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Q1: Which Tag is used if you want to indicate the importance of the phrase??

a <h1>

b <em>

c <h2>

d None

e None

f <strong>

Q2: Which keyword is used with the UPDATE command to change the value??



c None


e None


Q3: In HTML, what does the <aside> element define??

a None

b The ASCII character-set; to send information between computers on the Internet

c A navigation list to be shown at the left side of the page

d A list to be included in a certain part of the page

e Content aside from the page content

f None

Q4: Which command is used to create a Kubernetes service??

a None

b kubectl deploy service

c None

d kubectl set service

e kubectl create service

f kubectl expose

Q5: Which file is the single most important file in Wordpress??

a None

b header.php

c wp-config.php

d page.php

e wp-setting.php

f None

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