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Q1: How does a WHILE loop start??

a None

b None

c while (i <= 10; i++)

d None

e while i = 1 to 10

f while (i <= 10)

Q2: Which оf the following class centers tabs/pills??

a .nav-stacked

b .nav.navbar-nav

c .nav Nav-pills

d .nav-justified

e None

f None

Q3: Which of the following runlevel will reboot the system??

a None

b None





Q4: How to list PersistentVolumes sorted by capacity in Kubernetes??

a None

b kubectl get pv

c kubectl get pv --sort-by=.spec.capacity.memory

d kubectl get pv --sort-by=.spec.capacity.volume

e kubectl get pv

f None

Q5: You have lost access to your admin area and can't recover it with email. What do you

a Delete your themes folder.

b Reset the password of your user through MySQL.

c Add a new user with admin privileges in MySQL.

d Install a plugin to recover your password.

e Reinstall Wordpress.

f Register a new user and set it as an administrator via your panel.

Q6: Docker containers can run on:?

a None

b Linux distributions and Windows systems

c None

d Only Windows systems

e Only Linux distributions

f None

Q7: Which of the following keyword terminates the for loop or switch statement and
transfers execution to the statement immediately following the for loop or switch??

a None
b None

c continue

d None

e break

f None

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