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Q1: The __________ Element represents a span of text that is isolated from it's surroundings

for the purposes of bidirectional text formatting?

a Base

b None

c Bdo

d Bdi


f None

Q2: What is the She-bang line in a shell script?

a None

b None

c !#

d #!


f None of the above

Q3: Which of the following is for title of the modal??

a Modal-title

b None

c None

d Modal-sm

e Modal-lg

f Modal-open

Q4: The _____ character tells browsers to stop tagging the text?


c None

d None



Q5: Some tags enclose the text. Those tags are known as?

a Single tags

b None

c Pair tags

d None

e Couple tags

f Double tags

Q6: What is a daemon??

a It is a generic name for e-mail servers on Linux. The most famous one is mailer-

b It is the generic name for any Linux server.

c None

d It is a program that keeps running on the background after it is called, answering

to requests done by users and other programs.

e It is an antivirus for Linux.

f None

Q7: Once a table has been created in MySQL, its structure cannot be altered?

a True
b None

c None

d None

e False

f None

Q8: In HTML document the tags?

a None

b None

c should be written in lower case

d can be written in both uppercase or lowercase

e should be written in propercase

f Should be written in upper case

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