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Summary Week One
Welcome Video
Congratulations on investing in yourself!

 Please join the Facebook group

 Practice all tools, techniques and methods so it is engraved and becomes
a skill set
 Be patient with yourself and if you fall off get back on
 If you put in the effort and give a 100%, this program is guaranteed to
Victim Vs Victor Paradigm
 Victim Paradigm is always blaming others and we never take control of our
 We're always pointing fingers and blaming others> the government, our
parents, Karma, God what ever it is
 We give away our power by blaming others
 We do this to cope with our reality because it's not easy to take on the
burden and the responsibility of our lives
 A very few people live in the victor paradigm
 In the Victor paradigm people take responsibility for their lives
 We choose full, complete responsibility of the good in our life or lack
 We have 100% control on how we feel and respond to circumstances
 A Victor paradigm is what it takes to create a life we love
 With the Victor paradigm we claim back our power and we are on our way
to create our dream reality
Proximity is Power
 You become the average of the 5 people closest to you
 You become similar to the closest people around you
 If people around you are unhealthy, you're likely to be unhealthy, if the
people around you are struggling with finances, you're likely to struggle with
 It's been scientifically proven our brains mirror the people around us
 One of a fundamental need of humans is LOVE. Belonging fulfils this need.
 If you become friends with fit people or millionaire's, you would want to
become like them so you won't be left behind and you will have a sense of
 The same applies to people who are poor, financially unstable etc. You will
mirror them because you want to have a sense of belonging
 The fastest way to success is to surround yourself with the type of people
you would want to mirror.
Levels of Learning
 3 levels of learning
 Intellectual Level= just information in your brain and not something you
would apply
 Emotional Level= Take action on knowledge but only sometimes but not
consistently egg. Eat good food because makes you feel good
 Physical Level= Practicing knowledge consistently so it becomes a
knowing and a wisdom. Becomes engraved into who you are and
naturally occurs. Consistence practice= Wisdom
 The goal of this course is to make learning and knowledge at the physical
level so it becomes engraved into who we are.
Celebrate Wins Now
 Be grateful for the progress you're making
 Gratitude balances out the progress so you can be happy in the present whilst
working towards your goals
 This flow state lets you perform your best
 Whatever you appreciate, appreciates
 Creates positive reinforcement in your brain which allows you to keep working
towards your goals
 If you live in the mind-set of constant worry and punishing yourself to reach your
goals, you are doing more harm than good and will end up miserable even when
reaching your goal
 If you train yourself to focus on what's good, your brain will be accustomed to this
and this is the true success of your journey, being grateful throughout your
 Our brains are accustomed to look for danger and what could go wrong, this is a
survival mechanism, but we have control over this and can reprogram our brain
Celebrate Wins Now
 Achievement of a goal will only bring you temporary happiness. We soon
look towards our next goal, true happiness lies in the journey of
achieving the goal
 The most successful people are not fuelled by pain but are fuelled by their
end result /vision such as fulfilment, giving back, their mission, pleasure
etc.:- This fuel allows you to reach your goals faster in a more fulfilling
 Create visions, missions and purpose that will pull you towards your goals
which are not pain fuelled by outside circumstances such as proving
someone wrong
 Wins can be anything that makes you feel good about your progress such
as changing a memory, didn't give up, meditated consistently etc.:
8 X Meditation Technology
 There are different levels of brainwaves
 There are 2 parts of our mind conscious and unconscious
 The conscious mind controls 5% (Beta brainwave) of our activities whilst
the unconscious controls 95% (Theta/Delta brainwave)
 Alpha brainwave is the gateway to the unconscious mind
 All recommendations(binaural/holosync, etc.) illustrated in the course
help reach these brainwaves which helps us get the best out of our
 Meditation helps calm the mind so we can make informed, thought out
decisions- Extremely beneficial
8 X Meditation Technology
 These tools help increase meditation benefits up to 8 x
 Got to listen to this with stereo headphones
 People with a history of epilepsy are generally discouraged from using binaural
beat therapy unless under medical supervision because there is a risk that the
auditory stimulation will cause seizures. It's not a requirement to use binaural
beats to achieve great results when practicing meditation or QCF - it merely
makes the process a bit easier and quicker.
Quantum Fundamentals
 At the very basic level we’re all energy
 Like attracts like. Rich get richer / Poor get Poorer
 People don’t get what they want, they get more of who they are
 When people try to create from a place of lack, they’re swimming against
the tide and even if they reach their goal they self-sabotage and end up
back from where they started
 Eg. Lottery winners/ People who lose weight
 The real secret behind the secret is changing to the version of you who
already has all these things they want
Quantum Fundamentals
 Your unconscious mind makes up 95% of you. The secret to change
yourself is to change the building blocks of your unconscious mind
 To create your dream life you need to use the master formula
 Body/Physical actions> Take courageous massive actions
 Mind/Mental mechanics>Release unconscious conflict
 Spirit/Quantum field>Envision and step into higher self
 How to modify the ‘source code of reality’ in the quantum field?>
1.Deepend to Alpha/Theta brain waves
2.Get into a state of gratitude
3.Envision your higher self and step into him/her (3rd person > 1st person)
Quantum Fundamentals
If done correctly you may feel a shift, this shift is felt in different ways
(synchronicities/ a deep knowing, feeling/inspiration/ grace)
4. Release the resistance (through memory flipping in week 2)
5.Replay to condition the changes( covered in week 2)
 The universe/God works in mysterious ways and things may not happen
in the way you want or expect it
 Don’t worry about the ‘HOW’ just follow the steps and expect good
things and the ‘HOW’ will be shown to you.
Quantum Creation Formula

5 technique meditative formula

Phase 1: Induction
 We relax and go into Alpha/Theta/Delta state
 In this state we can access the unconscious part of our brain

Phase 2: Gratitude
 Raise our vibrations by focusing on events/ people that we are deeply
appreciative of.
Quantum Creation Formula

Phase 3: Visualization
 From this high vibe state we can start to envision our dream life
 We rest in this presence of our higher self, enjoy it
 We are now creating from a state of abundance (like attracts like) and not
lack > Phase 2 is extremely important

Phase 4: Releasing
 If anything uncomfortable comes up such as restlessness, heaviness etc:
we release in this phase > Get rid of this internal conflict
Quantum Creation Formula
Phase 5: Replay
 Replay the flipped memories

 Please watch week one video’s on the ThinkUp App and Insight Timer
for best benefit.

 Congratulations on completing Week One. I hope you’ve

practiced everything you’ve learned thus far. Welcome to Week Two 

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