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● Reflect on your strengths and areas of improvement thus far in the semester.

Take a

moment to think about what you're good at in your studies and where you can improve

during this semester.

Thus far in the semester, my strengths have been understanding the materials covered and

challenging myself to think creatively. In comparison to last year, I gave myself more creative

freedom in my writing by implementing and attempting new stylistic choices. The main area I

would like to improve is time management. Writing fast has always been a challenge for me. In

addition to being a procrastinator, it takes me a long time to process my ideas, formulate

sentences, and craft a cohesive and enjoyable narrative in little time. My indecisiveness during

the writing process also contributes to this problem. I would like to improve my time

management and ability to write well within time constraints. In the future, I hope to improve my

writing speed without detriment to its quality.

● What have you learned about literary analysis? Consider the knowledge and skills

you've gained in the process of analyzing literature

I have learned that engaging in literary analysis is essential for gaining a deeper

understanding and a heightened appreciation of written works. Through the process of literary

analysis, I have acquired insights into the various styles and techniques employed by authors.

The examination of literature has granted me an understanding of stylistic techniques and their

strategic use for effect. Literary analysis delves showed me how to unearth the deeper layers of a
text by revealing concealed authorial intent. Additionally, it has improved my general analytical

skills by prompting me to look beyond the surface and encouraging a more thorough

examination of subtle techniques used to construct meaning. On the whole, literary analysis has

refined my ability to critically assess a piece of writing and has deepened my appreciation for the

artistry involved in crafting different texts.

● What can be learned from analyzing texts through the lens of close reading? Explore

the insights and understanding that come from examining texts closely and critically.

Delving into texts with close reading allows for literary exploration, enabling readers to

uncover layers of meaning that may escape casual observation. Through close reading, readers

can discern the author's intent behind literary choices. For example, the selection of certain

words or the repetition of particular motifs may reveal underlying themes or emotions which

allow for greater understanding of the work. One of the key benefits of close reading is its ability

to uncover layers of meaning and symbolism. Literary devices such as metaphors, juxtaposition,

and alliteration create meaning in texts. By scrutinizing these elements, readers can gain insight

into the narrative, transforming a passive activity into an active endeavor. Close reading teaches

one to become a detective that looks for small clues and pieces them together to reveal a larger

● Think about how you identify, analyze what you have identified, and the conclusions

that you have come to based on your findings. Reflect on the process of recognizing

elements in a text, analyzing them, and the conclusions you draw from your analysis.

I identify and analyze by observing and looking for different techniques authors use.

Once identified, I delve into the analysis phase, where I interrogate the purpose and impact of

each literary device. I come to conclusions by connecting the usage of the literary device to its

effect on the reader. This connection allows me to draw conclusions based on the literary

elements and their overarching effect. Conclusions drawn from analysis are grounded in

cause-and-effect relationships between the identified literary elements and their impact on the

reader's experience. By connecting the author's choices to the emotional or intellectual responses

in the audience, I gain insights into the work's deeper layers. For instance, if an author employs

imagery, I can assess how this contributes to the reader's immersion and understanding of the

narrative. Once I understand its contribution, I can draw conclusions from the analysis.

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