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Q1: What is the correct syntax for referring to an external script called "xxx.js"??

a <script src="xxx.js">

b None

c <script name="xxx.js">

d <script href="xxx.js">

e <script declare="xxx.js">

f None

Q2: Explain the purpose of nohup command.?

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c To keep the command running even after the user who issues the command has
logged out.

The correct Answer is: None

e To start the command after the user who issues the command has logged out.

f To start the command after a certain statement has been approved.

Q3: How do you write "Hello World" in PHP?

a echo "Hello World";

b display "Hello World";

c None

d None

e "Hello World";

f Document.Write("Hello World");

Q4: Which of the following is not a SQL operator??

a Between .. and ..

b In

c All of the above are valid SQL operators

d Not in

e Like

f Is null

Q5: What are Docker objects??

The correct Answer is: None

b Docker images, containers and services

The correct Answer is: None

d Code, Databases and Local storage

The correct Answer is: None

f Files, Plugins and Base

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