica lies at the South Pole
4. The cores of the earth are Called nife because these consist of Nickel and ferrous
5. The Country through which both equator and Tropic of Capricorn passes is Brazil
6. The Country whose National anthem has only music no words Bahrain
7. The Country with the highest ratio of urban population in South Asia is Bhutan
8. The Country without capital is Nauru
9. The currency of Brazil is Real
10. The currency of Croatia is Kuna
11. The currency of Israel is. Shekel
12. The currency of Portugal is Euro
13. The Deepest part of the Earth is Mariana Trench
14. The Delaware river is in United States
15. The disputed Island between India and Bangladesh New Moor
16. The distance of longitude represents how many minutes difference in time 4 minutes
17. The Economy of Modern Sindh book is written by Dr Ishrat Hussain
18. The Empire State Building is located in New York City
19. The European Renaissance started from which Country Italy
20. The fall of Constantinople occurred in 29 May 1453
21. The Famous book Gullivers Travel was written by A. Jonathan Swift
22. The famous book; Al–Qanun was written by the Muslim scientist Abu Ali Sina
23. The famous painting Mona Lisa is displaced at the museum of Paris

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

24. The First Asian Secretary General of united Nation was U Thant
25. The First battle of Panipat was fought between Babur and Ibrahim
26. The First black African woman to receive a Nobel Prize in 2004 is Wangari Maathai
27. The First cloned animal was Sheep
28. The First cooking school was founded in which Country America
29. The First Cross word puzzle in the World was published in 1913
30. The First English Dictionary was compiled by Samuel Johnson
31. The First man to set foot on five continents Captain Cook
32. The First mobile phone was created In 1973
33. The First Mughal emperor Babar’sTomb is situated in Kabul
34. The First Muslim woman to receive Nobel Prize in 2003 is Shirin Ebadi
35. The First passport issued by the Ayub regime in 1960
36. The First Person to draw the map of earth Anaximander
37. The First private tourist of the space was Dennis Tito
38. The First Season of PSL took place on 4th Feb 2016
39. The First truly global War was Seven Years War
40. The First Urdu Newspaper daily published after creation of Pakistan was Imroze
41. The First Urdu newspaper in Indian subcontinent was Jame-Jahan-Numa
42. The First Winter Olympics organized by the IOC was held in 1924 in France
43. The First woman elected to head an African Country in 2006 Ellen Johnson
44. The First women to fly solo around the World Jerrie Mock
45. The flag of Austria consists of which two Colour Red/White
46. The forerunner of the United Nations was League of Nations
47. The founder of Zamindar (newspaper) was Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
48. The full marathon has an official distance of kilometers 42.2 km
49. The G20 was established in 1999
50. The General Assembly of UN meets regularly once a Year on third Tuesday of September
51. The Glorious Revolution started in 1688
52. The Great Barrier Reef is located off the coast of what Country Australia
53. The Great Wall of China is about KM long. 21,196
54. The Half marathon has an official distance of kilometers 21.1 km
55. The Hanging Gardens is located in Iraq (Babylon)
56. The Headquarter of Amnesty International is in. London
57. The Headquarter of EFTA is in Geneva
58. The Headquarter of ESCAP are situated at Bangkok
59. The Headquarter of European Court of Justice (ECJ) are situated at Luxembourg
60. The Headquarter of Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) is in Rome
61. The Headquarter of Human Rights Watch (HRW) is located in New York
62. The Headquarter of International Labor Origination (ILO) is in Geneva
63. The Headquarter of OLX Group Company located in Netherland
64. The Headquarter of organizations for the prohibition of chemical weapons Nederland
65. The Headquarter of Red Cross is in Geneva
66. The Headquarter of the Asian development Bank Manila
67. The Headquarter of Transparency International is in. Berlin
68. The Headquarter of World Economic forum is situated in which City Cologny
69. The Headquarters of Twitter is located in San Francisco
70. The Headquarters of World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) is located in Geneva
71. The height of all 4 Minars of Badshahi Mosque are 177 feet
72. The height of Leaning Tower of Pisa is 57m

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

73. The Heisman Trophy Presented in which Sport Football

74. The Heroes of Sindh & Struggle for New Sindh are written by GM Syed
75. The highest capital in the World is La Paz (Bolivia)
76. The Highest population growth rate among the following countries is in Bangladesh
77. The highest temperature has ever been recorded on Planet earth in Death Valley
78. The Importance of Being Earnest is written by Oscar Wilde
79. The Industrial revolution First took place in England
80. The International Committee for the Red Cross was founded by Henry Dunant
81. The International Cricket Council (ICC) was founded in 1909
82. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was founded on. 27 December 1945
83. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was founded in 1894 at Paris
84. The Islamic Development Bank is founded in 1973
85. The Japanese call their Country as Nippon
86. The Kiss, was painted by Gustav Klimt
87. The Kitab Tahqiq was written by Al Beruni
88. The Largest cold desert of the World is in Antarctica
89. The Largest eggs in the World today are the eggs laid by the Ostrich
90. The Largest famine hit Ethiopia in 1983
91. The Largest helicopter in the World is Mil Mi-26
92. The Largest latitude circle on earth is The Equator
93. The Largest Planet of the solar system is Jupiter
94. The Largest river of Asia is Yangtze Kiang
95. The Largest Tree in the World is in California
96. The Largest wheat producing Country in the World is China
97. The Last King of Afghanistan was Muhammad Zahir Shah
98. The length of Cricket bat is inches 38
99. The Lingua Franca of Pakistan Urdu
1. The Longest Blue Whale had a length of how many feet 111 Feet
2. The Longest traffic jam in the World was recorded in which City Beijing
3. The lowest part of the Earth is Dead Sea
4. The major source of water in Pakistan is Rivers
5. The minimum number of players required in a team to start a Basketball match is 5
6. The most Rainiest place in the World is Mawsynram Indian
7. The motto of UNO is It’s yourWorld!
8. The Mount Ararat is the highest Mountain in Turkey
9. The Mount Olympus is located in Greece
10. The Muslim invaded Spain in 711 A.D
11. The name of UNO was coined by Frank Rosevelt
12. The name of which animal is an Aboriginal term Meaning no water Koala
13. The name United nations was adopted at the suggestion of Roosevelt
14. The Nobel Prize has been awarded in fields. 6
15. The Novel Great Expectations was written by Charles Dickens
16. The Novel Madame Bovary was written by Gustave Flaubert
17. The number of countries which participated in the First Olympic Games held at Athens
18. The number of keys in an ordinary piano is 88
19. The number of players in each side in Water Polo is 7
20. The number regarded as lucky number in Italy is 13

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

21. The official language(s) of Association of Southeast Asian Nations is/are Ten
22. The official residence of President of Kyrgyzstan is. White House
23. The OIC was founded in. Morocco
24. The Old name of Algeria is Numidia
25. The Old name of Egypt was United Arab Republic
26. The Old name of Hungary is Magyar
27. The Old name of Jordan is Transjordan
28. The Old name of Korea is Choson
29. The Old name of Libya was Tripoli
30. The Old name of Switzerland is Helvetia
31. The Old name of Taiwan was Formosa
32. The Old name of Zambia is Northern Rhodesia
33. The Oldest anthem of the World is Japan
34. The Oldest flag of the World is Denmark
35. The Oldest news agency in the World is AFP
36. The Oldest written language is Sumerian
37. The Oldest written plan of government in effect is in which Country USA
38. The Olympic Game where men and women can simultaneously compete with each other is
39. The Only Country in the World, which Flag is not rectangular Nepal
40. The only fertile desert in the World is Great Thar Desert
41. The Pacific Ocean was named by Ferdinand Magellan
42. The painted Desert lies in which US State Arizona
43. The Pakistan Largest Tea Bag Is Made by which company Lipton
44. The Parliament of Cuba is Called National Assembly of Peoples Power
45. The Parliament of the Malaysia is Dewan Rakyat
46. The period from 16491660 is Known as Commonwealth Period
47. The period in which the Suez Canal remained closed after Arab Israel War 1967-1975
48. The permanent Secretariat of OIC is located in. Jeddah
49. The Picture on the back of 10 Rupee Pakistani Note Khyber Pass
50. The Picture on the back of 20 Rupee Pakistani Note Mohenjodaro
51. The Picture on the back of 50 Rupee Pakistani Note Karakoram Peak
52. The place of origin of an earthquake is Called Seismic focus
53. The Planet which revolves slowly around the Sun is Neptune
54. The playground of Baseball is Known as Diamond
55. The poetry First written by Allama Iqbal in Persian Bang e Dara
56. The point that lies directly above the source of an earthquake is Known as Epicenter
57. The Police Martyrs Day is observed on in Pakistan August 04
58. The political party of Mussolini Fascist Party
59. The Pyramids of Sun and Moon are in which Country Mexico
60. The Quran surah Al Ikhlas Means The Purity
61. The real name of K.K Aziz a historian was Khursheed Kamal Aziz
62. The Republic Day of Turkey is celebrated on 29 October
63. The Rising of the evening star indicates the direction of the West
64. The river Indus flows from which City Tibet
65. The Road not Taken is a famous poem of Robert Frost
66. The Sahara is a desert located on the continent African
67. The science of lightning is Called Fulminology
68. The scientific study of dogs is Called Cynology

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

69. The scientific study of fingerprints is Called Dactylography

70. The Sea of Tranquility is located in The Moon
71. The Season changes because of the Earth is revolving round the sun
72. The Second battle of Panipat was fought between Hem Chandra and Akbar
73. The Second Longest river in Africa is Congo
74. The shortest river (Roe River) of the World is located in USA
75. The South Pole of the Earth is located in Antarctica
76. The soviet media theory had its roots in German ideology
77. The stick which is used to hit the ball in Golf is Called Club
78. The stone age people had the First domestic Sheep
79. The strongest currency in the World Kuwaiti Dinar
80. The study of angels is Called Angelology
81. The study of Coin and Medals is Called Numismatics
82. The study of Religions is Called Theology
83. The study of the structure of the body is Called Anatomy
84. The study of X-rays and their medical applications is Called Radiology
85. The Sun reaches its Maximum Angular distance from the equator at the Solstice
86. The Tallest women born in Pakistan is Zainab Bibi
87. The Temple of Heaven, a religious building, is located in Beijing
88. The tenure of Judge of International Court of Justice is 9 Years
89. The term Agricultural shot is Known to be used in which Sport Cricket
90. The term Maoris is used for aboriginal people of New Zealand
91. The Third Battle of Panipat was fought between Ahmad Shah Abdali and Marathas
92. The third Sunday in January is annually celebrated as World Religion Day
93. The Tiger of Mysore is Called Tipu Sultan
94. The total Area of the Capital of Pakistan Islamabad is 906 Sq. Km
95. The two official languages of NATO are English and French
96. The Umbrella Street movement is related to Hong Kong
97. The UN has additional/regional Headquarters districts Three
98. The Union Flag, or Union Jack, is the National flag of United Kingdom
99. The United Nations established the UN conference on trade and development in 1964
1. The United Nations observes as International Widows Day 23rd June
2. The United States of America lies in Continent North America
3. The War Cross with Sword is the highest military award of Norway
4. The Way of the World is written by. William Congreve
5. The word democracy has been derived from the language Greek
6. The World First underground railway system was built in London
7. The World AIDS Day is observed 1 December
8. The World Day to combat Desertification and Drought is observed on 17 June
9. The World deadliest conflict was World War II
10. The World Disability Day observed every Year on 3rd December
11. The World First Camel hospital is located in Dubai
12. The World First drainage system was built by the people of Indus Valley Civilization
13. The World First nuclear power plant was built by Russia
14. The World First Photograph was taken in 1826
15. The World Kidney Day is observed 14 March
16. The World Largest Muslim Country by area is Kazakhstan

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

17. The World Leprosy Day 2019 will be observed on 27 January

18. The World Mental Day is observed every Years on 10 October
19. The World Soil Day is celebrated on 5th December
20. The World Until Yesterday book is written by Jared Mason Diamond
21. The World’s highestMountain is in Nepal
22. The World’s Largest apparel producing Country is China
23. The World’s Largest bird is Common Ostrich
24. The World’s Largest land border is between America and Canada
25. The World’s Largest subway system is in Shanghai
26. The World’s Longest glacier Lambert is located in Antarctica
27. The World’s Longest Mountain Range is The Andes
28. The World’s Oldest parliament, founded in the Year 930 AD is Althing of Iceland
29. The World’s secondLongest river is Neil
30. There are members of SAARC 08
31. There are nonpermanent members of the Security Council. 10
32. There is no God other than God and Muhammad is His Prophet Is The National Motto
Saudi Arabia
33. Theresa May is the Britain’sfemale Prime Minister 2nd
34. Third battle of Panipat began on. January 14, 1761
35. Thomas Cup is associated with which Game Badminton
36. Time Magazine started in which Year 1923
37. Titan is satellite of Saturn
38. To which Country Christopher Columbus did belong Italy
39. Transparency International was founded in which Year 1993
40. Treaty of Versailles was signed on 28 June 1919
41. Trygve Lie was the First Governor General of U.N belonged to which Country Norway
42. TT is the news agency of Sweden
43. Tugela water fall is present in South Africa
44. Turkish parliament is also Called Grand National Assembly
45. Twelve Apostles are in Australia
46. UAE is the federation of how many Emirates Seven
47. Ufa is City of Russia
48. UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Objects
49. Uncle Urfi Drama aired in 1972 was scripted by Haseena Moeen
50. United Nations Conference on Trade & Development is based in Geneva
51. United Nations Convention on Law of Sea was signed in 1982
52. United Nations University lies in Japan
53. Upper Volta is the new name of Burkina Faso
54. Vatican City in which the Pope lives is a City that lies in Italy
55. Vexillology is the study of Flags
56. Vientiane is capital and Largest City of Laos
57. Vincent Van Gogh was a Painter
58. Virus is the word of which language Latin
59. VRT is news Channel of Belgium
60. Wadi Rum which resemblance to the surface of Mars is located in Jordan
61. Wars of Crusade started in 1095
62. Washington D.C was organized in 1801
63. Water source beneath the earth flowing naturally is Called Spring
64. weakest currency in the World Iranian Riel

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

65. Weigh of Javelin throw of female is 600 g

66. What animal can make no sound at all Giraffe
67. What animal has Longest gestation period 95 weeks of any land animal Elephant
68. What animal has the shortest gestation period Known is 12 to 13 Days Opossum
69. What are camel haired brushes made of Squirrels Tails
70. What are the Coldest Months in Australia July and August
71. What are the flat, treeless plains of Argentina Called Pampas
72. What body of water separates Saudi Arabia from Africa Red Sea
73. What Country has the highest divorce rate by UNO Maldives
74. What Country has three official languages Belgium
75. What Country is the Largest producer of corn US
76. What devices invention was the main reason for demise of the Pony Express Telegraph
77. What do silkworm eats Mulberry leaves
78. What do the Initials IFAD stand International Fund for Agricultural Development
79. What do you call the offspring of an elephant, walrus and a whale Calf
80. What do you Mean by Phonetics Study of speech sounds
81. What do you Mean by Syntax Study of Constructing Sentence
82. What do you Mean by word Android Human Like
83. What does PUBG stands for Player Unknowns Battlegrounds
84. What does the Roman Numeral C represents 100
85. What famous philosopher was Alexander`s teacher as a child Aristotle
86. What generation Salah Ud Din Ayubi from Kurd
87. What golfer First name Means victory in Hindi Vijay Sing
88. What is a basin Lower area of land
89. What is Chandragup Mud Volcano
90. What is human Range of audibility 20 Hz to 20 KHz
91. What is Ikebana Japanese Art of Flower Arrangement
92. What is Ivy Mike First test of hydrogen bomb of United States
93. What is Kimberly in Africa famous for Diamond
94. What is Meant by Petticoat Government A government run by a woman
95. What is Mesopotamia Known as today Iraq
96. What is motto of ICC Cricket for good
97. What is Roman number for 3000 MMM
98. What is Shinkansen in Japan Bullet Train
99. What is soccer commonly Called in countries other than the United States Football
1. What is Sorbonne in Paris University
2. What is the average weight of human hear 300g
3. What is the biggest concrete dam in the World Three Gorges Dam
4. What is the Capital of East Timor Dili
5. What is the Capital of Jordan Amman
6. What is the capital of Latvia Riga
7. What is the capital of Tonga Nukualofa
8. What is the color of mourning in Turkey Violet
9. What is the common name for the star Sirius Dog Star
10. What is the currency of Iceland Krona
11. What is the Currency of Japan Yen
12. What is the Currency of Magnolia Togrog

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

13. What is the currency of Switzerland Swiss Franc

14. What is the distance of penalty stroke away from back line in hockey Game 6.40 meter
15. What is the fastest land snake in the World Black mamba
16. What is the flattest Continent Australia
17. What is the French name for Santa Claus Pare Neol
18. What is the highest Peak in the 48 contiguous U.S States Mount Whitney
19. What is the Largest Flower in the World Rafflesia
20. What is the length of badminton court for single competition 13.40 meter
21. What is the Longest River in the World Amazon
22. What is the most beautiful language in the World French
23. What is the most popular second language in the World English
24. What is the most widely spoken language in the World Chinese
25. What is the name for steel alloyed with chromium Stainless Steel
26. What is the name of boundary line between Germany and Poland Order Neisse Lin
27. What is the name of Capital of Nigeria Abuja
28. What is the name of Chinese parliament National People’s Congress
29. What is the Name of Googles Parent Company Alphabet Inc.
30. What is the name of Pakistan Research Station in Antarctica Jinnah Research Station
31. What is the National animal of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Okapi
32. What is the National currency of Hong Kong Hong Kong dollar
33. What is the National Dish of Argentina Asados
34. What is the Nationality of founder of WikiLeaks Australian
35. What is the new height of Mount Everest 8848.86m (29,032 ft.)
36. What is the number of States in India 28
37. What is the official language of Mexico Spanish
38. What is the Old name of Astana City (Nur Sultan) Akmola
39. What is the Old name of Tokyo Edo
40. What is the Old name of Tomato Love Apple
41. What is the only continent that lies in all four hemispheres Africa
42. What is the Range of panama canal 82 km
43. What is the significance of a small Country Ecuador Lies on Equator
44. What is the standard monetary unit of Turkey Lira
45. What is the staple food of one third of the World’s population Rice
46. What is the sweetest language in the World Bengali
47. What is the tenure of FATF President-ship among member Countries 1 Year
48. What is the total length of border between the United States and Mexico 3145 KM
49. What is the total length of Indus River 3180 km
50. What is the total period of Ottoman Empire 1299-1922
51. What is the width of badminton court for a single player 5.18 meter
52. What is the width of side Gallery of badminton court 46 cm
53. What is the World’s Largest living mammal Blue Whale
54. What is the World’s most widely used vegetable Onion
55. What is total membership of US Senate 100
56. What is unit of pressure Pascal
57. What language is the official language in the most countries English
58. What mammal lays Eggs Platypus
59. What name does camel meat go by Camel
60. What Planet is not named after a god Earth
61. What type of creature is a Fulmar A Bird

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

62. What was Invented by Torricelli Barometer

63. What was the First Country to leave the United Nations Indonesia
64. What was the height of Ali Jinnah 5 feet & 10 inches
65. What was the name of Atomic Bomb that dropped on the City of Hiroshima Little Boy
66. What was the Nationality of Alfred Nobel Swedish
67. What was the Old Name of Saudi Arabia Najd And Hejaz
68. What was the real name of Tipu Sultan or Tiger of Mysore Fatah Ali
69. What were the First false teeth made from Ivory
70. When Alexander invade the India 326 BC
71. When Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation was established 1989
72. When did Bahadur Shah Zafar die 7 November 1862
73. When did Fatima Jinnah joined All India Muslim league 1939
74. When did Genghis Khan captures the capital of the Jin Dynasty (China) 1215
75. When did Pakistan became member of IMF 1950
76. When did Pakistan recognize Bangladesh Feb 1974
77. When did the British return Hong Kong to china 1997
78. When did the Soviet Union official break up 26 December 1991
79. When Earth Day celebrated First time 22, April 1970
80. When First Photograph was Taken 1826
81. When Government College Lahore got the status of university 2002
82. When in New York, UNO head quarter complex is completed 1952
83. When is the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture observed on June 26
84. When is World Hemophilia Day observed April 17th
85. When is World Hepatitis Day celebrated 28 July
86. When Israel State was established 1948
87. When Korea was divided into two parts 1945
88. When Muhammad El Bradi of Egypt got Noble Peace Prize 2005
89. When Pakistan introduced National Identity cards (NIC) 1973
90. When Pakistan won the World Hockey Cup for the 4th time 1994
91. When the World Bamboo Day is celebrated 18 Sept
92. When Turbat University was found 2012
93. When UN Day is Celebrated every Year 24 October
94. When United Kingdom joined EU which previously Called EEC 1973
95. When Urdu Language gets official status in subcontinent 1837
96. When Utility Stores Corporation of Pakistan (Pvt.) Limited established 1971
97. When was bar code scanner Invented 1970s
98. When was helicopter developed 1939
99. When was Malala Yousafzai born July 12, 1997
1. When was the fast food chain, McDonalds founded 1940
2. When was the term ( United Kingdom) First used 1800
3. When was the United Nations Headquarters start to build September 1948
4. When was the World Health Organisation established April 7th 1948
5. when we celebrated World Post Day 9 October
6. Where is Bathsheba Beach situated Barbados
7. Where is Headquarter of American intelligence agency CIA Virginia
8. Where is Headquarter of European Union Brussels
9. Where is Headquarter of World Economic Forum is in Cologny

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

10. Where is ITER situated Cadarache, France

11. Where is Shukov tower located Russia
12. Where is the Flattest Place on Earth Bolivia
13. Where is the Headquarter of The World Anti-Doping Agency Montreal
14. Where Is The Headquarters Of Google Located California
15. Where is the Headquarters of UNFPA located New York
16. Where is the HQ of UNESCO located Paris
17. Where is the HQ of UNODC located Vienna
18. Where is the HQ of World Gold Council (WGC) located London
19. Where is the official residence of Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Temple Trees
20. Where is the permanent Secretariat of G20 No Permanent Secretariat
21. Where is the pyramid of Giza situated Egypt
22. Where is the tomb of Mughal Emperor Jahangir Lahore
23. Where is Tiananmen Square located China Beijing
24. Where the First ASEAN summit was held in February 1976 Indonesia
25. Where the Pakistan’s First radio station was setup Karachi
26. Which Country has the World’s smallest note Romania
27. Which among the following Country First reached the Dark Side of the Moon China
28. Which animal has the biggest eyes of any living creature Horse
29. Which animal has the highest blood pressure Giraffe
30. Which animal has the Largest brain in the World Sperm Whale
31. Which animal has the Largest ears of any animal in the Planet African Elephant
32. Which animal is the most illegally traded in the whole World Pangolin
33. Which are Called the Bretton Woods sisters WB & IMF
34. Which bird has legs but can’twalk Humming Bird
35. Which bird with a distinctive call lays its eggs in the nests of other birds Cuckoo
36. Which blood group is considered a universal donor O Group
37. Which card is used in BRT Peshawar ZU Card
38. Which City became the First in the World to have its own Microsoft Font Dubai
39. Which City in Switzerland was the Headquarters of the League of Nations Geneva
40. Which City is Called as Queen of Adriatic Venice
41. Which City is Called City of Eternal Springs Quito
42. Which City is Called Gateway of India Mumbai
43. Which City is Called Golden City Johannesburg
44. Which City is Called the City of conferences Geneva
45. Which City is Called the City of mosques (Masjid) Dhaka
46. Which City is Called the City of Palaces Mexico City
47. Which City is Called The City of silent thoroughfares Venice
48. Which City is Called the Gateway of Pakistan Karachi
49. which City is Called the hub of fashion Milan
50. Which City is Called the Little Pakistan Bradford
51. Which City is Called The Modern Babylon London
52. Which City is Called Valley of Flowers Peshawar
53. Which City is Known as the City of ghosts and temples Banaras
54. Which City name of Pakistan Means, The Forest in the Sky Shugran
55. Which City of India is Called Pink City Jaipur
56. Which City of Pakistan once Known as City of Maple Trees Abbottabad
57. Which City was named as Shah Jahanabad Delhi
58. Which City was recaptured at the end of the First War of Crusade Jerusalem

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

59. Which civilization is Known as the birthplace of democracy Greeks

60. Which Company introduced First handheld Digital Camera Kodak
61. Which continent comprises the land around the South Pole Antarctica
62. Which continent has no desert Europe
63. Which Continent has the highest number of Countries Africa
64. Which continent has the most languages in the World Asia
65. Which continent is Known as Dark Continent Africa
66. Which countries had the most Nobel Prize winners in 2017 USA
67. Which Country built World’s Largest data center radio telescope China
68. Which Country Called land of maple leaf Canada
69. Which Country currency is Baht Thailand
70. Which Country Discovered Cricket England
71. Which Country do Sinologists study China
72. Which Country does not have any mosquitoes Iceland
73. Which Country flag never flies at half-mast Saudi Arabia
74. Which Country fought on both sides during World War II Italy
75. Which Country has eleven official languages South Africa
76. Which Country has large number of nuclear Warheads Russia
77. Which Country has Largest area under cultivation India
78. Which Country has maximum time zones in the World France
79. Which Country has NO capital in the World Nauru
80. Which Country has no National Anthem Cyprus
81. Which Country has no River Saudi Arabia
82. Which Country has No Words in National Anthem Spain
83. Which Country has not been recognized by Pakistan Armenia
84. Which Country has the Largest Army in the World China
85. Which Country has the Largest Hindu population Nepal
86. Which Country has the Longest National anthem of the World Greece
87. Which Country has the most Natural Lakes Canada
88. Which Country has the most number of active volcanoes in the World Indonesia
89. Which Country has the most World Heritage sites With 55 sites Italy
90. Which Country has the Oldest monarchy Japan
91. Which Country has the shortest National anthem in the World Japan
92. Which Country has the World’s Largest Constitution India
93. Which Country has three Capitals South Africa
94. Which Country has won the ICC Womens T20 World Cup Maximum times Australia
95. Which Country has World’s Largest note Philippines
96. Which Country have two National Anthem New-Zealand and Denmark
97. Which Country host most refugees Pakistan
98. Which Country in South Asia has the highest literacy rate Maldives
99. Which martial arts name Means gentle way Judo
1. Which Country in the World has large population of Vegetarians India
2. Which Country in the World has most Neighbors China
3. Which Country invades Egypt during Suez crisis in 1956 Israel
4. Which Country is Called Buffer State of Asia Afghanistan
5. Which Country is Called Crossroads of Western Europe Belgium
6. Which Country is Called Great Britain of Pacific Japan
7. Which Country is Called Isle of Pearls Bahrain

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

8. Which Country is Called Land of Amber Lithuania

9. Which Country is Called land of Blue Sky Mongolia
10. Which Country is Called Land of Fertile Fields Algeria
11. Which Country is Called Land of free peoples Thailand
12. Which Country is Called land of hope and Glory England
13. Which Country is Called Land of Lilies Canada
14. Which Country is Called Land of mighty rivers Nigeria
15. Which Country is Called Land of milk and honey Lebanon
16. Which Country is Called land of Opportunities USA
17. Which Country is Called land of Palms Brazil
18. Which Country is Called land of Poets Chile
19. Which Country is Called Land of Protease South Africa
20. which Country is Called Land of Rainbow South Africa
21. Which Country is Called Land of Snow Canada
22. Which Country is Called Pearl of Antilles Cuba
23. Which Country is Called Switzerland of Africa Swaziland
24. Which Country is Called the land of a thousand elephants Laos
25. Which Country is Called The Land of Fire Azerbaijan
26. Which Country is Called the Land of Rabbits Spain
27. Which Country is Called the Tear drop of India Sri Lanka
28. Which Country is Called Thunderbolt of Asia Bhutan
29. Which Country is Called Venice of the North Stockholm
30. Which Country is Called White Man’s grave Guinea
31. Which Country is completely surrounded by South Africa Lesotho
32. Which Country is famous for its Samba dance Brazil
33. Which Country is famous for Sprinters Jamaica
34. Which Country is famously shaped like an Elephants Dead Thailand
35. Which Country is Known as Horn of Africa Somalia
36. Which Country is Known as Land of Tulips Holland
37. Which Country is Known as Pearl of East Sri lanka
38. Which Country is Known for the most frequent earthquakes Japan
39. Which Country is only Hindu State In the World Nepal
40. Which Country is the Largest producer of fruits in the World China
41. Which Country is the most popular destination for foreign tourists France
42. Which Country is the third biggest producer of uranium Australia
43. Which Country is the World’s Largest producer of cobalt, a chemical element Congo
44. Which Country is the World’s Largest producer of coffee Brazil
45. Which Country is third Largest contributor to UN after USA and China Japan
46. Which Country law is considered to be harsh Saudi Arabia
47. Which Country leads the World in Wind Energy China
48. Which Country led a boycott of the 1980 Olympic Games held in Moscow United States
49. Which Country produce the most of the refugees in the World Syria
50. Which Country suffered the maximum in World War 2nd Japan
51. Which Country won the very First FIFA World cup in 1930 Uruguay
52. Which Country on the map of World, appears as Long Shoe Italy
53. Which Country civil War is considered as a Rehearsal for WW ll Spain
54. Which cricket team is Called Green and Whites Ireland
55. Which cricket team is Called The Blue India
56. Which cricket team is Called The Chevrons Zimbabwe

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

57. Which cricket team is Called The Green Shirts Pakistan

58. Which cricket team is Called The Kangaroos Australia
59. Which cricket team is Called The Kiwis New Zealand
60. Which cricket team is Called The Lions Sri Lanka
61. Which cricket team is Called The Poms England
62. Which cricket team is Called The Protease South Africa
63. Which cricket team is Called The Tigers Bangladesh
64. Which cricket team is Called The Windies West Indies
65. Which Crops is the Largest consumer of Water Sugarcane
66. Which Day is observed as Africa Day 25 May
67. Which English ambassador came to India during the time of Jahangir Sir Thomas Roe
68. Which European Country is divided into department France
69. Which European Country is not member of European Union Switzerland
70. Which famous Personality was offered to be the First President of Israel Albert Einstein
71. Which Flower is Called Queen of Water Lilly
72. Which food item takes its name from the French for twice cooked Biscuit
73. Which gas is used in advertising lights Neon
74. Which gland in human body is popularly Called Adam Apple Thyroid
75. Which hormone is responsible for production of milk in human body Prolactin
76. Which Indian Leader was shot by Nathuram Godse on 30 January 1948 Mahatma Gandhi
77. Which is Australia’sLargest City by population Sydney
78. Which is biggest Restaurant Chain of the World McDonalds
79. Which is Called the First wonder of the World The Pyramids of Egypt
80. Which is Called the Land of Golden fiber Bangladesh
81. Which is Called The valley of ten thousand smokes Alaska
82. Which is considered as 8th Continent Zealandia
83. Which is considered as parliament of World UN General Assembly
84. Which is Known as Asia a version of Noble prize Ramon Magsaysay Award
85. Which is oldest university of United States of America Harvard
86. Which is smallest district of Pakistan by area Karachi Central
87. Which is smallest State in Asia Maldives
88. Which is the currency of Haiti Gourde
89. Which is the First Book of Allama Iqbal Ilm ul Iqtisad
90. Which is the First ever Law university of Pakistan SZABUL
91. Which is the highest military award of France Legion of Honor
92. Which is the highest Mountain of Africa Mt. Kilimanjaro
93. Which is the International Country code of USA +1
94. Which is the Largest Exporter of Rice India
95. Which is the Largest organ of human body Liver
96. Which is the Longest highway Trans Canada
97. Which is the most common Human Phobia Fear of spiders
98. Which is the narrowest strait of the World Strait of Tartar
99. Which is the National bird of Italy Sparrow
1. Which is the National Flower of China Plum Blossom
2. Which is the National Flower of Germany Cornflower
3. Which is the National Flower of Iran and Iraq Red Rose
4. Which is the National Flower of Jordan Black Iris

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

5. Which is the National Flower of Romania Dog Rose

6. Which is the National Flower of South Africa King Protea
7. Which is the National Flower of Sri Lanka Water Lily
8. Which is the National Flower of Tunisia Asmine
9. Which is the National Game of France Football
10. Which is the National Game of United States of America Baseball
11. Which is the National song of India Banda Mataram
12. Which is the National tree of japan Sugi
13. Which is the number one Game in the World Soccer
14. Which is the Old City of Pakistan Multan
15. Which is the Oldest Search engine of the internet Web Crawler
16. Which is the only Snake that Builds a Nest The female King Cobra
17. Which is the Parliament of japan Diet
18. Which is the World’s loudest bird White bellbird
19. Which is the World’s Tallest lighthouse Jeddah Light
20. Which is Tricontinental Country Chile
21. Which is World’s 5th Largest Country (by area) Brazil
22. Which is World’s biggest desert lake Lake Turkana
23. Which Island group named as Sandwich Island Hawaii Island
24. Which Japanese King wrote a book with his own blood Emperor Sutoku
25. Which key of Personal computer is not available in the key board of traditional typewriters
26. Which king of England was forced to signed the Magna Carta King John
27. Which king was First addressed as Your Majesty Henry VIII
28. Which landlocked Country flag has Two Cows in it Andorra
29. Which language has maximum number of alphabet letters Cambodian
30. Which leader lives in the Potola Dalai Lama
31. Which lines divide Turkish and Greek Cyprus communities Green Line
32. Which monarch Called himself as the Second Alexander Alauddin Khilji
33. Which Mughal Emperor had built the Bibi ka Maqbara Azam Shah
34. Which Muslim Country has Hindu God on its Currency Indonesia
35. Which Ocean is Called Herring Pond Atlantic Ocean
36. Which Country is situated below Sea level Netherlands
37. Which State is a Unitary State China
38. Which organisation publishes Global Risk Report World Economic Forum
39. Which organisation publishes World Development Report World Bank
40. Which Organisation Publishes World Economic Outlook IMF
41. Which part of the World is Known as Star and key of Indian Ocean Mauritius
42. Which place name Means City of Lion Singapore
43. Which Planet is Called Great Red Spot Jupiter
44. Which Planet is much brighter in our solar system Venus
45. which plant open its mouth when insect sit on its lid Pitcher plant
46. Which player played cricket for both India and Pakistan Abdul Kardar
47. Which poet is Called Rumi of Kashmir Main Mohammad Bakhsh
48. Which President of the United States was assassinated Abraham Lincoln
49. Which PTV Programme was hosted by PM Benazir Bhutto during 1970 Encounter
50. Which River crosses the Equator twice Congo River
51. which river flows behind the Taj Mahal Yamuna river
52. Which Roman Emperor is also Known as little boot Caligula

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

53. Which Sea is referred to as an oceanic desert Sargasso Sea

54. Which Sea is without a coastline Sargasso Sea
55. Which sign of the zodiac is also Called The Water bearer Aquarius
56. Which State of USA has the Largest population 2018 California
57. Which State of USA is Called the mother of President Virginia
58. Which strait separate Asia from Africa Bab ul Mandab
59. Which substances is used for preservation of food grains Sodium Benzoate
60. Which Tennis Tournament is played on a clay court The French Open
61. Which Tennis Tournament is played on a hard court The Australian Open
62. Which Tennis Tournament is played on a natural grass court Wimbledon
63. Which term Means Common People Hoi Polloi
64. Which treaty provides for a common currency for European Community Maastricht Treaty
65. Which Turkish tribe created the OTTOMAN Empire Anatolia
66. Which two primary colours are mixed to make purple Red and Blue
67. Which Two States donated lands for Washington DC Maryland and Virginia
68. Which type of rainfall occurs in most of the World Orographic rainfall
69. Which U.S President said, I am not a crook Nixon
70. Which vegetable is Toxic For Dogs Onion
71. Which was First Country to grow Cocoa Mexico
72. Which was the First newspaper of the World Peking News
73. Which waterway gives the source of terrestrial moisture Lakes
74. White river is located in U.S
75. Who abolished slavery in America Abraham Lincoln
76. Who Appoints the Chief Election Commissioner of Pakistan President
77. Who became the First woman to summit Mount Everest in 1975 Jumko Tabei
78. Who became the President of Indian National Congress in 1946 Jawahir Lal Nehru
79. Who became World’s richestPerson in 2021 Elon Musk
80. Who built Badshahi Masjid Aurangzeb Alamgir
81. Who built Machu Picchu Pachacutec
82. Who built the Pharos of Alexandria Sostratus of Cnidus
83. Who buried the treasure on Treasure Island Captain Flint
84. Who Called Mahatma Gandhi a half-naked fakir Churchill
85. Who constructed Suez Canal Ferdinand de Lesseps
86. Who created the First Map of the World Anaximander
87. Who designed Statue of Christ – The Redeemer Heitor de Silva Costa
88. Who Discovered logarithm John Napier
89. Who Discovered the Gamma Rays Paul Villard
90. Who Discovered the solar system Copernicus
91. Who First Discovered Machu Picchu Hiram Bingham
92. Who First pioneered the idea of a blood bank Charles Drew
93. Who First successfully climbed Mount Everest in 1953 Edmund Hillary
94. Who founded Boy Scout Baden Powell
95. Who founded Muhammadan Literary Society in 1863 Nawab Abdul Latif
96. Who gave the symbol of infinity Johne Walis
97. Who gave the title of Mahatma to Gandhi Rabindranath Tagore
98. Who has become the First cricketer to play 100 T20 International Shoib Malik
1. Who has been appointed as Pakistan’s First female Hindu Civil Judge Suman Bodani

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

2. Who has made the most number of runs in ODI cricket Sachin Tendulkar
3. Who has won the most Academy awards Katherine Hepburn
4. Who hit the First six in the history of cricket in 1898 Joe Darling
5. Who inaugurated World Teachers Day UNESCO
6. Who Invented Aspirin in 1897 Felix Hoffmann
7. Who Invented Jet Engine Sir Frank Whittle
8. Who Invented optical fiber Narinder Kapany
9. Who Invented the Cell phone Martin Cooper
10. Who is Author of book The Voice of Human Justice George Jordan
11. Who is Called Bradman of Asia Zaheer Abbas
12. Who is Called the Dervish king Nasir Uddin Mahmud
13. Who is Called the father of Astronomy Galileo Galilee
14. Who is Called the father of Modern Psychology Wilhelm Wundt
15. Who is Called the Master Builder Shah Jehan
16. Who is considered as Father of Education Horace Mann
17. Who is considered as the Leader of Modern Chinese Economy Deng Xiaoping
18. Who is Considered as the Master of Greek comedy Aristophanes
19. Who is considered the First poet of Pashto Language Ameer Kror
20. Who is Known as Man of Blood and Iron Bismarck
21. Who is Known as Napoleon of Asia Nadir Shah
22. Who is Known as Napoleon of India Samudar Gupta
23. Who is Known as the Father of Geometry Euclid
24. Who is Known as the founder of the Republic of Turkey Mustafa Kamal Ataturk
25. Who is Known as The Islamic Coordinate King Faisal
26. Who is Known as the Poet of Nature William Wordsworth
27. Who is Known to the father of geography Eratosthenes
28. Who is regarded as Father of Medicine Hippocrates
29. Who is the author of Business Speed of Thought Bill Gates
30. Who is the author of book Governing The Ungovernable Dr Ishrat Hussain
31. Who is the author of book The Shadow Of The Crescent Moon Fatima Bhutto
32. Who is the author of book Urdu Mualla Mirza Ghalib
33. Who is the author of diplomacy Henry Kissinger
34. Who is the author of famous book The Republic Plato
35. Who is the author of Harry Potter series of Books for children J.K. Rowling
36. Who Is the author of Nineteen-Eighty-Four George Orwell
37. Who is the Author of the Book Brief Answers to the Big Questions Stephen Hawking
38. Who is the author of the book Kashmir A Disputed Legacy Alistair Lamb
39. Who is the author of the book Principia Mathematical Issac Newton
40. Who is the author of the book Struggle for Pakistan I.H. Qureshi
41. Who is the Author Of the Book The Frontier Tragedy Allah Bux Yousufi
42. Who is the author of the famous book, The Spirit of Islam Syed Ameer Ali
43. Who is the author of The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway
44. Who is the Father of Urdu Literature Molvi Abdul Haq
45. Who is the First Asian to win the Nobel Prize Rabindranath Tagore
46. Who is the First batsman who hit six on the First ball in test match Chris Gayle
47. Who is The First You Tuber Jawed Karim
48. Who is the founder of Greek historiography Herodotus
49. Who is the Known as the father of taxonomy Carolus Linnaeus
50. Who is the most filmed author Shakespeare

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

51. Who is the National Artist of Pakistan Abdul Rahman Chagatai

52. Who is the only American President elected unopposed George Washington
53. Who is the only cricket team to win their inaugural test match Australia
54. Who is the World’s Longest reigning living monarch Queen Elizabeth II
55. Who is the writer of The End of History and The Last Man Francis Fukuyama
56. Who laid First step on the Moon Neil Armstrong
57. Who laid the foundation of British Colonialism in India Robert Clive
58. Who made the design of Pakistan’s First Stamp Ticket Abdur Rehaman Chugtai
59. Who made the First animated film J. Stuart Blackton
60. Who played role of Quaid-e-Azam in film Jinnah Christopher Lee
61. Who provided proof to suggest that the earth was spherical Ferdinand Magellan
62. Who rode a horse named Magnolia George Washington
63. Who said ability is useless without opportunity Napoleon
64. Who said Ballot is stronger than the bullet Abraham Lincoln
65. who said Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven Milton
66. Who said Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. Pablo Picasso
67. Who secured fastest ever century in T20 International 2017 David Miller
68. Who started the construction of Colosseum in Rome Vespasian
69. Who Translated Holy Quran in Persian Shah Wali Ullah
70. Who was Afghan ruler at the time of USSR invasion Hafizullah Amin
71. Who was Called The Desert Fox Gen. Erwin Rommel
72. Who was Cleopatra Ruler of Egypt
73. Who was Father Of Chemical Warfare Fritz Haber
74. Who was George Campbell Governor of Bengal
75. Who was Known as Citizen King of France Louis Philippe
76. Who was Known as Man of Destiny Napoleon
77. Who was Known as the Ambassador to the Worlds Religion Huston Smith
78. Who was Pakistan’s First female commercial pilot Shukriya Khanum
79. Who was the 1st Woman Judge of International Court of justice Rosalyn Higgins
80. Who was the author of My Indian Years Lord Harding
81. Who was the emperor of Japan during second World War Hirohito
82. Who was the First Asian to receive noble prize in 1913 Rabinder Nath Tagore
83. Who was the First Emperor in China Qin Shi Huagdi
84. Who was the First Governor General of Bengal Warren Hastings
85. Who was the First Muslim President of Indian National Congress Badaruddin Tayyabji
86. Who was the First Norman king of England William
87. Who was the First PM of England Robert Walpole
88. Who was the First President of Chinese Republic Sun Yat San
89. Who was the First President of the United States of America George Washington
90. Who was the First President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov
91. Who was the First Republican President of America Abraham Lincoln
92. Who was the founder of Democratic party of USA Andrew Jackson
93. Who was the founder of HAMAS in 1987 Sheikh Ahmed Yassin
94. Who was the founder of Lodhi dynasty of India (1451-1526) Bahlul Khan Lodhi
95. Who was the founder of republican party of USA Alexander Hamilton
96. Who was the Greek goddess of War and wisdom Athena
97. Who was the hero of 1857 War Bakhth Khan
98. Who was the Last Mughal emperor to sit on the peacock throne Muhammad Shah
99. Who performed the First heart transplant in South Africa Christian Barnard

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

1. Who was the Last President of International Cricket Council (ICC) Zaheer Abbas
2. Who was the Last ruler of Lodi dynasty Ibrahim Lodi
3. Who was the main female God worshipped by Indus people Mother Goddess
4. Who was the only Laureate to refuse the Nobel Prize Jea Paul Sartre
5. Who was the pilot in the First fatal air crash Orville Wright
6. Who was the Roman goddess of the hearth Vesta
7. Who was the ruler of the kingdom between the rivers Jhelum and Chenab King Porus
8. Who were the people Known as Saracens Muslims
9. Who wrote the book A Nation is Born Syed Mahmud Hassan
10. Who Wrote the Book named The Blind Man’s Garden Nadeem Aslam
11. Who wrote The History of the Decline and fall of the Roman Empire Edward Gibbon
12. Who wrote The sun also rises Hemingway
13. Whose autobiography is My Life Bill Clinton
14. Whose sword was named Excalibur King Arthurs
15. Wimbledon Tennis Grounds are in England
16. Womens T20 World Cup 2020 is the World Cup held by ICC 7th
17. Words Oldest currency British Pound Sterling
18. World Autism Awareness Day is observed on which date 2 April
19. World Braille Day celebrated on January 4th
20. World Day against child labor is observed on 12 June
21. World Economic Forum was founded in which Year January 1971
22. World food Day is internationally observed on. October 16
23. World immunization Day is being celebrated on November 10
24. World Inventors Day is celebrated on 9th November
25. World Largest Copper producer is Chile
26. World Oldest human rights organisation is Anti-Slavery International
27. World population Day is celebrated on 11th July
28. World shortest woman is Jyoti Amge
29. World snake less Country is New Zealand
30. World Tallest man is from which Country Turkey
31. World Tallest man is Sultan Kosen
32. World Teachers Day is celebrated on 5th October
33. World Toilet Day is celebrated on 19 November
34. World Tuberculosis Day is observed on 24th March
35. World Tuna Day is celebrated every Year on 2 May
36. World water Day is celebrated on 22nd March
37. Yellow river is located in China
38. YouTube was launched in 2005
39. Zakat system was introduced in Pakistan in 1980
40. Zambia is the new name of Northern Rhodesia
41. Zimbabwe has the highest number of official languages 16
42. Zoroastrian is a worship of Fire
43. Zulfi My Friend is written by Piloo Mody
Important Inventions and Discoveries
1. Who Invented Airplane The Wright Brothers
2. Who Invented Ammeter Friedrich Dexler

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

3. Who Invented Anemometer Battista

4. Who Invented Anthrax Vaccine Louis Pasteur
5. Who Invented Apple Computers Steve Jobs
6. Who Invented Archimedes screw & Pi Archimedes
7. Who Invented Artificial heart Paul Winchell
8. Who Invented Aspirin Felix Hoffman
9. Who Invented Atomic Bomb Robert Oppenheimera
10. Who Invented Automobile Ferdinand Verbiest
11. Who Invented Bacteria Antony van Leeuwenhoek
12. Who Invented Barometer Evangelista Torricelli
13. Who Invented Battery Alessandro Volta
14. Who Invented Blood Groups Karl Landsteiner
15. Who Invented C Programming Dennis Ritchie
16. Who Invented Calculator Blaise Pascal
17. Who Invented Camera Steven Sasson
18. Who Invented Cholera Vaccine Waldemar Haffkine
19. Who Invented Computer Architecture John Von
20. Who Invented Davy lamp Humphrey Davy
21. Who Invented Diesel Engine Rudolf Diesel
22. Who Invented Dynamite Alfred Nobel
23. Who Invented Electric Bulb Thomas Edison
24. Who Invented Electricity Benjamin Franklin
25. Who Invented Electrons J.J. Thomson
26. Who Invented Email Ray Tomlinson
27. Who Invented Facebook Mark Zuckerberg
28. Who Invented First Modern Motor Car Karl Benz
29. Who Invented Fountain pen Waterman
30. Who Invented Geometry Euclid
31. Who Invented Google Larry Page
32. Who Invented Gravity Sir Isaac Newton
33. Who Invented Green House Gases Joseph Furier
34. Who Invented Helicopter Broquet
35. Who Invented Hepatitis B Virus Baruch Blumberg
36. Who Invented HIV Montagnier
37. Who Invented Hydrogen Bomb EdWard Teller
38. Who Invented Insulin Frederick Banting
39. Who Invented Internet Vint Cerf
40. Who Invented IP Address Robert E. Kahn
41. Who Invented Java Computing Language James Gosling
42. Who Invented Jet Engine Frank Whittle
43. Who Invented Magnetic Tape Fritz Pfluemer
44. Who Invented Mercury Thermometer Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

45. Who Invented Micro Processor Federico Faggin

46. Who Invented Microchip or Integrated circuit Robert Noyce
47. Who Invented Microprocessors Jerry Yang and David Filo
48. Who Invented Microscope Hans Lippershey & Janssen
49. Who Invented Microsoft Bill Gates and Paul Allen
50. Who Invented Motion of Planets Johannes Kepler
51. Who Invented Neutrons James Chadwick
52. Who Invented North Pole Robert Peary
53. Who Invented Nuclear Reactor Enrico Fermi
54. Who Invented Nylon Wallace Carothers
55. Who Invented Paper Cai Lun
56. Who Invented Pedal Bicycle Macmillan
57. Who Invented Penicillin Alexander Fleming
58. Who Invented Periodic Table Dmitri Mendeleev
59. Who Invented Plague Vaccine Haffkine
60. Who Invented Planets Galileo Galilei
61. Who Invented Polio Vaccine Jonas Edward Salk
62. Who Invented Portland Cement Joseph Aspdin
63. Who Invented Printing Press Johannes Gutenberg
64. Who Invented Protons Ernest Rutherford
65. Who Invented Quantum Theory of Radiation Plank
66. Who Invented Radar Heinrich Hertz
67. Who Invented Radio Guglielmo Marconi
68. Who Invented Radioactivity Henri Becquerel
69. Who Invented Radium Marie Curie and Pierre Curie
70. Who Invented Raman Effect Sir C.V. Raman
71. Who Invented Rubella Vaccine Maurice Hilleman
72. Who Invented Smallpox Vaccine Edward Jenner
73. Who Invented Smartphone (Simone) IBM
74. Who Invented Solar System Nicolaus Copernicus
75. Who Invented Steam Engine James Watt
76. Who Invented Stethoscope Rane Laennec
77. Who Invented Structure of Atom Ernest Rutherford
78. Who Invented Telegraph Pavel Schilling
79. Who Invented Telephone Alexander Graham Bell
80. Who Invented Telescope Hans Lippershey
81. Who Invented Television John Logie Baird
82. Who Invented Theory of Relativity Albert Einstein
83. Who Invented Theory of Evolution Charles Darwin
84. Who Invented Thermo Flask Dewar
85. Who Invented Transformer and Electric Motor Michael Faraday
86. Who Invented Twitter Jack Dorsey

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

87. Who Invented Vitamin Casimir Funk

88. Who Invented World Wide Web Tim Berners Lee
89. Who Invented World Wide Web (WWW) Sir Tim Berners- Lee
90. Who Invented X ray Wilhelm Rontgen
First in the World
1. First Country to prepare Constitution U.S.A.
2. First captain of Pak Cricket Team Abdul Hafeez Kardar
3. First Chief Election Commissioner of Pak F. M. Khan
4. First Chief Justice of Pak Sir Abdur Rasheed
5. First Chief of Staff of the armed forces was General Tikka Khan
6. First CM of Baluchistan Sardar Attaullah Mengal
7. First Commander-in-Chief of Pak Army was Frank Miservi
8. First daily newspaper is Amroz
9. First Governor of Baluchistan Lt General Riaz Hussain
10. First Governor of Punjab Francis Moody
11. First Governor of Sindh Ghulam Hussain
12. First Governor of State Bank Zahid Hussain
13. First lady federal minister Vikarun Nisa Noor
14. First Lady Governor Begham Rana Liaquat Ali
15. First lady pilot was Shukriya Khanum
16. First Secretary General of Pak Ch. Muhammad Ali
17. First State to join Pakistan was Bahawalpur
18. First Woman University is located in Rawalpindi
19. First Country to host NAM summit Belgrade (Yugoslavia)
20. First Country to issue a banknote Sweden
21. First Country to send humans to the moon was United States America
22. First Person to draw the Map of the Earth Anaximander
23. First shuttle to go in space Columbia
24. First space tourists were Denis Tito
25. First CM of Punjab Iftekhar Hussain
26. Pakistan opened its First embassy in Iran
27. Prime Minister of Britain Robert Walpole
28. The First City on which the atom bomb was dropped Hiroshima (Japan)
29. The First Country to commence a competitive examination China
30. The First Country to host the modern Olympics Greece
31. The First Country to issue paper currency China
32. The First Country to launch Artificial satellite in the space Russia
33. The First Country to prepare a constitution U.S.A.
34. The First Country to print book China
35. The First Country to send a man to the moon U.S.A.
36. The First Country to win the football World cup Uruguay
37. The First European to attack India Alexander, The Great

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

38. The First European to reach China Marco Polo

39. The First Governor-General of Pakistan Mohd. Ali Jinnah
40. The First Governor-General of the United Nations Trygve Lie (Norway)
41. The First man to fly into space Yuri Gagarin (Russia)
42. The First Muslim Prime Minister of a Country Benazir Bhutto
43. The First People to win the Nobel prize for Peace F. Dunant and Frederic Peiry
44. The First Person to fly an aeroplane Wright Brothers
45. The First Person to land on the moon Neil Armstrong
46. The First Person to reach Mount Everest Edmund Hillary
47. The First Person to reach the North Pole Robert Peary
48. The First Person to reach the South Pole Amundsen
49. The First Person to sail around the World Magellan
50. The First President of the U.S.A. George Washington
51. The First Prime Minister of Britain Robert Walpole
52. The First Religion of the World Hinduism
53. The First spacecraft to go into space was Columbia
54. The First spacecraft to reach on Mars Viking—I
55. The First U.S. President to resign Presidency Richard Nixon
56. The First woman cosmonaut of the World Velentina Tereshkova
57. The First woman President of the U.N. General Assembly Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
58. The First woman Prime Minister of a Country Mrs. S. Bandamaike
59. The First woman Prime Minister of England Margaret Thatcher
60. The First woman to climb Mount Everest Junko Tabei (Japan)
Fathers of Different Fields
1. Who is Known as the Father of American Football Walter Chauncey Camp
2. Who is Known as the Father of Artificial Intelligence John Mccarthy
3. Who is Known as the Father of Bacteriology Louis Pasteur
4. Who is Known as the Father of Biodiversity EdWard O Wilson
5. Who is Known as the Father of Biology Aristotle
6. Who is Known as the Father of Blood Groups Karl Landsteiner
7. Who is Known as the Father of Botany Theophrastus
8. Who is Known as the Father of Computer Charles Babbage
9. Who is Known as the Father of Cytology Robert Hooke
10. Who is Known as the Father of DNA Fingerprinting Alec John Jeffreys
11. Who is Known as the Father of Electricity Michael Faraday
12. Who is Known as the Father of Electronics Michael Faraday
13. Who is Known as the Father of Email Ray Tomlinson
14. Who is Known as the Father of Evolution Charles Darwin
15. Who is Known as the Father of Genetics Gregor Mendel
16. Who is Known as the Father of Geography Eratosthenes
17. Who is Known as the Father of Geometry Euclid
18. Who is Known as the Father of History Herodotus

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

19.Who is Known as the Father of Homeopathy Samuel Hahnemann

20.Who is Known as the Father of Humanism Francesco Petrarca
21.Who is Known as the Father of Hydrogen Bomb Edward Teller
22.Who is Known as the Father of Internet Vint Cerf
23.Who is Known as the Father of Laptop PC Bill Muggeridge
24.Who is Known as the Father of Microbiology Leeuwenhoek
25.Who is Known as the Father of Microscopy Leeuwenhoek
26.Who is Known as the Father of Mobile Phone Martin Cooper
27.Who is Known as the Father of Modern Astronomy Nicolaus Copernicus
28.Who is Known as the Father of Modern Chemistry Antoine Lavoisier
29.Who is Known as the Father of Modern Computer Science Alan Turing
30.Who is Known as the Father of modern Economics Adam Smith
31.Who is Known as the Father of Modern Education John Amos Comenius
32.Who is Known as the Father of modern Medicine Hippocrates
33.Who is Known as the Father of Modern Olympics Pierre De Coubertin
34.Who is Known as the Father of Modern Physics Galileo Galilei
35.Who is Known as the Father of Nanotechnology Richard Feynman
36.Who is Known as the Father of New France Samuel de Champlain
37.Who is Known as the Father of Nuclear Chemistry Otto Hahn
38.Who is Known as the Father of Nuclear Physics Ernest Rutherford
39.Who is Known as the Father of Numbers Pythagoras
40.Who is Known as the Father of Periodic Table Dmitri Mendeleev
41.Who is Known as the Father of Physiology Claude Bernard
42.Who is Known as the Father of Plastic Surgery Sushruta
43.Who is Known as the Father of Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud
44.Who is Known as the Father of Psychology Wilhelm Wundt
45.Who is Known as the Father of Quantum mechanics Max Planck
46.Who is Known as the Father of Railways George Stephenson
47.Who is Known as the Father of Robotics Joseph F. Engelberge
48.Who is Known as the Father of Scientific Management Frederick Winslow Taylor
49.Who is Known as the Father of Sociology August Comte
50.Who is Known as the Father of Surgery Sushruta
51.Who is Known as the Father of Telephone Alexander Graham Bell
52.Who is Known as the Father of the American Constitution James Madison
53.Who is Known as the Father of the Green Revolution in World Norman Ernest Borlaug
54.Who is Known as the Father of the Indian Constitution Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
55.Who is Known as the Father of Vaccination Edward Jenner
56.Who is Known as the Father of Western Medicine Hippocrates
57.Who is Known as the Father of Zoology Aristotle
Ologies (Branches of Studies)
1. Actinobiologyis the Study of Effects Of Radiation Upon Living Organisms
2. Actinologyis the Study of Effect Of Light on Chemicals

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

3. Aerologyis the Study of Atmosphere

4. Aetiologyis the medical Study of Causation of Disease
5. Agrologyis the branch of Soil Science dealing with Production of Crops
6. Agrostologyis the Study of Grasses
7. Algology, the Study of Algae
8. Andrologyis the Study of Male Health
9. Angiologyis the Study of Vascular Systems
10. Anthropologyis the Study of Humans
11. Apiologyis the Study of Bees
12. Arachnologyis the Study of Spiders
13. Archaeology is the Study of Past Cultures
14. Areologyis the Study of Mars
15. Audiologyis the Study of Hearing
16. Autecologyis the Study of the ecology of Any Individual Species
17. Bromatologyis the Study of Food
18. Cardiologyis the Study of the Heart
19. Cariology is the Study of Cells
20. Craniologyis Study of Skull Characteristics
21. Cryologyis the Study of Very Low Temperatures and Related Phenomena
22. Cynologyis the Study of Dogs
23. Cytologyis the Study of Cells
24. Dendrologyis the Study of Trees
25. Dermatology is the Study of the Skin
26. Dipterologyis the Study of Flies
27. Embryologyis the Study of Embryos
28. Ethologyis the Study of Animal Behavior
29. Felinology is the Study of Cat
30. Formicologyis the Study of Ants
31. Gemology is the Study of Gemstones
32. Gerontologyis the Study of Old Age
33. Glaciologyis the Study of Glaciers
34. Gynecologyis Study of Medicine Relating to Women
35. Hematologyis the Study of Blood
36. Heliologyis the Study of the Sun
37. Hepatology is the Study of Liver
38. Herpetologyis Study of Reptiles and Amphibians
39. Hippologyis Study of Horses
40. Histologyis the Study of Living Tissues
41. Hydrologyis the Study of Water
42. Ichthyologyis the Study of Fish
43. Kymatologyis Study of Waves/Wave Motions
44. Limnology is Study of Fresh Water Environments

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

45. Lithologyis the Study of Rocks

46. Malacologyis the Study of Mollusks
47. Mammalogyis the Study of Mammals
48. Methodology is the Study of Methods
49. Metrologyis the Study of Measurement
50. Mineralogyis the Study of Minerals
51. Mycologyis the Study of Fungi
52. Myologyis the Scientific Study of Muscles
53. Nematologyis the Study of Nematodes
54. Neonatologyis the Study of Newborn Infants
55. Nephologyis the Study of Clouds
56. Nephrology is the Study of Kidneys
57. Neurologyis the Study of Nerves
58. Nosologyis the Study of Classification of Disease
59. Oceanologyis the Study of Oceans
60. Odontologyis the Study of Teeth
61. Oncologyis the Study of Cancer
62. Oologyis the Study of Eggs
63. Ophthalmologyis the Study of Eyes
64. Ornithologyis the Study of birds
65. Orologyis Study of Mountains and their Mapping
66. Osteologyis the Study of Bones
67. Otologyis the Study of the Ear
68. Palynologyis the Study of Pollen
69. Pathologyis the Study of Illness
70. Petrologyis the Study of Rocks
71. Pharmacologyis the Study of Drugs
72. Phenologyis Study of Periodic Biological Phenomena
73. Phonologyis the Study of Vocal Sounds
74. Phycologyis the Study of Algae
75. Posology is the Study of Drug Dosage
76. Pomologyis the Scientific Study of Fruits
77. Planetologyis Study of Planets and Solar Systems
78. Phytopathologyis Study of Plant Diseases
79. Phytologyis the Study of Plants/Botany
80. Rheologyis the Study of Flow
81. Rhinologyis the Study of Nose
82. Scatologyis the Study of Feces
83. Seismologyis the Study of Earthquakes
84. Selenologyis the Study of Moon
85. Serologyis the Study of Blood Serum
86. Sitiologyis the Study of Diet

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

87. Sociologyis the Study of Society

88. Somatologyis Study of Human Characteristics
89. Somnologyis the Study of Sleep
90. Speleologyis Study or exploration of Caves
91. Technologyis the Study of Practical Arts
92. Tocologyis the Study of Childbirth
93. Topologyis the mathematical Study of Closeness and Connectedness
94. Toxicologyis the Study of Poisons
95. Traumatologyis Study of Wounds and Injuries
96. Trichologyis the Study of Hair
97. T ypologyis the Study of Classification
98. Xylologyis the Study of Wood
99. Zymologyis the Study of Fermentation
100. Xenobiologyis Study of Non-Terrestrial Life
Phobias (Fear)
1. Ablutophobia is Fear of Washing or Bathing
2. Acrophobias is Fear of Itching
3. Achluophobia is Fear of Darkness
4. Acrophobia is Fear of Heights
5. Aerophobia is Fear of Drafts
6. Aeroacrophobia is Fear of Open High Place
7. Agliophobia is Fear of Pain
8. Ailurophobia is Fear of Cats
9. Algophobia is Fear of Pain
10. Altophobia is Fear of Heights
11. Amathophobia is Fear of Dust
12. Ancraophobia is of Wind
13. Androphobia is Fear of Men
14. Anthrophobia is Fear of Flowers
15. Anthropophobia is Fear of People
16. Apiphobia is Fear of Bees
17. Arsonphobia is Fear of Fire
18. Atychiphobia is Fear of Failure
19. Aulophobia is Fear of Flutes
20. Aviophobia is Fear of Flying
21. Bathophobia is Fear of Depth
22. Bibliophobia is Fear of Books
23. Brontophobia is Fear of Thunder and Lightning
24. Cainophobia is Fear of Newness, Novelty
25. Cardiophobia is Fear of Heart
26. Carnophobia is Fear of Meat
27. Cenophobia is Fear of new Things or Ideas

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

28. Chaetophobia is Fear of Hair

29. Cheimaphobia is Fear of Cold
30. Chiraptophobia is Fear of Being Touched
31. Chorophobia is Fear of Dancing
32. Chronophobia is Fear of Time
33. Cyberphobia is Fear of Computers or Working on Computer
34. Cynophobia is Fear of Dogs or Rabies
35. Demophobia is Fear of Crowds
36. Dendrophobia is Fear of Trees
37. Ecophobia is Fear of Home
38. Entomophobia is Fear of Insects
39. Frigophobia is Fear of Cold
40. Gamophobia is Fear of Marriage
41. Genuphobia is Fear of Knees
42. Hadephobia is Fear of Hell
43. Hagiophobia is Fear of Saints or Holy Things
44. Hedonophobia is Fear of Feeling Pleasure
45. Heliophobia is Fear of the Sun
46. Hemophobia is Fear of Blood
47. Hodophobia is Fear of Road Travel
48. Ichthyophobia is Fear of Fish
49. Iophobia is Fear of Poison
50. Judeophobia is Fear of Jews
51. Limnophobia is Fear of Lakes
52. Logophobia is Fear of Words
53. Mnemophobia is Fear of Memories
54. Necrophobia is Fear of Death or Dead Things
55. Nephophobia is Fear of Clouds
56. Noctiphobia is Fear of Night
57. Nosocomephobia is Fear of Hospitals
58. Oneirophobia is Fear of Dreams
59. Ophidiophobia is Fear of Snakes
60. Ornithophobia is Fear of Birds
61. Pediophobia is Fear of Dolls
62. Pedophobia is Fear of Children
63. Photophobia is Fear of Light
64. Phronemophobia is Fear of Thinking
65. Pharmacophobia is Fear of Drugs
66. Pyrophobia is Fear of Fire
67. Selenophobia is Fear of Moon
68. Somniphobia is Fear of Sleep
69. Technophobia is Fear of Technology
70. Thaasophobia is Fear of Sitting

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

71. Thalassophobia is Fear of Sea

72. Thermophobia is Fear of Heat
73. Traumatophobia is Fear of Injury
74. Vestiphobia is Fear of Clothing
75. Xenophobia is Fear of Strangers or Foreigners
Philes (Like or Love)
1. A Lover of Flower Anthophile
2. A lover of Rain Pluviophile
3. A Lover of reclining, lying in Bed Clinophile
4. A Lover of the color Blue Caeruleaphile
5. A Lover of the Sea Thalassophile
6. A Lover of the Sun Heliophile
7. A Person who has a Love of Foreign People and Culture Xenophile
8. A Person who Love of Books Bibliophile
9. A Person who Loves Animals Zoophile
10. A Person who Loves Artifacts Retrophile
11. A Person who Loves Canines Cynophile
12. A Person who Loves Cats Ailurophile
13. A Person who Loves Cemeteries Coimetrophile
14. A Person who Loves Cinema Cinephile
15. A Person who Loves Clouds Nephophile
16. A Person who Loves Cold weather, Snow Chionophile
17. A Person who Loves Color Yellow Xanthophile
18. A Person who Loves Horses Hippophile
19. A Person who Loves Icons Iconophile
20. A Person who Loves Lakes Limnophile
21. A Person who Loves Light Photophile
22. A Person who Loves Moon Selenophile
23. A Person who Loves Night or Darkness Nyctophile
24. A Person who Loves or Studies Beards Pogonophile
25. A Person who Loves Pigeons Peristerophile
26. A Person who Loves Plants Phytophile
27. A Person who Loves Rainbows Iridophile
28. A Person who Loves Shade & Darkness Lygophile
29. A Person who Loves Snakes Ophiophile
30. A Person who Loves Solitude, Being Alone Autophile
31. A Person who Loves Stars Astrophile
32. A Person who Loves Sunsets Opacarophile
33. A Person who Loves Thunder and Lightning Ceraunophile
34. A Person who Loves to Climb Buildings Stegophile
35. A Person who Loves to Drink Coffee Javaphile
36. A Person who Loves to Work Ergophile
37. A Person who Loves Trees & Forests Dendrophile
38. A Person who Loves Wines Oenophile
39. A Person who Loves Words Logophile
40. One who Loves Cheese Turophile
41. One who loves Mountains Orophile

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

Highest, Longest, Biggest, Largest, Deepest, Smallest of the World
1. Biggest Flower Rafflesia (Java)
2. Biggest Oceans Pacific Ocean
3. Biggest Palace Vatican (Rome)
4. Biggest Planet Jupiter
5. Brightest Planet Venus
6. Brightest Star Sirius A
7. Coldest Planet Neptune
8. Deepest Lake Baikal (Siberia)
9. Deepest Oceans Pacific Ocean
10. Farthest Planet (from the Sun) Neptune
11. Fastest Animal Cheetah
12. Fastest Bird Swift
13. Highest Lake Titicaca
14. Highest Mountain Peak Mount Everest (Nepal)
15. Highest Mountain Range Himalayas, Asia
16. Highest Plateau Pamir (Tibet)
17. Highest Waterfall Angel (Venezuela)
18. Hottest Place Azizia (Libya)
19. Largest Animal Blue Bottom whale
20. Largest Bay Hudson Bay, Canada
21. Largest Bird Ostrich
22. Largest Cathedral Cathedral Church of New York
23. Largest Continent Asia
24. Largest Country (Area) Russia
25. Largest Delta Sunderban
26. Largest Democracy India
27. Largest Desert Sahara, North Africa
28. Largest Gulf Gulf of Mexico
29. Largest Island Greenland
30. Largest Lake Caspian Sea
31. Largest Minaret Sultan Hassan Mosque (Egypt)
32. Largest Mountain Range Andes (South America)
33. Largest Palace Imperial Palace (China)
34. Largest Peninsula Arabia
35. Largest Planet Jupiter
36. Largest Sea South China Sea
37. Largest Sea-bird Albatross
38. Lightest Gas Hydrogen
39. Longest Canal Baltic Sea White Canal
40. Longest Day June 21
41. Longest Epic Mahabharata
42. Longest River Nile, Africa
43. Longest Wall Great Wall of China
44. Lowest Water Level Dead Sea
45. Most Populous City Tokyo
46. Nearest Planet (to the Sun) Mercury
47. Shortest Day December 22

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

48. Smallest Bird Humming bird

49. Smallest Continent Australia
50. Smallest Country (Area) Vatican City
51. Smallest Planet Mercury
52. Tallest Animal Giraffe
53. Building Dubai Burj
54. Tallest Minaret Qutub Minar, Delhi (India)
55. Widest Waterfall Khone Falls (Laos)
Nicknames of Countries and Cities
1. Britain of the South New Zealand
2. Chinas Sorrow Hwang Ho River
3. City of Popes Rome (Italy)
4. City of Seven Hills Rome (Italy)
5. Cockpit of Europe Belgium
6. Dairy of Northern Europe Denmark
7. Dark Continent Africa
8. Emerald Island Ireland
9. Gate of Tears Bab-el-mandab (Israel)
10. Gateway of India Mumbai
11. Gift of Nile Egypt
12. Golden City Johannesburg
13. Granite City Aberdeen (Scotland)
14. Hermit Kingdom Korea
15. Herring Pond Atlantic Ocean
16. Holy Land Palestine
17. Key to the Mediterranean Gibraltar
18. Land of Midnight Sun Norway
19. Land of Milk and Honey is Known as Canaan
20. Land of Morning Calm Korea
21. Land of Pagoda Myanmar
22. Land of Snow Canada
23. Land of the Flying Fish Barbados
24. Land of the Rising Sun Japan
25. Land of Thousand Lakes Finland
26. Land of Thunderbolt Bhutan
27. Land of White Elephants Thailand
28. Manchester of the East Osaka Japan
29. Mother-in-law of Europe Denmark
30. Pearl of Orient Hong Kong
31. Pearl of the Pacific Guyayquil Port
32. Pillars of Hercules Strait of Gibralter
33. Playground of Europe Switzerland
34. Power Keg of Europe Balkans
35. Queen of the Adriatic Venice
36. Rich Coast Costa Rica
37. Roof of the World The Pamirs (Tibet)
38. Sick Man of Europe Turkey
39. Sugar bowl of the World Cuba

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

40. The Battlefield of Europe Belgium

41. The City of Arabian Nights is Baghdad
42. The City of Dreaming Spires is Oxford
43. The City of Skyscrapers is New York
44. The Eternal City Rome (Italy)
45. The Forbidden City is Lhasa (Tibet)
46. The Garden of England is Kent
47. The Imperial City Rome
48. The Isle of Spring Jamaica
49. The Land of Cakes is Scotland
50. The Land of Golden Fleece Australia
51. The Land of Kangaroo is Australia
52. The Land of Lilies is Canada
53. The Land of the Golden Pagodas is Myanmar
54. The Modern Babylon London
55. The Pearl of Antilles is Cuba
56. The Promised Land Canaan
57. Twin City Budapest
58. Venice of the East Bangkok
59. Venice of the North Stockholm
60. Windy City Chicago (US)
Nicknames of Famous Personalities
1. Bard of Avon William Shakespeare
2. Desert Fox Gen Ervin Rommel
3. Father of English Poetry Geoffrey Chaucer
4. Father of the Local Self-Government Lord Rippon
5. Flying Sikh Milkha Singh
6. Fuehrer Adolf Hitler
7. II Duce Benito Mussolini
8. King Maker Earl of Warwick
9. Lady with the lamp Florence Nightingale
10. Little Corporal Napoleon Bonaparte
11. Maid of Orleans Joan of Arc
12. Maiden Queen Queen Elizabeth I
13. Man of Blood and Iron Otto Van Bismark
14. Man of Destiny Napolean Bonaparte
15. Man of Iron Vallabhai Patel
16. Moth Smoke Mohsin Hamid
17. Mother Mother Teresa
18. Parrot of India Amir Khushro
19. Poets Poet Edmund Spencer
20. Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen
21. Prince of Autobiography Babur
22. Prince of Builders Shah Jahan
23. Prince of Martyr Bhagat Singh
24. Prince of Money Makers Muhammad bin Tughlaq
25. Prince of Pilgrims Hiuen Tsang
26. Saint of the Gutters Mother Teresa

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

27. Scourge of God Chengiz Khan

28. Shakespeare of India Kalidas
29. Sher-e-Kashmir Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah
30. Tiger of Mysore Tipu Sultan
Books and their Authors
1. Governing the Ungovernable Ishrat Hussain
2. A Brief History of Time Stephen Hawking
3. A Doll’s House Ibsen
4. A Farewell to Arms Ernest Hemingway
5. A Passage to India E. M. Forster
6. A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens
7. Alchemist Paulo Coelho
8. Alice in Wonderland Lewis Caroll
9. Asar-us-Sanadid Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan
10. Being and Nothingness Jean-Paul Sartre
11. Black Beauty Anna Sewell
12. Communist Manifesto Karl Marx
13. Crime and Punishment Fyodor
14. Das Kapital/Capital Karl Marx
15. Daughter of the East Benazir Bhutto
16. David Copperfield Charles Dickens
17. Doctor Zhivago Boris Pasternak
18. Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantess
19. Emma Jane Austen
20. Friends not Masters Ayub Khan
21. Great Expectations Charles Dickens
22. Great Tragedy Z.A. Bhutto
23. Gullivers Travels Jonathan Swift
24. Hamlet William Shakespeare
25. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire JK Rowling
26. In the Line of Fire Pervez Musharraf
27. India Wins Freedom Abul Kalam Azad
28. India Wins Freedom Maulana Azad
29. Invisible Man Ralph Ellison
30. Jinnah of Pakistan Stanley Wolpert
31. Jinnah India, Partition, Independence Jaswant Singh
32. Kashf-al-Majoob Hazrat Ali Hajveri
33. king Lear William Shakespeare
34. Muhammad (SAW) A Prophet for our time Karen Armstrong
35. My Brother Fatima Jinnah
36. My Indian Years Lord Harding
37. Neither a Hawk Nor a Dove Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri
38. Nineteen Eighty Four (1984) George Orwell
39. Odyssey Home
40. Oliver Twist Charles Dickens
41. Origin of Species Charles Darwin
42. Pakistan between Mosque and Military Hussain Haqqani
43. Pakistan in the twentieth century Lawrence Ziring

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

44. Paradise Lost John Milton

45. Pathway to Greatness Dr Abdul Kalam
46. Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen
47. Sapiens A Brief History of Humankind Yuval Noah Harari
48. Sense and Sensibility Jane Austen
49. Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur
50. Spirit of Islam Syed Ameer Ali
51. The Daughter of the East Benazir Bhutto
52. The Divine Comedy Dante
53. The Godfather Mario Puzo
54. The Idea of Pakistan Stephen Philip Cohen
55. The Making of Pakistan K.K. Aziz
56. The Myth of Independence Z.A. Bhutto
57. The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway
58. The Prince Niccolo Machiavelli
59. The Reluctant Fundamentalist Mohsin Hamid
60. The Sole Spokesman Ayesha Jalal
61. The Struggle for Pakistan Ayesha Jalal
62. Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill
63. Twelfth Night William Shakespeare
64. Utopia Thomas Moore
65. War and Peace Leo Tolstoy
66. Wealth of Nations Adam Smith
67. Zulfi Bhutto of Pakistan Stanley Wolpert
1. A male is coffined / wrapped in dressed sheets 3
2. A Muslim female is coffined / wrapped in dressed sheets 5
3. Ablution made obligatory in 5 A.H
4. Abu Jehal was killed in the battle of Badar
5. Abu-al-Hikm is the title of Abu Jehal
6. After___month at Medina the change of Qibla occurred 18
7. After sleeping for a 100 Years, he again woke up Hazrat Uzair
8. Afzal Ul Bashr is the title of Hazrat Abu Bakr
9. Allah gave a name to Ghazwa-e-Badar Youm Ul Furqan
10. Arafat gathering is held on 9 Zil Hajj
11. Azra is the title of Bibi Maryam
12. Bahr-ul-Jud is the title of Hazrat Abdullah bin Jaffar
13. Bait-e-Rizwan took place in 6 Hijrah
14. Baitul Mamoor is on 7th Heaven
15. Battle of Khyber was fought against Jewish Tribe
16. Bibi Balqees was the Ruler of Yemen
17. Bilal Called First Aazan of prayer Fajar
18. Bird Hudhud is mentioned in Quran, Surah Surah Namal
19. Boat of Hazrat Noah (A.S) is Called Arc
20. Book named The Voice of Human Justice is biography of Hazrat Ali (R.A)
21. Bride of Quran is Surah Rahman
22. Bridge was Invented by Prophet Hazrat Yousef

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

23. By whom Prophet (PBUH) learnt Salat & ablution Hazrat Jibrail
24. Cave Hira is in the Mountain Noor
25. Charter of Medina was issued on 1.A.H and it had Articles 47
26. City is Called home of hadith Madina
27. City of is mentioned in Holy Quran Rome
28. Companions of Prophet at Hudabiya were 1400
29. Conquered Bait-tul-Maqdas Ayubi
30. Constantinople fell into the hands of the Muslims in 1453
31. Daughter of Umer who married to Prophet was Hafsa
32. Days are prohibited for fasting throughout the Year 5
33. Distance between Makkah and Madina is 337 Km
34. Doors of Hell are 07
35. Duration of Madni Period is 9 Years, 9 Months, 9 Days
36. Duration of Toofan-e-Nooh 6 Months
37. During which prayer, the change of Qibla happened Zuhr
38. Eid Prayer is Wajib
39. Facsimile of Holy Prophet was Hazrat Musab bin Umair
40. First Seven Aayat of Holy Quran are Called Tawwal
41. First Azan was Called out in 1 A.H
42. First bow occurs in which Para of Quran 9
43. First census of Islamic World in period of Hazrat Umar
44. First complete Madani Surah is Al-Baqarah
45. First died among the Sahabah Hazrat Asad
46. First Ghazwa in Islam is Abwa
47. First Hafiz of the Holy Quran Hazrat Usman
48. First Month of Islamic Calendar Moharram
49. First Women Hafiz e Quran Hafsah Bint-e-Umar
50. For 18 Years Hazrat suffered from skin disease Hazrat Ayub
51. For how many Years Hazart Naoh (A.S) lived 950
52. Friend of Khadija (R.A) carried message of Nikah Nafeesa
53. Ghar-e- Sor is mentioned in Surah Al Tauba
54. Ghaseel ul Malaika is the title of Hazrat Hanzala
55. Ghazawahs are described in Holy Quran 12
56. Ghazwa was fought 3 times Badr
57. Ghazwa Abwa is also Known as Widdan
58. Ghazwa Mota took place in Taif
59. Ghazwah Widdah was fought in Hijrah Year 1st
60. Hazrat Khadija (R.A) died at age of 65 Year
61. Hazrat lifted zakat on horses Ali
62. Hazrat __________ had knowledge of dreams Abu Bakar
63. Hazrat __________was the foster mother of Holy Prophet Haleema
64. Hazrat __________is Known as the First Dervish Zirr Ghaffari
65. Hazrat _________ levied zakat on horses Umar
66. Hazrat Adam (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the heaven 1st
67. Hazrat Adam (A.S) was created on Friday
68. Hazrat Ayub A.S was Known for his quality of Patience
69. Hazrat Dawood A.S is Called Caliph of Allah
70. Hazrat Fatima (R.A) is Known as Khatoon-E-Jannat
71. Hazrat Ibn Abbas (RA) had the title of Turjuman-ul-Quran

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

72. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the heaven 7th
73. Hazrat Ibrahim was the son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and Maria al-Qibtiyya
74. Hazrat Idrees (AS) was expert in Astronomy
75. Hazrat Ilyas (AS) prayed for his nation; and it rained after 312 Years
76. Hazrat Khadija (RA) belonged to the tribe of Banu Asad
77. Hazrat Khadija (RA) died in 619 A.D
78. Hazrat Khadija (RA) married _______ time in life Three
79. Hazrat Khadija (RA) was ___Years Older than Hazrat Muhammad 15
80. Hazrat Khadija and Hazrat Abu Talib died in 619 A.D
81. Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (RA) embraced Islam in which Hijri 6th A.H
82. Hazrat Loot A.S was contemporary of which Prophet of Allah Hazrat Ibrahim A.S
83. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) had wives 11
84. Hazrat Musa A.S was granted miracles 9
85. Hazrat Umar (R.A) accepted Islam on Year of prophet hood 6th
86. Hazrat Umar R.A is Called Farooq-e- Azam
87. Hazrat Umer was Caliph for 10 Years
88. Hazrat Usman Khilafat period was 12 Years
89. Hazrat Yahya (AS) was sent to the people of Jordan
90. Hazrat Yousef (AS) remained in the well for 3 Days
91. Hazrat zakirya was the contemporary of Hazrat Isa
92. Herb-e-Fajjar Means War Fought in Prohibited Months
93. Holy Prophet (PBUH) had 10 paternal Uncles and paternal aunts 6
94. Holy Prophet (SAWS) labored in the construction of which mosque Masjid-e-Quba
95. Holy Quran was First translated into Latin in 1143
96. House of Wisdom (Bayt-ul-Hikamah) was established by Haroon Rasheed
97. How many angels are mentioned in The Holy Quran Seven
98. How many Ayat e Mutfarqa are present in the Holy Quran 66
99. How many Days before incident of elephant, prophet Mohammad was born 50 Days
1. Hazrat Muhammad PBUH stayed during Tabook Battle 20 Days
2. Doors are there in Masjid-e-Haram 25
3. How many idols are described in Surah Nuh 5
4. How many kings accepted Islam when holy prophet sent them letters 4
5. How many Masarif of Zakat mentioned in Holy Quran 8
6. How many Muhajreen were there at the time of Mawaakhat 45
7. How many Muslims Martyred in Battle of Badr 14
8. How many Rakus are in the Holy Quran 558
9. How many Sunnah in the 4 faraiz of wudu/Ablution 4
10. How many Sunnah’sare in four obligations of Ablution 13
11. How many Surah are with name of Prophets 6
12. How many surah start with word Qul 4
13. How many Surahs are in 30th Chapter of Quran 37
14. How many Surahs name is only one letter 3
15. How many Surahs of Holy Quran contains total three Verses 3
16. How many Surahs of the Holy Quran start with Bismillah 113
17. How many Surahs of the Holy Quran starts with broken letters 29
18. How many Swords were broken by Khalid Bin Walid (R.A) in Battle of Mauta 9
19. How many Takbeers are in Namaz-e-Janaza 4

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

20. How many time the word Quran is repeated in Quran 70

21. How many times does the name of Muhammad come in the Quran 4
22. How many times has the Quran emphasized on alms or charity 150
23. How many times has the Quran stressed about Namaz prayers 700
24. How many times Hazrat Jibreel (AS) is mentioned in holy Quran 3 time
25. How many times Kalima Tayiba is mentioned in the Holy Quran 2
26. How many times Prophet Musa ( A.S ) is/was mentioned in the Holy Quran 136 Times
27. How many times the word Zakat came in Quran 32
28. How many times the word jihad appears in Quran 41
29. How many times word Qul has been repeated in the Holy Quran 332
30. How many times word Allah, is repeated in the Holy Quran 2698
31. How many tribes of Jews were there in Medina 3
32. How many types of fast a Muslim keeps 3
33. How many Umahaat ul Momineen were Hufaaz 3
34. How many Verses are in Holy Quran 6666
35. How many Verses are in Surah Al Fatiha 7
36. How many Verses of Ayat-e-Tasbeeh are in the Holy Quran 100
37. How many Verses were reveled in the First Wahi 5
38. How many vowels does Arabic Language have 3
39. How many Words are there in First Kalimah 7 Words
40. How many Years Aisha(RA) remained alive after the death of Muhammad 44
41. How many Years Amma Halima take care of Prophet Muhammad 6 Years
42. How many Years did Hazrat Muhammad preach Islam 23
43. Word Ahmed has appeared in the Holy Quran 1 Time
44. Imam Shafi learnt Quran at the age of 7 Years
45. Imam Shafi took the office of Religious Judgment in the age of 15 Years
46. In Hajj, stoning the Devil, is Called Ramee
47. In Hajj, touching the Black Stone, is Called Istilam
48. In Holy Quran Surah start with the name of prophets 12
49. Surahs of the Holy Quran, name of Hazrat Ibrahim (AH) mentioned 25
50. In Masjid e Aqsa the word Aqsa Means Far Away
51. In Quran, whose story has been said as Aḥ sanal-Qaṣaṣ Prophet Yousef
52. In Torat by which name Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) was Called Tayyab
53. In what surah the First verse in the holy Quran revealed Al-Alaq
54. In which surah are the 27 Attributes of God mentioned Hadeed
55. In which Battle most of the Hafiz-e-Quran were martyred Yamama
56. In which Hijri Ghazwa e Khyber was fought 7 Hijri
57. In which Holy Book of Non-Muslims the Quran mentioned repeatedly Holy book of Sikh
58. In which Sura the law of inheritance mentioned Surah Nisa
59. In which surah is described the oneness of Allah Surah ikhlas
60. In which Surah of Quran mentioned that the number of Months are Twelve Al-Taoba
61. In which Surah of the Holy Quran the backbiter condemned Humaza
62. In which Surah of the Holy Quran, the word Khatimun Nabiyen is mentioned AL Ahzab
63. In which surah of the Quran can maximum instructions be found Baqarah
64. In Which Surah the Holy Quran there is mention of Zulqarnain Surah Al Kahaf
65. In which Surah, the regulations for prisoners of War mentioned Nisa
66. Injeel Means Good news
67. Interest was prohibited in 8 A.H
68. Is Known as Saloos ul Quran Surah Ikhlas

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

69. Is the best drink mentioned in Holy Quran Milk

70. Is the best eatable thing mentioned in the Holy Quran Honey
71. Jamia Masjid Damascus was built by Walid I
72. Jannat al-Baqi is located in Madina
73. Jihad was allowed in 2nd Hijrah
74. Jihad Means To Struggle
75. Khateeb-ul-Ambia was the title of Prophet Shoaib
76. King of ___tore away the message of Prophet Iran
77. Kufa was made capital in which Hijrah 36
78. Lady named ___ tried to poison the Holy Prophet Zainab
79. Last two surah of Holy Qurans are Surah Al falaq & Surah Al Nas
80. Laws about inheritance revealed in 3 A.H
81. Laws about orphanage revealed in 3 A.H.
82. Laws about Zina revealed in 5 A.H.
83. Longest Ayat in Holy Quran consist on which Surah Surah Al Baqrah
84. Madani Surahs were revealed in how many Years 10
85. Maizban-e-Rasool (SAW) is the title of Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari
86. Makkah was conquered in a Year 630 A.D
87. Makkhi Surahs were revealed in how many Years 13
88. Makki Period of the Holy Quran Consists of 12 Years 9 Months 5 Days
89. Masarif of Zakat are mentioned in which Surah Surah Tauba
90. Maximum Verses in a surah in Holy Quran are 286
91. Minimum number of people required for Jumuah prayer are 3
92. Mirror was Invented by Prophet Hazrat Suleiman
93. Mosque of ___was demolished by prophet Zarar
94. Mughal emperor Akbar enforced Din-I-Ilahi in 1582
95. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah is Stated in Surah Surah Al-Fatah
96. Mujadid Alif Sani is title of Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi
97. Najashi was king of Ethiopia
98. Namaz-e-Kasoof is offered at the time of Solar Eclipse
99. Namaz-e-Khasoof is offered at the time of Lunar Eclipse
1. Name the battle which came to an end without result Tabook
2. Name The First Female False Prophetess Sajah
3. Name the mother of Hazrat Yousaf Raheel
4. Name the Prophet who was the First man to write Hazrat Idrees
5. Name the Sahabi who narrated maximum number of Ahadis Hazrat Abu Hurairah
6. Naqeeb-e-Islam is the title of Hazrat Ali (RA)
7. Nation of ___committed embezzlement in trusts Hazrat Shoaib
8. Needle was Invented by Prophet Hazrat Idrees
9. Nemaz e taraweeh is Sunnat
10. Number of hadiths narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira R.A 5374
11. Ohad is ___miles from Madina 3
12. Old Name of Jumma before Islam Yaomul Aroba
13. Only Sahabi without seeing Prophet is Awais Karni
14. Paradise is mentioned in Quran for__times 150
15. Prayers which were essential in the early period of Islam Fajr and Isha
16. Prophet (SAW) not offered funeral prayer of due to Allah’swill Hazrat Khadija

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

17. Prophet addressed Khutba-e-Jumaa for First time in 1st Hijrah

18. Prophet Hazrat ___has the title Najeeb Ullah Hazrat Dawood
19. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had __daughters 4
20. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had __sons 3
21. Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H) performed a total of ___Umrahs 4
22. Prophet recited ____at the conquest of Makkah Surah Al-Fatha
23. Prophet stayed at Makkah for ___Days after its conquest 15
24. Prophets are mentioned in holy Quran 26
25. Qasim was born in __Years before Prophethood 11
26. Quran is written in Prose & Poetry
27. Real name of Abu Jehal was Umer bin Hisham
28. Real name of Sultan Salah Uddin Ayubi was Yousaf
29. Saabi is one who Changes his Religion
30. Second shortest Surah of Holy Quran is Asar
31. Siha e Sitta are __________ books of Hadith 6
32. Social boycott continued for 3 Years
33. Social boycott of Banu Hashim took place in 7th Nabvi
34. Spain was conquered by Muslims in which century 711
35. Sura of the Holy Quran is Called the mother of Quran Fatiha
36. Surah ____ is Known as Heart of Quran Yaseen
37. Surah Al-Kahf Means Cave
38. Surah Ankaboot Means Spider
39. Surah Means City of Refuge
40. Surah Muzammil Means Wrapped in Garments
41. Surah Nahl Means Honey bee
42. Surname of Haleema Sadia was Ummay Kabtah
43. Takbeer-e-Tashreeq is recited in Eid-ul-Uzha
44. The Battle of Yermuk was fought between Muslims and Romans
45. The backbone of Islamic system is Zakat
46. The Battle of Camel was fought at Basra
47. The Battle of Camel was fought between Hazrat Ali (R.A) and Bibi Aisha
48. The Battle of Camel was fought in 36 A.H
49. The Battle Of Uhad was fought in which hijri 3 Hijri
50. The biggest animal mentioned in the Holy Quran is Elephant
51. The biggest hypocrite was in Madina Abdullah Bin Abi
52. The bird Crow is mentioned in Quran, Surah Maida
53. The Commandment for observing Fast has been stipulated in the Surah Surah Baqara
54. The conquest of Mecca was on ___8 AH 20 Ramzan
55. The creation of heaven and earth is in which Surah Surah Al Araf
56. The First color of The Holy Prophets dome was White
57. The First daughter of our Holy Prophet was Hazrat Zainab
58. The First Janazah performed by Holy Prophet was of which Sahabi Asad bin Zaraara
59. The First meal in Jannah will be Fish Liver
60. The First Masjid (Mosque) on the surface of Earth is Masjid-ul-Haram
61. The First poet of Islam is Hazrat Hasaan Ibn e Sabit
62. The First revealed book was Taurat
63. The Funeral prayer Namaz-e-Janaza is Farz-e-Kaffaya
64. The grave of the Prophet was prepared by Hazrat Abu Talha
65. The height of Hazrat Adam was 90 Feet

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

66. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave the title of__ to Abu Zar Ghaffari Sheikh-ul-Islam
67. The Holy Prophet was a direct descendant of Hazrat Ismail
68. The Holy Quran was revealed from 610-632 AD
69. The Holy Quran has translated into how many languages 114
70. The Largest idol named in Kaaba was Hubal
71. The Last bow (sajda) of the Holy Quran is in which Surah Surah Alaq
72. The Last ruler of Umayyad was Marwan II
73. The Last Sariya was fought in Syria in 11 A.H
74. The major part of Quran is revealed at Night time
75. The Meaning of Muharram is Forbidden
76. The most disliked thing by Allah Divorce
77. The most learned wife of the Holy Prophet was Hazrat Ayesha R.A
78. The name Muhammad has been mentioned in the Holy Quran 4 Time
79. The number of famous Islamic Months are 4
80. The order of Hijab for women revealed in 4 A.H
81. The permission for Tayammum was granted in 4 A.H
82. The prayer performed very shortly after sunrise is Called Ishraq
83. The Pre-Islamic era is Known as Age of Ignorance
84. The Quranic surah Al-Ikhlas Means The Purity
85. The real name of Hazrat Noah (A.S) was Abdul-Ghaffaar
86. The Short period between two Sajida’sis Called Jalisa
87. The Shortest Surah Al-Kawthar has _ Verses 3
88. The smallest animal mentioned in Holy Quran is Mosquito
89. The study of Religions is Called Theology
90. The total number of people Migrated to Abyssinia in 613 AD 15
91. The tragedy of Karbala took place in 680 A.D
92. The Umayyad rule in Spain Lasted for __Years 125
93. The word Islam occurs how many times in The Holy Quran 10 Time
94. The worship place of the Jews is Called Synagogue
95. There are farz in a Prayer 13
96. There are farz in Ghusal 3
97. There are farz in Wuzoo 4
98. To sit straight in Salat is Called Qaada
99. Toorat Means Law
1. Total number of Ghazwa are 27
2. Tragedy of Karbala was happened in 61 Hijri
3. Tribe of Hazrat Haleema Sadia (R.A) Banu Saad
4. Was an eloquent sPeaker Hazrat Haroon
5. Was Called Month of migration Rabiul Awal
6. Was the foster sister of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) Sheema
7. Was the hardest form of revelation Ringing Bells
8. What do you understand by Tahleeq Cutting of Hair
9. What does Mean by Hadi Animal to be Sacrifice
10. What is the Meaning of Khums One fifth
11. What is the Meaning of Quranic surah Al-Asr Time
12. What is the Meaning of Quranic Surah Al-Nas The men
13. What is the Meaning of Zarb-e-Azb Sharp & Cutting Strike

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

14. What is the name of the Surah that was Last revealed on the Quran Al- Nasr
15. What is the second belief in Iman-e-Mufassal The angels of Allah
16. What was made subservient to Hazrat Suleiman Wind
17. What was real name of Hazrat Abu Baker Abdullah Ibn Uthman
18. What was Religion of Warqa Bin Nofil Christian
19. What was the age of Hazrat Abdul Muttalib 94 Years
20. What was the age of Hazrat Adam 950 Years
21. What was the age of Hazrat Aisha (R.A) when Hazrat Muhammad died 18
22. What was the age of Hazrat Hanzala when he was Martyr in Ghazwa Ohud 24
23. What was the age of Hazrat Usman when he became Muslim 36
24. What was the miracle given to Hazrat Isa (AS) by Allah Reviving the Dead
25. What was the name of Hazrat Khadija (RA) father Khuwaylid ibn Asad
26. What was the name of the devil before being cursed Azazeel
27. What was the original color of Hajr-e-Aswad White
28. What was the title of Hazrat Ayesha (RA) Siddiqa
29. When did Abu Sufiyan embrace Islam 8th Hijrah
30. When did Hazrat Hamza (RA) embrace Islam Fifth Nabvi
31. When did the second migration to Habsha take place 616 AD
32. When domesticated Donkey was declared Haram in Islam 7 Hijri
33. When five prayers became Farz 10th Nabvi
34. When for the First time Nimaz-e-kisoof was offered 5 A.H
35. When Gambling was banned 4 A.H
36. When Ghazwah e Mota was fought in 8 Hijri
37. When Halaku Khan sacked Baghdad 1258
38. When Hazrat Abdul Muttalib died 578 A.D
39. When Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed Died 642 AD
40. When the truce of Hudaibiya took place 6th Hijri
41. When was the meat of donkey prohibited Jang-e-Khaibar
42. When was the Qibla changed 2nd Hijri
43. when were wine declared haram 4 Hijri
44. When Zakat became Farz 2nd Hijri
45. Where is the grave of Hazrat Adam Sri Lanka
46. Where was Masjid e Zarar Madina
47. Which Alphabet is mostly used in the Holy Quran 3
48. Which caliph formed a parliament namely Majlis e Aam Hazrat Umar
49. Which City Is Called Umm-Ul-Qura Makkah
50. Which Days are Called Ayam-e-Tashreeq 11, 12 and 13 Zil Haj
51. Which event is Called as the Day of Furqaan in the Quran Ghazwa e Badar
52. Which famous Ghazwah is mentioned in surah Al-Imran Ghazwah Badar
53. Which is 12th Month of Islamic Calendar Zilhaj
54. Which is Old name of Islam Deen-e-Hanif
55. Which Year is Called Year of Deputations 9 Hijri
56. Who is fatherless Prophet Hazrat Adam
57. Which Prophet Invented Soap Prophet Salah
58. Which Prophet is Called Ab ul-Ambiya Hazrat Abraham
59. Which prophet is Known as Imam ul Anbiya Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
60. Which prophet mentioned First in the Holy Quran Hazrat Adam
61. Which prophet of Allah is Called Abu Al-Bashar Hazrat Adam (AH)
62. Which Prophet was able to talk with animals and jinns Prophet Suleiman

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

63. Which prophet would not eat food without guest Hazrat Ibrahim
64. Which river is most often mentioned in the Bible Jordan
65. Which Sahabi is Known as Tarjuman ul Quran Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas
66. Which Sahabi name written in Quran Hazart Zaid Bin Haris
67. Which Sahabi was Known as Brain of Arab Hazrat Amr bin Al-Aas
68. Which Salaah (prayer) is offered during the time of War Salat-e-Khauf
69. Which Sura is Called Aroos-ul-Quran Rahman
70. Which Sura is Called the heart of Holy Quran Yaseen
71. Which Sura is considered as 1/3 of the Holy Quran Al-Ikhlas
72. Which surah contains the orders about Wuzu, Ghusal and Tayammum Al-Maidah
73. Which surah is Called preface of Holy Quran Surah Fatah
74. Which surah is Called Surah-e-Shukr Surah Fatah
75. Which surah is Called Zeenat-e-Quran Surah Rehman
76. Which Surah is the name of one Holy War Ahzab
77. Which Surah of Holy Quran revealed twice-in Makkah & Madinah Surah Fatiha
78. Which Surah of the Holy Quran deals with the laws of marriage Nisa
79. Which surah of the Holy Quran starts with two fruits name Surah At-Teen
80. Which Surah of the Holy Quran was revealed twice Fatiha
81. Which Surah of the Quran contains the word Allah in every verse Surah Mujadilah
82. Which surah was recited by Holy Prophet at the time of migration Surah-e-Yaseen
83. Which surahs are Called Mauzatain Last two Surahs
84. Which two prayers are offered together at Muzdalifa on the 9th Zil-ul-Hajj Maghrib-Isha
85. Which Umm-ul-Momineen died First Hazrat Khadija
86. Which was the First institution of Islam Suffah
87. Which Year is Called the Year of Sorrow 10th Nabvi
88. who added 2nd Azan for Friday prayers Hazrat Usman
89. Who are Called Umm-ul-Momineen The Holy wives of the Holy Prophet
90. Who are the Shaibani Abu Yusuf and Imam Shaibani
91. Who conquered the fort of Qamus Hazrat Ali
92. who counted the Aayat (Verses) of the Quran Hazart Ayesha
93. Who Discovered the Zam Zam Well Abdul Muttalib
94. Who dug the grave of Holy Prophet (PBUH) Hazrat Abu Talha
95. Who established the foundation of Umayyad dynasty Hazrat Ameer Muawiya
96. Who Firstly arranged and wrote the Quran on paper in book form Hazart Zaid bin Sabit
97. Who Introduced Police System Hazrat Umer
98. Who is Called as Muslim Alexander Uqba bin Nafah
99. Who is Called Malik-ut-Tajjar Hazrat Usman Ghani
1. Who is Called Saqi-e-Zam Zam Hazrat Abbas
2. Who is Known as Adam-e-Sani Hazrat Nooh
3. Who is the real founder of Abbasid Al-Mansur
4. Who killed Muslema Kazab Wahshi ibn Harb
5. Who lead Muslim forces during the Crusades Salah-ud-Din Ayubi
6. Who raised the flag in Ghazwa for the First time Hazrat Hamza
7. Who recognized First Muhammad as Prophet of Allah Warqa Bin Nofil
8. Who threw the First arrow for Islam against the infidels Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas
9. Who was Called as kidnapper of the scholars Mahmood Ghaznavi
10. Who was Known to be the First martyr of Karbala Hurr ibn Yazid

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

11. Who was second Prophet after Hazrat Adam Hazrat Shees
12. Who was the 1st Sahabi to get buried in Jannat ul Baqi Asasd bin Zararah
13. Who was the 2nd wife of Holy Prophet S.A.W Hazrat Soada
14. Who was the commander of 50 archer at Ohad Mountain Abdullah bin Jabber
15. Who was the commanders of the Infidels in the Battle of Ohad Abu Sufiyan
16. Who was the eldest son of Hazrat Muhammad Hazrat Qasim
17. Who was the First Caliph Hazrat Abu Bakar
18. Who was the First child born after migration Abdul bin Zubair
19. Who was the First commander of Islamic army Hazrat Hamza
20. Who was the First killer of the World Qabeel
21. Who was the first male Shaheed of Islam Hazart Haris Bin Halla
22. Who First laid the foundation of Masjid-e-Aqsa Hazart Ibrahim
23. Who was the writer of Last Wahi Hazrat Ubaid bin Kaab
24. Who was the youngest son of Hazrat Muhammad Hazrat Ibrahim
25. Who wrote the book Kitab al Kharaj Abu Yusuf
26. Who wrote the Treaty of Hudaibiya Hazrat Ali
27. Year of Deputation is 9th Hijrah
28. Yousaf A.S and Yaqoob A.S met each other after 40 Years
29. Zaboor Means Pieces
30. Zam Zam Means To stop
31. Zill-e-Elahi Means Shadow of Allah
1. Causes of Indian revolt was written by Sir Sayed Ahmad Khan
2. 18th Amendment Bill passed by National Assembly of Pakistan April, 08, 2010
3. 1973 Constitution was enforced on 14 August 1973
4. 2nd summit of OIC held in Pakistan in Year 1974
5. 5th most populated Country of the World Pakistan
6. Agartala Conspiracy was Instigated by Sheikh Mujeeb Ur Rehman
7. Agra City was founded by Sikandar Lodhi
8. Ahmadis were declared non-Muslims in 1974
9. Alexander invade the India 326 BC
10. Al-Hilal weekly was started by Abul Kalam Azad
11. Allama Iqbal attended Round Table Conferences 2
12. Allama M. Iqbal got the title of Sir 1922
13. Allama Muhammad Iqbal started his political career 1926
14. All-India Muhammadan Educational Conference was held at Dhaka
15. Annulment of partition of Bengal took place 1911
16. Architect and town planner of Islamabad Constantinos Doxiadis
17. Architect of Quaid-e-Azam tomb Yahya Merchant
18. Architect of Taj Mahal Agra Ustad Isa (Ustad Ahmad)
19. Architecture of Mazar e Iqbal Nawab Zain Yar Jang Bahadur
20. Article of the constitution of 1973 is related to the affairs of Zakat 31
21. Asrar-e-Khudi is written by Allama Iqbal
22. Author of Hunter par Hunter Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
23. Author of the book Jinnah; India Partition Jaswant Singh
24. Author of the book Struggle for Pakistan I.H. Qureshi
25. Awan-e- Sadar completed in 1981

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

26. Ayub National park is situated in Rawalpindi

27. Baba-e-Sahafat is the title of Zafar Ali Khan
28. Bala Hisar Fort is located in Peshawar
29. Balochistan Became Province in 1st July 1970
30. Baltistan is Called Little Tibet
31. Banks were Nationalized in Pakistan 1974
32. Total Barrages are there in Sindh 3
33. Basic Democracy system came in May 1959
34. Basic Democracy was introduced by Ayub Khan
35. Battle for Pakistan is written by Shuja Nawaz
36. Battle of Buxar was fought 1764
37. Before the partition in 1947 how many Princely States existed 562
38. Benazir Bhutto was assassinated on December 27, 2007
39. Birth place of Liaqat Ali Khan Karnal (India)
40. Boundary commission was headed by Cyril Radcliffe
41. Boundary line between Azad Kashmir and Occupied Kashmir is Line Of Control
42. British conquered Sindh 1843
43. British Parliament announced the Independence Act on 18 July 1947
44. Campbellpur is the Old name of Attock
45. Ch. Rahmat Ali, the architect of the name of Pakistan, died in 1951
46. Chain of Justice was introduced by Jahangir
47. Chandka is Old name of Larkana
48. City is Called Brasilia of Pakistan Islamabad
49. City of lights is Karachi
50. City of perfumes is Hyderabad
51. Civil Award of Pakistan was established in which Year 1957
52. Day of Deliverance was celebrated against congress brutality on 22 Dec, 1939
53. Dehli Pact also Known as Liaquat–Nehru Pact
54. Designer of Fasial Mosque of Pakistan Vedat Dalokay
55. Designer of Sukkur barrage Arnold Musto
56. Direction of Hindukush is from North-West
57. Dr. Abdus Slam was born in which City of Pakistan Jhang
58. Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan did his Ph.D. From Leaven University of Belgium
59. Durand Line established 1893
60. Durand line was signed between British and Abul Rehman Khan
61. Duration of civil War in 1971 in East Pakistan 7 Months
62. Earliest mosque in Sub-continent is situated in Banbhore
63. East India Company (EIC) occupied Punjab 1849
64. Election Commission of Pakistan was established on 23 March 1956
65. Emergence of Pakistan book is written by Ch Muhammad Ali
66. Evolution of Pakistan is written by Syed Sharif Uddin Pirzada
67. Faiz Mahal is built by Mir Sohrab Talpur
68. Faiz Mahal is located in Khairpur
69. Famous Mughal King was also a famous Urdu Poet Bahadur Shah Zafar
70. FATA comprises of 7 Agencies
71. Father of Pakistan Air Force M. Asghar Khan
72. Fatima Jinnah had which Occupation Dentist
73. Fatima Jinnah was born on 1893
74. FC college was founded in the Year 1864

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

75. Federal Shariat Court established 1980

76. First agriculture reforms in Pakistan 1959
77. First ambassador of Pakistan to UNO was Ahmed Shah Patras Bokhari
78. First Assembly Of Balochistan had members 21
79. First biogas plant was established in 1911
80. First cabinet of Pakistan consisted of 7 Members
81. First Capital of British Raj was Calcutta
82. First Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi
83. First census held in the Subcontinent 1881
84. First census in India was made in the period of Lord Mayo
85. First Chief Justice of Pakistan Mian Abdur Rashid
86. First Chief Minister of Gilgit Balitistan Syed Mehdi Shah
87. First civil martial law administrator Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
88. First CM of Balochistan Sardar Attaullah Mengal
89. First Constitution in Pakistan was imposed in 23rd march 1956
90. First Cricket Asia Cup was played in the Year 1984
91. First Defence Minister of Pakistan Liaqat Ali Khan
92. First Deputy President of the National Assembly Muhammad Tamizuddin Khan
93. First elected President of Pakistan Ayub Khan
94. First female finance minister of Pakistan who presented annual budget Hina Rabbani
95. First female Hindu Civil Judge of Pakistan Suman Bodani
96. First female Speaker Of National Assembly of Pakistan Fahmida Mirza
97. First finance minister of Pakistan Ghulam Muhammad
98. First foreign minister of Pakistan Sir Zafar Ullah Khan
99. First general elections in Pakistan take place 1970
1. First Governor of State bank Pakistan Zahid Hussain
2. First Indigenous Constitution was given to Pakistan by Ch. Muhammad Ali
3. First Interior Minister of Pakistan was Fazlur Rehman
4. First King of Mughal Dynasty in Hindustan Babar
5. First lady member of Balochistan Assembly Fazeela Alyani
6. First martial law in Pakistan was imposed in 1958
7. First meeting of Indian National Congress was held in Bombay
8. First Muslim ruler of Kashmir was Shah Mir
9. First Newspaper to use the title Quaid-e-Azam was Dawn Daily
10. First operational motorway in Pakistan named M-2
11. First Pakistani Postal Stamp was issued July 1948
12. First Pakistani to reach the North Pole Numira Saleem
13. First Pakistani who won Pulitzer Prize Idrees Latif
14. First passport issued by the Ayub regime in 1960
15. First President of Anjumaan-I- Himayat-i-Islam Qazi Hameed Ud Din
16. First President of Indian National Congress Chunder Bonnerjee
17. First President of Muslim League Agha Khan
18. First President of Pakistan after constitution of 1956 Iskander Mirza
19. First President of Pakistan constituent assembly Muhammed Ali Jinnah
20. First President of Pakistan Muslim League in 1949 Ch. Khaliquzzaman
21. First President of Pakistan Iskander Mirza
22. First princely State to accede Pakistan Bahawalpur

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

23. First published Urdu book is Dan Majlis

24. First railway line between Karachi and Kotri was opened in 1861
25. First recorded poetry in Urdu was by Amir Khusro
26. First Rocket launched by Pakistan Rahbar
27. First Secretary General of Pakistan Ch Muhammad Ali
28. First session of Mohammadan Educational Conference was held in Bengal 1886
29. First Test match of Pakistan was played in India
30. First US ambassador to Pakistan was Paul H. Ealing
31. First viceroy of India Lord Canning
32. First wife of Quaid-e-Azam died in 1893
33. First wife of Quaid-e-Azam Emibai
34. First Woman University of Pakistan is located in Rawalpindi
35. First women ruler of India Razia Sultana
36. Flying Horse is title of which legendary field hockey player Sami Ullah
37. Fort Munro was built as a summer resort by British officials in 1920
38. Fort William College was established in which Year 1800
39. Foundation of Minar-e-Pakistan was laid down in which Year 1960
40. Foundation stone of Quaids Mosulem was laid by Ayub Khan
41. Founder Muhammadan Literary Society in 1863 Nawab Abdul Latif
42. Founder of Zamindar (newspaper) was Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
43. Founder of All India Muslim League Nawab Khawaja Salim Ullah
44. Founder of All Pakistan Womens Association (APWA) Begum Rana Liaquat
45. Founder of Khilji Empire Jalal-Ud-Din Khilji
46. Founders of Khilafat Movement Ali brothers
47. Founding members OIC has at the time of its establishment 25
48. French Beach located in Karachi
49. Full name of GM Syed Ghulam Murtaza Syed
50. G.T Road was constructed by Sher Shah Suri
51. Gaddani is famous for Ship Breaking
52. Gas Discovered from Sui in 1952
53. Gasherbrum I is also Known as Hidden Peak
54. Gateway of Invaders is Khyber Pass
55. Gwadar remained under Omans rule for 174 Years
56. Geographically Pakistan is situated in South Asia
57. Ghulam Muhammad Barrage is also Called Kotri Barrage
58. Goldsmid Line is the border between Pakistan & Iran
59. Government College Lahore was founded in the Year 1861
60. Government of India Act 1935 divided the Country into how many provinces 11
61. Governor General of Pakistan died in exile Iskander Mirza
62. Graveyard of Empires is Afghanistan
63. Gwadar became part of Pakistan on September 8 1958
64. Haran Minar was built by Jahangir
65. Height of K-2 Peak 8611 meter
66. Height of Minar-e-Pakistan is 70 meter
67. Height of Nanga Parbat is 8,126 m
68. Height of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah 5 feet & 10 inches
69. Height of Siachin Glacier 20,000 feet
70. Higher Education Commission (HEC) was established in 2002
71. Highest civil award of Pakistan is Nishan-e-Pakistan

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

72. Highest Peak of Karakoram Range K-2 Peak

73. Highest Peak of Pakistan K-2
74. Hingol National Park is located in district Lasbella
75. How many canals flow from Sukkur Barrage 7
76. How many districts are there in Balochistan 37
77. How many languages are spoken in Pakistan 30
78. How many major deserts are there in Pakistan 5
79. How many Peaks above 8,000 meters are found in Pakistan 5
80. How many Peaks in Pakistan are higher than 7000 meters 108
81. How many Peaks in the Pakistan are Higher than 8000 meter 5
82. How many Stanzas are there in the National Anthem of Pakistan 3
83. How many times Pakistan has been selected for UN Non-Permanent Member 7
84. How many times Pakistan won the Blind Cricket World Cup 2
85. How many Urdu Words are used in the National Anthem of Pakistan 1
86. Hujjatullah ul Baligha was written by Shah Wali Ullah
87. Humayun-Nama was written by Gulbadan Begum
88. Ibn ul Waqt was written by Deputy Nazir Ahmad
89. ICC World Cup 1992 was played in Australia
90. In the Year 1719 how many Mughal Kings sat on throne 4
91. In which Year was OIC founded 1969
92. Incident of Kanpur Occurred in 1913
93. Incomplete Partition is written by Alastair Lamb
94. Indian Prime minister, who was awarded Nisan-e- Pakistan Morarji Desai
95. Indo-Pak War of 1965 Lasted for 17 Days
96. Indus valley civilization was destroyed by Aryans
97. Introduced Two nations theory in the subcontinent Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
98. Inventors Day is celebrated on 9th November
99. Iskander Mirza was buried in Iran
1. Islamabad High Court was established in 14th Aug 2007
2. Islamabad is located at foothill of Marghala Hills
3. Islamia College Peshawar was founded in 1913
4. Jamrud Fort is located Peshawar
5. Jinnah join Congress in 1906
6. K-2 is Also Known as Godwin Austin
7. K-2 is present in which Mountains Range Karakoram
8. Kaghan valley is Called Pearl of the Himalaya
9. Karakoram highway completed in 1979
10. Karakoram pass is b/w Kashmir and China
11. Kashmir sold to Gulab Singh in 1846
12. Khilafat movement was launched in the subcontinent in 1919
13. Khunjrab pass connects Pakistan with China
14. Khyber Pass connects Peshawar with Kabul
15. Kidney Hill Park located in Karachi
16. Kirthar Hills are located in Sindh
17. Kitab Al Hind is written by Al Beruni
18. Lahore Resolution is Also Known as Pakistan Resolution
19. Lakh Baksh was a title given to the ruler Qutub-Ud-Din Aibak

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

20. Largest barrage of Pakistan Sukkur

21. Largest cantonment of Pakistan Kharian Cantt
22. Largest Coal Reservoir are found in Thar
23. Largest dam of Pakistan is Tarbela Dam
24. Largest desert of Pakistan Thar
25. Largest District of FATA by population Bajaur
26. Largest Division of Pakistan Kalat Division
27. Largest industry of Pakistan Textile
28. Largest Natural fresh Water Lake in the subcontinent is Manchar Lake
29. Largest Princely State by area at the time of partition was Kashmir
30. Largest source of drinking water for Islamabad is Khanpur Dam
31. Largest-import item of Pakistan Petroleum
32. Last emperor to sit on peacock throne was Muhammad Shah
33. Last Governor-General of Pakistan was Sikandar Mirza
34. Last Mughal Empire was Bahadur Shah II
35. Last Viceroy of India Lord Mount Batten
36. Lawari Pass connects Dir with Chitral
37. LFO was promulgated on March 30, 1970 by Yahya Khan
38. Length of Baltur Glacier is 62 km
39. Length of Bolan Pass 89 km
40. Length of common border of Pakistan and Afghanistan is 2611 km
41. Length of Karakoram Highway 810 miles
42. Length of LOC 861 km
43. Length of Pak-Iran border 909 km
44. Length of Pakistan China border 599 km
45. Length of Pakistan coastline is 770 Kilometer
46. Length of Siachin Glacier is 76 km
47. Liaqat Ali Khan became the secretary of All India Muslim League 1936
48. Liaqat Ali Khan Joined Muslim League in 1923
49. Liaqat Ali Khan was born in which Year 1895
50. Liaquat Ali Khan visit USA 1950
51. Liaquat Ali Khan was assassinated by Akbar Khan
52. Lingua Franca of Pakistan is Urdu
53. London branch of Muslim League was started by Syed Amir Ali
54. Longest Railway platform of Pakistan Rohri Station
55. Longest serving Prime Minister of Pakistan Liaquat Ali Khan
56. Lord Mountbatten was assassinated in 1979
57. Lords of the Khyber is written by Andre Singer
58. Lyallpur is the Old name of Faisalabad
59. M.A.O College Aligarh was inaugurated by Lord Lytton
60. M.A.O College became University in Year 1920
61. Makli Graveyard is located near Thatta
62. Malakand Pass connects Peshawar with Chitral
63. Manchar Lake is situated in Jamshoro
64. Manchester of Pakistan is Faisalabad
65. Mangla Dam is located in AJ&K
66. MAO College at Aligarh was started 1877
67. Marvi is a Folk story of Sindh
68. Masjid Mahabat Khan is located in Peshawar

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

69. Master Builder is the title of Shah Jehan

70. Meaning of Nanga Parbat Naked Mountain
71. Millat and Menace of Indianism is written by Ch. Rehmat Ali
72. Minar-e-Pakistan was designed by Nasir Din Murat-Khan
73. Mohenjo-Daro Means Mound of the Dead
74. Mohabbat Khan mosque was destroyed By Fire
75. Moplah Rebellion of 1921 took place in Malabar
76. Most urbanized province of Pakistan is Sindh
77. Mountain Peaks is Called Killer Mountain Nanga Parbat
78. Mountain Range separate Baluchistan Plateau from Afghanistan Chaghi
79. Mughal Empire Who Died in 1556 after falling from stairs Humayun
80. Mughal painting reached its zenith under Jahangir
81. Mumtaz Mahal the wife of Shah Jahan gave birth to how many children Fourteen
82. Muslim League observed the Direct Action Day on August 16, 1946
83. Muslim League was founded on Dec. 30, 1906
84. My brother book was written by Fatima Jinnah
85. Name of Pakistan Was coined by Ch. Rehmat Ali
86. Name of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan Durand Line
87. Name the Range which separates Pakistan from Afghanistan Hindu Kush
88. Nanga Parbat is ranked as the highest Mountain Peak of the World 9th
89. Nations Motto of Pakistan is Faith, Unity, Discipline
90. National Accountability Bureau was founded in 1999
91. National Action Plan was created in 2014
92. National Animal of Pakistan is Markhor
93. National Anthem of Pakistan is written by Hafeez Jalandhri
94. National Anthem of Pakistan was officially adopted in 1954
95. National Artist of Pakistan Abdul Rehman Chughtai
96. National Dress of Pakistan is Shalwar Kameez
97. National Flag of Pakistan was adopted on August 11, 1947
98. National Flag of Pakistan was designed by Amir Ud Din Kidwai
99. National Insignia of Pakistan is Crescent and Star
1. National Monument of Pakistan is located in Islamabad
2. National Mosque of Pakistan is Faisal Mosque
3. National Museum of Pakistan located Karachi
4. National Predator of Pakistan is Snow Leopard
5. National Reptile of Pakistan is Mugger Crocodile
6. National Sweet of Pakistan Gulab Jamun
7. National Tree of Pakistan is Deodar
8. National Vegetable of Pakistan is Lady Finger
9. National Voters Day is celebrated by ECP 7 December
10. No of Articles are there in 1973 Constitution of Pakistan 280
11. No of Districts are in Kashmir 10
12. Noor Mahal is located in Bahawalpur
13. Number of judges in Supreme Court are 17
14. Number of paragraphs were in Lahore Resolution 5
15. Number of Prime Ministers till 1958 9
16. Ojhri Camp tragedy occurred on 10 April 1988

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

17. Old name of Dera Murad Jamali Temple Dera

18. Old name of Gujranwala Khan Pur
19. Old name of Islamabad Raj Shahi
20. Oldest civilization of Pakistan Indus Civilization
21. Oldest Language of Pakistan is Sindhi
22. Oldest news agency of Pakistan is APP
23. One Unit was created in 1955
24. One Unit was dissolved 1 July 1970
25. Only National Election held on Non-Party Basis were in 1985
26. Only Vice President of Pakistan was Noor Ul Amin
27. Operation Searchlight was started by Pakistan Army in East Pakistan
28. Operation Zarb-e-Azab started on June 15, 2014
29. Pak China border dispute was settled in 1963
30. Pakistan bought Gwadar Port from Oman in 1958
31. Pakistan came into being 27 Ramadan 1366 A.H
32. Pakistan Celebrates Youm-e-Takbeer on May 28
33. Pakistan China border agreement was signed in 1963
34. Pakistan introduced National Identity Cards 1973
35. Pakistan joined Non-Aligned Movement in 1979
36. Pakistan joined World Trade Organization in 1995
37. Pakistan officially joined the United Nations (UN) on 30 September 1947
38. Pakistan recognize Bangladesh Feb 1974
39. Pakistan Signed Baghdad Pact 1955
40. Pakistan Television started in the reign of Ayub Khan
41. Pakistan withdraw from SEATO 1973
42. Pakistan won the T20 World Cup in 2009
43. Pakistan the Formative Phase was written by Khalid Bin Saeed
44. Pakistan The Heart of Asia book was written by Liaquat Ali Khan
45. Pakistan Official Map was drawn by Mian Mahmood Alam
46. Pakistan Standard Time was adopted on 15 September 1951
47. Pakistan Standard Time was suggested by Professor Mahmood Anwar
48. Pakistanis won the Nobel Prize 2
49. Pamphlet Now or Never was written in 1933 by Ch Rahmat Ali
50. Parliament of Pakistan is Known as Majlis-e-Shoora
51. Parrot of India is the title of Amir Khusro
52. Partition of Bengal took place 1905
53. Pathway to Pakistan is the autobiography of Ch. Khaliq ul Zaman
54. Pervez Musharraf resign from the post of President 18 August 2008
55. Peshawar Means City of Flowers
56. PIA was established in 1955
57. Pirpur Report publish in 1938
58. Police Martyrs Day is observed in Pakistan on August 04
59. Political system in Pakistan Book was written by Khalid Bin Saeed
60. Polo Game originated from Iran
61. Poona Pact was signed in 1932
62. Precious gemstone Emerald are found in Swat
63. Prime Minister of Pakistan for the shortest time period Noor ul Amin
64. Princess of Hope is in Lasbela
65. Province of NWFP was set up in 1901

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

66. Province of Pakistan has no Desert KpK

67. PTV started its transmission on November 26, 1964
68. Punjab University, Lahore was established in 1882
69. Qissa Sohni Mahinwal was written by Fazal Shah
70. Quaid e Azam join All India Muslim League in 1913
71. Quaid e Azam resigned from Congress due to Non Cooperation Movement
72. Quaid remained President of AIML for the period of 34 Years
73. Quaid-e-Azam met M.K Gandhi for the First time 1916
74. Quaid-e-Azam resigned from membership of Congress 1920
75. Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park Situated in which City Bahawalpur
76. Quaid-e-Azam worked as Governor General of Pakistan for 13 Months
77. Quid-e-Azam mother tongue was Gujarati
78. Quit India Movement was launched in in the Month of August
79. Quit India Movement was launched in response to Cripps Proposal
80. Rann of Kutch boundary line is Known as 24th Parallel line
81. Razia Sultana reigned for 4 Years
82. Razia Sultana was the daughter of Iltutmish
83. Real name of Mughal Emperor Jahangir was Saleem
84. Real Name of Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk Syed Mehdi Ali
85. Real name of Sher Shah Suri was Farid Khan
86. Real name of Sir Agha Khan, the First President of AIML Sultan Shah
87. Real name of Titu Mir Nasir Ali
88. Real name Shah Wali Ullah Qutub Din Ahmed
89. Region of Pakistan sharing its borders with Three countries is Gilgit Baltistan
90. Rohtas Fort near Dina (Jhelum) built by Sher Shah Suri
91. Rowlatt Act came into operation in 1919
92. SAARC movement was launched for Regional Cooperation
93. Salt Range is situated between rivers Soan and Jhelum
94. Second Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was consisted of 79
95. Second highest Glacier of the World Siachin Glacier
96. Senate of Pakistan comprises of how many members 100
97. Severity of 2005 earthquake in Pakistan on Richter scale was 7.6
98. Shah Abdul Latif is the author of Shah Jo Risalo
99. Shah Burj was constructed by which Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan
1. Shah Jahan Mosque is located in Thatta
2. Shah Wali Ullah died 1762
3. Shah Wali Ullah father name was Shah Abdur Rahim
4. Shimla Agreement between Pakistan and India was signed on 2 July 1972
5. Shortest tenure as Governor General of Pakistan Iskandar Mirza
6. Shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi is located in Karachi
7. Sindh was separated from Bombay in 1936
8. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan died 27 March 1898
9. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Father name was Syed Muhammad Muttaqi
10. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan became the member of Imperial Legislative Council in 1878
11. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan founded Scientific Society in 1864
12. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan published the booklet Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind in 1859
13. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan retired as a Judge in 1876

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

14. Sir Syed was appointed as a judge in 1867

15. Sir Syed was elevated to the position of chief judge in 1846
16. Slave Dynasty ruled over India for 84 Years
17. Slave King is buried in Lahore Qutub-Ud-Din Aibak
18. Slave Ruler Died While Playing Polo Qutub-Ud-Din Aibak
19. Smart Card Issued in Pakistan 2012
20. Spiritual Father of Pakistan is Muhammad Iqbal
21. State Bird of Pakistan is Shaheen
22. Sukkur Barrage is also Known as the Lloyed Barrage
23. Sukkur Barrage was constructed in which Year 1932
24. Sultan who described himself as Sikandar-i-Sani was Allaud Din Khalji
25. Swat valley became a part of Pakistan in 1969
26. Switzerland of Pakistan is Swat
27. Tashkent declaration between Pakistan and India was signed on 10 January 1966
28. Tell the name of Chief of Staff of Pak Army who died in uniform General Asif Nawaz
29. Temporary Capital of Pakistan was Rawalpindi
30. Thar coal is the Largest coal reserves of the World 7th
31. Thar desert is Called Friendly Desert
32. The author of The case of Pakistan is Rafiq Afzal
33. The book Indian Musalmans was written by William Hunter
34. The book Our Freedom Fighters is written G Allana
35. The book We have learnt nothing from history was written by Asghar Khan
36. The Chowk Yadgar is located in Peshawar
37. The Daughter of the East is written by Benazir Bhutto
38. First Chief of Staff of Pak Army was General Takka Khan
39. Highest Mountain of KPK is Tirch Mir
40. Highest non-operational Military Award is Sitara-e-Basalat
41. The Indus River falls into the Arabian Sea
42. The Kargil incident happened in 1999
43. The Muslim League won Seats in the Election 1945-46 in Punjab 75
44. The Old City of Lahore had Gates 13 Gates
45. The Songs of Blood and Sword is written by Fatima Bhutto
46. Third President of All-India Muslim League Sir Aga Khan
47. Tiger of Mysore is Tipu Sultan
48. Title Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim-Unity was given to Jinnah by Sarojini-Naidu
49. Tomb of Babur is in which City Kabul
50. Total amendments to the constitution of 1973 26
51. Total area of Azad Jammu & Kashmir is 13,297sq km
52. Total area of FATA is 27,220 sq., km
53. Total Islands are there in Pakistan 12 Islands
54. Total length of India-Pakistan border is 2100 kilometers
55. Total length of Indus River 3180 km
56. Total members were in the Committee of Basic Principles 24
57. UGC was changed into HEC in Year 2002
58. Unionist Party (Punjab) was formed in 1923
59. Urdu become the National language of Pakistan 1973
60. Urdu is a word of Turkish
61. Urdu Language gets official status in subcontinent 1837
62. Urdu translation of Shah Jo Risalo was made by Shaikh Ayaz

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

63. Urdu-Hindi Controversy started in 1867

64. Utility Stores Corporation of Pakistan Limited established 1971
65. Valley is Known as Roof of the World Baltistan
66. Wakhan Corridor separates Pakistan from Tajikistan
67. War of independence was started in 1857
68. Wazir Khan mosque is in Lahore
69. What is the Meaning of Gwadar Door Of Wind
70. Total area of Balochistan Province 347,190 Sq. Km
71. When Rehmat Ali did introduced the term Pakistan in his pamphlet 1933
72. When Muhammad Ali Jinnah was given the title of Quaid-e-Azam 1938
73. When was Liaquat Nehru Pact between India and Pakistan signed 1950
74. Which Country opposed Pakistans’ membership in United Nations Afghanistan
75. Which District connects to all Four Provinces of Pakistan Dera Ghazi Khan
76. Which Empire is considered India’sLast Golden Age Mughal Empire
77. Which Mountain is Called Chogori and Savage Mountain K2
78. Which Mountain Range separates Pakistan and Afghanistan The Hindu Kush
79. Which Muslim leader received the title of Knighthood Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
80. One Unit was abolished by Yahya Khan
81. Who announced the communal award Macdonald
82. Who built Attock Fort Akbar
83. Who built Badshahi Masjid Aurangzeb Alamgir
84. Who Built the Lahore Akbar
85. Who composed the National Anthem of Pakistan Ahmed G. Chagla
86. Who convinced Quaid-e-Azam to join Muslim League Muhammad Ali Johar
87. Who destroyed the temple of Somnat Mahmood Ghaznavi
88. Who devised the Human Development Index (HDI) Mehbub ul Haq
89. Who drafted Wardha Scheme Dr. Zakir Hussain
90. Who gave suggestion for formation of SAARC Zia ur Rehman
91. Who gave the name to All India Muslim League Nawab Saleem Ullah Khan
92. Who gave title of Sir to Allama Iqbal in 1922 King George V
93. Who helped the Quaid-e-Azam in preparation of fourteen points Muhammad Ali Johar
94. Who inaugurated the State Bank of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam
95. Who issued Comrade English newspaper from Calcutta Muhammad Ali Johar
96. Who led the Simla Deputation Sir Agha Khan
97. Who made the August Offer in 1940 Lord Linlithgow
98. Who Prepared Pirpur Report of 1938 Raja Syed Muhammad Mehdi
99. Who presented Lahore Resolution AK Fazlul-Haq
1. 1 Gigabyte is equal to 1024 Megabytes
2. A “Ctrl + Enter” command will Create a new page
3. A computer cannot ‘boot’ if it does not have the Operating System
4. A number of letter that appears little above the normal text is Called Superscript
5. All caps to selected text in MS Word is applied wit Ctrl+Shift+A
6. ALU is Arithmetic Logic Unit
7. By default document print in mode Portrait
8. CAD stands for Computer Aided Design
9. Change margins in MS Word Page Setup Dialog Box

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

10. Changing the appearance of a document is Called Formatting

11. Ctrl + A Shortcut key is used in MS Word to Select All
12. Ctrl + B Shortcut key is used in MS Word to Bold the selected text
13. Ctrl + C Shortcut key is used in Microsoft Word to Copy the selected text
14. Ctrl + E Shortcut key is used in MS Word to Align Center
15. Ctrl + F Shortcut key is used in MS Word to Open Find Dialog box
16. Ctrl + H Shortcut key is used in Microsoft Word to Open Find and Replace Dialog box
17. Ctrl + I Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word for Calibri
18. Ctrl + J Shortcut key is used in Microsoft Word to Align Justify
19. Ctrl + K Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to Insert Hyperlink
20. Ctrl + M Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to Left Indent
21. Ctrl + P Shortcut key is used in MS Word to Open Print Dialog box
22. Ctrl + U Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to Underline the selected text
23. Ctrl + V Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to Past text
24. Ctrl + W Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to Save and Close document
25. Ctrl + X Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word t Cut the Selected Contents
26. Ctrl + Z Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to Undo the Last Action
27. Ctrl+S Shortcut key is used in MS Word to Save
28. Default Font Size In MS Office is 11
29. Default Font Style In MS Office is Calibri font
30. Default name of a newly created MS Word File is Document1
31. Files can be organized by storing them in Folders
32. Green line in MS word document represent Grammatical error
33. Helps to reduce spelling error in the document Auto Correct
34. How many Margins are there on a page Four (top, bottom, right and left)
35. How many rows can you insert in a word document in maximum 32767
36. If a computer has more than one processor then it is Known as Multiprocessor
37. In Microsoft Word shortcut key CTRL+W is used for Close the current window
38. In MS word, a master document contains of subdocument Links
39. In which tab Hyphenation options are available Page Layout
40. In which view Headers and Footers are visible Print Layout View
41. Junk e-mail is also Called Spam
42. Microsoft word is software a/an Application
43. Minimum number of rows and columns in Microsoft Word document is 1 and 1
44. MS Word offers the different views of a document Five
45. MS Word, by default, places a tab stop at every __mark on the ruler .5″
46. Page Down Keyboard Key is used in Microsoft Word to Moves the cursor one screen down
47. Shortcut key for Hanging Indent is Ctrl + T
48. Text-styling feature of MS word is Word Art
49. The brain of any computer system is CPU
50. The computer that process both analog and digital is Called Hybrid Computer
51. The document can be zoomed maximum up to 500%
52. The file type ________ indicates the file is a Word document .docx
53. The First computers were programmed using Machine language
54. The term ‘Computer’ is derived from Latin
55. Thesaurus tool in MS Word is used for Synonyms and Antonyms words
56. To go to a specific location in a document we use Bookmark
57. WAN stands for Wide Area Network
58. What is a light pen Optical input device

Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

59. What is a shortcut key of “Change the font’ in MS Word Ctrl + Shift + F
60. What is MS Word A Word Processing Software
61. What is the definition of Microsoft Word Word Processing Software
62. What is the function of CTRL+N in Microsoft Word New Document
63. What is the keyboard shortcut key for Save As F12
64. What is the maximum font size you can apply for any character in MS Word 1638
65. What is the shortcut key to Center Align the selected text Ctrl + E
66. What is the shortcut-key for manual line break in MS Word Shift + Enter
67. What is the smallest and Largest font size available in Font Size 8 and 72
68. When MS word was launched 1983
69. Which device is required for the Internet connection Modem
70. Which enables us to send the same letter to different Persons Tool bar
71. Which file is responsible to start MS word Winword.exe
72. Which items are placed at the end of a document End note
73. Which key is used to increase left indent in MS Word Ctrl+O
74. Which of following is page margin Narrow
75. Which of the following can be used to navigate documents Hyperlinks
76. Which operation you will perform if you need to move a block of text Cut and Paste
77. Which option use to open recent file Ctrl+O
78. Which short cut key is used to insert copyright © symbol Ctrl+Alt+C
79. Which short cut key is used to insert trademark (TM) symbol Ctrl+Alt+T
80. Which shortcut key is used to spell check in Microsoft Word F7
81. Which technology is used in compact disks Laser
82. Who is the father of Computer science Allen Turing
83. Who is the father of Computer Charles Babbage
84. Who is the father of MS Word Charles Simonyi and Richard Brodie
85. WWW stands for World Wide Web

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Prepared By:
Faiz Marri

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