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Name: Kent Bryan B.

Cosare Date: September 17, 2021

Year&Section: BTLEd – IA 2

Module 1: Metacognition

1. Based on your understanding of the lesson presented in this module about

metacognition, state your own definition of the term.
Answer: Metacognition is defined as monitoring process in the system of
thinking. It’s like an evaluation of our own comprehension in the whole
processes which acknowledge our self-awareness.

2. Is metacognition important to you as student? Why?

Answer: Yes, like a machine, metacognition is important in the particular
reason that a machine has a mechanism same as a metacognition. One of
the purposes is to assist our needs. It allows us, students, to be fully
aware of our own actions and analyze it to manifest effectively in

3. Recall an instance in which you practiced metacognition and write an

essay in 200 words
Answer: In this unforeseen event, on January 30, 2020 the world health
organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a Public Health Emergency of
International Concern. The government has set protocols to prevent the
virus. Like, wear mask, social distancing, proper washing of hands, and
stay at home. As a non-medical student and as a citizen in this great
nation it is my duties and responsibility to follow the instructions of the
government. It helps contain the virus which leads to great victory in this
unseen enemy. Moreover, I’ve done my part as i add more protection for
myself and for my family which is the injection of the vaccine. The
vaccine that was approved by the DFA was safe and effective. In this, I’ve
practiced metacognition which help me to manifest awareness and


Duharme, J. (2020, March 11). World Health Organization Declares COVID-19 a

“Pandemic”. TIME.

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