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H 0 ME

Design and Installation Manual

for Residential Mechanical
Ventilation Systems

H e a t i ng R e frige ra t i ng a nd Air C o nditi o n i ng Institute of C a n ada

The Design and Instal lation Man ual for Residential M echan ical Ventilation
Systems is pu blished by th e Heatin g , Refrigerating and Air Conditioning
I n stitute of Canada (HRAI) . The manual was prepared with a contribution from
the Energy Efficiency and Diversity I n itiative of Energy, M ines and Resources
Canada (EMH) .

Distribution of this training manual by EMR and HRAI does not necessarily sig­
nify t. h at the contents reflect the views and policies of EMR or H RA I . Mention of
trade names and commercial products does n ot constitute recommendation or
endorsement for use.

This manual has been .prt� pared under contract with H RAI by U N I E S Ltd. of
Winni' p eg with assistance of Appin Associates of Win nipeg an d R E I C Ltd . of
Toronto .


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1 Introductio n .. . . . . .
..... . . . . . . ; ........... . ... .................. ...... : ....:........ . . .. 1
.... .... .. . .. . .. .... . .. .. . . .. .. ..

1 .0 I ntroduction and Course Objectives .. . . .. . . . : .................... 1 .... ....... .. ... .. ....

2 Ventilati on . . . . . . . . . . . .'... ...... . . .. ... . . . . 3

. ... . .
..... ..... ......... . .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. ..... .... ..... ......... .. .. ... . . . ..... ..

2 .0 General ... . . , ..•;··�·············· ..

.............. . . .. ... .. . .... . .. � . . 3 .. . ... .. . . ....... . .... .... .. ......

2. 1 Air Quality Control . . . . . . . . . ;.:.� . . . � . ... . . . :..... , . . . . . . .. . . . . . 3

. . . . � .......... ; : ..-.. . ............ 3
.. ... ... ... . .. ... . .. .. ..... .. . .. . ... ..

2.2 Humidity Co ntrol . .. . .

... .......... .. .. .. . ... . .... ..... ... ... .... . .. .-

2.3 Ve ntilation Codes . . . . . . . ... . . . . ... . . 7

................. . .... ......... ... . . .. . ... ... . . . ..... .. . . . .. . . ..

2.4 CSA F326 . .. . .

..... . ..... ... .
. . ............ . .. . ..... ... . . . 7
.... . . . ... ...... . . . .................. ..... ..... .

2.5 Items Not Covered i n F326 .... ........................ ...... . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . ....... ... 8
2.6 AC H P Tech n ical Requireme nts . . .. . .
.......... . ... 8
... ........ .......... ..... . .. .. . . . . .... .

2.7 ASHRAE Standard 62-1 989 . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .. . . . . .. . .... ... .. ........ . . . . . . . . . 1 1

2. 8 "House as a System" . ... . ... . . .. . ........... . . .. .
.. . ..... . . . 12 .. . ... . . .... ........... . . .. .. .. . ... .

3 Defi n itions 13
...................................... ............................................ .........................

3.0 Defi n itions . .. . . . . .. . . 13

. . . ..
........ .. ..... . .... . . . . .. .. . . .................. . ............. .. .. . ....... . . . . . . . ...

3. 1 Types of Air . . .. . . ..
... ... . .
... .. .. ....... .. . . 13 . . . ...... .... ..... .. . ... .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . ....... ... . . ..

3.2 Air Change Rate .. . ... . .. . . .

........ . . . .. 1 6
........... ........ . . ......... .... . . . ... . . ........ .... ... ...

3.3 Net, Base, and Reference Exhaust Flow Rates . . . .. . .16 .. . .. .. .. . . .... ..... .. . .

3.4 Defin itions from CSA Stan dards F32 6 . 1 and F326 . 2 ..... . . . ............. 1 7

4 Ve ntilatio n & D istribution . . . . . .. . .

.. ..
.. . . .
. 21
........... .............. . .. ... .. .. ............ . . ... . . . ... .....

4.0 Ventilation and Distribution: Types of Systems . . . . . . . .21 . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .

4. 1 Ventilation System Types . . . ... . . .. 22

D istribution System Types .. . . . . . . . . . . ..
............. .... ... ...... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . .....

4.2 .. . .. . . . 24 .... ........ . ..... .... . ... . .. . . ..... .... .. . . .

4.3 Modes of Fan Operation .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 5 .... .. .. .. . .... .. . .. ..... ... .. . .. ...... . .. .. ...... ..

5 Ventilation System Design .. . . .. .

..... .
........... . .... .. ..... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . ... .. .. . . 2 7
.. . .. .

5.0 Ventilation System Design . . . . .. .. . . . . .... . . . ... . .. ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. ........ . . . . 27

.. . . ..

Task 1 Determine Ventilation Requirements . ... ............. ..... . . . . 28

... .. .... .

Task 2 Develop C onceptual Desig n .. . . . . ........... .. .. ......... .. . . ..... . . . . . 32

.. .....

Task 3 Determine Allowable Air Flow Imbalances and

Size Relief or Make-up Air Systems . .. . . . .. 39
Determine Air D istribution ..
......... ......... ..... . ... .. ..

Task 4 .. . . . .. . ... 4 7
Selection and Sizing of Grilles . .
.. .. ......... . ............ . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. .

Task 5 .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . 59·

. . .. . . .

Task 6 Select Ventilation Equipment . .......... . ..... . ................................ 63

Task 7 Layout System . ... . 75
. . . . . ..
. . .. .............. .......... ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .....

Task 8 Size Ducts . ... .. .... . .

... .... .. .... .. . ..... .... . ....... . .. ........ .. . . .... . . . . 8 0. . .. . . .

Task 9 Specify Ventilation System Controls . . ... ..... . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . 87

. . . . . ..

Task 1 0 Review Desig n . . . . . . . .. ......... .. ...... ... . .... .. ............ . .............. ....... . 93 ....
6 Ventilation Syste m Installation ... . .
.... .
.... .... ...... . .... . 97 ....... . ...... .. .. . . . . . .. ............. ....

6.0 Codes and Standards . . . . . ... . . .

.. ... . .
.. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... . 9 7
....... . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .... . . . .. . . . .. .

6.1 Desig n an d Layout Review . . . . . ..... ...... . . . . ..... 98 .......... . ....... . . . . ...... ............

6.2 Location .. . .
................ . .
. .
... .......... . .
.. .. . .
..... ...... . . ... 99. . . ....... . .... .. . ... ... . .. . . . . .. .. .. .

6.3 Fans and H RVs ... . .. . ..

...... .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . 100
. . ......... ... . ... . ........ . ... .. .. . . . . . .. . . . .

6.4 Mounting ..
............. . . ......... . . . . ......... . .. ....... .. . .. 103
................. . ... .. . . .. . ... ..........

6.5 Drain.:. . . . . . . . . 1 04
Electrical .... ... ..... ....... . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . .....: ..... ........ . . . ... .... ... ... ...... ..... .... . . ....... 1 04
.. .... .... . . ... .. .. . .......... . . . . . . .. .. .. . ............ . . .. . . . . . . ...... .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .... .

6. 7 Controls . . ... ..
. ... ....... . .. . . . . .
... ....... .... ... .. .... ..... . 105 .... ....... .............. . ........ . ... . . ..

6.8 Duct Installation . .. .... ...... . ... ... . 107

. ... . . . . . ......... . .. ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ....

6.9 Ventilation Air Supply Ductwork .. . .. . . .... . . . 1 10

. . . .. . . . . .. . .. .. ... . . .. .. . . ... ... . .. . . ..

6.10 Exhaust Air Ductwork . . ... . ..... . .. . ..... . ..... . ..

. ... .. . ... 113 . ...... ........... ........ .. . . .. ...

6.11 I ntake and Exhaust Air Hoods . . . .. ..... .

... .. .. . . 113
. .. . . .............. . ...... ...... . . ... .

6·. 1 2 Duct Insulation . .. .. . ..

..... . . . . .. . . . .
. . ... .... . . .
..... ... . . . . . . . . 116
.... .... .... ...... .... . . . . . .. .. . ..

6. 1 3 Dam pers .. . . .
.. . ... . . .. ....... .. .. . .... ..... . .
.............. .. .. .... .. . 118 . ......... ... . . ....... . . . ..... ...

6.14 Filters .......................... ............ ............. . . . . . . ..................... . ....................... 1 19

6.15 Grilles and Diffusers . . .. . ..
..... . . . . ............ .. . .. .. . 1 19
. . .... . ... .... . . . ... . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . ..

7 System Commissioning. . . .... . 123

. . .. . ............. . ........... . . . .......... . ......... . ....... . . . ..........

7.0 Pre Start- up Inspection . . . . .. . .. . . 123 . . .. ..... . ..... . . . . . .. . .. . ................ . . . ... .... ... . .. . .

7.1 Start- U p . .. . . .
......... . . .. .
. .. . . .. . .. 125
........ . ...... ... . .. . .. . .......... .. . . ...... ... ... ... ... . ... . .. ...

7.2 Air Flow Measurement and Balancing . 1 27 .... . . ............... . ... . .. . ............ . .

7.3 Certification . .. . .. . .. . . . .. ..
............ . . . 13::>
.. . . .................. ..... .... .. . . ..... . . .. ... . .. . . . ... ....

Glo ssary

Co des and Stan dards

Stan dards Org an izations

ACHP Ventilator Check List


Worksheets 1 - 9

Worksheet 1 O - Check List Design




C o n structi o n details used to reduc e energy c o n sum pti o n a nd m oist u re damag e

to the b uil di ng str uctur e i n m odern houses greatly reduce nntu ral air l eakag e.
Without m ec ha nical ventilati o n, normal activiti es suc h a s lau ndry, cooki ng a nd
showers ca n ca u se exc essive h umidity l evel s resulti ng i n occ u pa nt di sc omf ort,
c on d e n sati o n o n c ool wall s a n d wi ndows a nd bacte rial or f u ng u s g rowth.

T h er e i s al so a c o nc e rn with occ u pa nt health. Ra don, f o rmal d ehy de f rom b uild­

i ng material s a n d f u rni shi ngs a n d househol d c h emical s ca n reac h harmf ul
c onc entrati o n s if ventila ti o n i s i na dequate.

F u rtherm ore, a s b uildi ng envelopes b ecom e tig hter, there i s i ncr eased c omp eti­
ti on f o r air am ong the va ri o u s sy stem s, equi pm e nt, a n d a pplia nc e s. A separate
o utdo o r air s u pply, i n depe ndent of th e g e n e ral ventilati o n system, m ust b e
provided f o r all comb u sti o n a pplia nc es i n stall ed i n houses.

T o a ddress these c o nc e rns a n d i ssues, Ca na dia n Sta ndar ds Associa ti o n (CSA)

ha s developed Sta n da rd F326 "R eside ntial M ec ha nical V e ntilati on
R e q ui rem e nts", whic h specifi es r eq ui rements f o r the i n stallati on of m ec ha nical
ve ntilati o n sy stem s i n housi ng.

T h e desig n e r a n d i n stall er of ventilati o n sy stem s needs to k n ow ab out m ec ha ni­

cal sy stem desig n a n d i nstallati o n g uideli nes that m eet CSA F326. H eati ng,
R efrigerati o n a n d Ai r C o n diti o n s I nstitute of Ca nada (HRA I) ha s devel oped thi s
ma n ual a nd trai ni ng pr og ram to pr ovide those i nvolved i n the desig n, i n stal­
lati o n a n d inspecti o n of m ec ha nical ve ntilati o n sy stem s f or r e sid e nces th e
trai ni ng and doc um e ntati o n necessa ry f o r them to u nde rsta n d the requir em e nts
of a nd c om ply with the sta nda rd.
In troduction • 2

Course Objectives:

1. T o provide re side nti al ve ntilati o n system s desig n ers, i nstalle rs and i n sp ec­
tors with an u nde rstanding of CSA F326, Al ask a C raftsman H ome
Prog ram, I n c. (ACHP), and Ame ri can S ociety of H eati ng, R efrig erati ng and
Air-Co n di ti oni ng E ngi nee rs, I n c. (ASHRAE ) re qui reme nts, th u s all owi ng
them to de sig n, i nstall and e n su re com pli ance with the re qui rem e nts.

2. T o provi de trai ni ng as part of ACHP' s ventil ation sy stem i n stall er s ce rtifi­

c ati o n prog ram.

3. The ultimate obje ctive i s im prove d homeow ne r comfort, he alth and safety
through improved resi d e nti al ventil ati on system design and i nstall ati on.

... ... ...




Ventilati o n i s the process of supplyi ng or removi ng ai r by eith er natu ral or m e­

c ha nical m ea n s to or f rom a ny spac e. A sepa rate sy stem, s uc h a s a f u rnac e or
ai r c o n diti o n e r, i s g en e rally u sed for heati ng and cooli ng. The p u rpose of a
resi d ential ventilati o n sy stem i s to:

c o ntrol o dors a n d ai r c ontami na nts (i ndoor ai r quality c o ntrol),

co ntrol i n door l evel s of m oi sture ( h umi dity c o ntrol).


A h o u se i s sai d to have poor ai r q uality w h e n the ai r i n si d e c ontai n s a la rg e

eno ug h q ua ntity of a ny sub sta nc e to a dversely affect t h e c omf ort, h ealth or
saf ety of the occ u pa nts. Odo rs, c hemical poll utants (f rom f u rnitu re, rug s, i n sula­
ti on, cl ea ni ng fl ui ds, c osmetic s, etc.), radon ga s, biological poll uta nts f rom p e o­
pl e, pets a n d pla nts (i ncl udi ng m olds and mil dew), a n d pa rtic ulates (suc h as
dust, polle n, a n d ciga rette smok e) a re f o u n d in the ai r of every hom e. If the rate
of poll uta nt g e n e ration i ndoors i s hig h or th e ventilati o n rate i s l ow, indoo r poll u­
ta nt c o nc e ntrati o n s may b e hig h enoug h that the c omf ort or health of the occ u­
pants is jeopa rdiz ed.

T here a re a n umb e r of m ethods of c o ntrolli ng co ntami na nt levels. T h ese i nclu de

rem ovi ng the poll uta nt sourc e, s ub stituti o n of poll uti ng products or activiti es with
non polluti ng on es, sea li ng, e nc losi ng or e nca psulati ng the s o u rc e, c ha ng es i n
desig n, ai r treatm e nt a n d ventilati on. I n all ca ses som e l evel of ventilati o n i s re­
q ui red to mai ntai n i n doo r ai r q uality.

M ec ha nical ventilati o n sy stem s that provi d e c o ntroll e d ventilation th roug h out the
structure a re the obj ect of CSA F326, and a re the subj ect of this ma n ual.


Many exi sti ng Alaska n houses a re exc essively d ry d u ri ng o u r wi nte rs, a n d hu­
mi dificati o n i s often nec essa ry. H owever, b eca use of the l ow rate of natural
ve ntila ti o n i n ai rtig ht homes, the situati o n may b e reversed a nd hig h h umi dity
l evel s ca n result. W hile not alway s co nsi dered a c o ntami na nt or p oll uta nt,
exc essive l evels of water va por i n the ai r ca n lea d to a e sth etic, structural a n d
Ventilation - 4

even health probl ems (b ecau se hig h humi dity l evels su pport bacterial a n d mold
g rowth).

I n the wi nte r, it i s possibl e to r educ e the humi dity l evel withi n a buildi ng by sim­
ply r e placi ng the i n si de ai r with outsi de ai r (i. e. ventilati o n ). T h e rate of m ec ha ni­
cal ventilati o n re qui red to c o ntrol the humi dity l evel i n a hom e will u sually b e ad­
e quate to c o ntrol c ontami na nts a n d odors. I n some cases, the ventilati o n sy stem
i n the hou se may b e s o eff ecti ve i n r emovi ng water va por, that humidificati on
may b e r e qui red.

But w hy is outsi de ai r so dry? I n the wi nter, the relative humidity ca n a pproac h

1 00%, y et the ai r o nly co ntai ns a relatively small am ou nt of water va por. A cl oser
look at the defi niti o n of humidity i s needed to u ndersta n d thi s.

Absolute Humidity i s the m ea sur e of the actual amou nt (weig ht) of water (i n th e
f o rm of wate r va por ) c o ntai ned i n a given amou nt of ai r, rega rdl ess of the tem­
peratu re of that ai r.

Relative Humidity (RH) i s d efi ned as the amou nt of water va por i n the ai r (at a
specifi ed temperatur e) relative to the total am ou nt of water vapor that could be
c o ntai ned i n that ai r at that sam e tem peratur e. It is u sually ex pressed a s a per­
c e ntag e. Warm air ca n hol d m ore water va por tha n cold air. If air i s c ool ed its
ability to h ol d water dec reases.

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Ventilation • 6

T h e f oll owi ng exam pl e will put t hi s i n perspective. T h e ai r i n a ty pical 1,300 sf

h o u s e with f ull ba sem e nt ca n h ol d u p to 5.3 gall o n s of wate r at a n ai r tem pera­
ture of 72°F. If the h o u s e ai r w e re h ol di ng thi s maxim um amo u nt of wate r, it
woul d have a RH of 100% a n d a n ab sol ute h umi dity of .039 po u n d of water per
po u n d of ai r. If the ai r in the h o use ha d a relati ve h umi dity of 40% at 72°F, it
woul d h ol d 40% of thi s maxim um am o u nt or abo ut 2.1 gall o n s of water (ab sol ute
h umi dity of 0.0158 p o u n d s of water per p o u n d of ai r).

If the ai r i n th e h o u s e w e re c ool ed f rom 72°F a n d 40% RH, without addi ng or re­

m o vi ng a ny water f rom the spac e, the relative h umi dity woul d ri se, whil e ab so­
l ute h umi dity remai n e d c o n stan t u ntil the ai r tem peratu re reac h e d 48.2°F. At
48.2° the RH w o ul d be 100% a n d the ab sol ute h umi dity w o ul d still be 0.0158
pou n d/ po u n d, or 2.1 gall o n s total water i n the h o u s e ai r. T h e tem perature at
which the ai r reaches 100% RH Is known as Its saturation te mpe rature or
de w point.

If the ai r w e re c o ol e d a ny m o re som e water woul d c on de n se o ut of the ai r, the

RH w o ul d remai n at 100% a n d the ab sol ute h umi dity w o ul d fall. At 32° F, the ai r
i n the h ou s e c oul d h ol d o nly 1.1 gall o n s of wate r (abs ol ute h umi dity 0.0083
po u n d/ p o u n d, RH 100%). O n e gallo n w o ul d have c o n de n se d o ut of th e ai r. At
- 4° F, it woul d c o ntai n ab o ut .15 gall o n s of wate r. If th e ai r were wa rm e d to 72° F
f rom - 4°F, a n d the am o u nt of water i n the ai r were hel d at .15 gall o n, the RH of
the ai r w o ul d fall f rom 100% at - 4°F to 3% at 72°F.

I n the wi nter tim e, h o u s e ai r may c o ol b el ow its dew poi nt a s it pa sses over c old
i n do o r s u rfac e s ( s uc h a s wi n dows, a ro u n d doo rs, or even c ol d c o rn ers), ca u sing
wate r to c o n d e ns e o ut o n these s u rfac es. I n door ai r l eaki ng i nto the wall s or attic
of the h o u se may drop water withi n the struc t u re a s it i s c ool ed b el ow its d ew
poi nt. T o mi nimize the probl ems that these may ca u se, new h o use c o n struction
tec h ni q u e s a re desig n e d to:

a voi d very c ol d s u rfac e tem perature s (by i nc rea si ng i n s ulati o n l evel s);

prevent h ou s e ai r f rom l eaki ng throug h the b uil di ng envel ope (th ro ug h
ai rtig htness m ea s u res a n d positive pre s s u re imbala nc e avoi da nc e), a nd;

c o ntrol ( re d uc e ) i ndoor h umidity level s ( th roug h ventilati o n ).

� 48°F· (\� _
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� -4°F

" ...
Ventilation - 7

I n t h e wi nt e r, ventilati on redu ces i ndoor h u mi dity l evel s by repla ci ng h u mid i n­

door ai r wit h dry o utdoor ai r. I n t h e summer, t h e opp osite may occur. O n a hot
muggy day, out do o r ai r may have hig h e r ab sol ute h u midity t ha n t h e cool er ho us e
ai r. I nt roduci ng o ut doo r ai r i n t hi s case will i n crea se i n d o o r h umidity l evels. To
effectively reduce i n do o r h u mi dity l evels i n th e s u mmer, a deh u mi dif e r o r air
con dit io n e r may b e required.


R ecog nizi ng t h e need fo r i mp roved ve ntilatio n in housing, t h e 1985 edit io n of th e

Nati onal B uilding Code (NBC) (S ub secti o n 9.33.3 M echa ni cal V e ntilati o n) s peci­
fi e s mecha ni cal ve ntilati on req ui rement s for all n ew h o u si ng. T h e Ca na dia n
Sta n da rds Associat ion (CSA) develop e d a d ra ft sta n da rd, CSA F326 "R es­
ide ntial M echa ni cal V e ntilati on R eq ui rement s" t o p rovi d e detail s o n how th e
b uildi ng i ndustry could meet t h e NBC req ui rement s for ventilati o n. It is a nti ci­
pat ed t hat CSA Sta nda rd F326 "R esi dent ial V e ntilati o n R e q ui rements" will b e
adopted by t h e NBC, a n d l ocal b uildi ng code a utho riti e s acros s Ca nada.

2.4 CSA F326

CSA F326 i s ma de up of t h ree pa rts. T h ese a re:

CSA F326 .1 Resi d e ntial M e cha ni cal V entilati on R e q ui re ments;

CSA F326.2 R es idential M echa ni cal V e ntilati o n Sy stem I n stallatio n
R e q uirements;
CSA F326.3 Resi d e ntial Ve ntilati o n Sy st e m C omplia nce M et ho ds.

S cope refers t o what i s co vered or i ncl uded i n a Stan da rd. T h e foll owi ng b riefly
hig hlight s t h e scop e of each pa rt of CSA Sta n da rd F326.

CSA F326 .1 describ es t h e conditi ons t hat ventilat ion sy st e ms m ust meet. It says
t hat all n ew h o u si ng m u st have continuous mechanical ventilation. It sp e cifies
rul e s for determi ni ng t h e mi ni mu m a mo u nt of o ut doo r ai r t hat m u st b e s u ppli ed to
t h e hous e, t h e exha ust sy stem ai r fl ow requi re ments, how a n d w h ere t h e ai r
must be distrib uted a n d mini m u m ventilati on s upply ai r t e mp e rat u res. F u rth e r­
more, it pla ces re st ri cti ons on t h e maxi mum i mbala nce ( diffe re nce) i n ventilatio n
supply a n d ex ha u st ai r fl ows.

CSA F326.2 covers t h e i n stallati o n of resi dential ve ntilati o n sy st e m s i n cl udi ng

work ma nship, mat erials, equip ment, i n s ulatio n req ui re ments fo r ductwork, sys­
tem lay o ut a n d design. It i s t h e " h ow to" pa rt of t h e sta n da rd.
Ventilation · 8

CSA F326.3 i s th e complia nce part of the sta n da rd. It d escribes how the i n­
stall er o r a n i n sp ector i s to ch eck a n i nstallati on o r pi e ce of equip ment to dete r­
mi n e if it meets the requi rements of th e Sta n da rd.


CSA F326 covers mechani cal ventilati o n requi rements for all typ e s of h o u si ng
except apa rtment-typ e b uil di ngs. Th ese a re covered u n de r th e Nati onal
B uil di ng C ode. CSA F326 i s i ntended o nly to deal with n ormal h o use hol d p oll u­
ta nts a n d it assumes o utdoor ai r i s s uitabl e for ventilati o n. I n ca ses where ex­
cepti onal p oll uta nt e mi ssion rates a re enco u ntered o r wh e re o utdoor ai r con­
ta mi na nt l evel s mak e it i mp ra cti cal to u se outdoor ai r for ventilati o n, mea s u res
b ey o n d th e scop e of thi s sta n da rd (e.g. ai r cleani ng, p u ri fi cati o n, fil trati o n, etc.)
a re requi red.

T h e ventilati o n ai r call ed for i n this sta n da rd does not p rovi d e for th e comb us­
ti o n or dil uti o n ai r req ui reme nts for comb usti o n applia nces. T h e se m u st b e a d­
dressed separately as call ed for by codes coveri ng comb u sti o n a pplia nces ( e.g.
CAN 8139; CAN 8149). T h e sta n da rd does, however, recog nize the sensi tivity
of di ffe rent typ es of comb u sti o n equip ment, when specifyi ng i ndoor to o utdo or
ai r p ressure diffe ren ce li mits.

Alth o ug h some ve ntilati o n i s pr ovided by natural ai r l eakage thr o ug h the b uild­

ing envel ope, it vari es g reatly thr o ugh o ut the y ea r. It ca n not b e reli ed upon to
pr ovide th e ve ntilati o n rates needed to e n su re a cceptabl e ai r q uality at all tim es.
All the ventilati o n call ed for i n th e sta n da rd must b e p rovided by mecha ni cal
mea n s.


At th e date of thi s p ublicati o n, the sig nifi ca nt difference b etween th e ACHP p ro­
g ra m req ui rements a n d th e Ca nadia n CSA F326 requi rement i s CSA F326 will
all ow 0.3 ai r cha nges p e r h o u r. Th e room co u nt b etween CSA F326 sta n da rd
ca n b e co mpared by looki ng at Figu re 01 .2.
* ACHP minimum Air Change per Hour is 0.35.

Ventilation - 9

Air Quality Consideration

T h e ve ntilatio n requi rement s a re i nt ended to e n s u re a ccepta bl e l evel s of ai r

q uality, a dequat e venti ng o f co m b u stio n pro d u ct s, a n d co ntrol of i n door h u mi d­
ity l evel s fo r safety a n d healt h.


T h e mecha ni cal ve ntilatio n sy st e m m u st have co nti nuo u s va ria bl e-s peed co n­

t rol wit h demo nst rat ed ca pa b ility of s u pply ing o utdoor ve ntilatio n air at a co nti n­
uo u s rat e at a mi ni m u m of 0 . 35 ai r cha ng es per ho u r (a ch) o r 1 O cubi c ft per
mi n ut e ( cfm) per ha bita bl e roo m. I n additio n t h e ve ntilatio n eq ui pment m ust
have t h e ca pa bility of s u p plyi ng 50 cfm ve ntilatio n fo r di sco nti n uo u s boo st s
w h e n n e eded.

T h e ve ntilatio n sy st e m must also b e a ble to provide at l east 50 cfm a dditio nal

o ut doo r ai r o n a n i nter mitt e nt ba sis a n d exha u st a i r at t h e rat e of 100 cfm fro m
kit ch e n s a n d 50 cfm fro m bat h roo ms.

Mecha ni cal ventilatio n e q ui p ment, i n cludi ng ai r-to-air ex cha nge rs, or si mila r
heat recovery ventilato rs, shall b e i n sta lled acco rdi ng to t hi s ma n ual, a n d/o r
lo cal co des.

A ventilatio n t est co nducted by ACHP certi fied perso n n el m u st v eri fy that
t he ho me meet s prog ra m ve ntilatio n r eq uir em ents.

Step 1 Calculate t h e minimum acceptable continuous supply rate of

outdoor air for the house. T hi s i s determi n e d o n the basis of t h e i nstall ed

sy st e m having t h e capa city to provide 1 0 cfm to ea ch roo m of the ho us e,
a n d 20 cfm to t h e ba sement and utility roo ms. A ny co m bi n ed ar ea s, s u ch
as t h e living a n d di n i ng r oo ms, ar e t reat ed as two s eparat e roo m s. In the
sa m ple ex ercise, the rooms a n d t he requi red mi ni m u m syst e m ca pa city
a re i d entifi ed a s totalli ng 1 30 cfm .

Step 2 Cal culat e t h e intermittent supply capability. T h e i nt er mitte nt o r

p eak ventilat io n flow rate fo r t h e ho use i s det e rmi n e d by addi ng 5 0 cfm to

t h e mi ni mu m co nti n uo u s ventilatio n rate. T h is peak ca pa bility will b e
a ct ivat ed by a h u m i distat a n d eit h e r ma n ual co nt rols o r a ti m er. T h e
ve ntilatio n equip m e nt chosen by t h e b uil d e r m u st b e ca pa bl e o f
p rovi ding ai r at t hi s rat e. Fo r t h e sa mpl e ho use, t he ve ntilatio n
e q ui pment must b e ca pa bl e of movi ng 180 cfm ( 130+50).
Ventilation - 10

Step 3 - Ca lculate t h e requir ed dedi cat ed exha ust capabi lity. T h e
distrib uti on o f t h e i nt ermitt ent, or p eak, exha ust capability fo r t h e house is
dete rmi ned o n t h e basis t hat ea ch bat h room must ha ve t h e capability of
ex ha usti ng 50 cfm, a n d t h e kitchen must have 1 00 cfm of ex ha ust
capability. I n ma ny cas es t h e cent ral ventilati on st rat egy chos e n by t h e
b uil der wi ll ha ve adequate capa city to meet t h ese req ui re m e nts.


Minimum Required
Floor/Room Continuous Exhaust
Ventilation Capacity

Bedroom 10cfm
Bedroom 10 cfm
Bedroom 10 cfm
Bathroom 10 cfm 50 cfm
Kitchen 10 cfm 1 oo cfm
Living Room 10 cfm
Dining Room 10 cfm
Family Room 10 cfm
Utility Room 20 cfm
Bathroom 10 cfm 50 cfm
Basement 20 cfm

Step 1 Continuous I 130 cfm

Step 2 Addltlonal I add 50 cfm
Step 3
S ystem 180 cfm
200 cfm

... "
Ventilation - 11

2.7 A S H RA E STANDA R D 62- 1 989

Table 2.3 a
O utdoor Require me nts for Ve ntilation of Residentia l Facilitie s
(Private Dwelllngs, Slngle, Multiple)

AQ.P.licatlons Outdoor Reguirements Comments

Living areas 0.35 air changes per hour but For calculating the air changes per hour, the
not less than 15 cfm (7.5 Us) volume of the living spaces shall include all
per person areas within the conditioned space. The vent­
ilation is normally satisfied by infiltration and
natural ventilation. Dwellings with tight enclo­
sures may require supplement ventilation sup­
ply for fuel-burning appliances, including fire­
places and mechanically exhausted appli­
ances. Occupant loading shall be based on
the number of bedrooms as follows: first bed­
room, two persons; each additional bedroom,
one person. Where higher occupant loadings
are known, they shalt be used.

Kitchens b 100 cfm (50 Us) intermittent Installed mechanically exhaust

or 25 cfm (12 Us) continuous capacityC. Climatic conditions may
or openable windows. affect choice of the ventilation system.

Baths, 50 cfm (25 Us) intermittent Installed mechanical exhaust capacityC.

Toilets b or 20 cfm (10 Us) continuous
or openable windows.

Separate for 100 cfm (50 Us) per car Normally satisfied by infiltration or
each dwelling natural ventilation

Common for 1.5 cfm/ft2 (7.5 Us ft2) See "Enclosed Parking Garages," Table 2.1
several units

a In using this table, the outdoor air is assumed to be acceptable

b Climatic conditions may affect choice of ventilation option chosen.
c The air exhausted from kitchens, bath, and toilet rooms may utilize air supplied through
adjacent living areas to compensate for the air exhausted. The air supplied shall meet the requirements of
exhaust systems as described in 5.8 and be of sufficient quantities to meet the requirements of this table.
Ven tilation - 12


An u nderlying concept i n this manual and i n the standard i s the "House as a

Syste m", that is the concept that all the components that make up the house are
interlinked, and a change to one system may affect the ope ration of others. Fo r
example, o perating exhaust only ventilation equipment or applian ces can affect
the draft of a natu rally aspirated fu rnace , possibly causing it to backdraft wh ich
deg rades air q uality in the house. It may also cause soil or sewer gas to enter the
house throug h th e floor drain or basement floor. Taken in isolation, one assumes
that turning on the exhaust fan will improve indoor air qu ality. Looking at all th e
impl ications, or considering "the house as a system", turning on an exhaust fan
may resu lt in a sign ificant reduction of indoo r air q uality in the house and possi­
bly even a health or safety hazard . CSA F326 has attempted to deve lop reg u la­
tions fo r ventilation systems wh ich look at the whole picture, (i.e. "the House as a
System") so th at solutions to one problem do not create other problems.

.. ..
· 3



A n u mb e r of t ec h ni cal t e rms a re used i n t hi s ma n ual a n d i n CSA Sta n da rd

F326. A n effort ha s b· een ma de t o e n s u re t hat t h e sa m e m ea ni ng ha s b een ap­
pli ed t o t h e t e rms u sed i n b ot h docu ment s. T o h el p t h e u se r cl ea rly u n d e rsta nd
t h e t ext t hat follows, some fre q u e ntly u se d t e rms a re ex plai n e d i n S e cti on 3.1,
3.2 a n d 3.3 of t h e ma n ual. A s well, defi niti o n s given i n CSA F326.1 a n d CSA
F326.2 a re li st e d i n S e cti on 3.4. I n t h e ba ck o f t hi s ma n ual i s a gl ossa ry wit h
defi niti o n s for ma ny ot h e r co m m o nly used ventilati o n sy st e m t e rms.


O n e a rea of pot ential confusi o n i s i n t h e use of common wo rds for t h e typ es of

ai r i n a ve ntilatio n sy stem. T h e foll owi ng defi nitio ns a n d su ppo rting illu st ratio ns
describ e t h e m ea ni ng of va ri o u s ai r st rea m relat ed t e rms u se d i n t hi s ma nual.

Combustion Air - ai r req ui red t o provi de ade­

q uat e oxyg en for f u el b u rni ng a p plia nces i n
t h e b uil di ng. I n t hi s ma n ual t h e t e rm
" co mb u sti on ai r" refers to t h e t otal ai r req ui re­
ment s of a fuel b u rni ng a p plia n ce i n cl u di ng
b ot h ai r t o support t h e comb u sti o n process
a n d ai r to provi d e chi mn ey dra ft ( dil uti on ai r).

Exhaust Air ai r removed fro m a space and


not reused t h e rei n . T hi s i n cl u d e s ai r fro m

kit c h e n a n d bat h ro o m exha u st fa n s, cl ot hes
dry er s, va cu u m clea n ers, et c. w hi ch i s m e­
cha ni cally exp ell ed t o t h e o ut do ors. T h e t erm
"Ex ha u st" may be prefix ed to describ e it s

so u rce ( e.g. dry e r ex ha u st, kit chen exha u st,
cent ral va c exha u st).
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D efiniti ons - 15

Make-up Air - o utdoor ai r s uppli ed to replace

exha ust ai r. Mak e- u p ai r may e nt e r t h e h o us e
by i nfilt rati o n, t h ro ug h a mak e- u p ai r d u ct,
t h ro ug h a s up ply fa n, et c. It does not i n cl ud e
ai r ent e ri ng t h e h o us e a s comb usti on ai r o r t o
repla ce exfilt rati o n ai r.

Outdoor Air -
ai r f rom t h e ext e rnal at mo­
s p h e re tak e n i nt o t h e dwelli ng u nit wit h n o
sig nifi ca nt i n creas e i n co nta mi na nts a n d n ot
previ o usly ci rculated t h ro ug h t h e ve ntilati on
syst em.

Re lie f Air - ai r w hi ch is mecha ni cally re­

moved f ro m t h e h o us e o r which exfilt rat es fro m
t h e h o us e t o redu ce t h e deg ree of mecha ni­
cally i nd u ced h o us e press u rizati on (i. e. it is
t h e opp osit e of mak e - u p ai r).

Re circulation Air - ai r which is removed f rom

a spa ce for co nditi o ni ng ( h eati ng, cooli ng,
cl ea ni ng, h u midi fyi ng, o r d e h u midifyi ng) a nd
t h e n ret u rn e d to t h e s pa ce. T h e re is n o reci r­
culati o n ai r i n h o us es wit h o ut fo rce d ai r h eat­
i ng o r cooli ng syst e ms.

Re turn Air - reci rculati on ai r b ei ng removed

from a spa ce.

Supply Air - reci rculati on a n d ve ntilati o n ai r

b ei ng joi ntly s uppli ed i nt o a s pa ce aft e r b ei ng
co nditi o n ed ( h eate d, cool ed, cl ea n e d, h u midi­ J. o AC.H
fi ed, o r d e h u mi difi e d a n d mix e d).

Ve ntilation Supply Air -

o utdoor air b eing i n­

t e nti o nally s u ppli ed t o a habitabl e spa ce ei­
I< I Ht.
t h e r by m e cha ni cal mea ns ( e.g. ve ntilati o n
s u pply ai r fa ns or ex ha ust fa n i n d u ced i nfilt ra­
ti o n o r mak e- up ai r) o r nat u ral mea ns ( o pen
d o o rs a nd wi n dows).

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Definitions · 1 6


Another term wh ich must b e understood i s Air C hanges per Hour (AC H). 1 .0
AC H is that air flow rate wh ich , if maintained for one hour, would move a vo lume
of air equal to the entire conditioned volume of the house, and 0.3 AC H is 30%
of the air volume.


When desig ning residential ventilation systems, the desig ner must design the
syste ms around the net air flow rate at two operating conditions. The first is the
"normal" operating condition, the second is an "extreme" operating condition.
These desig n conditions relate to the amount of air leakage through th e build­
ing envelope at each operating condition , not to the loads imposed on the venti­
lation and exhaust equipment ( i . e . it relates to "the house as a system").

Ne t Air Flow Rate is the difference between the mechanical ventilation supply

air flow rate and the mechanical exhaust air flow rate . This d ifference must be
made up by infiltration or exfiltration across th e bu ilding envelope.

Base Flow Rate Condition refers to the net air flow rate to or from the house

under "normal" ope rating conditions, i . e . with all continuously operating ventila­
tion and exhaust equ ipment running (e.g . an H RV on low speed) and all inte r­
mittently operating ventilation and exhaust equipment turned off (e.g . clothes
dryer, ran ge hood).

Reference Exhaust Flow Rate Condition refers to the net air flow rates from

the house with seve ral interm ittent exhaust appl iances operating in addition to
continu ously operating ventilation and exhaust equi pment. This is the "extre me"
desig n condition .

These desi g n con ditions are discussed in more detail in Section 5 "Ventilation
System Desig n".

Definitions - 17


F326.1 AND F326.2

Base me nt- a sto ry or stori es of a b uil di ng l ocat ed b elow t h e fi rst story. F i rst
sto ry refers t o t h e u ppermost st ory havi ng its fl oor l evel n ot m o re t ha n s ix feet
ab ove g ra d e.

Bathroom - a ny room co ntai ni ng a toil et, u ri nal, bidet, batht ub, o r s h ower.

Base low rate condition - t h e desig n operating mode of t h e ventilation syst em

when providing t h e ai r fl ow rat e necessa ry t o satisfy req ui rements for t h e bas e
flow rat e of ventilati on ai r as requi red by Cla us e 5.1 .

Base flow rate of ve ntilation air - the mi nimum averag e rate of ventilati on air
achi eved per day.

Building enve lope t he s urfaces formed by all compo n ents of t he b uildi ng


whi ch encl os e t h e conditi oned vol u me.

Ce rtification - t h e process of confi rmati on by a nati onally recog niz ed cert i fica­
ti on ag ency t hat a product o r component meets s pecifi e d req ui rements w h e n
test ed i n accorda n ce wit h a recog niz ed sta nda rd.

Conditione d volume the total i nteri o r vol u me of all stori es, i ncludi ng the

bas eme nt, b ut ex cl u di ng a ny atta ched or b uilt-i n ga rag e o r crawl s pa ce.

De corative gas appliance a self- contai ned, free sta ndi ng bu rni ng applia nce

for i nstallati o n o nly i n a vent ed fi repla ce a n d whos e pri ma ry functi on li es i n t h e

aest heti c effect o f t h e fla me.

Dwe lling unit - a s uite op erated as a hous ek eepi ng u nit, us ed o r i nt e nded t o b e

used as a domi cil e by one o r more pers o ns a n d co ntai ni ng cooki ng, eati ng, li v­
i ng, sl eepi ng a n d sa nita ry fa ciliti es.

Exhaust air - ai r removed fro m a s pace and not reused t h e rei n.

Habitable room - a s pace or room desig ned for h u ma n occupancy, s u ch as a

b e d room, living room, di ni ng room, kitch e n, fa mily room, recr eati on room, o r
d e n.

He at re cove ry ve ntilator - a factory-assembled u nit w hich inco rpo rates a

mea ns t o ci rculate ai r for ventilati on a n d p rovisi on t o t ra nsfe r heat b etwe en two
is olated ai r st rea ms.

Hoods exte ri o r wall, flo o r o r roof mounted t ermi nals for t h e o utdoor ai r i nl et

a n d t h e ex ha ust ai r outl et.

Definitions - 18

Make up air - outdoor air supplied to replace exhaust air.

Occupie d zone the region with in an occupied space between plan es three

inches and six feet above the floor and more than two feet from the walls or
fixed air-co nditio n ing equ ipment.

Outdoor air - air from the external atmosphere taken i nto the dwe lling u n it with
n o sig n ificant increase in contaminants and not previously circu lated thro u g h
the ventilation system.

Outdoor winte r de sign tempe rature shall be the Jan uary 2 1 /2% value as

g ive n in Table 5 of CAN/CSA- F280-M86, Determining the Requ ired Capacity of

Residential Space Heating and Cooling Appliances.

Purchase r the person or persons having ownership or control (of the dwelling

u n it) at a date two weeks fo llowing the start up of the ventilation system or

Qualifie d - acceptable to the reg ulatory authority.

Re circulate d air - air re moved from the co nditioned space an d intended for
reuse as su pply air.

Re fe re nce e xhaust flow rate - th e sum of the exhau st components as defined

in C lause ·6 . 3 .

Re turn air - air removed from a space to b e recirculated o r exhausted.

Single -family dwe lling a residential dwelling unit, as defined in Subsectio n


2 . 1 .3(a) , Group C o f th e 1 985 National Building Code.

Supply air air delivered to the con ditioned space an d used for venti lation,

heating , cool i n g , h u m idificatio n , or dehum idification.

Utility room a room co ntaining laundry or maintenance equipment and mate­


rials, or used as a workshop.

Vente d combustion appliance - a fuel-burning furnace, bo iler, heater or fire­

place that is con nected to a chimney or vent for purposes of exhausti ng pro d ­
ucts o f combustion outdoors.

Ve ntilation - the process of su pplying an d/or removi ng air by natural or me­

chan ical means to and from any space.

Ve ntilation air - that portion of supply air which is outdoor air.

Definitions - 19

Ve ntilation Compone nts· equipment and materials used in supplying or ex­

hausting air for ve ntilation purposes, whether or not a part of a ve ntilation sys­
tem conforms to CSA Preliminary Standard F326. 1 .

Ventilation syste m all of the components installed for the purpose of provid­

ing the controlled ve ntilatio n air called for in this Standard .

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There are three generic ventilation system types. T h e three g e n eric ventilation
system types are :

1 . Mechanical Exhaust o n ly (neg ative pressu re)

2. Mechanical Ventilation Supply o n ly (positive pressu re)
3. Mechan ical Ve ntilatio n Supply and Exhaust

There are three general ventilation air distribution system types. The three dis­
tribution system types are:

1 . Dedicated Distri bution Systems

2. I ntegrated Distribution Systems
3. Through the Wall Distribution Systems

There are two modes of fan operation. The two modes of fan o peration are :

1 . Intermittent
2. C o ntinuous
Ventilation & D is tri b u t i o n - 22


Exhaust-only syste ms use fans to exhaust

air, putting the house u n der negative pres­
sure. M ake-up air comes in thro u g h leakag e
paths in the envelope and thro u g h intentional
in let openings. The openings can be reg u ­
lated to ensure even distri bution o f the make ­
u p air. C o ld drafts may cause occu pant dis­
comfort if the syste m is not well desig ned.

The negative pressure eliminates the p roblem

of condensation in the walls. However, back­
d rafting of combustion appliances, such as a
woodstove o r fireplace , co uld be a problem.
Also, the base ment should be sealed to stop
soil g ases, radon and m oisture from being e.11�"1&H �"'�

drawn from the soil. Because of these prob­

lems, F326 has specific limits on the extent of
the negative pressure induced by the ventila­
tion system .

Supply-only ve ntilation syste ms use fans to

provide ventilation air while an equal amount
of h o u se air exits through either deliberate
opening s or leakage paths in the envelope.
This system pressu rizes the house , red ucing
drafts and soil g as (radon) levels, but increas­
ing the problems of conden sation in the enve­
lope. I n cold weather, positive house pressure
can push moist house air into wall cavities and

ceilings. Condensation may result, causing
moistu re relate d dete rioration of the structu re .
F326 h as limitations on the amount by whi ch
the ventilation s upply air flow may exceed the
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exhaust air flow . The ventilation su pply air
m u st b e preheated or d istri buted in such a
way that it mixes with house air befo re enter­
ing o ccu pied spaces . F326 requires mech an i ­
cal exhaust for s pot ventilation , so systems
w ith o n ly ventilation sup ply fan s do not com ply
w ith C SA F326 .

Ve ntilatio n & Distribution - 23

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A combine d me chanical ventila tion supply and exha ust syste m uses both
venti lation su pply and exhaust fan s to provide ventilation. The advantag e of
these systems is they can remove exhau st air from those areas where o d o rs and
h u m idity are generated w h ile supplying conditio ned ventilation air as requ ired to
the living areas.

A ba la n ce d ve n tila tion system is a combined mechanical ventilation supply and

exhaust system in wh ich mechan ical exhaust air flows are e q u al to mechanical
ventilation air flows (i.e. balanced flows) , thu s ave rag e interior pressu res equal to
those outdoors are maintai ned.
Ve ntilation & Distribution - 24

Hea t re covery ven tila tors (HRVs) are ventilation devices which extract heat
from exhaust.air being expelled from the house, and use the recovered heat to
offset another heating load. Common uses of the recovered heat are pre heating
the ventilation or recircu lation air.

Heat recovery ventilators have two general components. These are the venti la­
tors or fans and the heat recovery elements. C ommonly used heat recovery
elements include flat plate heat exchang ers , heat pipes, heat pumps and rotary
exchang ers or heat wheels. Most HRVs transfer heat from the outg o ing exhaust
air stream to the incoming ventilation su pply air stream through a heat ex­
ch ang er.

Other Ventila tion Systems with Hea t Recovery - CSA F326 defines HRVs as
units which :

1. are factory assem bled

2. transfer heat between two isolated air streams
3. have a means to circu late air for ventilation
4. have maximum rated capacity of not less than 50 cfm and not more
than 400 cfm .

Thus commercially available ventilation systems which use the heat recovered
from the exhaust air stream to heat DHW may contain both heat recovery and
ve ntilation ele ments but not fit within the CSA definition for HRVs.


The three types of ventilation air distribution systems are described below. I n all
cases, exhaust air is exhausted from odor and moisture producing areas such
as kitchens, bathro oms and utility rooms thro ugh dedicated exhaust du ctwork.
The terms dedicated (or independent) , integrated (or combin ed) and thro ugh
the wall ventilation systems refer specifically to the method of distri buting venti­
lation air throug hout the house.

Dedicated, Independent or Separately Ducted Distribution Systems dis­

tribute venti lation air using an in dependent or dedicated set of ductwork. Each
habitable room in the house will have its own ventilation air su pply outlet or ex­
haust air in let. This type of system is commonly used in houses with base board
or radiant heating systems.

Integra te d or Combined Distribution Systems utilize the forced-air heating

and/or cooling system to distribute ventilation air thro ug hout the house. The ventila­
tion air supply fan discharges into the forced air recirculation system return duct.

" "' "

Ventilation & D istribution - 25

The forced air recircu lation fan (which must operate conti n u ou' s ly) d istributes the
ventilation air th roug hout the h ouse while mixing it with return air.

With this distribution system type, the forced air recircu lation fan must run conti n u ­
ously. T h i s ensures that the ventilation air is distri buted th roughout t h e house at all

Through the Wall Distribution Systems utilize exhaust fans to induce infiltration
into the house. There is a requirement for the ventilation air supply to be controlled
so as to ensure that the daily averag e ventilation air flow rate to each room i n th e
house meets the minimum requ irements set out in the standard .


lntermitte n tfan operation refers to a mode of operation by a ventilation or furnace

recircu lation fan wh ich can be started or sto pped by activating o ccu pant co ntrols in
the house. I ntermittent operation i n cludes fans which run ON/ OFF and high speed
operation of two speed fans .

C ontinuous fan operation refers t o fans which operate contin uously (24 hours per
day) and which cann ot be turned off by occupant controls. This i n cludes two speed
furn ace recirculation fans and venti lation fans which normally operate at a low
speed setting but which can be prompted to high s peed operatio n by using occu­
pant contro ls.
3E>'v'd >tNV18

1 . Determine Ventilacon Requirements


S YS TEM D ESIGN I 2. Develop Conceptual Design


3. Determine Allowable Air Flow
Most su ccessfu l mechanical system Im balances and Size Relief
Make-Up Air Systems
installations, as with many e leme nts of h ouse
construction , are th ose wh ich have been well
thoug ht out. A successful instal lation beg ins
with the desig n , th us reducing the
requ irements for the installer to make o n the

spot decisions. This is n ot to sug gest that I 4. Determine Air Olstributlon

problems will not occur o n -site wh ich will

demand that the installer be able to react
quickly and correctly. The basics of successfu l
ventilation system desig n can be prese nted

easily when th e people involved in the design I 5. Select Size of Grilles

and installation of the system are aware of the

h o use ventilation req u irements and

understand the basic theory beh ind air flow in

6. Select Ventilators

A task-by-task desi g n procedure is prese nted

in this chapter. Each task has two sections.

1 . G oal

Defin es the objective of an end product

I 7. Layout System

resulting from completion of the task.

2. Procedure I s. Size Ducts

Explai ns step by step the hows and
w hys of achieving the Task Goal. The •
procedure described in the text is
supported w ith examples.
I 9. Specify Ventilallon System Control

1 O. Review Design

Ventilation System Desig n - 28


1. G oal

To establish the "desig n" ventilation rate (s) for the proposed house plan
to meet code and occu pant req u irements.

2. P rocedure

Step 1 . 1
Se lect Appropriate Ventilation Standard

Normally the de sig ner will desig n to C SA Standard F326, on which this
manual is based . In these cases he need only follow the procedures
presented here-in .

I f the local authority has more stringent requirements, or if there are excep­
tional considerations (e. g . poor outdoor air quality, high levels of air contam­
inant generation inside the house, etc.) the desig ner should follow the more
string ent ventilatio n system desig n requ irements. For such cases, the
designer may wish to refe r to ASH RA E Standard 62- 1 989 , Ven tilation for
Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, o r some other authority for desi g n g u idance.

Step 1 . 2
Determine the Con ditioned Volume of the Ho use

The con d ition e d volume of the house is requ ired to determine the minimum
Base Flow Rates (Step 1 . 3) . Conditioned volume can be estimated using
Fig u re D 1 . 1 or can be calculated by mu lti plying the floor area of each
con d itioned space i n the h o use by its ceiling heig ht. All dimen sions m ust be
in the same units (i . e . all meters or all feet, don't m ix mete rs and feet or feet
and i n ches) . The volume of a 1 200 sf house with full basement should be
about 20,000 cu. ft. Do any calcu lations and record house volume in feet o n
Worksheet No. 1 .

Ve ntilation Syste m Design - 29

Step 1 . 3
Determine Minimum Base Flow Rate to Meet CSA F326
Requ ireme nts

The minimum base flow rate is the ventilation air su pply rate wh ich th e ventila­
tion system must provide on a continuous basis. The base flow rate must meet
two criteria.

First, it must meet or exceed the sum of the individual room requirements , as
calculated using Column 1 of Fig u re D1 .2.

Second, it must equal o r exceed 0.3 air changes per hour for the co nditioned
volume of the house. The air flow that relates to 0.3 AC H for a house can be
estimated fro m Fig ure D 1 . 1 or calculated using the following mathematical

Con ditioned Vo lu me in cubic feet

(from Step 1 .2) = flow rate cfm


For a 20,000 cu . ft. house, 0 . 3 AC H represents an air flow of 1 00 cfm.

Do all calcu lations on Worksh eet No. 1 and record the g reater of the two flow
rates as the Minimum Base Flow Rate .

Note : The metric equ ivalent of the equation is:

Conditioned Volume in cubic mete rs

(from Step 1 .2) = flow rate Us

V e ntilation Syste m Design - 30

FIG U R E 01 . 1


SPACE' 0.3 ACH 1 .0 ACH
tt 2 m2 m3 LJs elm LJs cfm

200 18 48 4 9 13 28

400 37 96 8 17 27 57

600 56 1 45 12 25 40 85

800 74 - 1 93 16 34 54 114

1 000 � 241 20 42 67 1 42

1 250 1 16 301 25 53 84 1n

1 500 1 39 361 30 64 1 00 213

1 750 162 4 22 35 74 1 17 249

2000 1 85 482 40 85 1 34 284

2250 209 542 45 95 1 50 319

2500 232 602 50 1 06 1 67 355

2750 255 662 55 117 1 84 390

3000 278 723 60 1 27 20 1 4 26

• Include basement floor area.

Air nows can be added to estimate volumes or flow rates for areas greater lhan !hose shown in lhe table.

Ste p 1 . 4
Determine M in i m u m Required Exhau st C apability

The exhaust flow requirements are shown in Columns 2 and 3 of Figure 01 .2.

Record t h e required exhaust rates for the kitchen and each bath room shown o n
the house plan on Wo rksheet N o . 1 . Later in the desig n process, the desig ner
will decide whether exhaust from each roo m is to b e conti n u o u s or intermittent.

Ve ntilation Syste m Desig n - 31

FIG U R E 01 . 2

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Space Classification Base Flow Rate Intermittent Continuous
cfm Exhaust Exhaust

Category A
Basement 20
Sing le Bedrooms 10
Living room(2) 10
Dining room (2) 10
Family room 10
Recreation room 10
Other (3) 10

Category B
Kitchen (2) 10 1 00 60
Bathroom 10 50 30
Lau ndry 10
Utility room 20


(1) Each area i n a basement which i s separated by a wall and doorway shall have a minimum
ventilation requirement of 10 cfm . This does not include furnace rooms, storage rooms, and

( 2) Ventilation requirements for any combination living , dining , and kitchen shall be determined
as if they were individual rooms.

(3) Other habitable rooms not listed shall have a minimum ventilation requirement of 1 0 cfm .
This does not include spaces intended solely for access, eg ress, or storage, such as
vestibules, halls, landings and storage rooms.
Ve ntila tion Syste m Design - 32

Ste p 1 . 5
Evaluate Special Exhaust Requirements

On occasio n , the residential ventilation system designer may wish to install

extra exhaust capacity. For example, the homeowner may have a hobby or work
room in wh ich noxious materials are used, and for wh ich high rates of exhaust
are occasionally needed. The designer will have to compare the costs and
benefits of a dedicated point exhaust system (e . g . , throu gh-the-wall exhaust and
make-up air fans for th is room alone) to those of integ ratin g the exhaust for this
room into the central ventilation system. The desig ner may wish to refer to
ASHRAE Standard 62- 1 98 1 or other industrial ventilation design manuals to
determine specific exhaust flow rates and design criteria for such applications.


1 . G oa l

T o make general decisions reg arding system desig n which w i l l allow the
designer to carry out the detailed design tasks.

2. Procedure

Any system design wh ich meets the requirements of CSA F326 an d other
code requ irements is acceptable. Not all possi ble systems, equipment
and design concepts are presented in th is manual, and th is man ual is not
intended to limit the desig ners' alternatives.

From the outset, the desig ner must make some basic decisions wh ich
affect the system desig n . These decisions will lead to a conceptual
design , that is to say they will define :

how the system is to ope rate and be controlled,

what types of ventilation equ ipment is g oing to be used and what areas
they are to serve,

how pressure imbalances will be addressed,

type (if any) of heat recovery,

.. ..
Ve ntilation Syste m Desig n - 33

types of distrib ution systems,

operating schedu les for each system, etc.

The conceptual desig n forms the basis for the detailed system desig n . The con ­
ceptual design process is usually straig htforward and often larg ely predefined

the house plan ,

type of heating system ,

budg et constraints,

the type of heat recovery to be used (if any) ,

builder or purch aser imposed constraints,

equipment availability,

tech n ical and code restrictions.

The expe rienced designer may proceed to th e detailed design w ithout con­
sciously developing a conceptual desig n .

The order o f procedure will vary between applications and desig ners. T h e pro ­
cedu re is presented here as discrete items but in reality, the desig ner must th ink
of all the system parts at the same time as he "conceptualizes" the ventilation
system desig n. Fortunately, this is easier said than done. There are no hard and
fast rules or rigid steps to be followed. The process is Intu itive.

Before he starts, the desig ner must have answers to some questions about the
house and the applicatio n . The q uestions needing to be answered include:

Wha t type of hea ting system will b e used? Ventilation system options and
design will be diffe re nt for a house with a forced air recirculation system than
they will be for a house with radiant o r baseboard heati ng systems.

Wha t category of vented combustion appliances (if any) will be installe d in

the house ? Different rules apply to each category of vented combustion
appliance (Category I natu ral draft, Categ ory II induced draft, Category I l l sealed
combustion units) . The reg u lations referring to the lowest category of vented
combustion appliances installed in the house apply to the house.

What type of hea t recovery equipment - (if any) will be used? The decision
whether or not to use heat recovery ventilation may be made fo r reaso ns oth e r
than straig ht economics . Equipping a house with some form o f exhau st air heat
recovery will contribute to its imag e of being energy efficient. Gen erally the
builder or purchaser will decide whether or not heat recove ry equ ipment is to be
installed, and may even dictate the specific equipment to be used.
Ve ntilation Syste m Design • 34

The designer must know what type of heat recovery system is to be used (e . g .
air-to-air, exhaust-o.n ly with DHW preheat) .

Generally, desig ning for heat recovery will involve using a central exhaust sys ­
tem operating continuously. If the recovered heat is used to preheat the ventila­
tion air, one can assume that the venti lation su pply and exhaust air streams will
be balanced, at least for the base flow rate condition.

Armed with this information, the desig ner can the n make decisions about the
followi ng .

Ve ntilation Supply to and Exhaust from Each R oom

I n Task 1 , the minimu m requ ired air flow rates were established. CSA F326
requ ires that the average air flow rate to each room meet the requ irements
specified for that room. Thus, each room must have at least one of the follow­
ing :

• a ventilatio n air su pply

• a recirculation air su pply
• a recirculation air retu rn
• an exhaust outlet

The ventilation system must be designed to ensu re the minimum flow rate
requ irements are met. (Rooms with only an exhaust or return may receive their
ventilation air from other rooms in the house.) If a room is equ ipped with
only a ventilation air supply or with only an exhaust and/or return, there must b e
an open path for air t o flow into or out o f the room at all times (e . g . undercut
doors) .

The desig ner may choose to desig n for higher air flow rates. A decision to do
so may be pro mpted by a pressure imbalance at the Base Flow Rate Condition
which violates the allowable house pressure increase. Another reason for call ­
i n g for higher than minimum air flows may b e to balance air flows for a n H RV
system .

Ventilation Syste m Desig n - 35

P ressure Regime

The three types of pressure reg imes are :

negative ho use pressure (i.e. mechan ical exhaust from the house
exce eds ventilation air su pply to the house)

positive pressure (i.e. ventilation supply to the house exceeds mechan i ­
cal exhaust)

balanced pressure ( i . e . mechanical exhaust equals ventilation air sup­
ply) .

Many system desig ns will result in the house operating at o n e of the pressure
reg imes some of the time and an other pressure reg ime at other times. If the
system is designed to maintain balanced air flows at all time s , the u n des irable
aspects of excessively negative or excessively positive pre ssures are avoided
(you wouldn't have to do Task 3 !) and the problems of providing for relief air or
make-u p air vents is avoided . Balancing the base flow rate condition is
straig htforward , but methods for balancing air flows for other exhaust appli­
ances (e . g . clothes dryers, range top g rilles) is more complex and costly.

Air Flow R ate to be M et by Each Ve ntilation Fa n

The desig ner needs to decide wh ich air flows or rooms are going to be h andled
by each ventilator. This step will establish h ow many different ventilators will be
used and their required capacities. The designer should also consider whether
(or wh ich) exhaust fan s will be ope rated simultan eously with (wh ich) ventilation
su pply fans, and which air flows (if any) will pass thro u g h an HRV.

Type of Exhaust Syste m

Point or Local Exha ust refers to fans which are installed to exhaust a sing le
location or point in the house (e . g . a range hood) . Point or local exhausts usu ­
ally run on an intermittent or demand basis. They generally run u n balanced.

Centra l Exha ust refers to a fan which draws exhaust air from more than one
point in the house via a duct system. Often central exhausts are operated on a
continuous basis at a low flow rate with the capability of being switched to
high speed to solve temporary h umidity or odor problems.
Ve ntilation Syste m Desig n • 36

It is possible (and in many cases probable) for a house to have more than one
exhaust air system and/or ventilation su pply air syste m , and both point and
central exhaust systems.

I nte rmitte nt or Continuous Ope ration

CSA F326 requires that ventilation air be continuously supplied to all habitable
room s in the house . A ltho ugh mechanical exhaust from kitchens and bathrooms
is mandatory, it may be continuous or intermittent. The following points should
be ke pt in mind as you decide whether fan operation is to be contin uous or

The requ ired flow rate for intermitte nt exhaust systems is higher than that
requ ired for continuous exhaust systems.

Point exhaust systems (e . g . range hoods and wall fans) are usually
operated on an intermittent basis.

Heat recovery ventilator operation will most likely be continuous.

Continuously ope rating fans must ope rate quietly, otherwise the house
occupant will disable them.

Many houses w ill h ave some continuous exhaust air flows through a
central syste m and inte rmittent point exhausts serving other are as .

Ventilation Air D istribution M ethods

CSA F326 requires that ventilation air be continuou sly su pplied to all h abitable
rooms in the house. Ventilation air may be introduced to the space in the follow­
ing ge neral ways:

through dedicated ductwork which ducts ventilation air directly to each
room. This is requ ired in houses without a forced air recircu lation system ;

thro u g h the house's forced air recirculation system . This can be ach ieved
by having a ventilation su pply fan deliver ventilation air into the furnace
retu rn or by h aving a fresh air make-up duct connected to the furnace
retu rn ;

thro u g h infiltration which occurs when mechan ical exhaust air flows
exceed mechan ical ventilation supply air flows. If infiltration is used, the
house must have a method of ensuring that the average daily outdoor air

... " ,. ..
Ve ntilation Syste m Desig n - 37

leakag e into each room meets the minimum requirements. (There is a

system d eveloped in Europe with o utside air ducts equ ipped with auto ­
matic flow control dampers into each room. Although these may revolu­
tionize the residential ventilation industry, at this point in time they are not
s uitable for cold climate applications and can n ot closely reg ulate air

Ventilation Syste m Design - 38

M e thod of Deanna with P ressure I ncreases or Decreases

If ventilation and exhaust air flow imbalances (either at the base flow rate condi­
tion or the reference exhaust flow rate condition) will cause g reater positive or
neg ative pressure differe nces across the building envelope th an allowed, th e
system desig ner must evaluate alternative methods of limiting the pressure dif­
fere nces. Possi ble strateg ies include:

1 . Change fuel burning appliances to a higher categ ory to allow a g reater

negative pressure imbalance .

2. Instal ling relief air or make-up air vents. Sizing of these is discussed in
Task 3 . The desig ner must be aware of the size of vent required for vari ­
ous air flow imbalances.

3. Modify ventilation su pply and exhaust air flow rates as required to ensure
compliance at both base flow rate condition an d refe rence exhaust flow
rate condition . For example, air flows could be selected that caused the
house to operate under positive pressures at the base flow rate condition
while the net air flows at the reference exhaust flow rate condition would
result in negative house pressures, both within the acceptable limits.

4. Install additional exhaust an d/or ventilation supply fans wh ich o perate so

as to reduce desig n condition air flow imbalances.

5. Select system controls which avoid/prevent imbalance.

6. Desi g n for balanced flow .

Con t ro l St rategy/I ntegra tion with Othe r Syste ms

At the conceptual stag e , the designer needs to decide how the various compo­
nents that make up the ventilation system are going to operate , what is going to
prompt a system to turn on or tu rn off and what equipment operates with other
equipment. This is the control strategy. The desig ner must have a clear picture
in his mind how all the pieces of the ve ntilation and exhaust systems are going
to interact. He must be confident that the system he is conceptualizing will meet
all the requ irements of the ventilation standard to wh ich he is desig ning .

.. ...
Ve ntilation Syste m Design - 39

Loca tion of Hea ting a nd Ventilating Equipment

Depending on the house design and builder or pu rchaser directives , the heat­
ing and ventilating equipment may be located in a basement, in a main floor
mechanical room or closet, in a garag e , crawl space o r attic. The location
selected for this equ ipment may limit the type of equipment or systems that can
be u sed for the application .



1 . G oal

To ensure that un balan ced mechan ically induced airflows into or out of
the house will not create health , safety or e nve lope mo isture problems.
This is done by li miting the maximum permissible d iffere nces between
mechan ical ventilation su pply and mechanical exhaust air flows for the
house or by selecting and sizing relief air o r make-u p air systems as
required to meet CSA F326.

2. Procedure

The purpose of this task is to avoid air flow imbalances which cause pres­
sure differences across the building envelope that can generate the
health , safety or structural problems discussed in 4 . 1 "Ventilation System
Types" (i. e. soil g as and radon, backdrafting , moistu � e in walls and attics) .

The procedure o utlined below recognizes that:

air flow imbalances across the building envelope result in a pressure dif­
ference across the envelope. This pressu re imbalance drives air leakag e
from t h e high pressure side o f the envelope to t h e low pressure side to
balance the airflows,

as the air flow imbalance across the building envelope increases, the
pressure differential across the building e nvelope increases,

as the su rface area of the building envelope in creases, the leakag e area
increases, thus the envelope's ability to handle air flow imbalances
in creases,
Ve ntilation Syste m Desig n - 40

• a negative pressure difference across the bu ilding enve lope (i.e. lower
pressure in the house than o utside th e ho use or house de pressu rization)
may cause com bustion appliances to backdratt,

the threshold pressure d ifferen ce at which a combustion appliance will
backdraft is a function of the design of that appliance an d its flu e ,

the applian ce installed i n the house wh ich is the easiest to backdraft
determines the depressurization safety l imit for the house,

modern houses are very airtig ht and contain more and strong er exhaust
appliances than houses b uilt in the past, so, in general, the risk of
backdrafting is g reater in new ho uses than in older houses.

FIG U R E 03.1
Pressure Oeaease Lim�s

Base Flow Rate CondlUons Reference Exhaust Flow Rate Conditions

Class of Fuel Burning Appliance
Pressure Decrease Limit Leakage Factor Press ure Decrease Limit Leakage Factor I
Pa in. W.G. Us m2 (cfmJftZ) Pa in. W.G. Us m2 (chnl1t2) ·

Category 1
5 (0.02) 0.04 (0.008) 5 (0.02) 0.04 (0.008)
(i.e. natural draft type)

Category 2
10- (0.04) 0.07 (0.014) 1 0- (0.04) 0.07 (0.014)
Q.e. induced draft type)

Category 3
Q.e. sealed unit or non fuel burning 10* (0.04) 0.07 (0.014) 20· (0.08) 0.1 2 (0.024)

• The lesser of:

- the pressure value in the figure above, and
- the value for which the appliance has been certified by an accredited certiflCalion agency.

... ... ..
Ve ntilation Syste m Desig n - 41

The method presented here is a simplified

pro cedure w h ich will generally result in more
string ent desig n requ ire ments than called for in
F326. Appendix I V contain s a procedure for a
method which precisely meets F326. I n order to
apply this more precise meth od the house must
be finished and a blower door test be done. The Ceiling/roof
resu lts of th e blower door test are used to area

determine the allowable airflow im balances.

Roof over
In Steps 3 . 1 and 3 . 2 information regarding the bow windows

building envelope surface area and C ate g o ry of

com bustion appliances are determined. In Steps
3 . 3 thro u g h 3 . 5 the 'allowable' air flow
imbalances at each of the three desig n conditions
for the house are dete rmined. I n Steps 3 . 6
Above grade
thro u g h 3 . 7 the actual airflow imbalances at these walls including
design condition s are dete rmined for the h o u se in

windows and
qu estion . Finally, in Step 3.8 makeup and relief doors

air systems are selected and sized , if requ ired .

Ste p 3 . 1
Calcu late B u i lding E nvelope Are a
The su rface are a of the building enve lope is
req u ired to complete Task 3. Building envelo pe
refers to those s urfaces which separate the
co nditioned or heated space in side a building
\ I I
� �
fro m u n conditioned spaces and the outdoors.
The envelope includes be low g rade portions of Below grade
base ment walls and floor slabs. Envelope area is

fo u n d by adding the interio r surface areas of all
exterior walls (including doors and w indows) , Basement
noors. crawl

floors and ceilings. The su rface area of a 30 x 40
space noor,
foot house w ith full basement should be about lloor slab etc.
4700 sq. ft. Perform all calcu lations and record
envelo pe areas on Worksheet No. 3 . �
To change square feet into squ are meters, divide
square feet by 1 O .78. I \
Building Envelope Components

Ve ntilation Syste m Design - 42

Step 3.2
Determine G overning Combustion Appliance Category

In order to avoid combustion appliance backdrafting , depressurization of the

house caused by mechanical exh aust is limited. The degree of depressuriza­
tion al lowed depends on the type (if any) of combustion appliances installed (or
plan ned for) in the house. Fig ure D3. 1 categorizes houses based on the cate ­
gory of combustion appliances installed in the house, specifies the maximum
negative pressure to w h ich a h ouse containing that category of combustion
appl iance may be subjected and notes the Leakag e Factor (i.e. allowable air
flow per unit building envelope area) at each of two design conditions. The
applicable Category for a house corresponds to the lowest category of combus­
tion appliance installed or plan ned for the house. Fireplaces are Category 1
appliances u n less specifically labe lled otherwise.

Record Categ ory numbers and Leakag e Facto rs in Step 3.2 on Worksheet 3.

Step 3.3
Determine Allowable Net Su pply Flow Rate

The Allowable Net Supply Flow Rate is the amount by wh ich mechanical su pply
air flow to the house may exceed mechanical exhaust from the house. The air
flow q uantity is limited to prevent interstitial moisture problems caused by
excessive qu antities of house air from being blown into the building envelope.
The Allowable Net Su pply Flow Rate is determined by the following calculation :

0 . 07 x Envelope Area in m2 = Allowable Net Su pply Flow Rate in Lis

0.01 4 x Envelope Area in ft2 = Allowable Net Supply Flow Rate in cfm

Ve ntilation Syste m Design - 43

Step 3.4
Determine Allowable Net Exhaust at the Base Flow Rate Condition

To calculate the Allowable Net Exhaust air flow at the Base Flow Rate
Condition , multiply the Base Flow Rate Condition Leakage Factor recorded in
Step 3 .2 by the envelope area calculated in Step 3 . 1 . Record th is data is Step
3.4 in Worksheet 3 .

Step 3.5
Determine Allowable Net Exhaust at the Refere n ce Exhaust
Flow Rate Condition

To calculate the Allowable Net Exhaust air flow at the Reference Exhaust Flow
Rate Condition , multiply the Reference Exhaust Flow Rate C ondition Leakag e
Factor recorded in Step 3.2 by the envelope area calcu lated in Ste p 3 . 1 . Record
this data in Step 3 . 5 in Worksheet 3 .

Ste p 3.6
Determine the Net Air Flow Rate at the Base Flow Rate Condition
for the Desig n Condition

Fig ure D3.2 g raphically illustrates the Base Flow Rate Conditio n . At this desig n
conditio n , all continuously ope rating su pply an d exhaust equ ipment is ope rat­
ing .

To calculate the Net Air Flow Rate add all the exhaust air flows from the ho use
at this cond ition and from that total subtract all the supply air flows to the house.
Record this nu mber in Step 3.6. If the sum of the mechanical exh austs from the
house under this condition exceeds the sum of the mechan ical supplies to the
house (i.e. there is a net exhaust air flow rate from the house) mark a plus sig n
(+) in front of this number. If the sum of the exhausts is less than the sum of the
su pplies (i.e. su pplies exceed exhausts) mark a minus sign ( ) in front of this

nu mber.
Ve ntila tion Syste m Desig n • 44

Step 3.7
Determine the Net Air Flow Rate at the Reference Exhaust Flow Rate
Con dition fo r th e Desig n Condition

The Reference Exhaust Flow Rate Con dition is an extreme desig n con dition
used to ensure that depressu rizatio n , (wh ich occurs when h i g h volume exhaust
appliances installed in the house are operated), will not result in a risk to occu ­
pant health and safety. The Net Air Flow at the Reference Exh aust Flow Rate
Condition , illustrated g raph ically in Fig ure D3.3, is the sum of the following th ree
co mponents :

a) the net exhaust flow rate of the clothes dryer or 1 60 cfm if one is not
installed or the actual flow rate is not know n ;
b) the net exhaust flow rate o f the two additional installed mechan ical
exhaust flow devices providing the larg est net flow for the exhaust,
whether or not they are intended for ventilation purposes (e.g . a central
vac is not intended for ventilation pu rposes) ;
c) the Net Air Flow Rate at the Base Flow Rate Condition for the Desi g n
Condition determined in Step 3.6. If the sig n recorded i n Step 3 . 6 is posi­
tive (+) , this amount is added to a and b above , if it is minus (-) , this
amount is su btracted from the sum of a and b above .

The term net in each case above means the amount by which the exh aust flow
rate exce eds the mechan ical ventilation su pply flow rate .

An exhaust device with a make up air device (e.g . a range hood with an inter­
locked make up air fan) may have a net exhaust flow rate of zero. Common
"ad ditional installed mechan ical exhaust devices" referred to in b) might include
an externally vented ran g e hood , a bathroom fan or a central vac. Fig ure D 3 . 4
contains typical flow rates for exhaust appliances.

C alcu late the Net Exhau st at the Reference Exhau st Flow Rate and record it in
Ste p 3 . 7 of Worksheet 3. FIGURE 03.3


Net Air Flow al Base Flow Rate Condition

Net clothes drier

plus exhaust; default , so elm

Net now lor lhe exhaust

appllai1ce wrth lhe largest
net exhaust now

... .. .. ..
Ve ntilation Syste m Desig n - 45

FI G U R E 03.4
Airflows of Various Air Exhaust Devices

Exhaust Devices R a nge of Alrflows

Us (cfm)

Bathroom Fans 20 - 50 (40 - 1 00)

Standard Range Fan 50 -100 (1 00-200)
Grill-Top Range Fan 60 - 500 ( 1 20 - 1 000)
Clothes Dryer 40 - 75 (85- 1 60)
Central Vacuums 45 - 65 (90 - 1 30)
(exterior exhaust)

Ste p 3.8
Select and Size Relief and Make-up Air System

When the net air flow rates to or from the house at either the Base Flow Rate or
the Reference Exhaust Flow Rate Design Conditions calculated in Steps 3.6 an d
3 . 7 above exceed the corresponding Allowable Net Flow Rates calculated in
Steps 3.3 to 3 . 5 , measu res must be take n to control the bu ilding envelope pres­
sure increase or decrease .

The desig ner has a number of options available to him to resolve an air flow
imbalance problem in the house. These include:

selecting smaller exhaust equipment,

increasing the Supply Bias Net Flow Rate to reduce the Net Air Flow at the
Reference Exhaust Flow Rate Condition ,

installing relief or makeup air fans on selected equipment in the house or
interlock fan s so that competing fans cannot operate simultan eou sly or
complimentary fans will work tog ether,

providing make- up or relief air vents,

selecting fuel burning appliances from a higher categ ory.
Ve ntilation S yste m Desig n - 46

To determine if a relief air system is required, compare the Net Air Flow Rate at
the Base Flow Rate Condition to the Allowable Net Supply Air Flow Rate. If th e
Net Air Flow Rate into the house at the Base Flow Rate Condition exceeds the
Allowable, a relief air system sized to handle the difference between the two air
flows is needed. If th is is to take the form of a relief air vent, refer to the 1 O Pa col­
umn of Fig u re 03.5 to determine the diameter of vent needed.

A make-up air system is needed if the Net Air Flow Rate out of the ho use at the
Base Flow Rate C on dition (from Step 3 . 6) exceeds the Allowable N et Exhaust at
th e Base Flow Rate Condition (from Step 3 .4) or if the Net Air Flow Rate at th e
Reference Exh aust F low R ate Condition fo r the Desi g n Condition (Step 3 . 7) ex­
ceeds the Allowable N et Exhau st at the Reference Exhaust Flow Rate Condition
(Step 3 . 5) .

To size a make-up air system , find th e difference between the desig n condition
net exh aust air flow and the allowable net exhaust airflow and size the system
to meet that airflow difference. If a make-up air vent is to be used, size it to meet
this air flow difference. Using Figure 03 . 5 look u p the vent size needed to
han d le th e airflow difference in the co lumn with th e al lowable pressu re
decrease limit for that condition (from Step 3 . 2 ) .

I f both relief a n d make-up a i r are required and i f th ey are to b e provided b y a

passive duct o r vent, a sing le vent of the larg est size can be used . Note that very
larg e make-up air vents may be requ ired w ith Category I fuel burning appli­
ances (5 Pa pressure decrease limit) .

FIG U R E 03.5
Maximu m Air Flow Met by Relief and Make-up Air Vents

Allowable House Pressure Increase or Decrease

Vant Dlamet1r ELA 5 Pa 1 0 Pa 20 Pa

anZ (0.02 it. W.G.) (0.04 in. W.G.) (0.08 in. W.G.)
Aw Flow Met by Vent

inches mm Us (efm) L's (cfm} L's (cfm)

3 75 44 4 (8) 5 (10) 10 (20)

4 100 78 7 (15) 12 (25) 16 (35)
5 125 123 14 (30) 20 (42) 30 (65)
6 1SO 1n 19 (40) 35 (75) so (105)
7 175 240 33 (70) so (105) 75 (160)
8 200 314 47 (100) 70 (150) 100 (210)
9 225 398 66 (140) 100 (210) 135 (290)
10 250 491 85 (180) 1 40 (290) 1 80 (380)
12 300 707 140 (300) 200 (420) 290 (620)
14 350 962 200 (420) 290 (620) 450 (950)
16 400 1257 290 (620) 430 (900) 660 (1400)

Ve ntilation Syste m Desig n - 47


1. G oal

To locate the venti lation air outlets and exhaust air i n lets on the house
floor plan and to proportion the air flows to and from them .

2. P rocedure

The function of the ventilation syste m is to remove stale inside air from
the house and replace it with outdoor air. Ventilation effectiveness is a
measure of how well the system removes indoor air contam inants from
the house and distributes ventilation air to each room . Ventilatio n effi ­
ciency is related to the amount of air that must be supplied to or ex­
hausted from the space to achieve a g iven level of effectiveness. A sys­
tem may be effective but inefficient (i.e. it keeps the air fresh but moves
larg e quantities of air to do so) or efficient but not very effective (removes
a small amount of air which is highly contaminated , but is undersized) . A
well designed system will be both efficient and effective.

The location of the ventilation air supply, return and exhaust air g rilles
around the house and the quantity of ventilation su pply air to or exhaust
air from each g rille will determine the ventilation system efficiency and
effective ness. Properly locati ng ventilation supply and exhaust g ri l les
and proportioning of the air flows around th e house will ensure good dis­
tribution of ventilation air around the house, efficient removal (exhaust­
ing) of moistu re and air contaminants and high occu pant comfort levels
(i.e. no cold spots or drafts) .

Ve ntilation Syste m Design • 48

Step 4 . 1
Dete rmine i f the Ventilation A i r Su pply is to be
Integ rated with a Forced-Air Heating or Cooling System

In houses with central forced-air heating, the ventilation air supply can be inte­
g rated into the house distribution system.

I nteg rating the ventilation function w ith a forced-air system will reduce the cost
of the ductwork for distributing ventilation air throughout the house. The ventila­
tion air can be discharg ed into the cold air return duct of the furnace. The fur­
nace reci rculation fan will the n distribute the ventilation air throug hout the
house afte r m ixing it with return air.

For integ rated HRV systems, indirect connection of the ventilation supply air
duct to the furnace return air duct is requ ired unless specified and endorsed by
the HRV manufactu rer.

For an indirect connection , the ventilation air su pply duct must have an opening
to the house within 1 2 inches of the inlet into the retu rn air duct. This ventilation
air in let into the return air duct must be at least 6.5 feet away from any oil or gas
furnace . The forced-air heating system must be installed with a continu ously
operating recircu lation fan .

V e ntila tion S yste m Desig n • 49

Step 4 . 2
Determ ine v·e nti lation Su pply Air Design Tempe ratu re

The ventilation air desi g n temperature is the

te mperatu re at wh ich the ventilation air is
supplied to the house at the 2 . 5% winter de­
sign te mperatu re in the climate in question.
The factors wh ich will affect the ventilation air
tem peratu re are :

the outdoor air temperatu re :

the effectiveness of the HRV (if one is
u sed) ;

the mixing ratios of ventilation air to fur­
nace recircu lation air (in inte g rated
systems) ; and,

the set point tem perature for any duct
heate rs on the ventilati on air supply.

If outdoor air is brou g ht into the house without

being tempered, the outdoor design tempera­
ture will be the ventilatio n air design tempera­
ture. I f ventilation air is introduced to the space
thro u g h an HRV, the ventilatio n air desig n
tempe rature is the temperature of ventilation
air as it leaves the HRV (at the outdoor desig n
temperatu re) . The tem peratu re of air leaving
an HRV is estimated by using the 2 . 5 % winter
desig n tem pe rature from Appendix I and
Fig u re D4. 1 .

If the ventilation air is mixed with fu rnace re ­

turn air, estimating the ventilation air desig n
temperature will req u ire you to calcu late the JN D IRE <..T CONN EC.TION
ratio of flow from each air stream at the desig n
condition as follows:

Ve ntilation Syste m Design - 50


w h e re
VF =
percent of total air flow which is ventila­
tion air.

AIR FLOW = is the maximum ventilation air flow rate
(i.e. includes all air entering the mixed
air stream th rough make-up air fans
and vents as well as from HRV or venti­
lation fans) . Use the air flow rate for the
ventilation su pply air fan operating at
high speed .

FLOW = is the total air flow in the mixed air
stream. In a forced air system use the
fu rnace supply air flow with the furnace
fan operating at low speed.

Ve ntilation Syste m Design - 51

To determine the mixed air temperature u se the 2.5 % winter design

temperature o r the tem peratu re of air leaving the HRV as the co ld air stream
tem perature an d Fig u re 0 4 . 2 .

Record t h e appro priate Desig n Ventilation Supply Ai r Tempe rature o n

Worksheet No. 4 .

+ss· i HRV E - 1 00% ��

;m (



� r 1 1
·� ········ · ·········
·-(-·······=········· t ···········

0 : :

· 58° I/ : � . : I
-58° -40 ° -22° -4° +1 4° +32° +50°+68°
Design Ou tdoor Air Temperature °F
-580 I/ l � : I
4 _40
-58° - 0° -22° + 1 4° +32° +50° +68°
Design Outdoor Air Temperature °F

FIG U R E 04.1 1 . Start at Desig n Air Temperature.

2 . Draw line vertically up.
H RV Outlet Ai r Te mperature G raph 3. At H R V E go straight across.
4 . Read H RV supply air outlet
temperatu re .
HRV E = Apparent sensible effectiveness for lowest temperature
test, from H RV spec. sheet.
V e ntilation Syste m Desig n - 52

+GSl ;
0 % Cold Air

1�•1, Col�.�-

. . . . . .,,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i"' . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. t··· .

. · · · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..




-58° 1/ 1 I
-58° -40° -22° - 4° + 1 48 +3 2 ° +50° +68°
Cold Airstre<im Temoerntu r e °F

-58° - 40 ° -22° _40 + 1 4° +32° +50° +6 8 °

Cold Airstream Temperature ° F

FIG U R E 04.2 1. Start at Cold Airstream Temperall.Jre .

2. Draw line vertically up.
Mixed A i r Temperatu re G raph 3. At % co ld air go straight acro s s .
4. Read mixed a i r tempe rature .

Ve ntilation Syste m Desig n - 53

Step 4.3
Determine if Ventilation Air Preheating is Required

If the air temperature entering a furnace can fall below 54° F, the air must be
preheated or tempered to a h igher temperature before it e nters the furnace .
Size electric preheaters (in watts) using Fig ure 04. 3 or by the following calcula­
tion .

. 333 x air flow cfm x temperature rise needed °F = preheater size in watts

( 1 .2 x Air Flow (Us) x Temperature Rise Needed (°C) =

Preheater Size in Watts)

(Note , for mixed air systems, use the mixed air stream air flow and requ ired
temperature rise .)

Infiltration air is assu med to be effectively. warmed as it is intro duced into a

space , and so preheating is not required (fortu nately) .

FIG U R E 04.3
Preheater Size in Watts

Air Flow erature Rise

Us cfm 5°C 30°C 40°C 50°C

OF 4°F 72°F OF

1 500

1 kW = 1 000 watts

For air flows greater than those given i n Table 04.3, air flows and heater sizes may b e added. Table
04.3 can be used primarily as a reference to check the reasonableness of calculated preheater
Ve ntilation Syste m Design - 54

Step 4.4
Determine if High-Wall C eiling Supply Grilles are Recommended

The desig ner needs to be cautious about how the ventilation air is su pplied to
the house as it could be well below room temperature . Cooler air can be pre ­
heated using duct heaters and/or mixed with house air in locations where occu ­
pant comfort won't be adversely affected.

If the ventilation supply air design temperature falls below 65°F, it is recom ­
mended that it b e introduced through high-wall or ceiling outlets which dis­
charg e the air horizontally. Both result in im proved air mixing at the ceiling be­
fore the air drops down into the room. High-wall and ceiling outlets have the
disadvantag e of requ iring additio nal ductwork which can resu lt in more duct fit­
ting s and increased installation costs.

An alternative is to u se some form of supplementary heat to raise the ventilation

supply air design tem peratu re. Some possible methods are heating the ventila­
tion air with an electric duct heater or hot water coil, installing an HRV (or one
with a hig her effectiveness) and increasing the portion of return air in the su pply
air stream.

... "
Ve ntllatlon Syste m Desig n - 55

S te p 4.5
Locate the Supply Air G rilles or Diffusers

For a dedicated ventilation air su pply system , the preferred method of su pplyi ng
ventilation air is through hig h-wall or ceiling outlets w hich d ischarg e the air hori­
zontally. I n fact, this approach is also recommended for forced air heating sys­
tems that are integ rated with the ventilation system . When the cooler ventilation
air is discharg ed in this manner, it tends to be warmed as it drops into the occu ­
pied areas of the room .

High-wall reg isters should b e located within 6 t o 1 2 inches fro m t h e ceiling an d

should incorporate louvers that project the air slig htly u pwards and across the
ceilin g . A long and narrow g rille will allow for a better spread across the ceiling .
The designer may use air distri bution systems that minimize air velocity to
reduce drafts in thermally sensitive areas.

S te p 4. 6
Proportion the Venti lation Air to Each Outlet
(Dedicated Systems Only)

The ventilation air delivered to a room should refl ect the typical nu mber of
occu pants and the activity level expected in that room. For example, areas of
the home used for entertainment or where occupants may smoke should
receive a g reater portion of the ventilation air than a child's bedroom. I n any
case, the minimum requ irements from Figure D 1 .2 must be maintained in each
room. Category 8 roo ms may be supplied from other rooms, provided th ey have
continuous exhaust of at least 1 O cfm .
Ve ntilation Syste m Design • 56

Step 4.7
Check Supply Air F low to Each Room
( I nteg rated System On ly)

Where the ventilation system is integ rated with a forced air heating system, the
designer has two general alternatives in ensuring proper distribution of the
ventilation air. In the first alternative , the su pply air to each Category A room in
the house is p roportioned so as to ensure that the minimum ventilation air flow
rates are met.

The second alternative acknowledges that cooling or heating loads will most
often dete rmine how su pply air flows are proportioned around the house. For
systems in which the portion of supply air to some rooms is less than that
required to ensure the ventilation su pply air rates set out in Table 0 1 .2, the
forced air system must supply or return at least 40 cfm of air through each
Categ ory A room and have an air flow rate of at least 1 .0 AC H. If the supply to a
. room is less than 40 cfm, the combined return and exhaust air flows fro m that
room must be increase d to 40 cfm or another method supplying fresh air to that
space must be utilized.

Categ ory B rooms must have a minimum continuous su pply or removal of 1 O

cfm . Check room to room air flow requirements and fu rnace recircu lation capac­
ity. Adjust supply and return air flow rates as required to meet the standard and
note details on working drawings.

"' .,
V e ntilation S yste m D e si g n - 57

Ste p 4.8
Locate Exhau st Air G rilles

Exhaust inlets are req u i red in the kitchen and each of the bath rooms. It is also
advisable to exhaust from the lau ndry, as th is is a h i g h h u midity area.

Exhaust g rilles should not be located near ventilation su p ply air g ri lles or "short
circu iting" may occur. For best air move ment, avoi d locating s upply and exhaust
g rilles in the same roo m . Exhaust g rilles should be located h i g h on th e wal l s or
in the ceiling . Kitchen exhau st may be provided w ith a rang e hood o r a wall (or
ceiling) mounted exhau st g rille. A kitchen exhaust g rille m u st be located at least
five feet from the ce nter of the range (measured in a h o rizontal direction) .
Kitchen exhaust g rilles m u st be equipped with g rease filters. Exhaust g rilles i n
the lau ndry roo m m u st b e equipped with integ ral lint filters . Filters must be
easily serviceable .

M i iJ .


l \l
I ll
� '11 1A1
,l ,

Ve ntilation Syste m Design • 58

Step 4.9
Proportion Exhaust Air from Each G rille

CSA F326 specifies minimum exhaust flow rates of 1 00 cfm from the kitchen
and 50 cfm from each bathroom if intermittent exhaust operation is used and 60
cfm from kitchen and 30 cfm from bath rooms if continuous exhaust operation is
used. The designer has a variety of options available to meet these require­
ments, and he may choose to use some continuous and some intermittent
exhaust air flows .

Ventilation Syste m Design - 59


1. G oal

To se lect and size ventilation su pply and exhau st air g rilles for the
ventilation syste m .

2. P rocedure

Step 5.1
Size the Ve ntilation Supply G rilles

If the ventilation system for a house is integ rated with the fu rnace recircu lation air,
su pply air g rilles will be selected to meet the requirements of the heating system
air flows. When selecting grilles for dedicated ventilation systems, it is important to
consider factors such as the velocity of air discharg ing from the g rille and the
resu lting "th row". As air velocity throug h the g rille is increased , pressure drop
across the g rille increases. As g rille size increases, air velocity through th e g ri lle is
decreased and air mixing (related to discharg e velocity and throw) decreases.
Discharg e velocities between 500 and 800 fpm are typically chosen as the best
compromise between pressure drop, noise level, air mix in g , and g rille size fo r
commercial system type g rilles and slot diffusers in residential applications.
Commercial type g rilles and reg isters can be adjusted to direct supply air into the
room so as to promote g ood mixing and thus maximize both effective ness and
efficiency of the ventilation system .

Fig u res 0 5 . 1 and 05.2 illustrate some o f the formats for grille data for commercial
type g rilles and diffusers.

Tryin g to select "quality" supply air grilles or reg isters for hig h-wall or ceiling loca­
tions may prove to be a frustrating experience for the designer of dedicated venti­
lation systems because air flow rates are so low. The designer may be furth er
frustrated in attempts to acquire reliable pressure drop or equ ivalent length data
for a particu lar g rille design. However, "hi-tech" g rilles for low-volume ventilation
systems are beg inning to appear in the market. The availability of such compon­
ents will undoubtedly improve as popularity of residential ventilation syste ms
Ve ntilation Syste m Desig n • 60

FIG U R E 05.1

Typical Formats for Commercial Grille Data

Jet Velocity fpm 400 600 800 1 000 1 200

Size Area Total Pressure 009 020 036 057 083

1 1 12· Flow CFM/Ft - 16 23 31 39 47

039 Side Wall Throw Ft 2.4.6 4. 7. 1 0 6. 1 0. 1 4 8 . 1 3. 1 8 9 . 1 4.20

2" Flow CFM/Ft 22 34 45 56 67

056 Side Wall Throw Ft 3.5.7 5.8. 1 2 7.1 1 . 1 6 9. 1 4.20 1 1 . 1 7.23

2 1 /2" Flow CFM/Ft 30 45 60 75 90

075 Side Wall Throw Ft 4.6.8 6.9. 1 3 8 . 1 2. 1 7 1 1 . 1 6. 2 1 1 3 . 1 9. 2 5

3" Flow CFM/Ft 37 56 74 93 117

093 Side Wall Throw Ft 4.6.9 7. 1 0. 1 4 1 0. 1 3. 1 8 1 2. 1 7.22 1 5.20.26


400 600 800 1 000 1 200
G ri l le Area
Neck Velocity
Facto rs .002 .004 .007 ,01 0 .01 5
Size A rea Pressure
(in x in) (Free
(ft2) Total
Area) .01 0 .025 .039 .065 . 1 00

C FM 64 92 1 28 1 60 1 92
9x6 .16 .375
Throw 2· 3-6 4-5-1 0 6-7- 1 3 8- 1 1 - 1 4 1 0- 1 4-23

CFM 84 1 26 1 68 21 0 252
12 x 6 .21 .500

Throw 4-5-9 6-7-1 4 8- 1 0- 1 8 1 0- 1 5-24 1 2- 1 7-27

CFM 1 28 1 92 256 320 384

18 x 6 .32 .750
Throw 4-6-1 1 7- 1 0-20 1 0- 1 4-23 1 3- 1 8-30 1 5-20-34

Throw Data is based on Terminal Velocities of 1 50 fpm, 1 00 fpm and 50 fpm respectively.

.... "
Ve ntila tion Syste m Desig n - 61

Usually, the designer will be selecting pressed steel or plastic g rilles, without
the benefit of detailed performance data. Fo r these types of g rilles, discharge
velocities should be kept below 500 fpm. S izing this type of g rille invo lves
selecting a g rille with a free area large enoug h to avoi d discharg e velocities
above 500 fpm. Fig u re 05.3 illustrates the relationship between g ri lle size, fre e
area and maximum air flows for common g rille sizes.

Record g rille size and type on the ventilation system draw i n g s an d Wo rksheet 5.

FIG U R E 05.3
P ressed Steel G rllle and Pla stic D a ta

No minal G rille Free Area M axim u m Air Flow

Size (I nches) (sq . in.) IJs cfm

8x6 24 39 83

10 x 4 20 33 69
10 x 6 30 49 1 04

12 x 6 40 65 1 37

14 x 6 46 76 1 60

14 x 8 62 1 01 214

15 x 10 83 1 36 289

24 x 6 80 1 31 278

24 x 8 1 05 1 72 365

� �

• ell

�r � •
! �

N OM l l"-I A I- G£.a LL£ "!J rz&

Ve ntilation Syste m Design • 62

Ste p 5 . 2
Size t h e Exhaust G rilles

Size exhaust air g ri lles based on a maximum velocity of 2.5 mis (500 fpm)
thro u g h the "free area", of the g rille using Fig u re D5. 3 . Record g rille sizes on the
ventilation system draw i n g s and Worksheet 5.

Ste p 5.3
Determi n e Door Undercut Require ments

If a roo m does not have both a su pply and an exhau st or return air g rille, (i . e . ventila­
tion supply and the retu rn or exhaust are in diffe rent rooms) , th e air flow pathway
m u st always be open. Air flow through doors can be ensured by in stalling a g rille in
the door (sized using Fig u re D5.3) or by undercutting th e door. F i g u re D5.4 has door
undercut requirements for various air flows. The door undercut m u st be above the
finished floor l evel (including carpet, underlay and carpet edgers) when the door is
closed . Record door undercut requ irements on the draw in g s and Worksheet 5.

Door U ndercut Data

Maximum Air Flow Mi n i m u m U ndercut

Us cfm mm i nches

15 30 13 1 /2
30 60 20 3/4
45 90 25 1
60 1 20 32 1 1 /4

" ... "

Ve ntllatlon Syste m Design - 63


1 . G oal

To select ventilators that will satisfy the ventilation and

exhaust requirements for the house plan .

2. P rocedure

Step 6 . 1
Make "First-Cut" Ventilation Equ ipment Selections

Select ventilation equ ipment with the capacity to meet the design air flow rates
desig nated for the ventilation systems. Often the desig ner will be desig ning the
ventilation systems around specific equipment. In this case , he must confirm that
the preselected equipment has C SA certification and that it will do the job.
Normally, the ventilation equ ipment will consist of one or more of the fol lowing
equipment types :

1 . Fresh air intake into a furnace retu rn .

2. Fans (intake, exhaust, range hoods, etc.) .
3. HRVs.

In order to select ventilation equ ipment, the desig ner requires performance data
for the ventilation equipment (i.e. air flow/pressure drop data and noise level
ratings) . All ventilation system equ ipment used must be C SA approved for the
intended use . HVI o r C SA certification of performan ce data for fans and ventila­
tors ensures the desig ner or installer that the equipment has been tested to a
standard. The air flows quoted for certified fans can co nfidently be used in sys­
tem design. If ESPs are not g iven , assume the certified test data is for an ESP of
0. 1 " (25 Pa) .

The performance of the ran gehoods and exhaust fans typically installed in new
housing is often defined by a single air flow rate . U nless otherwise stated in
product literature, it can be assumed that the air flow rate quoted is for an
External Static Pressure (ESP) of 0. 1 " (25 Pa) at the fan box outlet with the fan
operating at its highest speed. Perfo rmance data for some ventilation equip­
ment will be prese nted in a g raphical or a tabular form . Fig ures 06.4 and 06.5
illustrate some common formats for ventilation equipment performance data .

, "
Ve ntilation Syste m De sig n · 64


Testing Agency: Model: Bloki:bar:d B

Date Tested: Serial Nwnber: B 121�55
Manufacturer: Options Installed:

Telephone: Electrical Requirements: Volts Amps

VE.i.�(ill nc: A:'.r.I . . c . :�

"" ·"'· ·P.E, RF 0 RM AN , E w
·' :fl' ,, '. *1i· '"'''�effi.i '
%t fu .
• ON' �- -?;.,:�'tffe
f r '""·t � i�iQg· .?
...- "·,
. . ·* - -�;;,-." ··�� M':"-'' � ,& �
\ •
� ::::.-• · ·. ·,

Max imum Continuous Rated Airflows: Lowest Temperature Unit Tested To: c
@ __ c Low Temperature Ventilation
3 <'"
__ L / s

__ L / s @ __ c Reduction During :12__ C Test:

Maltimwn Unbalanced Airflow
Airflow Range for Multispeed Units: During ---::.2£ C Test: � L/s
High Speed: .J.lL Us Low Speed: _:±Q__ L/s Exhaust Air Transfer Ratio: _.__

External Static Net S upply Gross Air Flow "' +
Pressure Air Flow S upply & haus t 250

Pa in. W.G. L/s cfm L/s cfm L/s cfm 225

!::> . J. ll J L4U ll t 74H 100 Zl�

ae 1 1? '\

-=n ? '? 37 93 1Y8 ;

.. '
75 .3 100. 213 104 220 89 · 188
"' ' '\
100 .4 94 200 98 207 82 175 � 150 '\
l l� bo
150 .b 84 1)-U b ':I 14/ � 1 25
'\ '
200 .8 64 1 35 66 140 56 1 18 ..,
:; 1 00 '
:n \ I'\
75 '\
;; I\.
50 '\ '\
.. .. '-
;:; 25

G r oss Airflow L I

�.��ij_R' F
.,-- -�;@JP
ENER. ·�zy. 0'v-.k��-l'VAN C��rl ilt '\.;.
• s

-� c--· · '\·."
· . . _ ._ : ... . - - %.-�:-�i:
..;�_- •. -� ·
. .• B�. .

Supply Net Supply I Av erage Sensible Apparent Net

Tem.,.,,.,. rure Airflow Exhaust Power c
Re overy Sensible Moistu re
oc OF Lis cfm Flow Ratio (Wans) Effi c ie ncv Effe c ti v e nes s Tran• fer
i (}' lrtl H4:' IUZ
ii 0 ;;o 82 94
HEAT- iii 0 ,...t .Kl. \fl!
ING iv 0 100 Cl <:."' · .
v -z� DU . ::to 6}1 f::J
vi - 25 7U :i � · · ( o m ments from Test A ge n c y :
COOL- v i i i.... rt. • '1'1 l' t'
NG viii 35 51 . 99 2 tr ·
• Desc r l p lion o f Defrost;

·• I n d icates Total Re covery Efficiency, not Sens ible Recovery Efficiency.

+ 250 Pascals = I" of Water: 0.47 L/s = I cfm. O RT E C H Reference Report:
••• Calculated for R2000 Home Program Rating Purposes.

Testi n g was performed in general accordance with CAN/CSA - C439 - 88, Standard Methods of Test for Rat in g the Performance
of Heat Recovery Ventilators and was conducted in accordance with normal professional standards. Neither the ORTECH International
nor their employees shall be responsible for any l oss or damage resulting di.rectly or indi.rectly from any default. error
or omission. Specification Sheet format revised S ep te mber, 1988.

Ve ntilation System Desig n - 65

For systems incorporating H RVs, the HRV Design Specification Sheets are an
excellent source of desig n information for performance , cross leakag e, and heat
recovery efficiency. H RV D esign Specification Sheets are available from
equ ipment su ppliers for all H RVs approved for use under C SA F326. Fig ure
D6. 1 shows an example of an HRV Design Specification Sh eet. For desi g n pur­
poses, refer to the "Net Supply Air Flow" column on the HRV Design Specifica­
tion Sheet to determine whether the H RV can meet the requ ired ventilation
rates. H RVs must be equipped with an automatic, self defrosting means, if air
flow restrictions due to icing in the unit may occur. Appen dix I I contain s a g u ide
on how to read and use the data sheets.

Test data may refer to noise levels. Noise leve ls may be measured in d B
(decibels) , d BA (absolute decibels) o r sanes. d B and d BA are measurements of
the energy in the sound. When comparing fans rated in dB or d BA, use the fol ­
lowing g uide:

a 3 d B change is just noticeable

a 5 dB change is clearly noticeable
a 1 O dB change sounds twice (or half) as loud.

The higher the ratin g , the louder the fan .

Residential ventilation equ ipment noise levels are more often rated in sanes.
Sones are an indication of the noise level as h eard by the ear. The relationship
between sanes and what the ear perceives is linear. One sone is equ ivalent to
a quiet running refrigerator. If the sone rating doubles, so does the apparent
noise level of the equipment. A very quiet fan will have a sone rating under 2 . 0 .
Noisy fans have s o n e ratings above 6 . 0 .

In addition t o the sou nd rating o f a fan , the fan's location in the house (relative to
quiet areas) , the installation or mounting method used, the fan's frequency of
operation and the backg round noise levels in the house (e . g . street noise, oth er
equi pment) will affect the occu pants' perception of whether the fan is qu iet or
Ve ntilation Syste m Desig n • 66

Step 6 . 2
Size Fresh Air I ntake to Fu rnace Retu rn

One of the simp lest and least costly methods of su pplying ventilation air to a
house with a forced air system is with a fresh air intake connected into the recir­
cu lation air retu rn duct. The negative pressure on the upstream (i.e. retu rn) side
of th e recircu lation air fan is utilized to draw outdoor air into the recircu lation air
duct, th u s eliminating the need for an additional fan in the system . The recircu ­
latin g fan m u st run continu ously to ensure th at ventilation is maintained.

If a two speed forced air recircu latio n fan is used, the system m u st be designed
so that the base ventilation rate requirements are met when th e fan ru n s at low
speed (and when return duct suction is at its lowest) and the air flow imbalance
limits are not exceeded when the recircu lation fan operates at h i g h speed .

FI G U R E 0 6 . 3

Sizing Data for Fresh Air I ntake

Design Static Pressure in Furnace

Fresh Air Intake Return Air Duct
Duct Diameter
more than 0.05" m ore than 0.1 O"
1 2 Pa 25 Pa
mm inches Us cfm Us cfm
1 00 4 20 40 30 60

1 25 5 35 70 55 1 10

1 50 6 60 1 20 90 1 90

1 75 7 90 1 75 1 30 270

200 8 1 20 250

If duct is longer than 1 5' or has more than one fitting (other than
intake hood , balancing damper and d uct heater) increase diameter
one inch.

Ventilation Syste m Desig n - 67

Because the suction o n the return side of reci rcu lation fans is usually low (0 . 0 5 to
0 . 1 O inches Wg or 1 2 - 25 Pa) it is important for the fresh air intake to be short an d
straig ht. I n most cases, it will be made of insulated flex d u ct. Figure 6 . 3 , the sizing
chart for fresh air intakes is based on a fresh air intake less than 1 5 feet long with
not more than one fitting (other than the intake hood, balanci n g damper and duct
heater-if req u ired).

Record the diameter of the fresh air intake on Worksheet 6A and on working

r!£1'tJ rtN
A4 1L



F"l.l�NAt� Ct



Ve ntilation Syste m D esig n • 68

Step 6 . 3
( N o n H RV Systems) Establish t h e Exte rnal Static
Pressu re s (ESP) for Venti lator Fans

Extern al static pressure (ESP) is the air pressu re rise between the in let and
outlet ports of the ventilator. The ESP represents the fo rce (air pressure) which
is available to push or pull air thro u g h the system ductwork after the i ntern al
resistan ces of the fan casings, heat exchang e core and possibly filters are over­
come. The ESP of an installed ventilator is the pressure drop in the ventilation
system ductwo rk. Referring to the fan performance data in Fig u re 06.4 or 06.5,
it can be seen that, for a g iven ventilator, air flow decreases as ESP increases.


ESP in. WG
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Air Flow cfm 1 50 1 40 1 20 80 30

Typical Fan Curve
2oo r-------����--�-...

e:. t---l����.:::.��::...��-::--:��-,---=-::-::::��--�'=""--1
llO t-���
1 eo ......
... __,
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::::. ........
. ....
. ....
. .
.... ....
. ....
. .
.... .

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� eo b_�����

w� eo t._�
� t.., ---3�----""'\J
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. ....
. ....
. ....
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. .
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. .
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� . ....
� .1 ....�
.1 �.L-
__ . ...i.
__ . _.1
40 50 SO 70 80 GO 100 1 10 120 l :JO 140 150


... .., "

Ve ntilation Syste m Design - 69

For a g iven fan , increasing ductwork restrictions will increase the E S P and
decrease air flow rates. Typical operating ESPs for residential ventilation
systems range from as low as 0 . 03 in w . g . (7. 5 Pa) for throug h the wall exhaust
systems to 0.6 in. w . g . ( 1 50 Pa) for long fully ducted central systems.

The desig ner must have information about the ventilator's air flow performance
from either the manufacturer's literature or from independent fan test lab resu lts
in order to do the system desig n . With combined supply/exhaust ventilator units
(e. g . H RVs) , performance information should be available for both the exhaust
and ventilation supply fans. It is important that the performance data for the
ventilator be for the complete unit rather than mere ly for the fan itself.

The duct desig n flow rate for a standard ventilation fan is the peak air flow rate
which is to be handled by that fan . The ventilator's ESP at the duct desig n flow
rate is u sed to determine duct sizes for the air distribution system. Record the
ESP at the design flow rate for each ventilation fan in the house (except for H RV.
fans) .

Circumstances may dictate that the desig ner lay out and size the ductwork be­
fore final ventilator selection has been made, or before ESP d ata has been
obtained from the manufactu rer. I n th is case, it is sug gested that the desig ner
assume the external static pressure for both the supply and exhaust fans is 0 . 1 O
inches for throug h the wall systems, 0 . 25 in. WG in small central systems and
0.45 inches in larg e central systems.

Record fan data on Worksheet 68.

Ve ntilation Syste m Design • 70

Step 6 . 4
(HRVs o n ly)
Determine Low Temperature Adjustment Factor (LTAF)

Many H RVs cannot maintain constant air flow rates during cold weather
because of frosting in the heat exchange core and because of the operation of
the H RV defrost cycle. Therefore air flow rates must be increased during cold
weath e r to ensu re that, on averag e, the minimum continuous ventilation
requ irement is maintained.

The Low Temperature Ventilation Reduction Factor reported on the HRV Design
Specificatio n Sheets is the percentag e reduction in air flow rates when the H RV
is tested to CSA Standard C439-M, "Standard Methods of Test for Rating the
Performance of Heat Recovery Ventilators."

Using Fig u re D6.6, the Temperature Zone Map, determine the temperature
zone for the design location . Using this temperatu re zone and the Low
Temperatu re Reduction during the lowest temperatu re test from the H RV spec
sheet, u se Fig u re D6.7 to find the Low Temperature Adjustment Factor.


From HRV Design Specification sheet the

Low Tem perature Venti lation Reduction During
Lowest Temperature Test = 1 9%

Location: Dauphin, Manitoba - Temperature Zone 4

Low Temp Adjustment Factor (LTAF) = 1 .2

V e ntilation Syste m D esig n - 71


- -

ffe-· 6

3 1

Low Temperatu re Adjustment Facto rs (lTAF)

Low Te mperature
Te mpe rature Zo n e
V entilatio n Reduction
1 2 3 4 5 6

10 % NCR NCR NCR 1 .1 1 .1 1 .1

15 % NCR NCR 1 .1 1 .1 1 .1 1 .2

20 % NCR 1 .1 1 .1 1 .2 1 .2 1 .3

25 % NCR 1.1 1 .1 1 .2 1 .3 1 .4

30 % NCR 1.1 1 .2 1 .3 1 .4 1 .5

35 % NCR 1 .1 1 .2 1 .3 1 .5 1 .6

40 % NCR 1.1 1 .2 1 .4 1 .6 1 .8

45 % NCR 1.1 1 .3 1 .4 1 .7 2.0

50 % NCR 1 .1 1 .3 1 .5 1 .8 2. 1

N C R - No Co rrectio n Requ i red

Ventilation Syste m Desig n • 72

Step 6.5
(H RVs only)
Calcu late Adjusted Design Ventilation Rate

The minimum ventilation rate req uired to meet the Base Flow Rate Condition is
multiplied by the LTAF to determine the ininimum requ ired ventilation air flow
rate for an H RV system .

Adjusted Desig n Ventilation Rate = LTAF x Minimum Base Flow Rate. This is the
minimum air flow rate that must be provided by the H RV ventilators to ensu re that
the averag e ventilation rate in cold weather will be at least as large as the Base
Flow Rate requirements. Enter this value on Worksheet 6C.

The Design Ve ntilation Rate must also take into account cross leakag e in the
H RV. C ross leakag e occu rs when air being exhausted from the house leaks into
the supply ai r stream (or vice versa) . The Net Su pply Air Flow g iven on the H RV
spec sheet has already been adj usted for cross leakage. This is the amount of
ventilation air being su pplied at a given E . S . P . The total amount of air being
moved through the ductwork is represented by th e Gross Air Flow column .

To summarize:

1 . When determining HRV su pply fan ESP, use the Adjusted Design
Ventilation Rate as calculated above , and the Net Su pply Air Flow from
the H RV spec sheet.

2. When determining the air flow in the ductwork use the corresponding
G ross Air Flow for the supply fan from the HRV spec sheet.

" " ...

Ve ntilation Syste m Design - 73

Ste p 6 . 6 - (HRVs only)

Determine Duct Design Air Flows

Air-to-air HRV systems must be desig ned for balanced air flows.

The duct sizing is performed based on th e maximum or peak air flows that will
flow through the system . The desig ner may wish to use higher air flow rates
than the minimum required for the house. For example, if the minimum required
exhaust capability exceeds the ve ntilation air supply design flow rate for the
house , it may be necessary to increase the ventilation air su pply design flow
rate above th is minimu m to maintain balance in the ventilation system .

A n alternative t o increasing the supply duct design flow rate o f a central ventila­
tion system may be to decrease the exhaust flow rate to a level which match es
the minimum adjusted desig n supply rate (thus to maintain a balance in the
central system) and to meet the total minimum exhaust flow requirement by
installing intermittent, point exhausts (e . g . a kitchen ran g e hood) . If this is done
make sure that the air flow imbalance limitations of Task 3 are not violated .

T h e duct desig n air flow rate for a balanced H RV system i s the g reater of:

a) the design ventilation air flow rate adjusted for LTAF and cross leakag e ,
as calculated i n Step 6 . 5 and;

b) the total exhaust flow to be met by the HRV.

Step 6.7
Establish the ESP for the HRV Fans

Using the desig n air flows determined in Step 6.5 refer to the H RV Design
Specification S heet to establish the ESP for each fan . Record these data on
Worksheet 6C .
Ve ntilation Syste m Design - 74

Ste p 6.8
Modify Room to Room Air Flows

If the ventilation air supply flow rate has been increased above those rates used
in Task 4 and Task 5 it will be necessary to check the calculations in those steps
including ventilation supply air temperatures, preheater sizing , g rille s izing and
air flows to or from rooms.

Ventilation Syste m Design - 75


1. G oal
To locate the ventilation equipment and all the ventilation system duct­
work, including fittings, on the house floor plan .

2. Procedure

Step 7.1
Choose Locations fo r Ventilation Equ ipment

The ve ntilation equipment should be centrally located in relation to the house

ventilation ductwork in order to minimize excessively long duct ru ns and to
reduce the need for considerable numbers of fittin g s , elbows, etc. Allow easy
access for servicing and maintenance. Avoid locating the ve ntilators under bed­
rooms or other qu iet areas in the house to minimize the im pact of any fan noise
or vibration. The desig n effort is immediately negated if the system is switched
off by the occu pant due to unacceptable noise levels.

Cold air ducts in heated spaces and warm air ducts in u n heated spaces must
be insu lated. This is commonly done with pre-insu lated flex duct. Fig ure 07. 1
contains the minimum required insulation levels for insulated ducts. The de­
signer should locate ventilators and H RVs as close as possible to the exh aust
air outlet and ventilation air supply hoods so as to min imize duct insu lation re ­
quire ments. H R Vs should be located in close proximity to a drain and an e lectri ­
cal outlet.

FIG U RE 07. 1
Required Insulation Levels for Ventilation Air Ducts


Cold Air Ducts in Heated Spaces (4)

Exhaust Air Ducts in Unheated Spaces (3)

Supply and Return Air Ducts in Unheated Spaces

Outdoor Temperature (°F)
19 to 12 (3)
10 to 1 (5)
0 to - 1 1 (7)
-13 to -20 (8)
-22 to - 29 (1 0)
-3 1 or colder ( 1 2)

Ve ntilation Syste m D esign - 76

h4..1 N_
Step 7 . 2
Locate Ventilation Air Intakes and Exhaust

If separate exterior ventilation su pply and

exhaust hoods are installed , they should be
located at least six feet apart to prevent
contamination of the ventilation su pply air by

If concentric intake and exhaust tubes are

utilized, the exh aust nozzel must be located
inside the intake duct and extend at least six
inches beyond the rim of the air intake . The AREAS TO AVOID WHEN LOCATING
exhaust nozzel should be sized for outlet
velocities of 1 00 0 fpm or more. Gas Meters
Venti lation air i ntakes should not be located Garages
near drive-ways, parking lots, exhaust hoods I Dryer Vents
I Exhaust Air Vent
! Gas Furance Vent
for dryers, high-effi ciency furnace flues, g as
mete rs and oil fill pipes. Ve ntilation air intake Oil Fill Pipe
hoods must be lo cated at least 1 8 inches

Garage Containers'
above g rade (and oth er nearby horizontal Corners
su rfaces) and the exhaust hood must be Snow B u i ld-up
located at least eight inches above g rad e. Attics

Ao" MiJ
.4 o ' M 1 ..J .
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,l� �


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Ve ntilation S yste m Desig n - 77

In cold climates the exhaust should not discharg e over a walkway, as mo isture
condensing out of the exhaust air stream may cause icing on the walk.

N ote : In the bottom two figu re s the 40" Minimum (1 m) dimension is from the
hood to the corner of the house.

Ste p 7.3
Lay Out Ductwork

Lay o ut all branch ducts and tru nk ducts to scale on the house plan. Indicate all
risers, elbows and fittings. Where a plan view of the ductwork will not clearly
show the fittings used, draw a sectional or perspective view. All branch d u cts
must be equipped w ith balancing dam pers. These should be located as near to
the ventilator as is practical. As well, a method of adju stin g total air flow is
required for all continuously operating venti lators.


JI '3}

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I \_ '
\_/ ...... .......
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Ve ntilation Syste m Design - 78

Air flow capacity of a ventilator is influenced by two th ings - duct size and
equivale nt duct length . The desig n of the ventilation system should reflect the
designer's efforts to min imize the length of ductwo rk and th e n umber of fittings
in the system . Not only will this approach maximize air flows o r minim ize pres­
sure losses withi n the distribution system but it will also reduce system install a­
tion costs. Ducts should be smooth , straight and short. Althoug h flexible ducts
have so m e advantag es in te rms of ease of installation, the air pressure drop in
them is hig h , typically double th e pressu re d rops of sheet metal ducts. They
should o n ly be u se d wh ere absolute ly necessary.

Step 7.4
Label Trun k and B ranch Ducts

Identify all ventilation air outlets (e . g . VI, V2 , V3) and all exhau st inlets (e.g . , El,
E2, E3) as well as all tru nk duct sections (e . g . , VT-A, ET-A) on the plan . Th is
ide ntification will be u sed to identify specific duct runs in Task 8 "Size Ducts".

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Ve ntilation Syste m Design - 80


1 . G oal

To determine the minimum size for each duct in the ventilation system .

2. Procedure

There are a n umber of detailed methods to size du ctwork for ventilation

systems. However, the time required to use these detailed methods is
exten sive (typically a half day for an experienced use r on a typical house).
The simplified meth od presented here allows the user to size ductwork ·

using fan ESP, air flow in the duct and a count of the n umber of fittings in
that duct run. I n some cases the simplified method may result in oversized
ducts, but the benefits in terms of time savings and ease of u nderstanding
and appl ication (wh ich will mean fewer errors) justifies its use for most resi­
dential applications.

For .very larg e residential and for commercial systems, it is recommended

that detailed design methods be applied.

Step 8.1
Determine Air Flow through Each Duct Section

A trunk duct is a duct run which supplies to, or exhausts from, two or more
branch ducts. Branch ducts are ducts which carry air flow between a tru nk duct
and a single g rille .

The design air flow rate in each trunk duct section is found by adding the design
air flow rates of all the branch ducts serviced by that section of the tru nk duct.
Record duct flow rates on Worksheet 8 and on the duct layout drawing beside
the appropriate duct.

It is possible to reduce a tru nk duct run into shorter sections, one between each
branch line takeoff, and thus reduce the size of a trunk duct along its length .
Howeve r, this is not always done as it complicates both the desig n and the
installation , and tru nk duct runs are usually quite short. Remember, adding
reducers will increase the fitting count for the duct run.

" " " ..

Ve ntilation S yste m D esign - 81

Step 8.2
Determine Nu mber of Fittings in Each Duct Run

Starting at the g rille and working th rough to the outside hood , count fittings for
each branch duct run. The fitting count for a branch duct will include all fittings
from the outside hood to the grille or diffuser at the top end of that branch (i.e.
every fitting that air going through that grille must pass) . Worksheet 8 should be
used to record the number of fittings in each duct run. For trunk ducts, use the
fitting-cou nt for the branch duct with the most fittings served by that trunk duct
section .

A s air is forced through ductwork, the External Static Pressu re of the ventilator is
spent overcoming the resistances imposed by the ductwork and fittings. Each
size and type of fitting imposes its own resistance to air flows. To simplify th e
analysis of different ducts and fittings, the pressure losses of fittings, g rilles, and
hoods are equated to the equivalent length of a smooth straig ht duct (of the
same diameter as the fitting). The equ ivalent lengths of some common fittings
applied to residential ventilation systems are shown in Fig u re DB. 1 .

It is very important not to overlook any fittings. For example, in let and exhaust
hoods, g rilles and stackheads are easy to forget in the desig n calculations but
do result in system pressures losses.
Ve ntilation Syste m Design • 82


9M (30')
~ 1 1M (35')
1 8 M (601
� �
1 7M (55; 21 M (70')

~ -�9M (301
� \J �SM ( 1 5')
1 4M (45' ) 1 5M (50') 1 .5 M (5')

� � � � � a

(30 ') 9M (30') 1 .SM ( S') SM ( 1 5') 1 . 5M (S') 1 . 5 M (51

0 Q7,\
45° 1 . SM (5') 90°

( 1 0')

\__j ci�_:;> FLEX

90° SM (20')
_...- -,:;-:::�:.1·
.(9 �M (S') o�'I
. : ·: :._ J

6/ � .2M (4')
( 1 0' ) GRILLE S M ( 1 5')

OP @(30')

9·1 8M

(30-60') BOX 1 OM
1 5M (50') M (35')

" "
Ve ntilation Syste m Desig n - 83

Step 8.3
Size Ducts

Determine the minimum duct diameter for each section of ductwork in the
system. Using Fig ure D8.2 or D8.3, follow down the column w ith the appro priate
ESP rang e for the ventilator selected and across the row with the air flow that
equals or just exceeds the desig n condition air flow rate for the duct being sized.
The intersection of this column and row identifies the basic duct diameter
required. Record this number on Worksheet 8.

FIG U RE 08.2
Rules o f Thumb for Bath and Kitchen Fans*


up to fix fittings
ctn I� Ih to six lilfinn�

up to 25 up to 1 2 3 inches 75 mm

to 50 to 25 4 1 00

to 90 to 45 5 1 25

to 1 25 to 60 6 1 50

to 1 75 to 80 7 1 75

to 250 to 1 20 8 200

to 300 to 1 40 9 225

I f fitting count is 7 to 1 5, use next size larger duct.

If fitting count is greater than 1 5, use two sizes larger duct.

Fitting count is the number of fittings downstream of the fan outlet, including the exhaust hood at
outside wall plus extra counts as outlined below.

For each 3 m (9.8 feet) or part thereof of smooth ductwork, add one to fitting count.

If flex duct is used increase flex duct one size and count each bend or elbow in the flex as one
count fitting , OR use flex duct size noted in the table and add one count to fitting count for each
1 .5 m (4.9 feet) or part thereof of flex duct and count each bend or elbow in flex duct as two

*Fan air flow to be rated at 0.1 inch wg (25 pa).

Ventllatlon Syste m Design • 84

Adjust the duct diameter for the fitting and/or flex duct count as required by the
conditions listed at the bottom of the chart. Enter the adjusted duct diameter on
Worksheet 8 and on the working drawin gs. Repeat this process for each duct
section . The desig ner or installer may choose not to downsize the ducts in a
particular run and thu s need not do the sizing procedure for ducts carrying
lesser air flows wh ich have lesser fitting counts.

When in doubt, go up one duct size . Oversizing helps ensure the system can
meet desig n air flow rates.

Ve ntilation Syste m Design - 85

FIG U R E 08.3
Rules of Thumb for Duct Sizing for Central Exhaust and Supply Fans

DESIGN Pa more than 25 65 1 00 1 50
AIR FLOW in W.G more than 0.1 0 .2 5 0 .40 0 .60
cfm Lis Min. Duct Diameter, in.

10 5 3 3 2* 2*
20 10 4 3 3 3
30 15 4 4 3 3

40 20 5 4 4 4
50 25 5 4 4 4

60 30 6 5 4 4
80 40 6 5 5 5

1 00 50 7 6 5 5
1 25 60 7 6 6 5

1 50 70 8 7 6 6
1 75 85 8 7 6 6

200 95 9 7 6 6
225 1 05 9 8 7 6

250 1 20 9 8 7 7
300 1 40 10 8 7 7

400 1 90 12 9 8 8
500 235 12 10 9 9

If the fitting count for a duct is more than eight, increase duct size larger than called for in Table.

If the fitting count for a duct is more than sixteen, increase duct two sizes larger than called for in

Fitting count is all the fittings that air to or from the room must pass through to flow between the
outdoors and the room it serves, plus flex duct counts as outlined below.

If flex duct is used increase flex duct one size and count each bend or elbow in flex duct as one
fitting , OR use flex duct size as noted in Table and add one to fining count for each 3 m (9.8 feet)
or part thereof of flex duct and count each bend or elbow in flex duct as two fittings.

*for sizing purposes only, do NOT install ductwork under 3 inches.

Ve ntilation Syste m Desig n . 86

Ste p 8 . 4 (optiona l)
Convert to Equ ivalent Rectang ular Duct Size

If you wish to u se rectan g u lar ductwo rk (e . g . for a rectang u lar stack to a high­
wall g rille) , it m u st have at least the same air flow capacity as the round duct it
replaces. Use Fig u re 0 8 . 4 to convert the round duct to the equ ivalent
rectang u lar duct.

FIGURE 08 .4
Circular I Rectangular Duct Equivalents

Standard Stack or Circular Duct Diameter Minimum Rectang u lar Duct

Riser Size (inches) Dimension (inches)

10 x 3.25 4 2.5 x 6
3 x 4.5
3 .25 x 4.5
3.5 x 4

1 0 x 3.25 5 �S x 10
3 x 7.5
3 25 x 7
15 x 6
4 x 5.5

1 2 x 3.25 6 3x 11
3.5 x 9
4x 8
5x 6
5. 5 x 5. 5

1 4 x 3.25 7 3.25 x 14
3.5 x 13
4 x 11
5 x 9
5.5 x 7.5
6 x 7

8 3.5 x 18
4x 15
5x 11
5.5 x 10
6x 9
7x 8

9 5 x 1 4 .5
5.5 x 13
6 x 12
7 x 10
8 x 9

10 6x 15
7x 13
8x 11
9x 10

" ..,
Ve ntilation Syste m Design - 87


1 . G oal

To design a co ntrol System which o perates the ventilation system so that

it meets the ventilation code and the purchaser's requirements.

2. P rocedure

Step 9.1
Develop Ope rating Strategy

Thus far the designer has developed a conceptual system desig n and has
dete rmined the vario us ai r flow requirements and the air distribution with in the
house, selected fans and/or an H RV, and identified what type of relief or make­
up air systems to install (if any are needed). At this stag e in the design process,
many aspects of control strategy will be fixed by previous desig n decisions.
Now, the desig ner should review the system desig n and the ventilation system
requirements and specify how the system is to operate (i.e. the operating strat­
egy) and how it is to be controlled to operate in this fashion (i.e. the control

Conti nuous operation of the ventilatio n system is requ ired with control of higher
speed ope ration by one or more of the following recommended:

dehu midistat(s)
interval or cran k timer(s)
manually operated switch (es)

Operatin g and control strateg ies must be identified for each piece of equipment in
the supply, exhaust, make-up and relief air systems. I n reality, design decisions
are not made separately for each component, but are made wh ile consideri ng all
the pieces at once (i.e. the house as a system) .

The co ntrol strategy selected will larg ely define the contro ls required for any
ventilation system. The controls may function at line voltag e or on a low voltage
circuit. Low voltage control wiring can be done by the sheet metal mechan ic or
installer using doorbell wire . The following briefly high lig hts some desig n
considerations for the various systems that need to be controlled.
Ve ntilation Syste m Design · 88

Ventilation Air Supply Syste ms

The "basic" ventilation air supply system must continuously provide ventilation
air throughout the occupied space. Operating strategies wh ich can achieve this
are :

continu ally operating combined ventilation supply and exhaust systems
(with dedicated duct systems or integrated with forced-air systems) ;

continuously operating exhaust air systems (supply by infiltration);

continuously operating supply only fans (with dedicated duct systems or
integ rated with a forced air system) ;

outdoor air intake to the forced air system return (requires continuous
operation of the recirculation fan) .

E xhaust Air Syste ms

The "basic" exhaust system must be sized to expel specific volumes of air from
bath rooms and kitchens. The exhaust air system may operate intermittently or
continuously. If fans are designed for continuous operation, they must be wired
without ON/OFF switches and they must be suitable for continuous, quiet opera­
tion. Many desig ns will incorporate both continuous and intermittent exhaust

M a ke-up and R e lief Air Systems

If make-up and/or relief air systems are required, they must fu nction so as to
avoid pressure and air flow imbalances in the house which exceed th e allow­
able maximums determined in Task 3. M ake-up air fans must be approved to
CSA 22.2 #1 1 3 and certified for use under moist conditions an d at low tempera­

Make- u p air fans can be simultane ously switched with th e exhau st devices they
are installed to counterbalance . Relief air fans may be controlled to turn off
when exhaust devices are switched on. Make-up and relief air vents may be
damper equipped or may be permanently open. Ideally, damper mechanisms
would be o perated by a barometric pressu re controller. The problem is, 5 Pa is
equ ivalent to 6 1 /2 mph wind, 1 O Pa = 9 mph wind, 20 Pa = 1 3 mph wind .

... "
Ventilation Syste m D esig n - 89

Where do you put a sensor so it isn't confused by the wind conditions?

Practically, large vents would be equipped with automatic dampers, w ired to

open (or close) whenever exhaust devices were operated. M ake-up an d re lief
air systems must be positively controlled (i.e. they must operate so as to avoid
imbalances without requiring deliberate h u man inte rvention) .

Air P reheat Systems

Preheating or tempering ventilation and make-up air can be achieved in a

number of ways in cludin g :

• using H RVs,

mixing cold ventilation air with house air,

heating ventilation air with electric duct h eaters, and

combinations of the above .

There are two ventilation air temperatu res to keep track of during the desig n , the
minimum 54°F temperature required fo r air entering a furnace and 63°F , the
tem perature below which high-wall supply g rilles are requ ired.

Of the above air preheating or tempering systems, the only one which requires
control is the duct heater option . The two types of controls available for duct
heaters are ON/OFF controls and modulating controls. ON/OFF controls turn the
heater on and off based on the air temperature upstream of the heater. For a
g iven air flow rate , the duct heater will increase the air tem perature by a fixed
amount. This will usually result in heating the air stream more than requ ired.

Modulating controls sense the air temperature after it has passed th rough the
heater, and adjusts the heater output so the air stream is heated to the set point
temperature. Modulating controls eliminate th e ove rheating condition wh ich can
occur with ON/OFF controls, but are more expensive.

The deelgner should write down in detail how he wants the ventilation syste m to
function. This description is the system operatin g strategy.
Ve ntilation Syste m Design - 90

Step 9 . 2
Desig n th e System Controls

If ventilation equipment is wired for low voltage controls, wiring instructions and
drawings will be included in the installation manual . The designer may have to
design a control system specific to a particu lar installation . He should determine
what controls are to be installed and where they are to be located. The following
g uidelines should be considered when selecting and locating the controls:

Do not locate controls behind doors or in other awkward places .

Position wal l switches at the same height as the lig ht switches in the
house, u sually 50 to 54 inches above th e floor.

Do not m ix control functions. For example, don't install a dehumidistat
where a high-low switch is needed. Althoug h the dehumidistat can be
used as a hig h-low switch , this will confuse the occupants.

Freque ntly, a g iven contro l function can be achieved by more than one
approach . Here, simplicity is the objective. Some commonly used co ntrol com ­
ponents include :

Dehumidlsta t - This is a humidistat wh ich closes a set of contacts (i . e . , switches

"on") when humidity rises above the set point and opens the contacts (i. e . ,
switches "off') when h umidity falls below the set point. At least o n e dehumidistat
shou ld be centrally located on each floor (except in an u nfinished basement) of
the house. Each should be wired into the ventilation equipment fan control cir­
cuit, initiating hig h-speed o peration when the relative humidity in the house rises
above the set point.

Installing a dehumidistat in the exhaust air duct is not recommended, as this

does not allow the occu pants to easily reset the control to meet th e chang ing
needs of the house . This will u n necessarily increase heating and cooling loads.

ON/OFF S witches - The common lig ht switch is used as an occupant control to

initiate hig h-speed fan o peration . These are commonly located in th e kitchen
and washrooms.

"' ... "

Ve ntilation Syste m Design - 91

Crank Timer S witches This occupant-operated control serves the same pur­

pose as the simple tog g le switch (i. e . , in itiates h ig h-speed ventilator ope ration),
except that the crank timer ensures that the ventilation fans will not operate
indefin itely on hig h speed because someone forg ot to turn the switch off.
Laundry room exhaust fans are a good applicatio n for crank ti mers. Cran k
timers are available for different set times, ranging from 1 5 minutes to several

Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) Toggle S witch - This control is essentially
two tog g le switches operated by a com mon -th u m b switch. These are used when
two separate electrical circuits need to be operated simultaneously to satisfy the
operating strategy.

For example, in a washroom, a DPDT Can be u sed to switch a central exhaust

fan to high speed and turn on the lig ht. Wiring the lig ht and fan into one circu it
would mean th e bath room lig ht would come on whenever the fan was
switched to high speed. Therefore the fan and the lig ht must be in separate
electrical circu its. D PDT switches conveniently acco m modate this requ ireme nt.

Electrical code prohibits wiring line voltage and low voltag e circuits in the same
ju nction boxes. Th erefore, DPDT switches can not be used for mixed line volt­
ag e/low voltag e applications.

R e lays - Relays are electro-mag netic devices wh ich allow a power su pply in
one circuit to operate electrical co ntactors in one or more oth e r circu its. Each
circu it can o perate at a different voltage and may have normally open or nor­
mally closed contactors. Relays are more costly to install than D P DT switches
and make an audible clun k when switched .

Occupant controls wh ich switch the ventilation system fans from low speed (or
OFF) to high speed o peration must be wired so that any single switch can shift
the ventilation system fans ON or to high speed regardless of the position of the
other switches. This is generally done by paral lel wiring . A side benefit of paral ­
lel wiring is that it is not necessary to connect all control switches directly to the
ventilation system fans. It is possible to con nect several control switches in
parallel to a single set of Wires.
Ve ntilation Syste m D esig n • 92

Step 9.3
Draw C o ntrols onto System Plans

Complete the ventilation system drawings by marking on th e location of all con ­

trols, and indicati ng to which electrical circuits the controls are connected .

... ...
Ve ntilation Syste m Design - 93


1. G oal

To check that the design calcu lations are correct, that the system can be
bu ilt as desig ned and that the design will meet the system requirements.

2. P rocedure

Step 1 0. 1
Review Desig n

Using the checklist in Fig ure 0 1 0 . 1 , review all calculatio n s and procedures,
making sure calculations are correct and that no steps h ave been overlooked.

Confirm that space is available in the house for all duct ru n s and sizes. Revise
duct sizes to accommodate any changes that must be made. Remember, if 8x3
rectang u lar stacks to a hig h-wall g rille are to be used, it will be necessary to
frame the interior partitions using 2x4's rather than 2x3's.

In additio n, it may be necessary to incorporate a mechan ical wall for th e riser

ducts to the second floor of a larg e two-story house . This may be done by
framing a 2x6 partitio n wall or by putting a pipe chase in a closet.
Ve ntilation Syste m Desig n - 94


TASK 1 - D ETE R M I N E V ENTI LATION R EQ U I R E M ENTS . . . . . . . . . .. 28 . . . .... ......... .. . ..

Step 1 .1 - Select Appropriate Ventilation Standard ............ ................ . ....... 28

Step 1 .2 - Determine the Conditioned Volume of the House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Step 1 .3 - Determine Minimum Base Flow Rate to M eet C SA F326
Requ irements . . ........ . . . . . . . . .. ............................... ... .... ................. ........ 29
Step 1 .4 - Determine M inimum Required Exhaust C apability ................... 30
Step 1 . 5 - Evaluate Special Exhaust Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . 32

TASK 2 • D EVELO P CONCEPTUAL DESI G N .. ........ . . . . .. . ... . .. ... ....... .. . ...... . . ..

. . . ..... . 32


SIZE R E LI E F O R M AKE- U P AI R SYST E M S . . . . . . . . . 39 .. .... .. . .. .... . . . .. ..........

Step 3. 1 - Calcu late Building Envelope Area ............ ............................ ....... 4 1

Step 3.2 - Determine Allowable N et Supply Flow Rate .............................. 42
Step 3.3 - Determine Pressure Decrease Limits ............... . . . . . . . . . ................. . 42
Step 3.4 - Determine Air Flow I mbalances Corres p o nding to
Allowable Pressure Decrease Limits .... . . . . . . . . .................. ............. 4 3
Step 3.5 - C alcu late Base Flow Rate Condition ...... . . . . ............ .... ....... .......... 43
Step 3.6 - Determine Reference Exhaust Flow Rate Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3
Step 3.7 - Select and Size Make-up and/or Relief Air Systems ........... ..... 44
Step 3.8 - Select and Size Relief and Make-up Air System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

TASK 4· D ET E R M I N E AI R D I STRI BUT ION . .. ..... ... .. .. . . . . . . ..... . . ... . 47 .... . .. . . .. .. ... . . . . .. . ..

Step 4 . 1 - Determine if the Ventilation Air Supply is to be Integ rated

with a Forced -Air Heatin g or Cooling System ......... . . . . . . .... ......... 4 8
Step 4.2 - Dete rmine Ventilation Supply Air Design Temperatu re ........... 49
Step 4 . 3 - Determine if Ventilation Air Preheating is Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3
Step 4 . 4 D etermine if Hig h -wall or Ceiling Supply G rilles are

Required ............................ ...................... .......... .. .............. .. .............. 54

Step 4 . 5 - Locate the Su pply Air G rilles or Diffusers .......................... ......... 55
Step 4.6 - Proportion the Ventilation Air to Each Outlet (Dedicated ............ .

Systems On ly) .............................................................. .... ..... . . . ........ 5 5

Step 4 . 7 - C heck Supply Air Flow to Each Room (Integ rated System . . . . . . . . . .

On ly) 56
........ . . . ......... .............................. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .

Step 4.8 - Locate Exhaust Air G rilles .................................... ... ....................... 57

Step 4.9 - Proportion Exhaust Air from Each Grille ............ .................... ...... 5 8

Ve ntilation Syste m Desig n • 95


• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 59
Step 5. 1 - Size the Ventilation Supply Grilles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Step 5.2 - Size the Exhaust G rilles . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . ... ........ . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .. . ..... . . . . . . . . .. . 62
Step 5.3 - Determine Door Undercut Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62


• ... .. . 63 .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . .... . ......... . . . ......... .

Step 6. 1 - Make "First-Cut" Ventilation Equ i pment Selections . 63 . ........ . . . . . . . .

Step 6.2 - Size Fresh Air Intake to Furnace Return . . . . . . 66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Step 6.3 - (Non HRV Systems) Establish th e External Static

Pressures (ESP) or Ventilator Fans .. . . . . . . . 68 .. . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. ....

Step 6.4 - (H RVs on ly) Determine Low Temperatu re Adjustment

Factor (L TAF) .. . . . .
. . . . .. . . . . . . 70
. . .. . . . . ....... . ... . . ....... . . . . . .... . . . .... .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .

Step 6.5 - (H RVs only) Calcu late Adjusted Design Ventilation Rate ........ 72
Step 6.6 - (HRVs only) Determine Duct Desig n Air Flows .......................... 7 3
Step 6 . 7 - Establish the ESP for the HRV Fans .............. .............. ................ 73
Step 6.8 - Modify Room to Room Air Flows . . . . . 74 . . ..... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . ..... . . . . . .......

TAS K 7 · LAYOUT SYST E M . . . . . . .. .

...... . .......... ... . . ..... . . . . . . .... .. . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . 75
Step 7. 1 -Choose Locations fo r Venti latio n Equ ipment . . . .. . . ........ . . . .. . . . . . . . .. 75
Step 7.2 - Locate Ventilation Air Intakes and Exhaust Outlets . . ... 76
Lay Out Ductwork. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Step 7.3 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
. . . . . . . . . . 77
Step 7.4 - Label Trunk and Branch Ducts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

• DU CTS 80
.. .................... .............................. .. .... . . . . . .. . . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .

Step 8. 1 - Determine Air Flow Through Each Duct Section . . . 80 ........ . . .. . . . . ... .

Step 8 . 2 - Determine Nu mber of Fittings in Each Duct Run 81 .... . .. . ...... . .. . . . ...

Step 8 . 3 - Size D ucts .. .. . ...

. . . . . . ....
. . . ... .
. ... . . 83
. . .. . . . ........ .... . . . .. . . . ............ . ... . . . .... . . . . . . . .

Step 8 . 4 - (optional} C onvert to Equ ivalent Rectangular Duct Size 86 . . . . . . . . .

TAS K 9 · S PECIFY VENT I LATION SYSTEM CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

. . .

Step 9 . 1 - Develo p Ope rating Strategy . ... . . ...... . ..... . ...... . .. . ....... . . . ......... . . . ....... 87
Step 9.2 -Desig n the System Controls . . . . .... . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 9 0 .

Step 9 . 3 -Draw Controls onto System Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92..

TAS K 1 0 · REVIEW DESIGN . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . ...... .

. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... 93 . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .. . .

Step 1 0 . 1 - Review Desig n . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..... . ....... ; . .. .. .. . . . . . . .... . . . . . . ........ ........ . . . ... ... 9 3

The ventilation system must not be used to p rovide combustion air for any
vented combustion applian ce . Fireplaces , furnaces and g as stoves require
separate combustio n-air supplies, desig ned specifically for the appliance they
3 �Vd >t NV18
96 • u 61sea w ets�s uonemueA



This section describes the installation of a ventilation system in detail. Although

some of the information has been cove red in previous sections, its importance
makes it worth reviewing ag ain .

Each ventilator should come with its own installation manual. If it did not, call th e
manufacturer or supplier and request one. I n addition to confo rming to the
equ i pment man ufactu rer's installation requirements , there are a n umbe r of
codes and stan dards which establish minimum material and performance re­
qu irements for ventilators and their installation . Apoen dix I l l lists some of these
relevant to the ventilation system installer.

The installation m ust comply with all local bu ildin g , electrical and m echanical

You may find that various installation instructions or codes may not ag ree with
each other. The prime purpose of the ventilation syste m is the long-term health
and safety of the occupants of the house, fol lowed by occu pant comfort an d
system performance. For this reason , the installation must co nform to the most
stringent recommendations.
Ventila tion Syste m I nsta llation - 98


The first step when installing a ventilation system is to review the workin g
drawings and system layout. If t h e system was desig ned by yo u , th is will b e a
straig ht forward task. If the plans were drawn by others, you should familiarize
you rself with the ve ntilation equipment installation instructions and relate them
to the design at hand. The working drawing should show the location of the
ve nti lation equipme nt, ductwork and other system components and specify their
size, type, etc. On -site changes that have been made to the floor plan, the me­
chan ical room or basement area may require you to modify the system layout.
Major deviations from the p lan , particu larly from the duct layout, may invalidate
the duct sizing done by the desig n e r. The impact of any changes in ductwork
layout m u st be assessed with respect to the ability of the ventilation equipment
to meet requ ired air flows.

Depending on the extent of the changes, it may be necessary to i ncrease the

duct diameter or select different ve ntilation equipment. The installer m u st satisfy
himself that the requ ired airflows will be provided by the system . This can be
done by counting fitting s on any trun k and bran ch ducts that have been modi­
fied to d etermine if u psizin g is required or if downsizing is possible.

If the ventilation system has not been desig ned to meet C SA F326 and th ere
are vented co mbustion appliances in the house, the installer must do a back­
drafting test on the house once th e installation and buildi n g envelope are com­
plete . (See Reference 1 3 in Appendix I l l fo r detai ls on how to do backdraftin g
tests .) If backdrafting i s detected, the installer must either undertake corrective
measu res (and check their effectiveness with another backdrafting test) or pro ­
vide the h omeowner with a written notice describing the backd rafting problem
(Form 8).

Ve ntila tion Syste m I n sta llation • 99 ·


The ventilation equ ipment should be located so that the ducts leading to and
from it are reasonably short and straig ht. Although it is possible to "elbow" a way
around most obstructions, it is desirable to locate the ventilation equ ipment so
that chang es in air flow direction are minimized. As you "elbow" , remember that
extra fittings may require larg er duct sizing .

The location of continuously o peratin g ventilation fans should be selected to

minimize noise . Because of their airtight con struction , n ew houses are much
quieter than older houses, and so fan noise is more noticeable . The home­
owner may be more sensitive to fan noise if the heating system is not forced air.
With a forced air system; the sound of the ventilation equipment fans is offset by
the sound of the furnace fan . Noise may be reduced by incorporatin g sound at­
tenuation device s (i.e. duct silencers) in the ductwork. I n stalling noisy ventilation
equipment is a sure way to g et called back after the new homeowne r h as
moved in (see Desig n Step 6. 1 for a d iscussion on fan noise levels) . Fans and
H RVs located adjacent to bedrooms or living rooms will g et turned off if the
noise bothe rs the house occu pants. When this happe n s , the purpose of the
ventilation syste m is defeated.

All ventilation equi pment must be located to allow easy access for servicin g .

H RVs and all cond ensate lines must be instal led in a space where the tempera­
tu re is mai ntained above the freezing point.
Ve ntilation Syste m I nsta lla tion - 1 oo


Ventilation fans and H RVs must meet minimum standards to meet the installa­
tion requirements of C SA F326.2. Specifically, fans and HRVs must be C SA
approved for the type of installation being considered. All ventilators must be
cle arly labelled reg arding elements wh ich require caution or need to be identi ­
fied fo r cleaning or maintenance.

H RVs must:

be selected based on the results of tests carried out in accordance with
C SA Standard C439, Standard M ethods of Test for Rati n g the
Performance of Heat-Recovery Ventilators.

have certification provided that states th e heat recovery ventilator will
perform in accordance with the man ufacturers' pu blished data when tests
in accordance with CSA Standard C439.

be equipped with auto matic, self-defrost if air flow restriction due to icing
may occur.

have available an installation kit including vibratio n isolation means for
both the equipment and duct connections. The kits shall be included on
the parts list provided with the H RV information packag e .

not be installed with an imbalance of air flow of more than 1 0% during
normal operation, includ ing defrost, unless oth erwise specified by de­
sig n .

have clear and understandable in stallation and operating instruction s
and warranty ( i n writing ) .

not be conn ected in parallel with other fans or H RVs into a common air
duct system u nless specifically approved by the manufactu rer.

not be directly ducted to or from any appliances (e . g . dryer, range hood,
central vac, combustion appliance).

... ...
V e n tilation S yste m I ns tallati o n - 1 01

Wall and ceiling fans must:

be certified for electrical safety to C SA 22.2
#1 1 3.

have removable or hin ged interior g rilles
which permit access for fan and motor repair,
maintenance and replaceme nt.

be su pplied with comprehensive i nstru ctions
and performan ce data in for the pu rpose of
describing venti lato r performance, installation
req u irements, maintenance and repair proce ­
dures, ·parts list and supplier names and
homeown er operating instru ctions.

Range hoods m ust:

be certified for electrical safety to C SA 22.2
#1 1 3.

exhaust directly to the outside and not be c o n ­
nected t o other exhaust fan s o r ducts (or
H RVs) .

• have noncombusti ble , corrosion-resistant

material ductwo rk to the outdoors.

be at least as long as the range and at least
1 7 inches wide (front to back) . The bottom run
of the range hood m u st not be more than 30

inches above the rang e top.

have a minimum capacity of 3 . 5 cfm per inch
of rang e hood length for rang e hoods
m o u nted ag ainst the wall, and 4 cfm per inch
of rang e hood length for ran g e hoods not
located against walls.

be equipped with a g rease filter at the intake
Ventilation Syste m I nstallation • 1 02

Continuously operating fan s must:

be certified by the manufacturer for continuous operation in the enviro n ­
ment i n which the.y will b e installed.

o pe rate quietly when prope rly installed .

.... ... ....

.. ...
Ventilation S yste m I nsta llation - 1 03

. 6.4 M O U NT I N G

Mounting hardware varies with each ventilator. I n many cases fans an d H RVs
are suspended from the joists near the ceiling of the basement or mechanical
room. If you must drill holes in the joists, drill near th e mid-point of the joist so
the joist is not structu rally weakened.

Properly mounting ventilation equ ipment will reduce noise generated by ve nti ­
lation equipment. Carefully fo llow the manufacturer's i n struction s and use all
hardware specified for noise and vibration control .

T h e ventilators should b e positioned at a heig ht that accommodates the incom­

ing ducts witho ut major chang es in duct direction. Th e entire suppo rt mecha­
nisms and the ventilators should be checked for rou g h edges that might catch
or tear clothing or injure person s moving in the area. Remember, ventilation
equ ipment is often located in poorly-lit rooms at a child's eye level .

Alth ough i t is usually desirable to position ventilators near t h e ceili n g , they

should not directly touch the ceiling , ceiling joists, walls o r any rigid part of the
house. This precaution will prevent vibration no ise from being transmitted d i ­
rectly to the house structure.

If noise transmission is of particular concern in an installatio n , venti lation

equipment may be mou nted o n a floor stand . Alth o u g h mountin g the ventilation
equipment on a stand will redu ce the usable floor space in the basement, the
transmission of noise to the living area of the house will be reduce d . If there is
no basement, the ventilation equipment can be floor mou nted on the main floor
of the house.
Ve ntilation S yste m I nsta lla tio n · 1 04

6.5 . D RAIN

I n most H RVs, moisture will condense in the

exhau st side of the heat exchang e core during
cold weather o peration and may condense in
H !Zv'
the supp ly air side d uring hot weather o pera­
tio n . These u n its will be equipped with a drain WA"T'litz.
l.& '(EL .
conn ection at the bottom of the H R V casin g . I -;!
T h e drain pipe must incorporate a water trap
that is at least two inches deep. It should be
hand filled with water before it is connected to t"
th e H RV. The drain must be at least 1 /2" in di·
ameter and be g raded so that the water will
flow out of and away from the H RV. The drain
usually g oes to a floor drain or some other
drain such as a laundry tub or sink. If the H RV
location makes a g ravity drain impractical , a
co n densate s u m p and pu m p m u st be installed
to pu m p any con den sation to a drai n .


Most reside ntial fans and H RVs are co nnected to a 1 20 volt circu it. Wiring
should be d o n e in accordance with the man ufactu rer's instru ctions and th e
Electrical C ode. A separate circuit breaker is not required for the H RV. The
electrician should be g iven the man ufacturer's wiring instruction an d a descrip­
tion of the control strategy for all wiring and controls he is to conn ect.

The ventilation system may require supplementary heat fo r the venti lation air
su pply. U n less they are specified or s u pplied by the man ufacturer, the i nstalli ng
co ntracto r is respo n sible for ensuring the suitability of the heate r for th e applica­
tion and fo r providing electrical interlocks with the fan .

Electric venti lation a i r su pply duct heaters m u st b e tested and approved to CSA
22.2 #1 1 3 (October 3 1 , 1 988) and approved for heati ng low tem peratu re air in a
pote ntially moist e nviro n m e nt. Sheet metal or approved ducting shall be used a
m i n i m u m of 5 feet downstream and 1 foot upstream from electric d u ct h eating
u n its. The air flow throug h the fan m u st m atch duct heater specifications. The
duct h eater m u st be easily accessible for repair or replacement.

.. " "
Ve ntilation Syste m I nsta llation - 1 05


The control strategy selected for ventilation system o peration will largely define
the controls required for the system . Controls may function at line voltage or on
a low voltag e circuit. C lass I I ( 1 8 g auge) wire can be used for low vo ltage co n ­
trol systems. It i s both cheaper and easier to work with than the wire needed for
line voltage applications.

If the ventilators are wired for low voltage controls (many H R Vs have low volt­
age controls) , wiring instructions an d drawings will be included in th e instal la­
tion man ual provided by the manufacturer. The desig ner may also have de­
signed a control system specific to a particu lar installatio n . The installer should
determine what controls are to be installed and where they are to be located.
The followi ng g u idelines should be considered when selecting and locating the

Bathroom on/off or h ig h-low switches or interval timers should be located
next to the light switches.

The switch (es) in th e kitchen should be conven ient to the stove and oth er
working areas.

Dehu midistats should be centrally located , away fro m su pply air g rilles.
They should be wall mou nted in a central location an d have an o perating
range from 20% to 80% relative humidity as well as an "OFF' positio n .
The hu midity level i s set at the discretion o f the occupants, normally
around 30 to 50% in the winter and OFF in the summer.

Do not locate control s behind doors or in other awkward places.

Position wall switches at th e same height as the lig ht switches in the house,
u sually 50 to 54 i nches above the floor.

Do not mix control fu nctions. For example , don't install a humidity co ntroller
where a high -low switch is needed. Although the humidistat can be used as
high-low switch, th is will confuse the homeown er .

V e n tilation S yste m I ns ta lla tio n • 1 06

It will be m uch easier to run th e wiring for the controls before drywall is put up.
Wiring must be run where it will not be damaged by oth er trades. Avoid exterior
walls where w ires will penetrate the house air/vapor barrier. The wire should be
pulled snug and straight and fastened using plastic coated tacks or staples. Run
wiring parallel to the building lines. Keep it neat. The wire should-be fastened to
the stud within four inches of the switch box. Leave a foot of wire for the final
conn ection to the control switch .

Occupant controls turn ventilators O N and OFF or from l ow speed to h i g h speed

operation. They must be wired so that any single switch can shift the fan (s) ON or
to high speed o peration reg ardless of the position of the other switches. This is
g e nerally done by parallel wiri n g . A side benefit of parallel wiring i s that it is not
necessary to con nect all control switch es directly to the ventilator. It is possible to
connect several control switches in parallel u sing a single set of wires.

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Ventilation S yste m I nsta llation - 1 07


If the ventilation system was desig ned properly, the location and size of all d u cts
and flow dampers will be shown on the drawing . If this information has not been
provided, the instal ler will be responsible for d u ct l ayout and sizing , as dis­
cussed in Section 5 "Ventilation System Desig n".
I n stallers should also check th e ventilator manufacture r's in stallation man u al for
requirements or recommendation s specific to the fans or H RVs being installe d .

D uct Materia ls

The NBC requires that all supply air ducts be constructed of non-combustible

Unfinished wall cavities can be used as exhaust air ducts, although the cavity
should be well sealed to avoid air losses. If kitchen exhaust d u cts u se the wall
cavity, the wall cavity must be clad in sheet metal. It m ust have a g rease filter at
the air intake . Exhaust ductwork from kitchens must be non combustible, corro­
sion resistant material .

Bath roo m exhaust ducts can be of combustible m aterials but should be sealed
and lined with a finish impervious to water.
Ventilation S yste m I nsta lla tion • 1 08

Flex Duct

Ducts should be smooth , straig ht and short. Although flexible ducts have some
advantag es i n terms of ease of installation , the air pressure drop in them is hig h .
Flexi ble ducts typically h ave pressu re drops dou ble those o f sheet metal ducts.
Flex d u cts m u st be one inch larg er in d iameter than sheet m etal ducts in most
applications. Flex ducts should o n ly be used where necessary. All flexible ducts
must meet the requ irements of U LC Std 1 8 1 for C lass 1 D u cts.

Connections must meet U LC C lass 0 or Class 2 air duct connectors as speci­

fied in U LC 1 1 O Standard for Air Ducts.

Sec.1.n intul ado" iC'd jaclc.ft

0 Splices
Ve ntila tion Syste m I nsta llation - 1 09

Noise Control

Ductwork must be connected to H RVs using flexible duct, a canvas con necti o n ,
or some oth er method o f isolating ventilator vibration fro m t h e ductwork. F lexible
ducting eases the task of co nnecting the ductwork to the ventilator and reduces
the transmission of noise and vibration to th e ductwork. Follow all the man ufac­
turer's mounting and installation instructions for H RVs and fans .

Ventilation equipment manufacturers or suppliers have duct silencer sections

available which reduce duct-born noise. These can be placed on th e h ouse
side of the fan (i.e. inlet of an exhaust fan or outlet of a supply fan) to reduce
"air" and motor noise from the fan .

Duct Sealing

All ductwork joints and seams must be sealed or taped to e n sure ventilation air
is supplied to and exhaust air is removed from the appropriate space . If cloth
duct tape is used, it should be double th ickness over joints and seams. Duct
sealants should be rated for 20 year life . Duct sealer (e . g . Dura Dyne, nex-a­
Duct, 3 M or United) is the preferred method of d u ct seali n g . A secondary ben ­
efit of seaied ductwork i s a reduction in ve ntilation system related noise leve ls.

Duct Fittings

A chan g e in duct direction creates a resistance to air flow. The g reater or the
more abrupt the change in direction , the g reater the pressu re dro p . A mitered 90
deg ree elbow h as a pressure drop ten times that of a long smooth 90 degree

Try to minimize the number of e lbows and fittings. Use th e shallowest elbow
angle that can accommodate the required direction change (e . g . two 45's may
be as g ood as two 90's for an elevation change but have only half the pressure
drop) . This will help en sure that the system can provide air flows as desig ned.
V e n tila ti o n S yste m I ns ta lla ti o n · 1 1 0


Forced Warm Air Heating

I n h o u ses with forced warm air heating systems, the furnace fan and ducts are
commonly used to distribute ventilation air throug hout th e house. If th is is th e
case th e fu rn ace's circu lating fan must operate conti nuously, eve n in the warm

Ve ntilation air can be fed to the furnace retu rn via an outside air s u pply duct
wh ich o perates on the suction of the furnace retu rn , it may be mechan ically
supplied as is the case with an integ rated HRV o r it may occur by infiltration in­
duced by a continuou sly operating exhaust fan .

The distribution of ventilation air in integ rated forced a i r systems requires that
the supply air flow be pro portioned to the rooms so as to e nsure the minim u m
ventilation air flows are met o r that the recircu lation fan has a flow rate of at least
1 . 0 AC H at all times. By using a two speed furnace fan wh ich operates conti n u ­
ously at l o w speed a n d kicks onto high when the furnace turns o n , energy use
can be reduced alon g w ith ambient noise levels .

If a fresh air intake to the recirculation air re -

turn is used, it must be sized to ensure the re-
quired ventilation rate is m aintai ned with the
recircu lation fan operatin g at its lowest speed
and that the air flow im balan ce limits are not
exceeded when the recirculation fan ope rates
at its h ig hest speed. The intake duct m u st be
insu lated and equipped with a balancing
damper. It must be as short as practical and
have a minimum n u mber of fittings in it. Sizing
of fresh air intake ducts is discussed in Design
Ste p 6 . 2 .

Direct connection o f an H R V t o a recircu lation

air retu rn duct can only be done if it is recom ­
mended by the HRV man ufacturer and ap­
proved by th e local reg ulatory authorities. If a D tRE C.T CONNEliiON
direct connection is used, a single speed,
continu o u sly operatin g recircu lation fan is
mandatory. This is to prevent the pressure
fluctuations i n the retu rn air duct (caused by
chang ing recircu lation fan speeds) from affect­
ing the ventilation air supply flow thro u g h the
HRV, th u s causing H RV air flow imbalances .

.... " ....

Ve ntila tion Syste m I n s ta ll a t io n • 111

Indire ct connection of the HRV ventilation air

supply to the recircul ation retu rn is required if
a two speed recircu lation fan is used in an i n ­
teg rated system . The indirect connection ap­
proach requires th at the ve ntilation air be
supplied to the recirculation air return duct
th ro u g h a "breath ing tee" or return air g rille in
the heating system ductwork. A "bre ath-
ing tee" is a ventilation air supply duct w ith an
open tee located withi n one foot of the retu rn BREATH ER TEE IN
air duct. It allows the H RV to function without F=RE SH AI R SUP PLY

ventilation su pply air flow rates be ing affected

by the recircu lation fan speed fan .

With the return air g rille approach , H RV venti·

lation su pply air is "du mped" near a g rille in
the return air duct just upstream of the recircu-
latio n fan . The HRV ventilation air s u pply duct
outlet should point at the grille an d end one
foot or closer to the return air g rille to ensure
that the ventilation air will be drawn into the
return air duct. It is important not to oversize
th e return air g rille as this will reduce th e fur­
nace's ability to draw air th ro u g h the ductwork
from other areas of the house, nor to under­
size it as th is will affect its ability to d raw the
ventilation air into the return duct. The free
area of the retu rn air g rille should be equal to
or slig htly larg er than the cross sectional area
of th e ventil ation air supply duct. A balancing
damper should be entry into the return air I N D IRE C.T CONN <;. lTION
g rille. This allows the installer to balance the
H R V ventilatio n s upply air flow with the
amount of air being drawn thro u g h the pick- u p
g rille i nto t h e return a i r duct.

Building codes proh ibit locating return air g rilles in an enclosed furn ace ro om
with combustion heati ng appliances. If co mbustion appliances are u s e d , and
the furnace is to be enclosed in a roo m , locate the ve ntilation air supply pick- u p
griUe outside a n y log ical futu re fu rnace-room wall lo cations a n d a m i n i m u m
distance of six feet from the vented combustion appliance.

Ventilation Syste m I nsta llation • 112

Non Forced-Air Heating

I n h o u ses w ith baseboard or radiant h eat, th e normal practice is to continuously

su pply ventilatio n air to the l iving areas such as th e living rooms and bedrooms
with dedicated ductwork or by i nfiltration th rou g h the building envelope
(exhaust only system s) , and to exhaust stale air from the kitchen , bath rooms
and lau n d ry area .

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Ventilation Syste m I nsta lla tion - 113


Direct connection of range hoods, clothes dryers or any other appliance to an

H RV is not permitted. If there is an exhaust inlet (the alternative is a range hood)
it should be located on the wall near the ceiling or in the ceiling . In either case it
must not be closer than five feet any direction horizontally fro m the center of the
ran g e .

It i s recommended that clothes dryers b e vented directly outdoors. If clothes

dryers are vented into the house, the lau ndry room should have an exhaust air
pick up. Exhaust air g rilles in laundry rooms must be equi pped with a lint filter.
Gas dryers must always be vented directly outdoo rs.


Outdoor air intake and exhaust air openings must be protected from weath er
using a louver, weather cowl, gooseneck or other weather resistant desig n .

The intake and the exhaust duct hoods must be sized to accommodate th e
ducts to wh ich they are connected. The outdoor a i r intake hoods must be la­
belled as such. The vapor barrier on ductwork thro u g h the ho use walls shall
be sealed at all joints and seams with the ho use ai r/vapor barrier. See 6. 1 2
"Duct Insulation" for an illustration of how to do th i s .

I ntake Hood

I ntake hoods should be located so as to minimize co ntain ment of venti lation

air. The fo llowing points should be observed when selecting and locating the
intake hood :

intake hoods should be located u pstream of prevailing winds from the
exhaust outlets,

intake should be located away from d riveways, g arbage containers and
places where hazardous or toxic g ases co uld be present,

intake must n ot be located i n a garag e , attic or crawl space,

intake should be located at least six feet away fro m dryer vents, exhaust
air vents, the exhaust outlet from a medium or high efficiency fu rnace ,

intake must be located at least 40 inches from a g as meter, oil fill pipe or
g arbag e contain ers,

V e n tila tion S yste m I ns ta lla tio n · 1 1 4

• . intake m u st be located at least 1 8 i nches above g rade or other nearby

horizontal surface and above the expected depth of snow accum u latio n
so that it won't suck i n debris and snow. If the opening i s protected from
snow accum u lation , this clearance may be reduced to 1 O inches. The
hig her the intake can be located, the better,

the intake must be located at least 40 inches away from th e corner of the
building , where wind turbu lence may affect system balance or blow up
excessive amounts of dust and debris.

E xhaust Hood

The purpose of the hood is to minim ize the

effect of wind o utlet is not as critical as the
ventilatio n air intake . The following poi nts are

the locatio n should be at least six feet

· 1·.:.
from the ventilation air intake so that the
exhau st air cannot circu late back into
the intake (an exception is where an
exhau st nozzle is used with a conce n ­
. .
tric ventilation air intake),

the bottom of the outlet opening shall
be at least fou r inches above fin ished
g rade or any n earer permane nt hori­
( 1 800mm)
reco m �ended mi�.

zo ntal su rface,

outlet must be located at least forty
inches away from the corner of the 4• min. (100mm)
. t..1\\
building to avoid areas of h i g h tu rbu ­ ���

don't locate the outlet above a g as me­
ter, electric meter or n ear a walkway
where fog or ice could create a hazard,

don't exhaust h o u se air into a garag e, workshop or other u n h eated
s pace ,

outlet should be equi pped with a hood an d bird- screen (minimum mesh
1 14 inch ) . I nsect screen should not be used becau se o f its tendency to
frost u p in cold weather,

.... " "

Ventilation S yste m I nsta llation · 1 1 5

backdraft dampers are not required, but if they are u sed they must be
fu nctional.

40" ( 1M)
recommended min.

6' ( 1 800mm)

· · -�
recommended min.
Q •
Ve ntilation Syste m I nsta lla tion · 1 1 6


Ductwork which carries cold air through heated spaces or house air through
unheated spaces must be insulated and have vapor barriers. CSA F326 ad ­
dresses three types of situations requiring insulated ductwork.

First, cold air ducts in heated spaces (e . g . ventilation air supply ducts and the
exhaust duct from an HRV to the o utdoors) must be insulated to (R3) and have a
continuous vapor barrier on the outside of the insulation to prevent moistu re in
the house air from entering the insu lation and condensing on the duct surface
or in the insu lation. It must have a vapor barrier and be insu lated wherever the
d uct su rface temperature can fall below 57°F.

Condensation out of the ai rstream may occur inside ductwork which carries
house air th rough unheated spaces , if the airstream is cooled below its dew­
point. The req uirements for the second and third situations are intended to pre­
vent this from happening.

The secon d situation addresses exh aust air ducts passing through unheated
spaces (e . g . an attic) . Here , the minimum insulation value is (R3).

Third, ducts carrying warm air through unheated spaces for distribution to the
house must be insu lated to the levels cal led for in Fig ure 6. 1 .

FIG U R E 6 .1
Req uired Insulation Levels for Ventilation Air Ducts


Cold Air Ducts in Heated Spaces (4)

Exhaust Air Ducts in Unheated Spaces (3)

Supply and Return Air Ducts in Unheated Spaces

Outdoor Temperature (°F)
19 to 12 (3)
10 to 1 (5)
0 to - 1 1 (7)
- 13 to -20 (8)
-22 to - 29 ( 1 0)
-3 1 or colder (1 2)

... ...
V e n tilatio n S yste m I ns ta l lation • 1 17

.......- · -i .
. .......- ·

�� \ ,jI
Insulated "flex-duct" may be used provided th e
duct run is not too long . C are must be taken
not to damage th e vapo r barrier on the duct
(/1- w1 >·�_.�
'� i
insu lation . Experience has shown that even a
small tear in the vapor barrier can lead to the
l /

' J'

!\ '

I ,,,,, .

accumu lation of sign ificant quantities of co n ­ ./'

densation in t h e duct or insulatio n . The vapor L-/
barrie r must be sealed at both ends of the
duct. Repair all holes and tears with tape .

- \ " /!
--- ·I
, ,.......- . .

In addition to being insulated and having an
interior air vapor barrier, it is important th at
warm air ducts in u n heated spaces be g raded

/ 1 r- - ' :
. ·

so that any condensation will run out of th e 1 • °' ·

duct. The duct must be pro perly sealed so that !.. I>
, ;� - � .�·.

the condensation does not ru n into the duct -

insulation or pool in the attic o r crawlspace .

The seal on the outer vapor barrier is not re­
quired, as condensation will not form on the
i > , i ")

outside of these ducts. Where the duct is insu ­ r _,,,,,,


lated on its outs ide surface , the duct can be v·

considered to p rovide th e vapo r barrier, pro­
vided it has been ad equately sealed.

Seal duct vapor barriers to h ouse vapor bar­

rier at all penetrations. This is n ot as easy as is (-� '
I '

depicted in textbook illustrations. It requ ires

special materials (poly, aco ustical sealant,
utility knife), patience and sometimes more
physical roo m than is available (e . g . between
the floor jo ists and above a fram e wall in the -

Iv- '
basement) . It is reco mmended that connec­ -

tio n s to insulated ducts be done using double

collars like those com monly used for th e cold
side ductwork on H RVs. Th ese g reatly simpl ify
the co n nectio n and vapor barrier sealing pro ­
ce dure.

Don't forget, you must seal the duct vapor bar­

rier over the insulation at all cut ends, and all
rips or cuts in the vapor barrier must be taped
or sealed using appropriate mate rials. . --�

L- · --
.......- · �"'-�
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Ventila tion Syste m I nsta llation - 118

6. 1 3 DAM P E R S

Bal an cing dampers must b e provided in a l l continuously operating ventilation

system s to permit balancing total air flows.

Balancing dampe rs are requ ired in all branch lines of central systems.

Balancing dampers must be easi ly adjustable and have a method of locking the
damper at the set position . If ductwork is not accessible (e. g . trunk ducts which
branch off inside finished walls) it may be necessary to locate flow balancing
dampers in the stack head beh ind the room g rille.

Fire dampers are requ ired where ductwork passes through fire walls ( 1 985
N BC 9. 1 0. 1 3. 1 5) .

Balan cing dampers o n H RVs are u sually located in the warm side ductwork.
This is done to avoid having th e damper in th e insulated/vapor barriered duct­
work. All balancing dampers must be located where they are easily accessible.
A single damper must not be u sed to balance air flows to more than one branch
lin e .

Backdraft dampers are not requ ired on exhaust ductwork. If u sed, they must
have tig ht sealing blades and be suitable for extended u se i n harsh climates.
Dampers have been reported to become stuck open (or closed) in the field , and
may not o perate effectively.



"' ...
Ventilation Syste m I nsta lla tion - 1 1 9

6.1 4 FI LT E RS

The ventilation air su pply must have either an insect screen o r a filter. The fi lte r
can be located in the inlet hood, in the ductwork or as an i ntegral part of th e
ventilator case as is done in most H RVs. If in line filte rs are located in the duct­
work, make sure they are sized for the application (the face area of the filter
should be at least double the cross sectional area of the duct it is in) and make
sure the filte r housing is well sealed ag ainst air leaks. Filters must be easily ac­
cessible for cleaning or replacement, witho ut requiring special tools.

Filters should be labelled including instructions reg arding clean ing or replace ­
ment frequency and procedures.

Rang e hoods and exhaust g rilles in kitchens must be equipped with g rease fil­
ters. Exhaust g rilles in lau ndry rooms must have lint filters. Once agai n , these
must be easily accessible for clean ing or replacement.


Pro perly locating ventilation supply and exhaust g rilles and p roportioning of the
air flows around the house will ensure good distri bution of ventilation air around
the house, efficient removal (exhausting) of moisture and air contaminants and
high occu pant comfort levels (i.e. no cold spots or drafts).

If the ve ntilation su pply air design temperature falls below 65°F, it m u st be intro ­
duced through hig h-wall or ceiling outlets which discharg e the air horizontally.
Both result in improved air mixing at the ceiling before the air drops down into
the room. High-wall and ceiling outlets have the disadvantag e of requ i ring ad ­
ditional ductwork which can result in more duct fittings and increased installa­
tion costs.

High-wall reg iste rs should be located within 6 to 1 2 inches from the ceiling an d
should incorporate louvers that project the air slig htly upwards and across the
ceiling . A long and narrow g rille will allow for a better spread across the ceilin g .
The desig ner may use air distributio n systems that minim ize air velocity to re ­
duce drafts in thermally sensitive areas.

Exhaust inlets are required in the kitchen and each of the bath rooms. It is also
advisable to exhaust from the laundry, as this is a high humidity area.
V e n tilation S y ste m I ns ta lla tion - 1 20

Exhaust g rilles should not be located near ventilation supply air g rilles or "short
circuiting" may occur. For best air m ovement, avoid locatin g su pply and exhaust
g rilles in the same room. Exhaust g rilles should be located high on the walls or
in the ceiling. An exhaust g rille in a kitchen must be located at least five feet
fro m the center of the rang e (meas u red in a horizontal direction) . Kitchen ex­
haust g rilles must be equipped with g rease filters. Exhaust g rilles in the laundry
room must be equipped with integral lint filters. Filters must be easily service ­
abl e .

Size exhaust air g rilles based on a maximum

velocity of 500 fpm thro u g h the "free area", of
the g rille using Fig u re 6 . 2 . Record g rille sizes 07 \:
on th e ventilation syste m drawin g s . < --;1,

If a roo m does not h ave both a supply and an

exhaust or return air g rille, (i.e. ventilation
su pply and the return or exhaust are in different
roo ms) , an air flow pathway into (or out) must
always be open. Air flow th ro u g h doors can be a b
ensured by installing a g rille in the door (sized
using Fig u re 6.2) or by u n dercuttin g the door. a, b : Good g rille locations
Fig u re 6 . 3 has door undercut requirements for
various air flows. The door undercut must-be
above the fin ished floor level (including carpet,
u n derlay and carpet edgers) when the door is
closed. Record door u ndercut requ irements on
the drawings.

c, d , e, f: Grille locations and air flow patte rns may cause discomfort

i...·.=:J ··· ==�-_:_J
g : I n efficient and ineffective venti latio n due
to short circuiting from supply to return

" .., ...

V e n tila tion Syste m I nsta lla tio n • 1 21

FIG U R E 6.2
Pressed Steel Grille and Plastic Data

Nominal Grille Free Area Maximum Air Flow

Size (Inches) (Sq . i n .) cfm

8x6 24 83

10x 4 20 69

10 x 6 30 1 04

12 x 6 40 1 37

14x 6 46 1 60

14 x 8 62 214

15 x 10 83 289

24 x 6 80 278

24 x 8 1 05 365

FI G U R E 6.3
Door Undercut Data

Maximum Minimum
1 20
3 �Vd )i N\fl8



Once the installation is complete, the installer should d o a visual inspection of

all components in the ventilation system . He should specifically check the fo l­
lowing items:

1. Ve ntila tor M o u nting

All equ ipment should be mounted securely.

Supports should be properly fastened to the joists

Vibration isolators should be in place , if they were specified by the man u ­

Excess material should be trimmed and sm oothed from mounting brack­
ets and hardware .

2. D u cts

The ducts should be pro perly supported.

The flexible duct should be firmly attached to its con necto rs.

All duct joints should be taped.

Cold air ducts in heated spaces and warm ducts in cold spaces should
be insulated .

Any joints or tears in the vapor barriers on the insu lated ducts s h o u l d be
patched and sealed.

Ducts must be sealed to the house vapor barrier wherever they pass
through it.
Syste m C ommissioning • 1 24

Flex ductwork, if it is used, shou ld be su pported so that it does not sag .
All splices an·d terminations in the flexible ductwork should be done ac­
cording to the su ppliers recommendations.

Make sure the flex duct liner has been properly stretched , so that it pro­
vides the smoothest air flow su rface possible.

Check that the ducts are con nected to the appropriate HRV outlets. More
th an one installation has had ducts co nnected to the wrong ports.

3. Outside D uct Te rmination

C heck that the ducts are sealed to the vapor barrier at the o utside wall.

Are the locations of the in let and outlet safe?

Outside d uct term inations must have birdscreens an d hoods.

Hoods must be sized to match the ductwork they serve (minimum 100
mm or 4" diameter) .

Outdoor air intakes must be labeled as air intakes.

4. G rilles a nd D iffusers

Are all dampers ope n ?

Are all ducts con nected to the g rilles or diffusers?

If the ventilation air su pply is indirectly connected to a forced warm air
system , the ventilation air supply outlet or breathe r tee must be with in
one foot of the return air pick u p.

The g rilles and diffusers should be large enough not to inh ibit air flow or
cause wind noise o r wh istlin g .

5. Wiring a nd C ontrols

C heck to see that both line power and low voltag e co ntrols are properly
wired. Line voltag e wiring has mistakenly been connected into low vo lt­
ag e circu its in several installations.

... ...
System C ommissioning • 1 25

All electrical co n nections must be enclosed.

Occu pant controls should be installed in the living areas.

6. Drains

Are the drai ns equipped with traps?

Are drain lines pro perly graded?

Are traps filled with water?

The H R V drain hose must lead to a drain.

7. Fiite rs

Ensure that filters are clean after house construction is completed. Install
n ew filters if required.

a I nstruction M a n ua l

Refer to the instruction manual and check that all man ufacturer's i n struc­
tion s have been met.

C heck the plan and make sure all required ductwork is in place .

Check that all components are labelled as requ ired (hoods, filters, cau ­
tions, etc.) .

7.1 START- U P

Once the visual inspection has been completed and any deficien cies correcte d ,
the i nstaller may start u p the ventilation system and check o u t its ope rati o n .
Each o f th e occupant controls should b e checked separately. I t may not b e
possible t o test out all operation modes of a ventilator (e . g . a n HRV defrost cy­
cle) . During the initial start up, follow the man ufactu rer's instructions. Typically,
these will include the following steps for each separate syste m .

Set all occu pant switches to the "off" position. To set a dehumidistat to the
"off" positio n , turn it to "high" or 1 00%.

System C ommissioning • 1 26

Turn on the powe r at the breaker box, then turn the ventilator being
tested on to · high speed operation. Listen for any un usual noises th at
might indicate fan damag e o r malfunction.

With the fan (s) ru nning on hig h , feel the air flow at the outside exhaust
andior ventiiation air su ppiy hoods with you r hand. There shouid be a
brisk breeze at both. If there is not, check the position of dampers and fan
operation .

Check the ventilators and ducts for vibration and air leaks. Make what­
ever adjustments are necessary to the mounting system to minimize ex­
cessive noise . Tape any air leaks from the ducts.

Turn the control switches to the normal operating positio n . The system
being tested should now fu nction at its normal or "base flow rate" condi­
tion. If not, check the occu pant controls to see if any are i n the "on" o r
"high" position . Once the system is functioning at the "base flow rate"
condition , check th e operation of each of the occupant controls.
Dehu midistats are checked out by lowering the humidity setting below
the house h umidity. Adjusting the dehumidistat to the minimum setting
should shift the fans to "ON" or high speed operation. C h eck the fu nction
of controls when they are switched on at the same time.

If a ventilator operates low speed/h igh speed , listen to make sure the fan
motor(s) do n't stall or surge when operati ng at low speed .

If the manufacturer's instructions describe a method of checking the
H RVs' defrost cycle or duct heater controls, check their operation.
Otherwise, the installer will have to wait until winter to find out if these
controls function properly (e . g . customer complaint) . If possible, it is best
to check it during installation and start-up.

Relief Air/Make-u p Air systems should be checked to make sure they
function as desig ned. Check the function of these systems by operating
each of the controls or house systems which shou ld activate or deacti­
vate the Relief Air or Make-up Air systems.

Identify and correct any control problems.

Once the system start-u p is completed, it is time to measure and balance the
su pply and exhaust air flows.

.. .. " " ...

S yste m C ommissioning - 1 27



T o ensure th at the desig n air flow require ­

ments have been met, the installer m ust mea­
sure th e ventilation air su pply and exhaust
flows to and from th e house at each of the
"desig n conditions". The results of these mea­
sureme nts must be recorded o n the
C e rtification Form , discussed i n Section 7.4.

Air Flow Measuring Equipment

I n stru ments wh ich can be used to measure air

flows in ducts include hot wire anemometers
which measure air velocity and pressure
sensing probes connected to a manometer o r
magneh e lic g au g e which measu res velocity
pressures or the "wind force" of the air in the
duct. If you have access and know how to use
air balance equ ipment like th at u sed to bal­
ance H VAC systems in commercial buildi n g s -
proce ed according ly.

Seve ral H RV man ufacturers m arket airflow

g rid devices desig ned to mount directly in the
ductwork. These air flow g rids are con nected
to an inclined manometer or a m ag neh elic
g au g e which senses air pressu re s in the duct.
A chart provided with the air flow g rid converts
the measured air pressure to an air flow rate .
Using these devises is simple and straig ht for­
ward but the air flow g ri d m u st be located in a
sectio n of duct away from the turbulence
caused by fans , fittings, and dampers. Fig u re
7. 1 illustrates where the g rids may be located.
F IG U R E 7 . 1


f 11
100 ... f30"1 -i

C> �[ � I t�1 HRV

300 mm
... mlrinMlm -4 � 111Wmum4f
Cl2") 300 mm (12")

300 nun (12")


, ... ..... 100 ... 1 .0·1 - 100 ... po"I...,�

t I!i t

II I"' mini-"'4
I 8 c::> I l�I I
.. minil'llUlll .f i ..minimum :l

300 mm (12'1 300 mm 1 12°) 300 mm 02 ) �


� r ""'
.... . ...1
I C> / 1rti1 � ii
1-- mlnimum.f �minimum� HRV !.
300 mm ( 12") 300 mm (1 2") ::J

�w;r� ......

Al tnmum N
X>O mm ( 1 2°)

Syste m C ommission ing · 1 29

Room·to·Room Balance

Balancin g the air flows to and from the various rooms i n the house need not in­
volve measuring the air flows. However, it is necessary to confirm air flow at
su pply and exhaust g rilles. This can be done by feeling the breeze at each g rille
or using a th read or a piece of tissue paper hang ing o n a w ire . Balancing is
done by closing off dampers in high flow ducts, th us e ncou rag ing increased air
flow in the other ducts.

Prepa re the House

Before the ventilation air supply and exhaust flow rates can be measured and
balan ced, th e air/vapor barrier in the house m ust be completed. Fireplace
dampers must be shut and doors and windows tightly closed. The clothes dryer
must be off if it is vented directly outside and the furnace and hot water tank
should be turned off if they are not electric u n its. I n short, the building e nvelope
must be sealed in its normal "closed up" condition . The ventilation syste m must
be com plete and al l filters and reg ister dampers set to their operating positions.

Meas u ri ng the Airflows

When measuring air flows, the house is closed u p to the n ormal winter mode as
described above. The ventilators are turned off and the main balancing
dampers are moved to the fully open position. The airflow grid, or other air flow
measu ring probe, is then inserted i nto the warm side ducts. It is best to beg in
with the side that has the long est equivalent duct len gth (i . e . , hig hest pressure
drop, th us the lowest air flow rate. This will often be the exhaust air side of an
H RV) . With the air flow g rid or probe inserted and all ductwork in place , the
· venti lator is started. M ag n ehelic gauge or incline manometers are the reco m ­
mended instru ments for measuring air pressure . They must be properly lev­
elled, to ensure accurate readings. If you use a mag nehelic gauge for p ressu re
measurement, lig htly tap the g aug e before taki ng you r readi n g .

Using the chart that converts pressure readings to air flows, record the actual air
flows measured in cfm. Compare these to the design air flow rates.

If the measured flow of air in either the supply and exhaust duct does n ot meet
the flow specified by the desig n , remedial steps are required. First, confirm that
fans are operating (and at the correct speed) . Then check that all dampers are
in the open position and that inlets, filters or heat exchan ger cores are not
blocked or damaged. Check ductwork for leakag e.
System C ommissioning • 1 30

Refer to the ventilation equ ipment manufacture r's trouble shooting g u ide. If th is
is not successful , the desig ner or equipment su pplier should be consulted.
Ductwork modifications, booste r fans or an alternate ventilator o r HRV may be

Bala nce the System

If both ventilation air supply and exhaust flow rates meet o r exceed the desig n
requ ire me nts, but violate desig n req u i rements (i.e. air flow imbalances excee d
t h e all owable maxi m u ms o r H R V systems are more than 1 0% o ut o f balance) ,
the system must be balanced. To balance, the excessive air flows are redu ced
by adju sting the balance damper in the duct with the excessive flow u ntil the air
flow fall s with in the desig n limitations.

We have already discussed what to do if one or both of the air flows are lower
than the design flow rate. If both air flows in a balanced system exceed the de­
sig n air flow rate , yo u may reduce the flows by partially closing the dampers in
both the supply and exhaust air streams. For continuous, one speed ventilatio n
syste ms this should b e done, while i t i s not necessary fo r the h i g h speed setting
of " H I G H/LOW" speed systems.

Once th e flows are balanced, lock th e damper in position . For two speed sys­
tems, follow the manufacturer's instructions to set the "low" speed fan setting .
Adjust the "Low Speed" setting so it matches the "base flow rate" design co ndi­
tions. Record the final g auge readings. Turn off the ventilators, remove you r in­
struments and reconnect the ductwork.

While HRV air flows are required to be balanced with in 1 0% of each other, you
will find that by using the above procedure, it should be possible to ach ieve a
near balanced con dition.


CSA Standard F326.2 requ ires that the installer certify completion of the instal­
lation and correct airflow measurement and balancing adjustments by complet­
ing C SA F326 Form A, "Ve ntilation I n stallation C e rtification Form".

The installer shall certify that a complete set of manuals with clear instructions
for system operation and routi ne maintenance has been provided for the
householder. The installer shall sig n the Form an d provide copies to the pur­
chaser, the equ i pment supplier and to the reg u latory auth ority (L e . building in­
spector) .


Ambient Air
Generally, the air surrounding an object.

Air Barrier
A material carefully installed with in a building envelope assembly to mini mize the
uncontro lled passag e of air into and out of a dwelling .

Air Change Per Hour (ACH)

A u n it that denotes the n u mbe r of times a house exchanges its entire vol u me of
air with o utside air in an hour.

Air Conditioning, Summer

Comfort air conditioning u sed primari ly when outside temperatu re and h u m idity
are above those to be maintained in the conditioned space .

Air Conditioning, Winter

Heating , humidification, air distribution , and air cleaning , where outside tempera­
ture is below inside room te mperature.

Air Flow
The volume of air being moved, expressed in litres per second (Us) o r cubic feet
per minute (cfm) .

Air Flow Distribution

The distribution of air within the conditio ned space .

Air Leakage
The uncontrolled flow of air through a co mponent of the building envelope, o r the
building envelope itself, when a pressure d ifferen ce is applied across the co m ­
ponent. I nfiltration refers t o inward flowing air leakage and exfiltration refers to
outward flowing air leakage.

Air Permeability
The property of a building component to let air pass when it is subjected to a
differential pre ssure .

Air Pre ssure

The pressure exerted by the air. This may refer to static (atmospheric) pressure,
or dynamic components of pressure arising from air flow, o r both acting tog ether.
Alr Seallng
The practice of sealing un intention al gaps in the bu ilding envelope (from the in­
terior) in order to reduce uncontrolled air leakag e .

Air, Tempered
Air taken from the external atmosphere that has been warmed.

Air- To-Air Hea t Exchanger (AAHX)

A mechan ical ventilation syste m or device with heat recovery. The preferred
terminology is heat recovery ventilator ( H RV) .

The degree to which unintentio nal open ings have been avoided i n a building's
structu re.

Ambient Tempera ture

Temperature of the air surrounding the object in question . It often refers to out­
door air or room air temperatures.

Anemome ter
An instrument for measuring the velocity of air.

Apply (Applied) (Application)

M aking practical or active use of design th eory and g u idelines. Equipment ap­
plied means the equipment selected by the system designer for use in th e HRV
system .

American Society of Heatin g , Refrig erating and Air-Conditioning Engineers.

Automa tic Flue Damper

A damper added to the flue pipe downstream of a furnace or boiler and con ­
nected with automatic controls to the burner. Its function i s to reduce heat loss u p
th e chimney when the unit i s not operating ; consequently, it provides the g reat­
est savings during relatively mild weath er when the furnace is on infreque ntly.

Backdrafting (flow re versal)

The reverse flow of chimney gases into th e building through the barometric
damper, draft hood, or burner unit. It can occur when the pressure differential is
too high for the chimney to draw.

Balanced System
M eans a ventilation system in which the flow rate of the exhaust air leaving the
building is equal to the su pply air entering the building with in 1 0% as measured
at the heat recovery ventilator.

Calibrated Flow Measurement Devices

Those devices wh ich provide for measurement of mass flow performed in accor­
dance with the Air M ovement an d Control Association (AMCA) Standard 2 1 0 .

Category A Rooms
Rooms which may be occupied for extended periods and are not sou rces of hig h
moisture levels.

Ca tegory B Rooms
Rooms wh ich are typically not occupied for extended periods and/or are sources
of moisture and/or odor.

Category I Fuel-Burning Appliances

Fuel-burning appliances wh ich take combu stion and dil ution air fro m the
dwelling unit, are approved for use and installed with draft hoods, draft reg u la­
tors, or other sources of dilution air and depend u pon natu ral draft to vent prod­
ucts of combustion to outdoors.

Category II Fuel- Burning Appliances

Fuel-burn ing appliances which take combustion air from the dwelling unit and
are approved for use and installed with sealed flues with no openi n g s th ro u g h
which combustion gases can enter the dwelling unit and with g as-tight an d cor­
rosion-resistant flue su rfaces (e . g . induced draft fu rnaces) .

Ca tegory Ill Fuel-Burning Appliances

Fuel-burn ing appl iances which take combustio n air directly from outdoors
through a con nection seale d from the atmosphere into the dwelling u n it, and are
approved for use and installed with sealed flues with no openings throug h which
combustion g ases can enter the dwelling unit and with g as-tight and corrosi on­
resistant flue surfaces (e.g . high efficiency fu rnaces) .

Cold Side
The air stream (or ductwork) between the outdoors and a ventilator.

Combustion Air
The air requ ired to provide adequate oxyg en for fuel burning appliances in the
buildin g . The term ' combustion air' is often used to refer to th e total air require­
ments of a fuel burning appliance incl uding both air to support the combustion
process and air to provide chimney draft (dilution air) .
I) The beads or drops of water (and frequently frost in extremely cold weather)
th at accumulate on the inside of the exterior covering of a bu ildin g (most often
win dows) when warm , moisture-laden air from the interior reaches a point
where the temperature no longer permits the air to sustain the moistu re it holds.
2) The process of chang ing a vapor into liquid by extracting heat. Water vapor
will condense when warm, moist air contacts a cold surface that is below the
dew point temperatu re. The result is the formation of beads or drops of water on
the colder surface. If th e su rface is below freezing, the condensed mo istu re will
change phase and become ice.

The transfer or travel of heat throug h a body by molecular action.

Any device for regulating a syste m or component in normal operation by re­
sponding to changes of pressure, temperature, humidity or any other prope rty
whose mag nitude is to be reg ulated.

Controlled Ventilation
Venti lation b rought about by mechan ical means through pressure differentials
induced by the operation of a fan .

The transfer of heat from one point to another by the mixing of one portion of the
air with another.

A device used to vary the volume of air passing th rough an air outlet, in let or

Dehumidifica tion
Removal of water vapor fro m air by_ chemical or physical methods.

De humidistat
A name for humidistats which control dehum idification equipment by closing a
switch on the rise of humidity levels.

Degree Day
The number of deg rees of temperatu re difference on any one day between a
g iven base temperature and the mean day outside temperature. The base is
usually 65 deg rees F. The total number of degree days ove r the heating season
indicates the relative severity of the winter for a specific location.

Design Air Flow Capacity

The ventilation rate to be provided by a mechanical ventilation system .

Design Heat Losses
A term expressing the total predicted envelope losses over th e heati ng season
for a particular house desig n in a particu lar climate .

De wpoint Temperature
The tempera.t ure at which a g iven air/water vapor m ixture is saturated with water
vapor ( i.e. 1 00% relative hu midity) . Consequ ently, if air is in contact with a sur­
face below th is temperature, co ndensation will form on the surface .

An air terminal device designed to su pply air to the conditioned space .

Dilution Air
The air required by some combustion heating systems in order to isolate the f u r­
nace from outside pressure fluctuations and to maintain an effectively co nstant
chimney draft.

Dra ft Hood
A device installed on a g as fired appliance to protect the appliance from chimney
draft disturbances.

Effective D uct Length

The sum of actual measu red duct length , plus equivalent d u ct length.

The exte rior su rface of a building including all exte rnal additions, e . g . bay win­
dows, etc.

Equivalent Duct Length

The pressure drop through duct system components, expresse d as equ ivalent
length of straig ht duct of the same diameter.

Equivalent Leakage Ama (ELA)

The total area of all th e u nintentional openings in a building's envelope, g e n ­
erally expressed in square inches.

Acronym for External Static Pressure.

Chang e of state from a liquid to a vapor.

Exfiltra tlon
The uncontrolled leakag e of air outward th rou g h a wall or membran e.

Exha ust Duct

A duct through wh ich air is conveyed from a room or space to the outdoors.
External Sta tic Pressure
The pressure developed, external to the unit (filters, core, housing and fans) to
deliver a specific air flow, expressed as Pascals, or inches of water column.

Fail Safe
A control strategy or mechanism which automatically switches a mechan ical or
electrical device to a safe (off) mode in the event of a component or system fail­
ure. Fail safe controllers can be used to turn off HRV duct heaters and HRV fans
whe never ai rflows or air balance falls below defined limits .

Fan Depressurization
A larg e fan is used to exhaust air from a building in order to create a pressure
difference across the building envelope ; an analysis of the flow rate th rough th e
fan at different pressu re differences provides a measurement of air-tig htness.

Flow Rate
The rate at wh ich air flows expressed in litres per second (Us) or cubic feet per
minute (cfm ) .

Free Area
Unobstructed area for air flow through g rille, register or hood . The total minimum
opening area in an air inlet or outlet thoug h which air Can pass. The free area of
a typical heating type g rille will be 1 /2 the total area covered by the g rille.

A louvered o r perforated covering for an air passag e opening into a conditioned

Hard Wired
Wired directly from the electrical ju nction box without the use of a plug or recep­

Heat Exchanger
A device specifically desig ned to tran sfer heat between two physically separated
flu ids.

He at Reco very
The process of extracting heat (usually from a fluid) that would otherwise be
wasted. For example, heat recovery in housing generally refers to the extraction
of heat from exhaust air.

Home Ven tila ting Institute (H VI)

A d ivision of the Air M ovement and Control Association , a non profit organization
of ventilation equipment manufactu rers .

Exterior wall terminals for the supply air inlet and exhau st air outlet.

Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning I n stitute of C anada.

Acronym for Heat Recovery Ventilator.
To add water vapor to the atmosphere.

Humidista t
An electronic sensing and control device used to reg u l ate mechanical ventila­
tion according to re lative hum idity in the building . A humidistat is reco mmended
for use with HRVs.

Not permitting water vapor or other fluid to pass throug h .

Indoor Air
Air contained inside the conditioned space .

Infiltra tion
The uncontrolled leakag e of air into a building.

Intrinsic He at
Heat from hu man bodies, electric light bulbs, cooking stoves , and other objects
not intended specifically for space heating .

Intake Air
The outdoor air stream passing from the exterior of the house to the h ouse
venti lation syste m .

La tent Heat
Heat added or removed during a change of state (for example , fro m water vapor
to liquid wate r) , the temperature remaining co nstant.

An assembly of sloping vanes intended to direct the passing air flow.

Manome ter
An instrument for measuring pressures, consisting of a u-tu be partially filled with
a liquid, so con structed that the amount of displacement of the liquid indicates
the pressure being exerted on the instrument.

Mechanical Systems
A term widely used in commercial and industrial construction, referring to all th e
mechanical components of the bu ilding ; i . e . plu mbing, heati n g , ventilatio n , air
con ditioning and heat recovery.
Negative Pressure
A pressure below atmosph eric. In residential construction , negative pressu re
refers to pressure inside the house envelope that is less than the outside pres­
sure ; negative pressure will encourage infiltration.

Ne t Ventila tion
The amount of outdoor air entering the building th roug h the heat recovery venti ­

Occupant Controls
Those controls or switches located in the living areas of the house and intended
for the occupant to operate.

Outside Air
External air; atmosph ere exterior to refrigerated or conditioned space ; ambient
(surrounding) air.

A unit measurement of pressu re. House air tightness tests are typically conducted
with a pressure difference of 50 Pascals between the inside and outside . 50
Pascals is equal to 1 /4 inch of water at 55° F.

Water vapor permeance is the rate of water vapor diffusion th rough a sheet of any
thickness of material (or assembly between parallel surfaces) . It is the ratio of wa­
ter vapor flow to the differences of the vapor pressu res on the opposite su rfaces.
Permeance is measured in perms (o ne g rain of water vapor/ft2 /h r/in of mercury
pressu re diffused).

Positive Pressure
A pressure above atmospheric. I n residential construction, this refers to pressu re
inside the house envelope that is g reater th an the outside pressure ; a pos itive
pressure d ifference will encourage exfiltration .

Pressure Difference
The difference in pressure of the volume of air enclosed by the house envelope
and the air surrounding the envelope.

Pressure Drop
The static pressure loss caused by air movement, through the duct, expressed as
Pascals o r inches of water column. In duct design, pressure drop is often ex ­
pressed as Pascals per meter, or inches per 1 00 ft. of straight duct. (The chart
supplied is impe rial units. )

Pressure Drop/1 00 ft
A standardized method of expressing the Pressure Drop of a system that allows an
Equal Friction C h art to be used in the duct sizing process (in. W.G ./1 00 ft) .

The person or persons having ownership or control at a date two weeks fo llow­
ing the start-up or sooner.

Acceptable to the reg u latory authority.

Readily A ccessible
Available to the averag e person in order to maintain, and accessible without the
use of special tools or ladders.

Rela tive Humidity

The amount of moisture in the air compared to the maximum amount of moistu re
that air at the same temperature could retain. This ratio is expressed as a per­
centag e .

Resistance Value (RSI or R)

Thermal resistance value. Measurement of the ability of a material to resist heat

Flexible materials used on the inside of a bu ilding to seal g aps in the building
envelo pe, there by preventing uncontrolled air infi ltration and exfiltration.

Service Controls
Those co ntrols or switches wh ich are not intended for ro utine adjustment by
house occupants. Examples are the controls used to turn the HRV off for servic­
ing or to adjust low speed fan setting .

Simula tor
A portable , generic mechan ical ventilation system to be used for training
demonstration and hands-on testing purposes.

Stack Effect
Pressure differential across a building caused by differences in the den sity of
the air due to an indoor-outdoor tempe rature difference.

Supply D uct
A duct through which fresh or conditioned air is conveyed to a room or space .

Vapor Barrier
A moistu re impervious layer applied to a su rface to prevent moisture travel to a
point where it may condense due to lower temperatu re . Vapor barriers are lo­
cated on the warm side of an insulated surface .

Vapor Pressure
The pressure exerted by a vapor either by itself or in a mixtu re of g ases. For
example, when refering to water vapor, the vapor pressure is determined by th e
co ncentration of water vapor in the air.
· 00 1"
- a p uo1ie muaA aL.n pue aoe ds p a u om p uoo aL.n uaa�aq 6 u 1 0 6 swe aJis J re 0 1.u

1. CSA Preliminary F326. 1 - Residential Mechan ical Venti latio n

Requ irements

2. CSA F326.2 - Reside ntial Mechanical Ventilation System Instal lati on

Requ irements

3. CSA Pre liminary Standard F32 6 . 3 - Methods for Determination of

Compliance of Ventilation Systems

4. CSA Standard C260 .2- 1 9 - Residential Ventilating Equ ipment

5. CSA Standard B228 . 1 - 1 968 - Pipes, Ducts and Fittings for Residential­
Type Air Conditioning Systems

6. H RAI Residential Air System Design Manual (RASDM) ( First Edition) ,

Decem ber, 1 986

7. U LC 1 1 0 Standard fo r Air Ducts

8. U LS Standard 1 8 1 - 1 98 1 - Factory-Made Air Ducts and Con nectors

9. CSA Standard B 1 39- 1 976 - Installation Code for Oil- Burning Applian ces

1 0. CSA Standard B385-M85 - Installation Code for Solid Fuel- Fired


11. CGA Standard B 1 49 . 1 -M86 - Natu ral Gas Installation Code

1 2. CGA Standard B 1 49 .2-M80 - Installation Code for Propane- Burning

Appliances and Equ ipment

1 3. CGSB Draft Standard CAN/CGSB-51 . 7 1 -M - Methods to determine

Potential for Pressure - Indu ced Spillag e from Fuel-Fired Space Heating
Appliances, Water Heaters, and Fireplaces

1 4. CAN/CSA- B365-M87 - Installation Code fo r Solid- Fuel-Burning

Appliances an d Equ ipment

1 5. CAN/C SA- F280-M86 - Determining the Required Capacity of Reside ntial

Space Heating and Cooling Appliances

1 6. CSA 22.2 #1 1 3 - Fan s & Ventilators

, ,.
l:H 86 � c9 pJep ueis 3 VH H SV ·9 �
686 � - c9 pJe pue 1s 3VHHSV 686 � L�

AS H RAE : Ame rican Society of Heating , Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Eng ineers, Inc.

H RAI : Heati n g , Refrigerating and Air Conditioning I nstitute of Canada

UL: Underwriters Laborato ries Inc.

CGSB: Canadian General Standards Board

CSA: Canadian Standards Association

CGA: Canadian G as Association


The in staller should:

__ Have atte nded an AC H P installers' wo rksho p or been trained by an ac­

credited association .

__ Instal l the ventilation system according to the Alaska Craftsman Home

Prog ram ventilation requ irements .

__ Provide a completed copy of a Mechanical Ventilation Syste ms Report.

__ Provide you or the homeowner with all system documentation, and main­
tenance and ope ration manu als.

Ventilating equipment should be located where it will be:

__ I n the heated inte rior of the house away from noise-sensitive living areas
(dining room, living room, bedrooms) .

Close to an outside wall to min imize insulated d u ct ru ns.

__ Conve nient to a drain (fo r condensate) and to an electrical su pply.

__ Easily accessible for maintenance purposes.

__ Away from hot chimneys, electrical panels, and other possible fire
sou rces.

The ventilator should be in s talled:

__ With vibration isolators (such as rubber feet and a short section of flexible
duct between the unit and the main ductwork) .

__ With an accessible control system capable of providing continuous low­

speed operation plus h u midity controlled and manually controlled h i g h
speed override.

Two cold- side ducts should connect the HRV to the outside, with one bringing
in fre sh air and the other exhau sting stale air. The ducts should:

__ Be as short and straig ht as possible.

__ Be free of kinks or depressions in ducting wh ere water might accu m u late .

Be insulated with a minimum R-4 insulation .

__ B e sealed from end to end (outside the insu lation) with a carefu lly sealed
vapor barrier.

__ Be carefully sealed to the main air barrier to the house .

__ Be clearly marked identifying w hich is for fresh air and which for exhaust

__ Terminate in two accessible rain hoods, each equipped with a 1 /4 inch or

coarser wire-mesh bird screen . If finer insect screens are used, they
must be accessible for regu lar clean ing .

The cold- side fresh air inlet should:

__ Be located, at least 1 8 inch above g round, (more if it is exposed to a

blockag e such as snow) , and at least six feet from the exhaust outlet.

__ Be located away from sources of contamination such as carports, drive­

ways, g arages, bushes, tall g rass, g arbage, dryer vents , central vacuum
exhausts, other vents, oil fill pipes, or gas regu lators.

__ Be equipped with a filter in the duct or at in duct or at the in let, if the HRV
does not have a filter.

The cold- side exhau st outlet should:

__ Be located away from walkways and other areas where ice accumulation
could be a pro blem. (Moisture in the exhaust air may condense an d
freeze) .

__ Be terminated outdoors (not in a garag e or attic) , at least 1 8 inch above

g round (more, if practical).

Warm- side ducts should connect the HRV to the house, with one duct system
distributing fre sh air while a second collecting exhaust air.

__ Either an exhaust or fresh air duct should be provided for every room.

__ Duct system should be designed to minimize their length and co mplexity,

that is, use as few turns and rig ht ang les as possible .

__ Rigid ducts should be used wherever possible instead of flexible ducts.

__ Duct runs in u nheated spaces and in exterior walls should be avoided.

__ Duct joints should be securely faste ned an d taped.

.. ..
AC H P Ve ntila tor C he c k List (co n't)

__ Air flow measuring stations must be installed in both the su pply an d ex­
haust ducting .

Exhau st ducts should:

__ Run from such areas as bath rooms and kitchens, and other areas where
contaminants are g enerated.

__ If the HRV does not have a filter, the exhaust ducts should contain a filter
in the duct or at the g rilles.

In the kitchen:

__ The range hood must not be con nected to the HRV.

__ Range hoods over gas stoves must be vente d directly outside with provi­
sion made fo r make-up air.

__ The general kitchen exh aust (connected to the H RV) must be horizontally
removed from the cooking surface by at least fou r feet .

__ Total exhaust capacity (including control system) must be 1 00 cfm.

In the laundry:

__ Clothes dryers should be vented directly to the outside .

In the bathroom:

__ Total exhaust capacity (including control syste m) must be 50 cfm , either

directly to the exterior or through the centralized syste m.

Fre sh air can be distributed throughout the hou se by a separate system or ducts
or by a forced air furnace.

If a separate system of ducts is u sed.

__ Reg isters should be positioned to minimize disco mfort due to co ld drafts,

for example, at ceiling level, or in hallways.

If a forced;.air furnace is u sed to distribute fre sh air:

__ The HRV integ rated with a two-speed fan heat distribution system should
dump fresh air 1 2 inches from a furnace cold ai r retu rn , and the return
should be at least six feet from the plenum if an indirect connection is be­
ing used.
__ A direct connect can only be used if th e heat distribution system employs
a sing le-speed circulating fan .

Once the unit is operational, the in staller should:

__ If the H RV has its own distribution ductwork, check and adjust flows in all
ducts to ensure that sufficient air flow is provided to all rooms.

__ Adjust the total air flow to provide the continuous ventilatio n rate as speci­
fied in the Alaska C raftsman Home Prog ram venti lation requi rements.

__ Balance the flow of the control system, where appropriate , to equalize flow
rates of the fresh air and exhaust air.

__ Ensure that the controls work as desig ned. This in cludes the de­
humidistat and one or both of an interval timer and manual ove rride.

__ Check that any imbalance in the flow of installed systems can be sup­
ported by the equivalent leakag e area of the house as determined in the
depressu rization test. If not, make-up air duct will be requ ired.

" " "

~ Mechanical Ventilation Form
Location of Installation Installing Contractor
A-2000 l.D. # Name
Builder Name Company
Address Address
City & Prov. City & Prov.
. . . .

House Address Postal Code

Telephone #

H.R.A.I. Registration #

Supply Ventilation --·-···-···· .. · ···· .. ····-· · ··- · · ·----- --·- Measured Ventilation ····-----··---- . . . . . ..............-. . ..

'Rooms' L/s ctm Supply Air

Bsmt & Master Bdrm __ @ 1 o Us (20 ctm) - -
Hi Continuous cf m
Other Bedrooms @ 5 Us ( 1 0 cfm)
Exhaust Air
__ - -

Bathrooms & Kitchen @ 5 Us (1 0 cfm) -


Hi Continuous

Other Habitable Rooms __ @ 5 Us (1 O cfm) - -

Total -
Man uf act u re r :

OR Model:
tt or m2
tt2 or rrf
Area of Habitable Space
Air flow me as u ring equipm ent.
Volume of Habitable Space
(H RVs m ust be balanced when in Continuous.)
Flow to produce 0.3 air changes/hour
Start Up Check .. . .....
I ft x 0.005)
rri3 x 0.0833)
___, ... . .... ...- .. ............. . . . - ......

0.3 ACH
- . ... . .. . . .
= =

0.3 ACH = I = Us _ wiring

Supply Required I I _ controls functioning



air distribution to all rooms

Exhaust Ventilation .... . . ... . . .; . . _........ . ....... . ... -_.

_ bathroom exhaust capability

Continuous L/s cfm @ Us or cfm
Kitch ens__ @ 30 Us (60 ctm) _ kitchen exhaust capability
@ 1 5 Us (30 cfm)
- -

- Us or cfm

- -

- -
_ make-up air for exhaust equipment
Kitchens __ @ 50 Us (1 00 ctm)
@ 25 Us (50 ctm)
- -

Bathrooms __ Purchaser Received: ...............................................-. ...... .

- -

_ operating instructions

Exhaust Required I I _ warranty data

_ operation & maintenance manuals
Outside Vented Mechanical Exhaust Systems lJ• ctm -
advice & caution re combustion air
_ Clothes Dryer - -

Central Vacuum - -

_ Kitchen Range Hood

C ontractor Ce rtification
- -

Bathroom I nsta llation

- - -

- - -
In hereby certify that this ventilation system has been
installed in accordance with Installation Guidelines for
Type of Heating System Residential Ventilation syste�s.

Forced Air -
Oil _ Type I Name
Baseboard Gas _ Type II
Other _ Electricity _ Type Ill

Revised 1990
_ � HRV Specifications • VENTILATION


Testing Agency: Model:

Date Tested: Serial Number.
Manufacturer: Options Installed: ----

Maximum Rated Airflows: Lowest Temperature Unit Tested To: ___ C

L/s @ c Low Temperature Ventilation
L/s @ c Reduction During Lowest Temperature Test: ____

Maximum Unbalanced Airflow During Lowest Temperature

Airflow Range for Multispeed Units:
Test: l)s
High Speed: Us Low Speed: Us
Exhaust A ir Transfer Ratio: ------

External Static Net Supply Gross Air Flow

Pressure Air Flow Supply Exhaust

Pa I in. W.G. L/s I cfm L/s I cfm L/s I cfm

£ 125
� 1 00
� 75

� 25
Gross Airflow LIs
"· . .,,$

'& .. ·· -- · ..
Supply Net Supply I Average Sens ible Apparent Net
Tern cure Aidlow Exhaust Power Recovery Sensible Mois ture
oc OF L/s I cfm Flow Ratio (Watts) Efficiency Effectiveness Transfer
0 32

� ii


COOL-� vi •••
Comments from Test Agency:
35 95 ..

ING VIII 35 95
• Description of Defrost;

0.47 L/s
I nd icates Total Recovery Efficiency, not Sensible Recovery Efficiency.
+ 250 Pascals = 1" of Water. = 1 c fm. ORF Reference Report:
•• • Calculated for R2000 Rating Purposes.

Testing was performed in general ac=rdance with CSA Standard C439-M, S tandard Methods of Test for Rating the Performance
of Heat Recovery Ventilators and was conducted in accordance with normal professional standards. Neither the Ontario Research
Foundation nor their employees shall be res pon s i b le for any loss or damage resulting d irectly or indirectly from any default, error
or omission. Specification Sheet format revised August, 1988.

VENTILATION e HR V Specifications


A heat recovery ventilator provides controlled ventilation while Lowest Temperature Unit Tested to
The supply temperarure al which the 72 hour test was carried out
preventing undue loss of heat. The supply side of the device
brings fresh air into the home, while the exhausl side venlS stale
air to the outside. Heat is transferred from the warmer to the VEM1LATION PERFORMANCE
cooler air as the two streams flow pasl one another in the core of External Static �
the unit. PoinlS 1 tluough 4 on the diagram refer to air from
The total differential measured between Points 1 and 2 (supply)
-or Points 3 and 4 (exhaust).
oulSide to equipment ( I), air from equipment to space (2), air from
space to equipment (3), and air from equipment to outside (4) Net S upply Air Flow
The gross supply air flow minus cross-leakage (EATR). This is
the acrual amount of outside air supplied by the unit and is used

� only for sizing the equipment for the required ventilation rate.

"'I c
Supply air . Supply air
lo space from outside Gross Exhaust and Supply Airflows
The measured volume of air at Points 2 and 3 which may contain
Exhausl air �3 4 � Exhaust air recirculation air from cross-leakage (EATR). These values are
from space --i___i-- to outside used only for selecting ductwork.

The HRV Design Specification Sheet shows test results and values
calculated from test data. The unit tested was supplied by the ENERGY PERF0�\1ANCE

manufacturer or Canadian distributor, who claims that it is repre­

Values are listed for various test points of supply (outside air) temp­
erarure, and corresponding air flow points are selected according to
sentative of models offered for sale at the date of testing. The
specific pressure or Net Supply Air Flow. The nwnber of test points
model number is the distributor's designation of the unit tested.
listed depends upon the manufacrurer.
The teslS determined ventilation performance; percentage of ex­
haust air carried over into the supply air; the capability of the Suppty Tempera�
This column shows (i) steady state tests at 0 C (32 F) at maximum
ventilator to recover heat from one air stream and transfer it to the
rated air flow 1nd 11 other test points selected by the manufacturer;
other under varying conditions; and performance during cold
(ii) the 72-Hour Cold Weather Test, carried out at temperarure shown
weather (referred to as "the 72-Hour Cold Weather Test").
at maximum rated air flow (All v alues are taken as the average over
the last 12 hours of the test).
All air flow data are corrected to standard conditions of air density
of 1 .201 kg/m3 (0.075 lb/cu.fl). In order to make precise calcu­ Net Air Flow
Average net maximum air flow during lest period ad justed for cross -
lations, please refer to CAN I CSA - C439 - 88, Standard
leakage (EATR).
Methods of Test for Rating the Performance of Heat Recovery
Ventilators. It Is im po rta nt to recognize that for comparison of Average Power (kllow ntts)
equipment only data at equivalent supply temperature and net
The average power consumption (watts) during the specific test for

air flow should be used. For an explanation of the

fans and controls. See also Description of Defrost.
terms used,
refer to the !isl below. Sensible Recovery Effic iency (SRE)
The sensible energy recovered minus the supply fan energy and
preheat coil energy, divided by the sensible energy exhausted plus the
exhaust fan energy, corrected for cross - leakage (EATR). This value
l\faximum Rated A lrllow
is used to determine and compare HRY heat recovery performance.
Maximum nel outdoor airflow selected by manufacrurer for rating
of the uniL Apparent Sensible Effectiveness (ASE)
The measured temperature rise of the supply air stream div ided by the
temperature difference at Points 1 and 3 and multiplied by the mass
Lower Speed Alrnow
Airflow achieved by setting unit at Maximum Rated Airflow,
flow rate of the supply divided by the minimum of the mass flow rate
then using unit controls to reduce flow. Fixed speed units will
of the supply or exhaust streams. This value is used principally to
have individual rating points. Variable speed units will have a
predict final delivered air temperature at a
range of flows shown.
given flow rate.

ExhalLSt Air Transfer Ratio

Total Recovery Emdency (TRE)
The total energy recovered minus the supply fan energy and the
Ratio of the quantity of exhaust air found in the air supply to the
preheat coil energy, div ided by the total energy i:xhausted plus I.he
total air supply flow. This ratio can be expressed as a percentage
if multiplied by 100.
exhaust fan energy, corrected for cross-leakage (EATR). It is used

Air Transfer Ratio = l-
( Net Supply Air Flow ) principally to predict and compare performance for cooling
G ross Supply Air Flow applications.
Net Moisture Transl"er G\'MT)
Low Tempernrure Ventilation Reduction
Moisture recovered divided by moisture exhausted and corrected for
The pere4!nc.age reduction in nel outdoor air flow rate at the end of
the effect of cross leakage. NMT=O indicates that moisture was not
the 72-Hour Cold Weather Test, compared with operation at 22 C
transferred (other than that associated with cross leakage from the
conditions. The final flow rate is taken as the average from the
exhausl to the supply air). NMT= l would indicate complete transfer
last 12 hours of the test
of moisture at lest condilions.
i\ fa.ximum Unbalanced Alrflow During Low Temperature Test
This represents the depressurization potential during normal oper­ Description of Def�
Describes defrost Op;!fating system. For units with an electric defrost
ation (including defrost). Short term transients caused by dampers
system, the electrical energy required during cold weather operation
moving are not considered, nor is dcpressurization caused by
over and above the normal operating requirements for fans and
equipment or component failure, or blockage.
controls is also described.


Step 1.1 - List Ventilation S ta nda rds A p plied

S t e p 1.2 - Determine t h e Condi tioned V o l u m e of t h e House


(to change square feet to square meters, divide square feet by 10.78)


(From fi gure D l or as calculated)

S t e p 1.3 - Determine Minimum Base Flow Rate to Meet CSA F326 R equi rements

ROOM BY R OO M (use Figure D l .2)

double /master bedrooms at 20 cfm each = cfm
other rooms not includin.g mechanical rooms, storage rooms, halls
or ves ti bules, at 1 0 cfm each =
unfinished basement (if applicable) at 20 cfm =
From Figure D 1 . 1 or calculated from

The minimum base flow rate is the greater of the ROOM B Y ROOM and the 0.3 ACH
values calculated above.

Step 1.4 - Determine Minimum Required E xhaus t Capa b i l i ty

R oom Location If Concinuous If Intermitten t

Kitchen 50 cfm 1 00 cfm

1 st Bath 3 0 cfm 50 cfrn
2 nd Bath
3rd Bath
4th B ath

S t e p 1.5 - L i s t o p ti onal exhausts to be i nstalled and describe t h e i r o peration.

Optional Exhausts:
Other (specify)

Conceptual Desh�n
Type of ventilation equipment

Type of heat recovery or pre-heat

Type of distribution system

Location of heating and

ventilation equipment

Category of vented
combustion equipment

Method of dealing with

pressure imbalance

Fan operation (continuous or

intermittent) for each fan

Describe Control strategy/

integration with other systems

Step 3.1 calculate Building Envelope Area

1 0.76)

(to change square meters into square feet, multiply square meters by

Slab and basement floors ______ ft2

Overhanging floors ______ ft2
Wall areas (includes below grade) ______ ft2
Envelope ceilings ______ ft2

TOTAL ENVELO P E AREA ____ ft2 Line 301

Step 3.2 - Determine Governing Com bustion Appliance category

List category of all Combustion Appliances Plann� or I nstalled .

Appliance (type , make & model) Category

1. ��������-

2. ������-

3. ��������-

4. ��������-

5. �------�--�

6. ������-

The appliance(s) with the lowest Category number is (are) the governing appliance(s}. Identify the
governing appliances, their Category, Pressure Decrease Limits and Leakage Factors from Figure
D3. 1 for this Category. Be sure to use the correct units (Imperial).

Governing Appliances - 1

Category of governing appliances


(If there are no combustion appliances, Category is

Leakage Factor at Base Flow Rate Condition cfm/ft2 Line 302

Pressure Decrease Limit at Base Flow Rate Condition in. W.G. Line 303

Revised 1990
Leakage Factor at Reference Exhaust Condition cfm/ft2 Line 304
Pressure Decrease Limit at Reference Exhaust Condition in. W.G. une 305

Step 3.3 - Determine Allowable Net Supply Flow Rate (pressurization l l mlt)
(envelope area in ft2, Leakage Factor cfm/ft2)

Line 30 1 x 0.0 1 4
. . .

Allowable Net Supply at the Base Flow Rate Condition =

= cfm Line 306

Step 3.4 - Determine Allowable Net Exhaust at the Base Flow Rate Condition
(envelope area in ft2, Leakage Factor cfm/ft2)

Allowable Net Exhaust at the Base Flow Rate Condition

= Line 301 x Une 302

= cfm Line 307

Step 3.5 - Determine Al lowable Net Exhaust at the Reference Exhaust Flow Rate Condition
(envelope area in ft2, Leakage Factor cfm/ft2)

Allowable Net Exhaust at the Reference Exhaust Flow Rate Condition

= Line 30 1 x Une 304

= cfm Line 308

Revised 1990

Step 3.6 - Determi ne the Net Air Flow at the Base Flow Rate Condition
Continuous Mechanical Exhaust ____ cfm


Continuous Mechanical Supply ____ cfm


Net Air Flow at Base Flow

Rate Condition ____ cfm Line 309
(If exhaust exceeds supply, put a plus sign (+) in front of flow
rate. If supply exceeds exhaust, put a minus sign (-) in front of
flow rate.)

Step 3.7 - Determi ne the Net Exhaust Air Flow at the Reference Exhaust Flow Rate Condition
a) Net Drier ex�aust cfm
(default = 1 �O cfm)


a) 11 Net Drier Exhaust
(160 cfm) > b) Net Exhaust of Exhaust Appliance
with Largest Net Exhaust cfm
) Largest Net Exhaust

b) 1 1 plus Appl iance plus

plus ) Second Largest Net

Exhaust Appliance
Net Exhaust of Exhaust Appliance with
second Largest Net Exhaust cfm

plus( Net Base Flow

Une 309 plus

c) Line 309 above cfm

(If there is a minus in front of this n umber, subtract it from

the above total)


Net Exhaust at Reference Exhaust

Flow Rate Condition ___ cfm Une 3 10

Revised 1990
WORKSHEET 3C (Imperial)

Step 3.8 - Select and Size Rellef and Make-up Air Systems

If there is a N et Supply Air Flow at the Base Flow Rate Condition (i.e. Line 309 h as a minus (-) sign)
and it is larger than the Allowable Net Supply Flow Rate (Une 306) a relief ai r system sized to meet the
airflow difference is required.

Describe the relief air system and how it is to operate. A relief air vent for this purpose may be sized
using the 1 0 Pa column of Figure D3.5. Specify the size and type of equipment to be applied.

If the Net Air Flow at the Base Flow Rate Condition (Line 309) is a net exhaust (i.e. has a plus (+) sign)
which is bigger than the Allowable Net Exhaust at the Base Flow Rate Condition ( Une 307) or the Net
Exhaust at the Reference Exhaust Flow Rate Condition (Line 3 10) is bigger than the Allowable Ventila­
tion Net Exhaust at the Reference Exhaust Flow Rate (Line 308) a make-up air system is needed to
meet the difference in airflows at each condition.

A make-up air vent for this purpose may be sized using Figure D3.5 . Use the Allowable House Pres­
sure Decrease(s) in Unes 303 and 305 to determine which column(s) to use in Figure D3.5 . Note that
for Category 3 houses, the Pressure Decrease Limits for the Base Flow Rate Condition are different
than those at the Reference Exhaust Flow Rate Condition .

If vents are to be used to meet airflow imbalances at more than one of the above three conditions (i.e.
Net Supply at the Base Flow Rate Condition, Net Exhaust at the Base Flow Rate Condition , Reference
Exhaust) , the largest vent will satisfy all conditions.

Describe the make-up air system and how it is to operate. Specify the size and type of equipment to
be applied.

Revised 1990

S t e p 4 . 1 - Is t h e Ven tilation Air S u p ply to be In tegrated with a Forced- Air

H ea ti n g or Cool i n g S ystem ?

Yes __


S te p 4.2 - Determine Venti lation S u p ply Air D esign Temperature

Design Outdoor Air Temperature ° F (from Appendix J)


For HRV systems:

HRV Effectiveness % (from HRV Spec S heet)

° F (from Figure D4 . l )

HRV S upply Outlet Temperature ___

For Mixed Air Systems:

VF= Desi�n Ventilation air Flow R ate x 1 00 = x 100 = %
Total air Flow

Cold Air Temperature °F

(use Outdoor Temperature or HRV Outlet Temperature)

Mixed Air Temperature ° F (from Figure D4.2)

Step 4.3 - Is Ventilation A i r Preheating Req u i red?

No --

(Ventilation Air preheating is required if forced air heating is used and if the mixed air
temperature (calculated in Step 4.3) can fall below 54 °F) .

Design Temperature Rise = Design Mixed Air Temperature - Mixed Air Temperature
(Designer May Heat to Temperatures Above 54 °. ' ) .

Design Temperature Rise = °F

Preheater Size watts (from Figure D4. 3 or calculated as 1 .2 x Total Air Flow
cf m x Design Temperature rise (°F .).

Step 4.4 - S hould High-wall or Ceil i n g S u pply G rilles b e used?

Yes __

No __

(High-wall or ceiling supply grilles should be used if ventilation or mixed air temperatures
(from Step 4.2) can fall below 6 5 ° F . )
Step 4.5 - Locate the Supply Ai r G rilles or Diffusers on drawings
Record G rille ID and location on the drawings an d Worksheet 5.

Ste p 4.6 - Proportion the Ven tilation Air to Each Outlet

(Dedicated Systems Only)

Ventilation Air supply to each room must meet or exceed Figure D l .2 requirements.
Record air flows on Worksheet 5.

Step 4.7 - C heck Supply Air Flow to Each Room (Integrated System Only)

Supply Air flows must be proportioned to ensure air flow requirements from Figure 1 .2 to
each room are met, or

Supply Air flow to or from each Category A room must be at least 20 L/s and to or from
each Category B room must be at least 5 L/s. And forced air systems must have
recirculation rate of at least 1 ACH (see Figure 1 . 1 for 1 ACH flow rate). Make adjustments
as required to flow rates or design and record changes on drawings and on worksheets.

Step 4.8 - Locate Exhaust Air Grilles on drawings

Record grille ID, model, size and location on the drawings and on Worksheet 5.

Step 4.9 - Proportion Exhaust Air from Each Grille

Exhaust air flows must meet the minimum requirements from Figure D l .2.
Record air flows on Worksheet 5.
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Low Speed Return Side S tatic Pressure _____ (in.Wg. or Pa)

High Speed Return Side S tatic Pressure _____ (in.Wg. or Pa)
Required Ventilation Air Flow Rate ----- (Us or cfm)
Fresh Air Intake Diameter inches
(from Figure 06.3)

Low Speed Ventilation Air Flow Rate ---- (Us or cfm)

High Speed Ventilation Air Flow Rate ____ (Us or cfm)

Ventilator 1: Type:
Design Air Flow cf m ESP Pa

2: Type:
Design Air Flow cf m ESP Pa

3: Type:
Design Air Flow __ cfm ESP Pa

4: Type:
Design Air Flow cfrn ESP Pa

Select approved H R V wh ich m eets flow req u i re m e n ts.

MODEL: __________________�

S te p 6.4 - Determine L TAF

i) Find Low Temperature Ventilation Reduction for the HR V (from spec sheet)
____ %

ii) From Figure D6.6, Temperature Zone is: -------

iii) Low Temperature Adjustment Factor (LTAF) From Figure 06.7 =

S te p 6.5 - Calculate Adj usted Design Ventilation Ra te

i) LTAF x Minimum base flow race (from Step 1 .3 ) = Net S upply Air Flow Rate
_______ x cfm = cfm

ii) Select Gross S upply Air Flow Rate corresponding to Net S upply Air Flow Rate
_______ cfm

S te p 6.6 - Determine Duct Desi gn Air F l ows

a) Design Ventilation S upply Air Flow Rate (Gross) ______ cfm

b) Total Exhaust flow to be met by HRY ______ cfm

Duct Design Ventilation Air Flow for balanced operation = cf m

(choose greater of a) and b) above)

S tep 6.7 - Esta blis h ESP for the HRV Fans at the design A i r Flow Rate

Design Air Flow Rate cfm (from S tep 6.6 above)

S upply ESP at the Design Air Flow Rate Pa
Exhaust ESP at the Design Air Flow Rate Pa

S te p 6.8 - Modify Room to Room A i r Flows as Requ i r e d









• When in doubt - Increase Duct Diameter •


Step 9 . 1 - Describe O perating Strategy

Step 9.2 - D esign the System Cont rols. Describe location, type and function
of each control in the system.

Step 9.3 - D raw Controls onto System Plans

W O R KS H E E T 1 0 - C H E C KLIST D E S I G N

TAS K 1 · DETER M I N E V E NT I LATION R EQ U I R E M ENTS . . . . .. . . . .. ..... .. . .. 28 . . . ... . . . ..

Step 1 .1 - Select Appropriate Ventilation Standard .............. ...................... 28

Step 1 .2 - Determine the Conditioned Volume of the House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Step 1 .3 - Determine M inimum Base Flow Rate to M eet CSA F326
Requ ireme nts .................... .................................... ........................... 29
Step 1 .4 - Determine M inimum Required Exhau st C apability ................... 3 0
Step 1 .5 - Evaluate Special Exhaust Requirements . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

TASK 2 • DEVE LOP CONCEPTUAL DES I G N ... .... .. ... . .... . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . ... .
. . . . .... .. . . . . ... 32


S I Z E R E LI E F OR MAKE- U P AI R SYST E M S . . . . . . ... . ... . . . ..... ... 3 9 .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .

Step 3 . 1 - Calcu late Building Envelope Area ........................ ............. .......... 4 1

Step 3 . 2 - Determine Allowable Net Supply Flow Rate .. ..... .... ..... .............. 42
Step 3.3 - Determine Pressure Decrease Li mits .............. ........................... . 42
Step 3.4 - Determine Air Flow Imbalances Corresponding to
Allowable Pressu re Decrease Limits ................................ ........... 43
Step 3.5 - Calculate Base Flow Rate Condition ...... . . . . . . .................... ........... 43
Step 3.6 - Determine Reference Exhaust Flow Rate Con dition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Step 3 . 7 - Select and Size Make-up and/or Relief Air Systems ................ 44
Step 3.8 - Select and Size Relief and Make-up Air System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

TAS K 4- D ET E R M I N E AI R D I ST R I BUTION ....... . . . .... .... ..... . . . . . .... . . 47 . . . .. . . . . . . . .... .. . .. . .

Step 4. 1 - Determine if the Ventilation Air Su pply is to be Integ rated

with a Forced-Air Heating or Cooling System ............ ................ 48
Step 4.2 - Determ ine Venti lation Supply Air Design Temperatu re ........... 49
Step 4.3 - Determine if Ventilation Air Preheating is Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Step 4.4 - Determine if High-wall or C eiling Supply G rilles are
Required .................................. .... ........ . .. . . . .. .......... ................ ............ 54
Step 4.5 - Locate the Supply Air G rilles or Diffusers .................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 55
Step 4.6 - Proportion the Ventilation Air to Each Outlet (Dedicated ........... ..

Systems On ly) .......... ............................ .............. .............. ................ 55

Step 4. 7 - C heck Supply Air Flow to Each Room (I nteg rated System . . . . . . . . . .
Only) 56
............ . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Step 4.8 - Locate Exhaust Air G rilles ................ .......... ...... .... ..... . . . . . . . .............. 5 7
Step 4.9 - Proportion Exhaust Air from Each G rille ............ .......... . . . . . ..... ...... 58

TAS K 5 S E LECTION AN D SIZING OF G R I LLES . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . . . 59

• . . . . . ... .. .. ... . . . . ..

Step 5. 1 - Size the Ventilation Supply G rilles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Step 5.2 - Size the Ex haust G rilles ........................ ........ .................... . . ........... 62
Step 5.3 - Determine Door Undercut Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
TAS K 6 · S E LECT VENT I LAT I ON E QU I PM ENT . . . 63 . ......... . . .. . . . . .. . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . ...

Step 6. 1 - M ake "First-C ut" Ventilation Equipment Selections . 63 .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .

Step 6.2 - Size Fresh Air Intake to Furnace Return . . . . . . . .. 66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Step 6.3 - (Non HRV Systems) Establish the External Static

Pressures ( ESP) or Ventilator Fans . . .. . . . 68 . . . . . . .. .... . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .

Step 6.4 - (HRVs on ly) Determine Low Temperature Adjustment

Factor (LTAF) .......................................... .... ......................... ... ......... 7 0
Step 6.5 - (H RVs only) Calculate Adju sted Desig n Ventilation Rate ........ 7 2
Step 6.6 - ( HRVs only) Determine Duct Design Air Flows . . . . .. . 73 . . .. . . ... . ... . . ....

Step 6.7 - Establish the ESP for the HRV Fans . . . 73 . . .... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .

Step 6.8 - Modify Room to Room Air Flows . . .. . .. . . 7 4 ... . .... . . . ......... .. ..... . . ...... .. . . .. .

TAS K 7 • LAYOUT SYST E M ... . . .

..... .. . .. ..
.. . .. 75
. ................ . .. . . . .. . . .. . ...... .... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ........

Step 7. 1 - C hoose Locations fo r Ventilation Equipment . . 75 ... ....... .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .

Step 7.2 - Locate Ventilation Air I ntakes and Exhaust Outlets. . . . 76

Lay Out Ductwork. . . .. . ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Step 7.3 - .... . . .. .

..... . . . . 77
. . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . . . .

Step 7.4 - Label Trunk and Branch Ducts . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Step 8.1 - Dete rmine Air Flow Through Each Duct Section .. 80 . ...... .......... .. . .

Step 8.2 - Determine Nu mber of Fittings in Each Duct Run ... .. .. 8 1 .. . . . . ...... . .. .

Step 8.3 - Size Ducts . ...

. . .. . . .
. . . . ..
.............. 83 . ... . ....... ..... ... . . . ... ... . ...... . . ....... .. ........ .. .

Step 8.4 - (optional) Convert to Equivalent Rectangular Duct Size . . . 86 . . . . . .

TAS K 9 · S P ECI FY VENTILATION SYSTEM CONTROLS . . .. . . . . . . 87 . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Step 9 . 1 - Develop Operating Strategy . . . . 87 . . .. . . . ... . ... . ... . . ..... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .

Step 9.2 - Design th e System Controls . . .. . .. 90 . . . ....... . ...... .. . . . .... .............. .. . . ... .. . .

Step 9 . 3 - Draw Controls onto System Plans . . . . . . . . . . 92 . . .. . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TASK 10 REVIEW DESIGN . . ... . . ... . . . .....

• . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ..
. . . . . . . . . . 93
Step 1 0. 1 - Review Desig n ... . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . 93

The ventilation system must not be u sed to provide combustion air for any
vented combustion appliance . Fireplaces, furnaces and g as stoves requ ire
separate combustio n-air supplies, desig ned specifically for the appliance they

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