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Model the Way

He did selfreflection to ensure that he can

reach his vision and try to fullfil his dream.

He have strict principle in credibility and

integrity especially in terms of miss usage of
xxxxxxx money (corruption, etc)

Lead by showing example and show

compassion to your team

Lead by example because leaders life in a

glass house and will be on spotlight
xxxxxxxx everytime therefore leaders need to show
good example
Inspired shared vision Challenge the process

Visuliazie your vision and write it down so challenge his though when he need to
that you can have some reminder if along the choose colleageues between ITB and STT
way you are feeling tired. Telkom, he used his own belief to decide and
challenges status quo

The vision is what will get you keep on going He encourage himself in challening the risk
in tough situation and learn to decide based on future goals

he understand the challenges in business

world that the trend will changes due to
Surround yourself with people with different technology growth. -- eventhough the
background so that it can broaden your point business of telkom is good but the devices
of view and services is not being in used frequently
therefore he feels the needs to changes the

Clearly describe your definition of success Build the system to follow up and follow thru
and communicate with others exesively based on the business needs.

adjust the way you communicate to your

team to ensure the delivery of your

have a deep talk with your team to really

understand who is your team and what they
do and what are their concern are
Enable other to act Encourage the heart

he enable other by allowing himself to adjust

with the needs of the team and the business He used the downfall / mistaked from his
(learn the new cultures; be more flexible and manager for his selfreflection and encourage
adjusting the business needs with his him to rethink his priorities (from technic to
limitation) strategic)

Combining business professional with

compliance to adjust with the team and the
needs of the business and also to ensure
compliance to the process

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