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China-Pakistan TVET Cooperation and Development

Seminar and the Launching Ceremony of China-

Pakistan TVET Exchange and Cooperation Series
Activities on 29th August, 2022.


 H.E Mr. Moin ul Haque, Ambassador of Pakistan,

 Mr. Pan Yuqi, Education Attaché, Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China Islamabad,
 H.E Mr. Yu Yougen, Deputy Secretary, China Education Association for International
 Mr. Zhou Xiaomin, Deputy Secretary, The Belt and Road Research Branch, China
Association of Higher Education
 Mr. Li Jinsong, President & Founder, Tang International Education Group
 Academician Dr. Ding Zhifeng, Executive President, Beijing Global Talent Exchange
 Mr. Sajid Baloch, Executive Director, National Vocational and Technical Training
Commission, NAVTTC

And Respected Attendees and Participants,

Thank You very much for inviting Gawadar Institute of Technology on this grand and
magnificent event, 2022 marks 71 years of Pak-China’s diplomatic relations.
From economic cooperation to supporting each other on international forums, the Pak-China
relations can be characterized as the epitome of peace, harmony, and stability for the South
Asian region.

Seventy-One years of ‘all-weather’ and ‘deeper than oceans’ time-tested friendship of Pakistan
and China, has gone beyond the traditional diplomatic and political comfortability transcending
to a broad-based framework integrating economics, trade, and defense dimensions.
The complexity and rationale of their relations could be assessed from the fact that Pakistan was
amongst the first few countries to recognize the People’s Republic of China in the 1950s. Both
states have constantly enjoyed a close, formidable, and mutually beneficial relationship, built on
the strength of their successive achievements.
Likewise, in Pakistan’s foreign policy architecture, a friendly relationship with China has always
been seen at a rising trajectory where their common interests and perceptions remain emblems of
two-sided relations.
There is a strong need from both Pakistan and China to cooperate in vocational education. Much
progress has been made, and it’s just the start.
In view of the strategic concerns, the geopolitical dynamics of Asia have also undergone a huge
transformation over the past few years. The growing strategic partnership of India and the US in
political, military, and economic areas affected the strategic balance in the region.

Subsequently, China as a regional power became the priority choice of Pakistan for mutual
strategic interests. So, the geostrategic significance of Pakistan seems to have been reinforced for
China both in South Asia and Indian Ocean Region.

For the moment, growing China presents an opportunity for Pakistan to leverage the growing
economic and military ability of China and advance its interests in the region. Likely, the
ongoing cooperation is much more comprehensive and wide-ranging than before, elucidating the
mutual interest between Pakistan and China.
I'm hoping that the CCTE Joint Diploma corporation would make it conceivable for alumnae to
look for careers not just in in CPEC and Belt and Road industries, GCC Countries, China and
Pakistan but also in other countries around the globe. In the framework of Special Economic
Zones (SEZs) under the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), it will also discourse the
rising demand for highly skilled individuals. Now it has ethical commitment of this forum to
contribute for the engagement of graduates under the Sino-Pak Dual Diploma Program.
Once more, I would express my gratitude to all of our Pakistani and Chinese friends for joining
this historic moment for TEVT sector.
Let's collaborate to build an even more promising future for our two friendly nations.

Thank You Everyone

Pak-China Friendship Zindabad
Pak-China Friendship always Zindabad.

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