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First Year English Level 3

2022 Fall Term

Teacher: Sadie Wang (王淑真)

Course Description
First-year English is a required 2-credit course for freshman students at Feng Chia Univeristy, which aims to
develop students’ English reading skills by means of extensive and intensive reading. By extensive reading,
every semester students must complete a certain, based on their level, number of words read. This should
help students simultaneously improve their English vocabulary, reading fluency and their ability to
be autonomous learners. For intensive reading, students are expected to complete four assigned
readings in their class and will have to make a team presentation based on the readings. In addition,
assigned textbook and various class activities are used to reinforce English skills application. FE3 is
a three-skills course, focusing on the reading, listening and speaking skills needed in an academic
setting. The classroom is an interactive environment where students must communicate with both
the teacher and each other.

Course Materials
On Point 1 (Peggy Anderson & Jacob Cullen Compass Publishing)
2 Xreading (Tung Hua Books Co.Ltd. Taiwan Online reading system)

*大一英文從 109 學年度起,將以 Xreading 線上閱讀系統推廣廣泛閱讀,故修習大一英文的學生

將提供補助。重補修生須購買半年期的系統閱讀權限。 Every student has to subscribe to Xreading
for one year to complete the ER assignment and pay partial fees. Other fees will be covered by the school.
Repeaters have to purchase a half-year access to Xreading.

Assessment Methods
In-class performance & Attendance 40%
Extensive reading using Xreading 15%
Communication task with intensive reading 15%
Midterm exam (oral exam) 15%
Final exam (written exam) 15%

(1) 考試請假之補考規定主要依照逢甲大學學則第二十六條辦理,除至請假系統申請外,須檢具相關證明文件,
於考試結束後三日內寄 email 給任課教師請假,逾期或無故缺席者一律零分。補考日期由教師另訂。
(2) 考試作弊者,依逢甲大學學生考試辦法處理,亦即考試成績以零分計算,並移請學生獎懲委員會議處。

* Please purchase original textbooks, following intellectual property law.

* Bring textbooks to class. The texts and exercises will be completed in class.
Tentative Syllabus

Week Date Theme Remarks

1 Getting to Know You
2 9/20 Introduction to ER/Xeading Speed reading test Vocabulary test
3 9/27 Unit 1: Opposites Attract? 1st article

4 10/4 Unit 1: Opposites Attract? 1st article

5 10/11 Unit 1: Opposites Attract? 2nd article

6 10/18 Unit 1: Opposites Attract? 2nd article

7 Unit 1: Opposites Attract? 2nd article

8 Midterm Exam (Oral Test)
Xreading: 40,000 words
9 11/8 University Unified Exam No Class
Deadline: 11/13

10 Unit 2: To Trust or Not to Trust 1st article

11 Unit 2: To Trust or Not to Trust 1st article
12 Communicative task: IR materials
13 Communicative task: IR materials
14 12/13 Unit 2: To Trust or Not to Trust 2nd article

15 Unit 2: To Trust or Not to Trust 2nd article

16 12/27 Final Exam (Written Test)
Xreading: 40,000 words
17 1/3 TBA
Deadline: 1/8

18 1/10 University Unified Exam (No Class)

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