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To fill it out, you need to make your own copy. To do that, click the File tab in the upper left hand corn

Click here for Indonesia Version

Once you've followerd the advice in our scope of work influencer marketing guideline, you're ready to use this template.To fi

No need to make a brief from scratch

Template again, just filling this simple form and
your brief will be ready

Gives influencer a name they're will work

Brand Name

Tell the influencers your social media

Social media account
account where the campaign will run

Number of Influencers needed How many influencer will work with you?

If you could decide, how many followers

Influencer Followers Range influencer need to have to support your

Age and gender of influencers that match

Influencer Age & Gender
your product criteria

Influencers interest or category that suits

Influencer Category your product criteria (Beauty, Tech, or
according to your product).

Define your campaign specific activites and

Scope of Work
b in the upper left hand corner of your browser. Then select Make a copy...

re ready to use this template.To fill it out, you need to make your own copy. To do that, click the File tab in the upper left hand corner of your bro

Posting Reference

Hashtag & Mentions

Do's and Dont's

Product Knowledge

Detail Product Information

Campaign Period

Specific Area Targeting

lect Make a copy...

n copy. To do that, click the File tab in the upper left hand corner of your browser. Then select Make a copy...Now you have your own version.

Provide influencers the example of visual

treatment you want to use
Add some hashtag (branded or niche) to
help the content foundable by your target
market. And mention your social media
account to direct viewers to your company
A list of what influencers can and cannot do
in creating your product campaign content

Detailed product explanations so that

influencers can convey in your product

Complete product information for influencers

explained in the campaign

The length of the campaign period. During

this period the influencer will post your
product campaign on their social media

If there is an targeted area for promotion,

please inform to choose the local influencers

A detailed list of what influencers need to

pay attention to in this campaign
Now you have your own version.
Setting A Goal
Set goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely that to maximize your campaign
Related soure: Marketing Funnel: Strategy to Maximize Influencer Campaign
Make sure they are aligned the business ojectives to accurately measure return on investment
Related source: Ways to Calculate Influencer Marketing ROI
Track the right metrics to stay focues on what matters
Related source: Ways to Measure Influencer Marketing Success

No. Campaign Objective Definition

Generate interest in your
1 Awareness product/company. And make people
Generate with your products,
consumers or services.
to interact directly
with the brand through different action,
2 Engagement
such as comment, clicks, subsribe, like or
Generate people to thinking and seeking
3 Consideration
for information about the product/company

4 Conversion Rates Encourage people to buy products

A Goal
nt, and timely that to maximize your campaign in every funnel

urately measure return on investment

Metrics to Measure

Number of impression and reach

Number of comment, clicks, subscribe, like or


Number of search, clicks

Number of sales
To fill it out, you need to make your own copy. To do that, click the
NO Items
1 Brand Name
2 Social media account
3 Number of Influencers needed
5 Influencer Followers Range
6 Influencer Age & Gender
7 Influencer Category
8 Scope of Work
9 Posting Reference
10 Hashtag & Mentions
11 Do's and Dont's
12 Product Knowledge
13 Detail Product Information
14 Campaign Period
15 Specific Area Targeting
16 Concern

Do more with influencer marketing in less time

You've lay out your plan, now it's time to execute and grow. Use LEMON Influencer Platform to manag

Here are just a few of things you can do to eliminate your repititive task in running influencer marketi
• No more sending brief one by one to each of influencer to informs what you will do in th
•• Get
Checking the content in one
easy-to-understand browser reports
performance tab, then
to you can easily revise and approve for all
and engagement, giving you

➡ Try LEMON Influencer Platform for FREE

make your own copy. To do that, click the File tab in the upper left hand corner of your browser
You can fill your brief here ⬇

encers needed
wers Range

encer marketing in less time

now it's time to execute and grow. Use LEMON Influencer Platform to manage you entire influencer marketing process fr

ngs you can do to eliminate your repititive task in running influencer marketing campaign with LEMON Influencer Platform
ing brief one by one to each of influencer to informs what you will do in this campaign to achieve the desired campaig
ontent in one
nderstand browser reports
performance tab, then
to you can easily revise
demonstrates and approve
how each forinfluencer
individual all influencer draft to ensure
is performing, the high
including qualitysuc
metrics of
t, giving you a complete picture of the campaign's value.

Platform for FREE

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