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Ifri was born of a Fire Nation family of engineers, her mother Adara Ashburn was an incredible mechanic,

while her father Apollo Ashburn was a tinkerer and smith of great renown. Despite her family's line of
work Ifri never took too much to it, since very young she would prefer adventuring and getting into fights
over learning and practicing engineering, but despite that she loved her parents.

As a young girl Ifri would see the propaganda of the glorious Fire Nation army and their mission to better
the Fire Nation, and so she would grow up with the goal of joining the army. At the age of 16 Ifri enlisted,
joining the army and saying goodbye to her parents as she travelled to a training camp, there she would
be put under intense training together with many others, but because of being female Ifri had to endure
intense berating and shaming, especially from her instructor, a well respected man named Alburn, but
Ifri used her charisma to make it seen like it didn't bother her, but over time she felt it wear on her,
making her do worse and worse on her training and making her begin to feel inferior. Because of all that
Ifri began dressing like a man and acting in a more masculine way, fitting in with the other soldiers better,
and so with that he managed to push throught that mental roadblock and begin to excel in his training,
showing great skill at sword fighting and hand to hand combat, and even greater skill at fire bending.
After around a year in the training camp, now at the age of 17, Ifri was fully brought into the army and
given proper missions.

As Ifri joined the army proper he was excited for the glory and the power he held, he did mission after
mission, bringing down warriors, torching enemy military camps, and conquering land. About two years
had passed since Ifri joined the army proper, he was now a captain of the army and known by the
epithet The Ashen Warrior, given to him for his armor that was always covered gray with the ashes of the
buildings and warriors he had burned. Ifri worked under General Alburn, the man that was once his
instructor, under his command Ifri had become an intimidating force of the Fire Nation, but that changed
shortly after. At age 19 Captain Ifri was given the order to attack an Earth Kingdom camp, so he took
some soldiers and commanded them to battle, as Ifri burned the buildings and slashed down the
warriors, he found himself face to face with a woman shielding her child, there were civilians here, by
this point Ifri was aware that the Fire Nation did some very bad things, but through turning a blind eye
and ignorance he had convinced himself that was just a small group within the Fire Nation, but now he
could not ignore any longer, he called for the army to retreat and left the earth camp. Returning to
General Alburn he wasn't happy with the results, and much less when Ifri began to stand up to the dark
actions of the Fire Nation, General Alburn was infuriated, he berated Ifri like when he was in training and
stripped him of his rank, but kept him in the army, he knew of Ifri's family business and thought Ifri could
still be useful working on the in development air ships, and so General Alburn transferred Ifri to the air
ship division.

Ifri spent about a year learning the inner workings of air ships and how to pilot them, and now at age 20
he was an air ship pilot and engineer, but because he never truly took to his family business and wasn't
the greatest of pilots he was constantly reprimanded by Alburn, even then, Ifri had lost most of his will
to fight, and was happy to be an air ship engineer, until one day he learned of a Fire Nation plan to attack
the Northern Water Tribe, he could just stand by, he was not part of this, but he couldn't, he took his sky
ship and flew to the Water Tribe, warning them of the coming attack and using the sky ship to evacuate
anyone that couldn't fight, when the Fire Nation arrive they were pushed back by the Water Tribe, but
the one in charge of the attack, General Alburn recognized Ifri that was stil within the area, and once
back in the Fire Nation he cornered him, no matter how charismatic Ifri was, his fear took over and
Alburn got a confession, Alburn was infuriated and that was the last straw, Ifri was tried and found guilty
of treason, Alburn personally oversaw the punishment of what once was his greatest pupil, Ifri was
thrown in prison and had burning hot chains wrapped around his arms, he was also constantly visited by
Alburn who would mentally tortured him and make the chains burn again, this lasted for months, and Ifri
lost all his will, he was a complete broken mess. One day a new soldier was assigned to guard Ifri's cell,
Ifri recognized him as a soldier that had trained with him, and the soldier took pity on Ifri, in a last
attempt, using any remaining will he had Ifri used his charisma to leverage that pity to free him, so in the
middle of the night the soldier freed Ifri, and so Ifri ran, escaping the prison and hiding away in the
depths of the Fire Nation wilds.

After escaping Ifri would spend most of his day hunting to survive, crying in pain and sorrow, and
screaming in pain and anger, he had lost his fighting will and so the ability to fire bend. Ifri lived day by
day, struggling with the phantoms that haunted him, the bad things he had done and the lives he had
destroyed. But one day Ifri stumbled upon an ancient temple, and there he found dragons, at first he
was scared but soon came to understand them, he was cared for by the dragons, who listened to his
worries and regrets, and gave Ifri council, so he began to heal, learning that fire was not just a force for
destruction but was also a force of life and passion, with that Ifri could fire bend again and he regained
his fighting will, he was going to find a way to fight the fire nation, but first he needed to find a way out
of here. Now at age 21, Ifri set of from the dragon's temple towards the hidden sky ship port, he snuck in
with a plan to steal a sky ship, there he was met with a surprise, he found his parents, they were
captured by the fire nation and were being forced to work as air ship engineers, they helped Ifri take an
air ship and gave him a very confidencial blueprint of a newer and more functional air ship model, asking
Ifri to find people that can use the blueprints to fight the fire nation, Ifri insisted that his parents come
with him but they refused, knowing they would only slow their child down, so Ifri promised to return one
day and rescue them, he got on the air ship and flew away, but he noticed another air ship following
him, it was an air ship piloted by General Alburn, in truth his parents being there was not only to create
air ships but also as a lure for Ifri, so Alburn was ready to hunt Ifri down and finish him once and for all,
the two fought on the skies crossing the sea, but Ifri was no match for Alburn and so his ship crashed
onto the Earth Kingdom, but Ifri survived and snuck away, avoiding the gaze of General Alburn. Now Ifri
wanders the Earth Kingdom, constantly evading the Fire Nation and General Alburn, hiding the
blueprints he has and looking for anyone to aid in his mission of rescuing his family and stopping the Fire
Nation.the Fire Nation.

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