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Technical Specifications for Template Stories in

People Analytics
Table of Contents
Apprentice Management ............................................................................................................ 4
Apprentice Department Assignment History..........................................................................................4
Apprentice On-the-job Training by Org Unit ........................................................................................ 10

Compensation .......................................................................................................................... 16
Annual Compensation Analysis .......................................................................................................... 16
Gender Pay Gap Analysis ................................................................................................................... 45
Payment Information........................................................................................................................ 81
Non-Recurring Pay History................................................................................................................. 86
Pay Range List .................................................................................................................................. 95
Recurring Pay History...................................................................................................................... 103
Compa Ratio and Range Penetration ................................................................................................ 117

Employment........................................................................................................................... 130
Age and Length of Service Ranges .................................................................................................... 130
Employee Central Key Figure Dashboard ........................................................................................... 136
Global Assignment Analysis ............................................................................................................. 147
Headcount And FTE......................................................................................................................... 166
Job Changes and Anniversaries ........................................................................................................ 190
Company Address Book................................................................................................................... 198
Direct Reports ................................................................................................................................ 204
Job Relationships............................................................................................................................ 209
Hires Analysis................................................................................................................................. 213
Manager Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 221
Terminated Employment Analysis .................................................................................................... 226
Workforce Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 234
Work Eligibility ............................................................................................................................... 239
Employee Hierarchy Report Template (5 Levels) ................................................................................ 245

Person.................................................................................................................................... 253
Analysis of Employees with Special Needs ......................................................................................... 253
Dependents List.............................................................................................................................. 263
Emergency Contact Information ....................................................................................................... 273
Private Contact, Phone and E-Mail Information (Flat List) ................................................................... 279
Private Contact, Phone and E-Mail Information (Link Analysis) ............................................................ 284
Private Contact, Phone and E-Mail Information (Separate Pages) ........................................................ 292

Position Management ............................................................................................................ 302

Position Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 302

Time Management ................................................................................................................. 317
Abesence Frequencies And Duration ................................................................................................ 317
Employee Time Overview ................................................................................................................ 332
Employee Time Sheet...................................................................................................................... 340
Time Account Overview .................................................................................................................. 353
Time Account Snapshot ................................................................................................................... 365
Time Collector ................................................................................................................................ 374
Time Pay Type Overview ................................................................................................................. 379

Apprentice Management
[Story Title: SF_APP_Apprentice_Department_Assignment_History_v1.0]

The Apprentice Department Assignment History report provides an overview of all the departments, where
the apprentices have been working during the apprenticeship.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_APP_Apprentice_Department_Assignment_History_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View

This report provides an overview of all the departments where the apprentices have been working during the
As well as the duration within a department, the report shows the amount of time an apprentice was absent
during the assignment to that department.
Thus, user can easily derive the time actually spent in a department. Additionally, user can flexibly define the
time range as per need and filter by Apprentice, Apprentice Group, and/or Apprentice Supervisor

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Apprentice Management

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

The filters added to this story are shown in the following image. You can add more filters, as needed.

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
The following image shows the calculated columns that are defined and added to the query.

The following table provides the formula used for creating the calculated columns.

Data Source Column ID Formula

RELEVANTTIMEOFF IF([Time Management#Time Account Detail#Posting
Date]>=[Start Date2] and [Time Management#Time
Account Detail#Posting Date]<=[End Date 2], IF([Time
Management#Time Account Detail#Posting
Apprentice On-the- Unit]="HOURS", -1*[Time Management#Time Account
Job Training Detail#Amount posted]/8, -1*[Time Management#Time
Account Detail#Amount posted] ), 0 )
STARTDATE TODATE([Apprentice Management#Apprentice On-
The-Job Training#Start Date and Time])
ENDDATE TODATE([Apprentice Management#Apprentice On-
The-Job Training#End Date and Time] )

Story Design
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

SF Version: 2005, Apprentice Department Assignment History

[Story Title: SF_APP_Apprentice_On-the-job_Training_by_Org_Unit_v1.0]

The Apprentice On-the-Job Training by Org Unit report provides an analysis of the accumulated number of
on-the-job-trainings in a given org unit, like the department and legal entity.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_APP_Apprentice_On-the-job_Training_by_Org_Unit_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks similar to the sample report shown

Page 1: Report View

Page 2: Report View

This report can be used to have an analysis of the accumulated number of on-the-job-trainings in a given org
unit, like the Department and legal Entity

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Apprentice Management

Query Design
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

The filters added to this story are shown in the following image. You can add more filters, as needed.

Column Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
The following image shows the calculated columns that are defined and added to the query.

Data Source Column ID Formula

STARTDATE TODATE([Apprentice Management#Apprentice On-The-Job Training#Start
Date and Time])
ENDDATE TODATE([Apprentice Management#Apprentice On-The-Job Training#End
Date and Time] )

Story Design
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

SF Version: 2005, Apprentice on-the-job training by org unit

[Story Title: SF_COM_Annual_Compensation_Analysis_v1.0]

This report provides the total amounts of payments for each employee grouped by pay component groups.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_COM_Annual_Compensation_Analysis_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View (Page 1)

Page 1 (continued): Report View

Page 2: Report View

Page 3: Report View

The Annual Compensation Analysis report provides
a. The total amounts of payments for each employee grouped by pay component groups.
b. The details of the relevant pay components that are used for the accumulations

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Compensation

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the query (data source).

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the query.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
The following image shows the calculated columns that are defined and added to the query.

The following table provides the formula used for creating the calculated columns.
Data Source Column ID Formula
ANNUALAMOUNT IF([Foundation Objects#Pay Component#Pay Component
Type]!="PERCENTAGE", [Compensation (Employee
Objects#Frequency#Annualization Factor]), [Employment#Job
Information#Standard Weekly Hours]*52, [Foundation
Objects#Frequency#Annualization Factor] ), [Compensation
(Employee Central)#Compensation (Copy)#Base

Amount]*IF(ISNULL([Foundation Objects#Frequency
(Copy)#Annualization Factor 2]), [Employment#Job
Information#Standard Weekly Hours]*52, [Foundation
Objects#Frequency (Copy)#Annualization Factor 2] ) )
SERVICEDATE IF(ISNULL([Employment#Job Information#Service Date]
),[Employment#Job Information#Hire Date] ,[Employment#Job
Information#Service Date] )

Filters in Query Designer

The filters added to the data sources are shown in the following images. You can add more filters, as

Table Filters
The following image shows the table filters defined for the query.

Query Filters
The following image shows the filters applied at the query-level.

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

1. Annual Compensation Overview

2. Annual Compensation

3. Annual Compensation Details

Calculations added for Story Design
Get an overview of the calculations used in the Story designing, followed by images of each calculation
mentioned on the Calculation list. You can add more calculations, as needed.

1. Annual Compensation Overview / Annual Compensation

([#Avg Male Annual Amount] - [#Avg Female Annual Amount])/ [#Avg Male Annual Amount])

([#Median Male Annual Amount] - [#Median Female Annual Amount])/[#Median Male Annual Amount])

Filters Used in Story Designer
The filters and Input Controls used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
filters and Input Controls, as needed.

1. Annual Compensation Overview / Annual Compensation

Complex Widgets Used in the Story
The complex widgets used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
widgets, as needed.

Annual Compensation Analysis

1. Number of Employees

2. Mean Annual Amount

3. Avg Age of Length of Service – Female / Male

4. Dimension

5. Type of Amount

6. Age / Length of Service

7. Number of Employees , Mean Annual Amount per Location, Gender

8. Length of Service, Number of Employees and others per Annual Amount Range , Gender

9. PCG

SF Version: 2105, Annual Compensation Analysis

[Story Title: SF_COM_Gender_Pay_Gap_Analysis_v1.0]

This report is used to focus on the gender aspect to detect differences in the payment of male compared to
female employees.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_COM_Gender_Pay_Gap_Analysis_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View

Page 1 (continued): Report View

Page 2: Table View

Page 3: Table View

The Gender Pay Gap Analysis report lists the below

1. Avg and Median Gender Pay Gap per Legal Entity

2. Number of Employees per Annual Amount Range, Gender

3. Age, Mean Annual Amount and others per Annual Amount Range, Gender

4. Length of Service, Mean Annual Amount and others per Annual Amount Range, Gender

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Compensation

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the query (data source).

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the query.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
The following image shows the calculated columns that are defined and added to the query.

The following table provides the formula used for creating the calculated columns.
Data Source Column ID Formula
ANNUALAMOUNT IF([Foundation Objects#Pay Component#Pay Component
Type]!="PERCENTAGE", [Compensation (Employee
Objects#Frequency#Annualization Factor]), [Employment#Job
Information#Standard Weekly Hours]*52, [Foundation
Objects#Frequency#Annualization Factor] ), [Compensation
Compensation (Employee Central)#Compensation (Copy)#Base
Information Amount]*IF(ISNULL([Foundation Objects#Frequency
(Copy)#Annualization Factor 2]), [Employment#Job
Information#Standard Weekly Hours]*52, [Foundation
Objects#Frequency (Copy)#Annualization Factor 2] ) )

SERVICEDATE IF(ISNULL([Employment#Job Information#Service Date]

),[Employment#Job Information#Hire Date] ,[Employment#Job
Information#Service Date] )

Filters in Query Designer

The filters added to the data sources are shown in the following images. You can add more filters, as

Table Filters
The following image shows the table filters defined for the query.

Time Filter – As Of Date

Query Filters
The following image shows the filters applied at the query-level.

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

1. Annual Compensation Overview – Annual Compensation

2. Annual Compensation Details – Annual Compensation

3. Annual Compensation Details – Annual Compensation Details

Calculations added for Story Design

Get an overview of the calculations used in the Story designing, followed by images of each calculation
mentioned on the Calculation list. You can add more calculations, as needed.

1. Annual Compensation Overview – Annual Compensation

([#Avg Male Annual Amount] - [#Avg Female Annual Amount])/ [#Avg Male Annual Amount])

([#Median Male Annual Amount] - [#Median Female Annual Amount])/[#Median Male Annual Amount])

Filters Used in Story Designer
The filters and Input Controls used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
filters and Input Controls, as needed.

1. Annual Compensation Overview – Annual Compensation

2. Annual Compensation Details – Annual Compensation

Complex Widgets Used in the Story

The complex widgets used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
widgets, as needed.

Annual Compensation Analysis

1. Number of Employees

2. Avg Gender Pay Gap

([#Avg Male Annual Amount] - [#Avg Female Annual Amount])/ [#Avg Male Annual Amount])

3. Median Gender Pay Gap

([#Median Male Annual Amount] - [#Median Female Annual Amount])/[#Median Male Annual Amount])

4. First Quartile Female Annual Amount

5. Third Quartile Female Annual Amount

6. Avg Age and Length of Service – Female / Male

7. Dimension

8. Avg Gender Pay Gap, Median Gender Pay Gap per Legal Entity

([#Avg Male Annual Amount] - [#Avg Female Annual Amount])/ [#Avg Male Annual Amount])

([#Median Male Annual Amount] - [#Median Female Annual Amount])/[#Median Male Annual Amount])

9. Number of Employees per Annual Amount Range , Gender

10. Age, Mean Annual Amount and others per Annual Amount Range, Gender

11. Length of Service, Mean Annual Amount and others per Annual Amount Range, Gender

SF Version: 2105, Gender Pay Gap Analysis

[Story Title: SF_COM_Payment_Information_v1.0]

The payment information report provides an overview of all payment details of employees belonging to a
specific company.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_COM_Payment_Information_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View

The Payment Information report lists the personal and employment data of an employee, organizational
details, and also payment information details like payment method, bank details, and amounts. Each row
represents the payment information of an employee. It also let user view bank details or payment methods
that depend on the employment contract of an employee, such as global assignments.

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.

• Employee Central
• Compensation

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the query (data source).

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the query.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
This story doesn't include any calculated columns.

Filters in Query Designer

This story doesn't include any filters.

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

Calculations added for Story Design
This story doesn't include any calculations.

Filters Used in Story Designer

This story doesn't include any filters.

SF Version: 2105, Payment Information

[Story Title: SF_COM_Non-Recurring_Pay_History_v1.1]

The Nonrecurring Pay History report lists all nonrecurring payments made to employees in the specified date

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_COM_Non-Recurring_Pay_History_v1.1.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View

Page 1 (continued): Table View

Page 2: Table View

The Nonrecurring Pay History report lists all nonrecurring payments made to employees in the specified date

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Compensation

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
This story doesn't include any calculated columns.

The following table provides the formula used for creating the calculated columns.
Data Source Column ID Formula

Spot Bonus
YEAR([Compensation (Employee Central)#Spot
ISSUEYEAR Bonus#Issue Date])

This story doesn't include any filters.

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

1. Nonrecurring Pay History Details

2. Pay Details

Calculations added for Story Design

Get an overview of the calculations used in the Story designing, followed by images of each calculation
mentioned on the Calculation list. You can add more calculations, as needed.

Filters Used in Story Designer
This story doesn't include any filters.

Complex Widgets Used in the Story

The complex widgets used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
widgets, as needed.

SF Version: 2005, Nonrecurring Pay History, Spot Bonus, Bonus Payment, Pay Component, Pay
Component Group, Compensation Information

[Story Title: SF_COM_Pay_Range_List_v1.1]

This report provides all the pay range details related to each employee, for example, pay grade,
minimum/maximum pay, etc. In detail, the report is designed in the way that the pay range is joined to the
Legal Entity through GlobalJobInfo => Legal Entity (=> Relationship Table) => Pay Range.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_COM_Pay_Range_List_v1.1.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View

Page 1 (continued): Table View

This report can be used to get all the pay range of each employee depends on the Employee Central default
configuration from (1) Legal Entity, (2) Pay Group and (3) Geo Zone.

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Compensation

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

The filters added to this story are shown in the following image. You can add more filters, as needed.

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
This story doesn't include any calculated columns.

This story doesn't include any filters.

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

Calculations added for Story Design

Get an overview of the calculations used in the Story designing, followed by images of each calculation
mentioned on the Calculation list. You can add more calculations, as needed.
[Provide a screenshot showing all the Calculations defined in the Story, followed by images of each
This story doesn't include any calculations.

Filters Used in Story Designer

The filters and Input Controls used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
filters and Input Controls, as needed.
[Provide screenshot for each of the filters and Input Controls, along with the widgets they are applied to.]

Complex Widgets Used in the Story

The complex widgets used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
widgets, as needed.

Widget 1:

Widget 2:

Widget 3:

SF Version: 2005, Pay Range, Pay Scale

[Story Title: SF_COM_Recurring_Pay_History_v1.1]

The Recurring Pay History report gives an overview of all recurring payments made to employees in the
specified date range

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_COM_Recurring_Pay_History_v1.1.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View

Page 2: Table View

• The report provides an overview of all recurring payments made to employees in the specified date
range. User can also filter by organizational details such as by department or location.
• By default, the current year is shown and the list is sorted by the name of the employee

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Compensation

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the query (data source).

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the query.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
The following image shows the calculated columns that are defined and added to the query.

The following table provides the formula used for creating the calculated columns.
Data Source Column ID Formula
AMOUNT IF([Foundation Objects#Pay Component #Pay Component
Type] !="PERCENTAGE" ,[Compensation (Employee
Central)#Compensation#Amount] ,0 )
PERCENTAGE IF([Foundation Objects#Pay Component #Pay Component
Type] ="PERCENTAGE" ,[Compensation (Employee
Central)#Compensation#Amount] ,0 )
PAYYEAR YEAR([Compensation (Employee
Central)#Compensation#Effective Start Date])

Filters in Query Designer

The filters added to the data sources are shown in the following images. You can add more filters, as

Table Filters
The following image shows the table filters defined for the query.

Query Filters
This story doesn't include any query filters.

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

1. Recurring Pay History

2. Pay Details

Calculations added for Story Design
Get an overview of the calculations used in the Story designing, followed by images of each calculation
mentioned on the Calculation list. You can add more calculations, as needed.

1. Recurring Pay History

Filters Used in Story Designer
The filters and Input Controls used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
filters and Input Controls, as needed.

1. Recurring Pay History

Complex Widgets Used in the Story

The complex widgets used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
widgets, as needed.

1. Number of Employees

2. Number of Pay Components

3. Effective Start Date Range Filter

4. Measure

5. Pay Amount per Legal Entity , Pay Component

6. Pay Amount , Number of Employees per Legal Entity, Year

7. Dimension

SF Version: 2105, Recurring Pay History, Pay Component, Pay Component Group, Annual
Compensation, Total Target Salary, Annualized Salary, Compensation Information

[Story Title: SF_COM_Compa_Ratio_and_Range_Penetration_v1.1]

The Compa Ratio and Range Penetration report displays for compa ratio:

• The annual amount relevant for the compa ratio calculation

• The midpoint of the pay range for each employee
• The compa ratio (which is the quotient of the annual amount and the midpoint)

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_COM_Compa_Ratio_and_Range_Penetration_v1.1.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View

Page 2: Report View

The Compa Ratio and Range Penetration report can be used to retrieve the below details:
• The annual amount relevant for the compa ratio calculation
• The midpoint of the pay range for each employee
• The compa ratio (which is the quotient of the annual amount and the midpoint)
The compa ratio describes the position of an individual in the pay range against the pay policy reference
point for the range in Employee Central. It is called midpoint of the pay range. The compa ratio can be used
to reposition a pay of an individual in the range.
In Employee Central, the pay range is configured according to parameters like for example Legal Entity, Pay
Group, and Geo Zone.
• The Annual Amount relevant for the range penetration
• The minimum and maximum amounts of the pay range for each employee
From these numbers, the range penetration can be derived, which is the level of an individual’s pay
compared to the total pay range. Both numbers can be exported from the report to, for example Excel. The
range penetration can be calculated according to Range Penetration = (Pay - Range Minimum) divided by
(Range Maximum - Range Minimum)

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Compensation

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
The following image shows the calculated columns that are defined and added to the query.

The following table provides the formula used for creating the calculated columns.
Data Source Column ID Formula

IF(ISNULL([Foundation Objects#Frequency#Annualization
Factor 1]), [Employment#Job Information#Standard Weekly
Compensation ANNUALIZATIONFAC Hours]*52, [Foundation Objects#Frequency#Annualization
Information TOR Factor 2])
ANNUALIZATIONFAC IF(ISNULL([Foundation Objects#Frequency#Annualization
TOR2 Factor 2]), [Employment#Job Information#Standard Weekly

Hours]*52, [Foundation Objects#Frequency#Annualization
Factor 2] )
if([Foundation Objects#Pay Component Group #Use for
Range Penetration 1]="1", IF([Foundation Objects#Pay
Component #Pay Component Type]!="PERCENTAGE",
[Compensation (Employee
], [Compensation (Employee
(Employee Central)#Compensation (Copy)#Base
MID [Foundation Objects#Pay Range#Mid Point]
FTE [Employment#Job Information#FTE]
MINPAY [Foundation Objects#Pay Range#Minimum Pay]
MAXPAY [Foundation Objects#Pay Range#Maximum Pay]
IF([Foundation Objects#Pay Component Group #Use for
Comparatio Calculation 1]="1", IF([Foundation Objects#Pay
Component #Pay Component Type]!="PERCENTAGE",
[Compensation (Employee
R], [Compensation (Employee
(Employee Central)#Compensation (Copy)#Base

Filters Used in Query Designer

The filters added to this story are shown in the following images. You can add more filters, as needed.

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

1. Compa Ratio and Range Penetration

Compa Ratio: ["Compensation Information":ANNUALAMOUNTCR]/["Compensation

Information":COUNT]*["Compensation Information":COUNT]

Range Penetration : 100*(["Compensation Information":ANNUALAMOUNTRP] /["Compensation

Information":RD4_384BD2306E3D5F86558121E63A28344E]*["Compensation Information":COUNT] - (
["Compensation Information":RD21_9EFF17E82631DB94404228E7292828EE]/["Compensation
Information":COUNT]))/(["Compensation Information":RD21_64FA1179BE592416178D95603ACD2A14] -
["Compensation Information":RD21_9EFF17E82631DB94404228E7292828EE])*["Compensation

2. Compa Ratio Analysis

SF Version: 2005, Compa Ratio, Range Penetration, Annual Compensation, Pay Component, Pay
Component Group, Total Target Salary, Annualized Salary, Compensation Information, Salary

[Story Title: SF_EMP_Age_and_Length_of_Service_Ranges_v1.0]

This Story lists the following measures for each combination of company, business unit and division.

• Average age of the respective employees

• Average length of service of the respective employees.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_EMP_Age_and_Length_of_Service_Ranges_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Figure 1: Report View

Figure 2: Table View


This Story provides the details of the Average Age of the employees and the Average Length of Service.
• The option to select a dimension is available, and the report displays the result based on the
• The above screen shot shows the result based on Division, as selected in the left radio button.
• The graphs can be added and Modified to suit your requirement. The table displays the values on
which the graphs are based upon.

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Employment

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
The following image shows the calculated columns that are defined and added to the query.

The following table provides the formula used for creating the calculated columns.
Data Source Column ID Formula
AGE ROUND(DAYS_BETWEEN([Person#Biographical Information#Date Of
LENGTHOFSE Round(DAYS_BETWEEN([Employment#Job Information#Hire
Job RVICE Date],CURRENTDATE())/365,0)
Information AGETO20 If (([AGE] >14 and [AGE]<=20), 1, 0)
AGETO30 If(([AGE]>20 and [AGE]<=30), ROUND(1, 0), ROUND(0, 0))
AGETO40 If (([AGE] >30 and [AGE]<=40), 1, 0)

AGETO50 If (([AGE] >40 and [AGE]<=50), 1, 0)
AGETO60 If (([AGE] >50 and [AGE]<=60), 1, 0)
AGEFROM60 If ([AGE] >60 , 1, 0)
AGERANGE IF([AGE]<20, "< 20", IF([AGE]<30, "20 - 30", IF([AGE]<40, "30 - 40",
IF([AGE]<50, "40 - 50", IF([AGE]<60, "50 - 60", ">60" ) ) ) ) )
IF([LENGTHOFSERVICE] <6 ,"3 - 6" , IF([LENGTHOFSERVICE]<10 ,"6 - 10"
,IF([LENGTHOFSERVICE]<20 ,"10 - 20" , ">20" )))))

This story doesn't include any filters.

Story Design
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

SF Version: 2005, Employee Central, EC, Average Age, Length of Service, Service

[Story Title: SF_EMP_EC_Key_Figure_Dashboard_v1.0]

The Employee Central key figure dashboard is a “one page”, executive view that focuses on the return of
investment of the SuccessFactors solution.

Please do not read the dashboard as workforce analysis, as the goal of the dashboard is explicitly for return
on investment.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_EMP_EC_Key_Figure_Dashboard_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Employee Central Key Figure Dashboard

Page 2: Note

The Employee Central Key figure dashboard is a “one page”, executive view that focuses on the ROI of the
SuccessFactors solution. This version is based on Employee central data module.

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Employment

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the Active User query (data source)
available in the story.

The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the Event Reason query (data source)
available in the story.

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the Active
User query.

The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the Event
Reason query.

Calculated Columns
The following image shows the calculated columns that are defined and added to the Active User query.

Data Source Column ID Formula

Personal Information AGE DAYS_BETWEEN([Person#Biographical
Information#Date Of
Personal Information AGEGROUP IF([AGE]>=60 ,"60 and above" ,
IF([AGE]>=50 AND[AGE]<60 ,"50~59" ,
IF([AGE]>=40 AND[AGE]<50 ,"40~49" ,
IF([AGE]>=20 AND[AGE]<40 ,"20~39"
,"-" ))))
Basic User Information PROFILECOMPLETION IF((ISNULL([Employee Profile#Profile
Completion#Completion Percentage]) or
[Employee Profile#Profile
"No data",
"Data available")

The filters added to this story are shown in the following images. You can add more filters, as needed.
Employment Status filter is selected for Active, Unpaid Leave, Paid Leave are filtered. If you have other
‘Active’ status group to define, please edit the filter in query designer.

Time filter for the driving table is set to Today to display current count. Since time selection prompt is on,
please select the past or future as of date to compare the data. Related tables are set to follow the driving
table time selection.

Effective Latest Change is Y so only displaying last record if multiple transactions were processed same day.

Time filter for the driving table, Job Information is set to 10 year back. In Story, as documented in later part of
this document, year to date filter applied to a widget.

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story. Majority
of measures used aggregation (count dimension) to count distinct value or restricted measure to count the
certain data group.

Widget Builder with Notes

• { } to select a past as of date.

• { } to select a past as of date.

• { } to select a past as of date.

• { } to select a past as of date.

• Regular employees are restricted measure of
• Contingent worker is restricted measure of
Contingent worker=1.
• Global Assignment is restricted measure of Global
Assignment= GA

Widget Builder with Notes

Managers are counted using supervisor ID. This is a

percentage of manager over all users. For further span of
control subject, please refer to workforce analytics

• Male to Female ratio= Male user/Female user

• Restricted measure used for age group and
calculated over total user.
• Explorer applicable.

• Average Employee Profile Completion percentage is

average of completion percentage including null and
zero value.
• Employee Profile Data available is number of
employees with any Employee profile data.
(Completion percentage greater than 0)

Widget Builder with Notes

• YTD filter applied.

• Starter is Event equals to Hire/Rehire. Please edit the
measure if other Event is applicable as a starter.
• Leaver is Event equals to Termination. Please edit
the measure if other Event is applicable as a leaver.

• YTD filter applied.

• The ratio only counts employees applicable in Event
reason data model, so it is not all active users.

Page filter and Link dimensions
Seven Story filters are available: Business unit, Division, Department, Legal entity, Cost center name,
Location and Employment Type input controls are added.
Please add or edit page filter as needed based on available dimension.
Since there are two data models (active user and event reasons), dimensions between two data models are

SF Version: Employee Central, SF_FO, SF_UM, SF_EC

[Story Title: SF_EMP_Global_Assignment_Analysis_v1.0]

This report gives an overview of the global assignments of employees including organizational and contract
data. This also lists the dependents of employees who are temporarily assigned to business units in another
country and have relocated with the employee.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_EMP_Global_Assignment_Analysis_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View

Page 1 (continued): Report View

Page 2: Table View

Page 3: Table View

Page 3 (continued): Table View

The Global Assignment Analysis report lists the below.
1. Employees with their organizational data and global assignments including the address of an
employee, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses.
2. Details of dependents who have relocated with the employee which includes the name of the
dependent, date of birth, and relationship with the employee

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Employment

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the Job Information query (data source).

The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the Global Assignments query (data

The following diagrams show the different tables used for creating the Global Dependents Contact and
Dependents query (data source).

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the query.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Data Source : Job Information

Data Source: Global Assignments

Data Source: Global Dependents Contact and Dependents

Calculated Columns
This story doesn't include any calculated columns.

Filters in Query Designer

The filters added to the data sources are shown in the following images. You can add more filters, as

Table Filters
The following image shows the table filters defined for the query.
Data Source : Job Information

Data Source : Global Assignments

Data Source: Global Dependents Contact and Dependents

Query Filters
The following image shows the filters applied at the query-level.

Data Source : Job Information

Data Source : Global Assignments

Data Source: Global Dependents Contact and Dependents

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

1. Employment Analysis

2. Employees with GA

3. GA contact infos and dependents – Global Assignment Contact Details

4. GA contact infos and dependents – Dependents

Calculations added for Story Design
Get an overview of the calculations used in the Story designing, followed by images of each calculation
mentioned on the Calculation list. You can add more calculations, as needed.

1. Employees with GA

2. Global Assignment Contact Details

Filters Used in Story Designer
The filters and Input Controls used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
filters and Input Controls, as needed.

1. Employees with GA

2. Global Assignment Contact Details

Complex Widgets Used in the Story
The complex widgets used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
widgets, as needed.
1. Employment Analysis

2. Employment Analysis

3. Employment Analysis

SF Version: 2105, Global Assignment Analysis

[Story Title: SF_EMP_Headcount_and_FTE_v1.0]

[This report lists the following measures for each combination of company, business unit, and division.]

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_EMP_Headcount_and_FTE_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View

Page 1 (continued): Table View

Page 2: Report View

Page 2 (continued): Table View

Page 3: Report View

Page 3 (continued): Table View

The Headcount and FTE report lists the following measures for each combination of company, business unit,
and division. Each measure is separated into male and female (gender = “M” and “F”):
• Number of employees (headcount)
• Accumulated FTE of all employees
• Average age of the respective employees
• Average length of service of the respective employees
The report result is displayed for a certain date. Default date is today, but any date can be selected as date

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Job Information

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the Job Information query (data source).

The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the Job Information (Range) query (data

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the query.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Data Source: Job Information

Data Source: Job Information (Range)

Calculated Columns
The following image shows the calculated columns that are defined and added to the query.

The following table provides the formula used for creating the calculated columns.

Data Source Column ID Formula

SERVICEDATE IF(ISNULL([Employment#Job Information#Service Date]),
[Employment#Job Information#Hire Date], [Employment#Job
Information#Service Date] )
Job EOCYHC IF(YEAR([Employment#Job Information#Effective Start
Information Date])<=YEAR(CURRENTDATE()) and (YEAR([Employment#Job

Information#Effective End Date])>YEAR(CURRENTDATE()) or
[Employment#Job Information#Effective End Date]=[LDCY]),1, 0 )
EOCYFTE IF(YEAR([Employment#Job Information#Effective Start
Job Date])<=YEAR(CURRENTDATE()) and (YEAR([Employment#Job
Information Information#Effective End Date])>YEAR(CURRENTDATE()) or
(Range) [Employment#Job Information#Effective End
Date]=[LDCY]),[Employment#Job Information#FTE], 0 )
EOCYM1HC IF(YEAR([Employment#Job Information#Effective Start
Job Date])<=YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-1 and (YEAR([Employment#Job
Information Information#Effective End Date])>YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-1 or
(Range) [Employment#Job Information#Effective End Date]=[LDCYM1]),
1, 0 )
EOCYM1FTE IF(YEAR([Employment#Job Information#Effective Start
Job Date])<=YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-1 and (YEAR([Employment#Job
Information Information#Effective End Date])>YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-1 or
(Range) [Employment#Job Information#Effective End Date]=[LDCYM1]),
[Employment#Job Information#FTE], 0 )
EOCYM2HC IF(YEAR([Employment#Job Information#Effective Start
Job Date])<=YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-2 and (YEAR([Employment#Job
Information Information#Effective End Date])>YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-2 or
(Range) [Employment#Job Information#Effective End Date]=[LDCYM2]),
1, 0 )
EOCYM2FTE IF(YEAR([Employment#Job Information#Effective Start
Job Date])<=YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-2 and (YEAR([Employment#Job
Information Information#Effective End Date])>YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-2 or
(Range) [Employment#Job Information#Effective End Date]=[LDCYM2]),
[Employment#Job Information#FTE], 0 )
EOCYM3HC IF(YEAR([Employment#Job Information#Effective Start
Job Date])<=YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-3 and (YEAR([Employment#Job
Information Information#Effective End Date])>YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-3 or
(Range) [Employment#Job Information#Effective End Date]=[LDCYM3]),
1, 0 )
EOCYM3FTE IF(YEAR([Employment#Job Information#Effective Start
Job Date])<=YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-3 and (YEAR([Employment#Job
Information Information#Effective End Date])>YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-3 or
(Range) [Employment#Job Information#Effective End Date]=[LDCYM3]),
[Employment#Job Information#FTE], 0 )
EOCYM4HC IF(YEAR([Employment#Job Information#Effective Start
Job Date])<=YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-4 and (YEAR([Employment#Job
Information Information#Effective End Date])>YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-4 or
(Range) [Employment#Job Information#Effective End Date]=[LDCYM4]),
1, 0 )
EOCYM4FTE IF(YEAR([Employment#Job Information#Effective Start
Job Date])<=YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-4 and (YEAR([Employment#Job
Information Information#Effective End Date])>YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-4 or
(Range) [Employment#Job Information#Effective End Date]=[LDCYM4]),
[Employment#Job Information#FTE], 0 )
EOCYM5HC IF(YEAR([Employment#Job Information#Effective Start
Job Date])<=YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-5 and (YEAR([Employment#Job
Information Information#Effective End Date])>YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-5 or
(Range) [Employment#Job Information#Effective End Date]=[LDCYM5]),
1, 0 )

EOCYM5FTE IF(YEAR([Employment#Job Information#Effective Start
Job Date])<=YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-5 and (YEAR([Employment#Job
Information Information#Effective End Date])>YEAR(CURRENTDATE())-5 or
(Range) [Employment#Job Information#Effective End Date]=[LDCYM5]),
[Employment#Job Information#FTE], 0 )
Information "/12/31"),"yyyy/mm/dd" )
Information "/12/31"),"yyyy/mm/dd" )
Information "/12/31"),"yyyy/mm/dd" )
Information "/12/31"),"yyyy/mm/dd" )
Information "/12/31"),"yyyy/mm/dd" )
Information "/12/31"),"yyyy/mm/dd" )

Filters in Query Designer

The filters added to the data sources are shown in the following images. You can add more filters, as

Table Filters
The following image shows the table filters defined for the query.

Data Source: Job Information

Data Source: Job Information ( Range)

Query Filters
The following image shows the filters applied at the query-level.

Data Source: Job Information

Data Source: Job Information ( Range)

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

1. Headcount and FTE Analysis – Headcount per Division, Gender and Employment Status

2. HC Time Series – Detailed View :End of Current Year, End of Current Year -1 and others

3. FTE Time Series – Detailed View :End of Current Year, End of Current Year -1 and others

Calculations added for Story Design

Get an overview of the calculations used in the Story designing, followed by images of each calculation
mentioned on the Calculation list. You can add more calculations, as needed.

1. HC / FTE Time Series – Detailed View :End of Current Year, End of Current Year -1 and others

Filters Used in Story Designer
The filters and Input Controls used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
filters and Input Controls, as needed.

1. Headcount and FTE Analysis – Headcount per Division, Gender and Employment Status

2. HC / FTE Time Series – Detailed View :End of Current Year, End of Current Year -1 and others

Complex Widgets Used in the Story
The complex widgets used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
widgets, as needed.

1. Headcount and FTE

["Job Information":COUNT]

2. Male and Female Headcount

3. Percentage Female

[#Female Headcount]/[COUNT]

4. Average Age and Tenure

5. Dimension

6. Headcount per Division , Gender

7. Average Age per Division

8. End of Current Year – 1 HC , End of Current Year – 2 HC and Others

9. End of Current Year – 1 FTE , End of Current Year – 2 FTE and Others

SF Version: 2105, Headcount and FTE

[Story Title: SF_EMP_Job_Changes_and_Anniversaries_v1.0]

Figure 1: Report View [Event Changes]

Figure 2: Report View [Event Changes]

Figure 3: Report View [Employee List with Birthday together with Anniversary]

Figure 4: Report View [Birthdays and Anniversaries]

The report provides an overview of the years of service of employees.
• It can help to highlight specific anniversaries of an employee within a company
• Employee List with their Birthdays and Anniversaries are listed together

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Employment

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
The following image shows the calculated columns that are defined and added to the query.

The following table provides the formula used for creating the calculated columns.
Data Source Column ID Formula
IF(ISNULL([Employment#Job Information#Service
Date]),YEAR(CURRENTDATE()) - YEAR ([Employment#Job
Information#Hire Date] ), YEAR(CURRENTDATE()) - YEAR
ANNIVERSARY ([Employment#Job Information#Service Date]))
IF(ISNULL([Person#Biographical Information#Date Of Birth]), 99,
AGE Information#Date Of Birth]) )
IF(ISNULL([Employment#Job Information#Service Date]),
Information TDATE())), "/"), TOTEXT(MONTH([Employment#Job Information#Hire
Date])) ),"/"),TOTEXT(DAY([Employment#Job Information#Hire
t#Job Information#Service
Date]))),"/"),TOTEXT(DAY([Employment#Job Information#Service
ANNIVERSARYDATE Date]))),"yyyy/mm/dd"))
IF(ISNULL([Person#Biographical Information#Date Of Birth]),

Data Source Column ID Formula
Information#Date Of Birth]))),"/"),TOTEXT(DAY([Person#Biographical
Information#Date Of Birth]))),"yyyy/mm/dd"))
JUBILEEAGE IF([AGE]/5 = ROUND([AGE]/5 ,0 ), "X", "-")
Information no calculated columns

The filters added to this story are shown in the following image. You can add more filters, as needed.

Story Design
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

Job Changes Table Design

Here's the design for building the Job Changes table on the Event Changes page.

Table Design for "Employee List with Birthday together with Anniversary"
Here's the design for building the Employee List with Birthday together with Anniversary table on page 2.

Birthdays Table Design

Here's the design for building the Birthdays table on the Birthdays and Anniversaries page.

Here's the design for building the Anniversaries table on the Birthdays and Anniversaries page.

SF Version: 2005, Employee Central, EC, Job Changes, Change, Anniversaries

[Story Title: SF_EMP_Company_Address_Book_v1.0]

The report is designed in a way that only business details on address, phone number and email address are

If it is required to add another type of address, like Home address or Vacation address, this information can
be added using e.g. following paths:
• Personal Information=> Person View Emp Addr Info T Home
• Personal Information=> Person View Emp Addr Info T Vacation

Similarly, it is possible to add another type of Email or phone contact, e.g. home or personal depending on
system configuration, getting the information joined to the Personal Information table:
• Personal Information=> Email Information (Personal)
• Personal Information=> Phone Information (Home)

Address Information of the report has a general structure in a sense that the address fields Address1,
Address2, Address3, City, Country, Zip Code are taken to represent Street, House Number etc. information.

However, depending on the configuration of the system other filed might be configured for representation of
the address information. In this case the report needs to be adapted accordingly.

Furthermore, address information for different countries might be differently configured in Employee Central,
it means that e.g. Street information of country A is stored in a the Field Address1, but street information of
country B is stored in a field Address2. This needs also to be considered and another fields need to be
added to the overview.

In a case the information of the report shall be limited to a particular country, it is recommended to use the
country specific tables for the address, phone and email information instead of generic ones.

Example for France

Please use joins for corporate or hone address information.
- Personal Information => Global Job information => Location => corporateAddress(GLOBAL) =>
corporateAddress (FRA)
- Personal Information => Person View EmpAddr Info T Home => homeAddress (FRA)

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_EMP_Company_Address_Book_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Figure 1: Report View


The Company Address Book report lists the following corporate contact details of the employee:
• Work address (corresponding to the location of the company)
• Phone numbers
• Email information
• Organizational information (for example, company, business unit, department, division).

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Employment

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
This story doesn't include any calculated columns.

This story doesn't include any filters.

Story Design
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

SF Version: 2005, Employee Central, EC, Address Book, address, phone number, Company Address

[Story Title: SF_EMP_Direct_Reports_v1.0]

This is the basic version Direct Reports, which provides the overall number of employees who report directly
to the respective manager and shows only both, managers and direct reports which are active, on a
paid/unpaid leave or are suspended. This report considers only Normal Employment.

The Detailed View lists each direct report individually with further details as for example job title and hire date
of the direct report

There is one Advanced version of this report as well which shows global assignments and concurrent

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_EMP_Direct_Reports_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Figure 1: Table View [Employee List]

Figure 2: Table View [Direct Reports]

The report provides the overall number of employees who report directly to the respective manager. Each
number of employees is separated by the employee status.
For example, line manager has ten ‘active’ direct reports and two direct reports on a ‘paid leave’.
The result of the report is shown for a certain date. Default date is today, but user can select any date as
date filter, for example ‘last day of last year’.

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Employment

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

This story doesn't include any filters.

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
This story doesn't include any calculated columns.

Story Design
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

Employee List Table Design

Here's the design for building the Employee List table.

Direct Reports Table Design
Here's the design for building the Direct Reports table.

SAC Version, BizX version, Employee Central, EC, Direct Reports, Supervisor

[Story Title: SF_EMP_Job_Relationships_v1.0]

The Job Relationships report provides an overview of the employee’s employment details and job
relationship for a specified date.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_EMP_Job_Relationships_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Figure 1: Report View

The Job Relationships report provides an overview of the employee’s employment details and job
relationship for a specified date.

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Employment

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
This story doesn't include any calculated columns.

This story doesn't include any filters.

Story Design
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

SF Version: 2005, Job Relationships

[Story Title: SF_EMP_Hires_Analysis_v1.1]

This report lists personal, employment, and organizational data of new hires.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_EMP_Hires_Analysis_v1.1.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Figure 1: Report View – Part 1

Figure 2: Report View – Part 2

This report can be used to determine the below
• Count of Hires per Event / Event Reason
• Count of Hire per Hire Date

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Employment

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
The following image shows the calculated columns that are defined and added to the query.

The following table provides the formula used for creating the calculated columns.
Data Source Column ID Formula
HIRETERMINATION IF( [Foundation Objects#Event Reason #Event] = "1885" or
[Foundation Objects#Event Reason #Event] = "1892" ,'Hire'
,'Termination' )
Information#Effective Start Date],-1), [Employment#Job
Information#Effective Start Date])

Filters in Query Designer

This story doesn't include any filters.

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

SF Version: 2005, Hires Analysis, Hires, Hire Date

[Story Title: SF_EMP_Manager_Analysis_v1.0]

This report lists the total/average number of direct reports per location.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_EMP_Manager_Analysis_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Figure 1: Report View

Figure 2: Table View

This report can be used to determine the below
• Total number of Direct Reports per location
• Avg. number of Direct Reports per location

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Employment

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
This story doesn't include any calculated columns.

The filters added to this story are shown in the following image. You can add more filters, as needed.

Story Design
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

SF Version: 2005, Manager Analysis

[Story Title: SF_EMP_Terminated_Employment_Analysis_v1.1]

The Terminated Employment report provides an overview of all employees within the company whose
employment has been or will be terminated during a selected reporting period.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_EMP_Terminated_Employment_Analysis_v1.1.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Figure 1: Report View

Figure 2: Table View

This report lists the relevant names of the employees, the termination reason and date, organizational data,
employee class, and the employee type. Payroll related dates are also given as well as an evaluation of the
possibility of rehiring the same employee. The report output is ordered by the last and first name of the

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Employment

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
The following image shows the calculated columns that are defined and added to the query.

The following table provides the formula used for creating the calculated columns.
Data Source Column ID Formula
Information Information#Effective Start Date],-1)

Filters in Query Designer

This story doesn't include any filters.

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

SF Version: 2005, Terminated Employment Analysis

[Story Title: SF_EMP_Workforce_Analysis_v1.0]

This report provides several statistical evaluations of the existing workforce according to criteria like gender,
job categories, etc. on different business unit, cost centre, department, etc.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_EMP_Workforce_Analysis_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Figure 1: Report View

The report can be used to determine the counts per different legal entity, business unit, division etc
• Gender
• Full/Parttime
• Regular/Temporary
• Average age
• Average Length of Service

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Employment

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
The following image shows the calculated columns that are defined and added to the query.

The following table provides the formula used for creating the calculated columns.
Data Source Column ID Formula
AGE ROUND(DAYS_BETWEEN([Person#Biographical
Information#Date Of
Information#Hire Date],CURRENTDATE())/365,0)
AGETO20 If (([AGE] >14 and [AGE]<=20), 1, 0)
AGETO30 If(([AGE]>20 and [AGE]<=30), ROUND(1, 0),
ROUND(0, 0))
Job Information AGETO40 If (([AGE] >30 and [AGE]<=40), 1, 0)
AGETO50 If (([AGE] >40 and [AGE]<=50), 1, 0)
AGETO60 If (([AGE] >50 and [AGE]<=60), 1, 0)
and[LENGTHOFSERVICE]<=1), 1, 0)
and[LENGTHOFSERVICE]<=3), 1, 0)
and[LENGTHOFSERVICE]<=6), 1, 0)

Data Source Column ID Formula
and[LENGTHOFSERVICE]<=10), 1, 0)
and[LENGTHOFSERVICE]<=20), 1, 0)
AGEFROM60 If ([AGE] >60 , 1, 0)
FUULPARTIME IF( [Employment#Job Information#FTE] >=1,
"Fulltime","Parttime" )

This story doesn't include any filters.

Story Design
Not applicable. This story doesn't include any tables.

SF Version: 2005, Workforce Analysis

[Story Title: SF_EMP_Work_Eligibility_v1.0]

The Work Eligibility report provides an overview of all employees belonging to a specific company with
details of any relevant official documents. For example, work permits, residence permits, visas, or driving
licenses. You can also see the expiration date of the document, the issuing authority, and so on. The report
result is shown as of date. Default setting is current date, but any other date can be selected at runtime.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_EMP_Work_Eligibility_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Figure 1: Report View

Figure 2: Table View

The report only shows employees that have official documents specified.

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Employment

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

The filters added to this story are shown in the following image. You can add more filters, as needed.

Query Level Filters

Here are the query level filters defined in the story.

Story Level Filters
Here are the story level filters defined in the story.

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
The following image shows the calculated columns that are defined and added to the query.

The following table provides the formula used for creating the calculated columns.
Data Source Column ID Formula
CONCAT([Person#Personal Information#Supervisor First
Job Information CALC1 Name],[Person#Personal Information#Supervisor Last

Story Design
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

SF Version: 2005, Employee Central, EC, Personal Information, Work Eligibility, Work Permit, Person

[Story Title: SF_EMP_Employee Hierarchy Report Template (5 Levels)_v1.0]

The Employee Hierarchy Report Template (5 Levels) report provides the overall number of employees with
the appending managed employees, separated by different employee levels

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_EMP_Employee Hierarchy Report Template (5 Levels)_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View

Page 2: Report View

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

The Employee Hierarchy Report Template (5 Levels) report provides the overall number of employees with
the appending managed employees, separated by different employee levels.
The report consists of two pages:
• Page 1: Employee Hierarchy (Manager View) displays the numbers for each ´Level 1 Manager´ on
the upper part of the screen.
On the lower part of the screen the respective details are displayed (each record corresponds to one
The report result is shown for a certain date. Default date is today, but any date can be selected as
date filter (for example, ‘last day of last year’).
• Page 2: Employee Hierarchy (Employee View) shows similar information as page 1 but the starting
point is the employee itself.

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Employment

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Data Source Column ID Formula
LEVEL IF(ISNULL([Employment#Supervisor#User ID]), 1,
IF(ISNULL([Employment#Supervisor + 1#User ID]), 2,
IF(ISNULL([Employment#Supervisor + 2#User ID]), 3,
IF(ISNULL([Employment#Supervisor + 3#User ID]), 4,
IF(ISNULL([Employment#Supervisor + 4#User ID]), 5, 6 ) ) ) ) )

LEVEL1MANAGER IF([LEVEL]>5, "Too many hierarchy levels", IF([LEVEL]=5,

CONCAT([Person#Personal Information#Manager Last Name
+3], CONCAT(" ,", [Person#Personal Information#Manager
First Name +3])), IF([LEVEL]=4, CONCAT([Person#Personal
Information#Manager Last Name +2], CONCAT(" ,",
[Person#Personal Information#Manager First Name +2])),
IF([LEVEL]=3, CONCAT([Person#Personal Information#Manager
Last Name +1], CONCAT(" ,", [Person#Personal
Information#Manager First Name +1])), IF([LEVEL]=2,
CONCAT([Person#Personal Information#Manager Last Name],
CONCAT(" ,", [Person#Personal Information#Manager First
Job Name])), CONCAT([Person#Personal Information#Last Name],
Information CONCAT(" ,", [Person#Personal Information#First Name])))))))
LEVEL2MANAGER IF([LEVEL]>5, "Too many hierarchy levels", IF([LEVEL]=5,
CONCAT([Person#Personal Information#Manager Last Name
+2], CONCAT(" ,", [Person#Personal Information#Manager
First Name +2])), IF([LEVEL]=4, CONCAT([Person#Personal
Information#Manager Last Name +1], CONCAT(" ,",
[Person#Personal Information#Manager First Name +1])),
IF([LEVEL]=3, CONCAT([Person#Personal Information#Manager
Last Name], CONCAT(" ,", [Person#Personal
Information#Manager First Name])), "" ))))
LEVEL3MANAGER IF([LEVEL]>5, "Too many hierarchy levels", IF([LEVEL]=5,
CONCAT([Person#Personal Information#Manager Last Name
+1], CONCAT(" ,", [Person#Personal Information#Manager
First Name +1])), IF([LEVEL]=4, CONCAT([Person#Personal
Information#Manager Last Name], CONCAT(" ,",
[Person#Personal Information#Manager First Name])), "" )))
LEVEL4MANAGER IF([LEVEL]>5, "Too many hierarchy levels", IF([LEVEL]=5,
CONCAT([Person#Personal Information#Manager Last Name],

Data Source Column ID Formula
CONCAT(" ,", [Person#Personal Information#Manager First
Name])), "" ))
EMPLOYEENAME CONCAT([Person#Personal Information#Last Name],
CONCAT(" ,", [Person#Personal Information#First Name]))

The filters added to this story are shown in the following image. You can add more filters, as needed.

Story Design
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

Table Design for "Number of Employees separated by Employee Level per Level 1 Manager"
Here's the design for building the Number of Employees separated by Employee Level per Level 1 Manager
table available on page 1.

Detail View Table Design
Here's the design for building the Detail table available on page 1.

Employee View Table Design
Here's the design for building the Employee View table available on page 2.

SF Version: 2005, Employee Hierarchy Report Template (5 Levels)

[Story Title: SF_PER_Analysis_of_Employees_with_Special_Needs_v1.1]

The Challenged Employee Analysis report provides an overview of employees' personal data including
details of challenge (if relevant) as well as the employee's employment and organizational data.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_PER_Analysis_of_Employees_with_Special_Needs_v1.1.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Figure 1: Report View – Page 1

Figure 2: Report View - Page 1 (continued)

Figure 3: Table View - Page 2

The report can be used to gather details of challenged employees, which can also be used for analysis for
legal compliance reporting.

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to run this story.
• Employee Central
• Person

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
This story doesn't include any calculated columns.

Filters in Query Designer

The filters added to this story are shown in the following image. You can add more filters, as needed.

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

1. Employee Details

2. Challenged Employee Analysis

[#Challenged Headcount]/ ["Job Information":Number of Employees]

[#Challenged Headcount]/ ["Job Information":Number of ]

SF Version: 2005, Employee Central, EC, Personal Information, challenged employees, Job Information,
Person, Challenge

[Story Title: SF_PER_Dependents_List_v1.0]

This report lists employees and the details of their dependents as of current date.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_PER_Dependents_List_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View

Page 1 (continued): Table View

Page 2: Table View

This report can be used to determine the below
• Count of Employees and the details of dependents as of current date
• Organizational assignment of employee and employment data

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Person

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the query (data source) available in the

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the query.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
This story doesn't include any calculated columns.

Filters in Query Designer

The filters added to the data sources are shown in the following images. You can add more filters, as
[Provide screenshot for each of the filters.]
This story doesn't include any filters.

Table Filters
The following image shows the table filters defined for the query.
[Provide screenshot for all the table filters.]

Query Filters
The following image shows the filters applied at the query-level.
[Provide screenshot for all the query filters.]

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.
1. Employee Dependent Overview

2. Employee with Dependents

3. Employee Dependents

Calculations added for Story Design
Get an overview of the calculations used in the Story designing, followed by images of each calculation
mentioned on the Calculation list. You can add more calculations, as needed.

Data Source Column ID Formula

Personal Avg Number of (["Personal Information":COUNT]-[#Employees without
Information Dependents Dependents])/[#Employees with Dependents]

Filters Used in Story Designer
The filters and Input Controls used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
filters and Input Controls, as needed.

1. Employee Dependents

2. Employee with Dependents

Complex Widgets Used in the Story

The complex widgets used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
widgets, as needed.

SF Version: 2105, Dependents List

[Story Title: SF_PER_Emergency_Contact_Information_v1.0]

The emergency contact report provides an overview of the emergency contact details of an employee.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_PER_Emergency_Contact_Information_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View

Page 1 (continued): Table View

The Employee Emergency Contacts report provides an overview of the emergency contact details of an
employee. Employee Emergency Contacts lists employees along with their organizational data and all known
emergency contacts including contact information and the employee's relationship to this person.

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Person

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the query (data source).

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the query.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
This story doesn't include any calculated columns.

Filters in Query Designer

This story doesn't include any filters.

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

Calculations added for Story Design
This story doesn't include any calculations.

Filters Used in Story Designer

This story doesn't include any filters.

SF Version: 2105, Emergency Contact Information

[Story Title: SF_PER_Private_Contact_Phone_and_E-mail_Information_(Flat_List)_V1.0]

The Private Contact Information report provides an overview of all employees belonging to a specific
company with the details of the home addresses and other personal contact information such as home
phone numbers and e-mail addresses. It also provides the organizational and main employment data.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_PER_Private_Contact_Phone_and_E-
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Figure 1: Report View

The report can be used to have below details of the employees
• Address Information

• Phone Information
• Mail Information

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central

• Person

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
This story doesn't include any calculated columns.

This story doesn't include any filters.

Story Design
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

SF Version: 2005, EC, Employee Central, Private Contact, Email, Phone

[Story Title: SF_PER_Private_Contact_Phone_and_E-Mail_Information_(Link_Analysis)_v1.0]

The Private Contact Information report provides an overview of all employees belonging to a specific
company with the details of the home addresses and other personal contact information such as home
phone numbers and e-mail addresses. It also provides the organizational and main employment data.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_PER_Private_Contact_Phone_and_E-
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Figure 1: Report View

Figure 2: Report View

The report can be used to have below details of the employees
• Address Information

• Phone Information

• Mail Information

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Person

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
This story doesn't include any calculated columns.

This story doesn't include any filters.

Story Design
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

Employee List Table Design

Here's the design for building the Employee List table.

Address Information Table Design
Here's the design for building the Address Information table.

Phone Information Table Design
Here's the design for building the Phone Information table.

Email Information Table Design
Here's the design for building the Email Information table.

SF Version: 2005, EC, Private Contact, Email, Phone

[Story Title: SF_PER_Private_Contact_Phone_and_E-Mail_Information_(Separate_Pages)_v1.0]

The Private Contact Information report provides an overview of all employees belonging to a specific
company with the details of the home addresses and other personal contact information such as home
phone numbers and e-mail addresses. It also provides the organizational and main employment data.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_PER_Private_Contact_Phone_and_E-
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Figure 1: Report View (Address Information)

Figure 2: Report View (Phone Information)


The report can be used to have below details of the employees

• Address Information

• Phone Information

• Mail Information

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Person

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the queries (data source) available in the

Personal Information Address Query Design

Here's the design for building the Personal Information Address data source.

Personal Information Email Query Design
Here's the design for building the Personal Information Email data source.

Personal Information Phone Query Design

Here's the design for building the Personal Information Phone data source.

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the story.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

DataSource: Personal Information Address

DataSource: Personal Information Email

DataSource: Personal Information Phone

Calculated Columns
The following image shows the calculated columns that are defined and added to the query.

DataSource: Personal Information Email

DataSource: Personal Information Phone

The following table provides the formula used for creating the calculated columns.
Data Source Column ID Formula
Personal Information
Email PRIMARYEMAIL IF([Person#Email Information#Is Primary] = "t" ,"X" ,"-")
Personal Information
Phone PRIMARYPHONE IF([Person#Phone Information#Is Primary] = "t" ,"X" ,"-" )

Story Design
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

Information Address Table Design

Here's the design for building the Information Address table.

Phone Information Table Design
Here's the design for building the Phone Information table.

Email Information Table Design

Here's the design for building the Email Information table.

SF Version: 2005, EC, Private Contact, Email, Phone

Position Management
[Story Title: SF_POS_Position_Analysis_v1.0]

This report provides an overview of all positions of a company at a specified date.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_POS_Position_Analysis_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View

Page 2: Table View

Page 3: Table View

The Position Analysis report provides an overview of all positions of a company at a specified date.
Additional details such as organizational data (division, department), position related job description, the
target FTE and the assigned FTE to the respective position are given as well.

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central
• Position

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the query (data source).

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the query.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
This story doesn't include any calculated columns.

Filters in Query Designer

The filters added to the data sources are shown in the following images. You can add more filters, as

Table Filters
The following image shows the table filters defined for the query.

Query Filters
This story doesn't include any filters

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

1. Position Overview

2. Incumbants

3. Position Details

Calculations added for Story Design

Get an overview of the calculations used in the Story designing, followed by images of each calculation
mentioned on the Calculation list. You can add more calculations, as needed.
1. Position Overview

Filters Used in Story Designer
The filters and Input Controls used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
filters and Input Controls, as needed.

1. Position Overview

Complex Widgets Used in the Story

The complex widgets used for Position Analysis in the Story design are shown in the following images. You
can add more widgets, as needed.

.1. Number of Positions

.2. Acc Position FTE

.3. FTE

.4. Critical Positions

.5. Vacant Positions

.6. Temporary Positions

.7. Dimension

.8. Number of Positions per Legal Entity

.9. Critical Positions per Legal Entity, To Be Hired

.10. Temporary Positions per Legal Entity, To Be Hired

SF Version: 2105, Position Analysis

Time Management

The Absence Frequencies and Duration report provides an overview of absence days of each employee in a
department/Business unit/location etc within a specified period of time. You can use this report as a basis to
calculate the Bradford factor for an individual employee and the organization. The Bradford factor is
increasingly used by organizations to identify employees with frequent short-term absenteeism, which may
require further investigation

The Bradford factor is defined in the following way: Bradford Factor score = S2 × D S is the total number of
spells (instances) of absence of an individual over a set period. D is the total number of days of absence of
that individual over the same set period

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_TIM_Absence_Frequencies_and_Duration_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View

This report can be used to determine
• An overview of absence days of each employee in a department/Business unit/location etc within a
specified period of time the aggregated number of hours and total number of employees for a
unit/division for each Time type
• The Bradford factor for an individual employee and the organization.
• The Bradford factor average for an individual employee and the organization.

Component List
• Employee Central Time
• Employee Central User

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the query (data source).

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the query.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
The following image shows the calculated columns that are defined and added to the query.

Filters in Query Designer
The filters added to the data sources are shown in the following images. You can add more filters, as

Table Filters
The following image shows the table filters defined for the query.

Filter for Time Type:

Time filter defined in the query for Job Information and Personal Information

Query Filters
There are no filters applied at the query-level.

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

Calculations added for Story Design

Get an overview of the calculations used in the Story designing, followed by images of each calculation
mentioned on the Calculation list. You can add more calculations, as needed.

Filters Used in Story Designer
The filters and Input Controls used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
filters and Input Controls, as needed.

Complex Widgets Used in the Story
The complex widgets used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
widgets, as needed.
Bradford Factor Avg

Number of Absences

Number of Days and Absences per Time type

Bradford Factor and Avg per pay grade

SF Version: 2105, Time Management, Employee Time, Time Type, Leave Request, Time
Recording, Time Off, Bradford Factor

[Story Title: SF_TIM_Employee_Time_Overview_v1.0]

The Employee Time overview reports provide a list of the absences as well as the attendance recorded of
employees. It also analyzes the aggregated number of hours and total number of employees for a
unit/division for each Time type

It also showcases absences/attendance in terms the number of hours/days per division and per Time Type.

The report also provides employee list with accumulated absences and attendances along with the details of
each absence/attendance.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_TIM_Employee_Time_ Overview_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View

Page 2: Report View

This report can be used to determine

• The absences as well as the attendance recorded of employees.

• The aggregated number of hours and total number of employees for a unit/division for each Time
• Absences/attendance in terms the number of hours/days per division and per Time Type.
• Accumulated absences and attendances for all employees along with the details of each

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central Time
• Employee Central Person
• Employee Central Employee

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the query (data source).

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the query.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
This story doesn't include any calculated columns.

Filters in Query Designer

The filters added to the data sources are shown in the following images. You can add more filters, as

Table Filters
The following image shows the table filters defined for the query.

Query Filters
The following image shows the filters applied at the query-level.
[Provide screenshot for all the query filters.]

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

Calculations added for Story Design

Get an overview of the calculations used in the Story designing, followed by images of each calculation
mentioned on the Calculation list. You can add more calculations, as needed.

Filters Used in Story Designer

The filters and Input Controls used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
filters and Input Controls, as needed.
1. Employee Time Analysis

2. Number of Hours per Division

SF Version: 2105, Time Management, Employee Time, Time Type, Leave Request, Time
Recording, Time Off

[Story Title: SF_TIM_Employee_TimeSheet_v1.0]

The Employee Timesheet report provides an overview of all timesheets together with respective employee
data like the employee name, name of manager and related organizational units. Furthermore, the Employee
Timesheet report list:

• The planned and recorded working time as well as several other timesheet attributes

• The workflow approval status

Main purpose of this report is to check the completeness of the recorded times. For example, if the
timesheets are already submitted and to check the approval status of the related workflow.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_TIM_Employee_TimeSheet_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View

Page 2: Table View

This report can be used to get an

• Overview of the number of existing employee time sheets in different organizational units and their
approval status.
• Overview of employee time sheet properties for each employee.

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central Time

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the query (data source).

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the query.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
This story doesn't include any calculated columns.

Filters in Query Designer

This story doesn't include any filters.

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

Calculations added for Story Design
Get an overview of the calculations used in the Story designing, followed by images of each calculation
mentioned on the Calculation list. You can add more calculations, as needed.

Filters Used in Story Designer
The filters and Input Controls used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
filters and Input Controls, as needed.

1. Legal Entity Filter

2. Business Unit Filter

3. Division Filter

4. Cost Center Filter

5. Department Filter

6. Location Filter

7. Approval Status Filter

8. Dimension Input Control

SF Version: 2105, Time Management, Employee Time Sheet, Time, Time Sheet, Working Time,
Time Recording

[Story Title: SF_TIM_Time_Account_Overview_v1.0]

The report ‘Time Account Overview’ concentrates on a statistical evaluation of the time accounts.

This report provides the user with an overview of the absent days and hours taken in an organizational unit
(e.g. department) or for a Job code for a certain period of time along with the summary of the absences
taken by each employee.

The report also showcases an overview of time accounts for the employees by providing the complete
information of the related time accounts along with their postings for each employee in a concrete manner.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_TIM_Time_Account_Overview_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View

Page 2: Report View

This report can be used to determine the
• Overview of the absent days and hours taken in an organizational unit (e.g department) or for a Job
code over a certain period of time
• Summary of the absences taken by each employee in an organizational unit (e.g department) or for
a Job code
• Time Account Overview with postings per employee.

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central Time
• Employee Central Person
• Employee Central Employee

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the query (data source).

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the query.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
This story doesn't include any calculated columns.

Filters in Query Designer

The filters added to the data sources are shown in the following images. You can add more filters, as

Table Filters
The following image shows the table filters defined for the query.

Query Filters
The following image shows the filters applied at the query-level.
[Provide screenshot for all the query filters.]

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

1. Time Account Overview

2. Employee List

Linked Analysis

3. Time Accounts

4. Time Account Posting

Calculations added for Story Design

Get an overview of the calculations used in the Story designing, followed by images of each calculation
mentioned on the Calculation list. You can add more calculations, as needed.

Filters Used in Story Designer
The filters and Input Controls used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
filters and Input Controls, as needed.

Complex Widgets Used in the Story
The complex widgets used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
widgets, as needed.

SF Version: 2105, Time Management, Time Account, Time Account Type

[Story Title: SF_TIM_Time_Account_Snapshot_v1.0]

Time Account Snapshot concentrate on a statistical evaluation of the time accounts.

The Time Account Snapshot report provides an overview of the time accounts of employees over a period of
time. It also provides a detailed view of totals of earned, taken, balance and planned time off for employees.
The report shows additionally a column “Available Balance”, which is “Balance” minus “Planned”

For example, employee ‘Marcel Jung’ has 25 days as earned, 5 days as planned and 12 days as taken then ,

• Balance will be 13 (25 -12) and

• Available balance will be 8(13-5).

Additionally, the report also provides Time account details like time account type along with posting details
for the selected employee

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_TIM_Time_Account_Snapshot_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View


The Time Account Snapshot report can be used to get

• An overview of the time accounts of employees.
• A detailed view of totals of earned, taken, balance and planned time off for employees.
• Time account details, like time account type along with posting details, for the selected employee.

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central Time
• Employee Central Person
• Employee Central Employment

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the query (data source).

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the query.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
The following image shows the calculated columns that are defined and added to the query.

S.No. Name Formula

1. PLANNEDDAYS IF([Time Management#Time Account Detail#Posting
Management#Time Account Detail#Posting Date])>0 and [Time
Management#Time Account Detail#Posting
Type]="EMPLOYEE_TIME", -1*[Time Management#Time
Account Detail#Amount posted], 0)
2. TAKENDAYS IF([Time Management#Time Account Detail#Posting
Management#Time Account Detail#Posting Date])<0 and [Time
Management#Time Account Detail#Posting
Type]="EMPLOYEE_TIME", -1*[Time Management#Time
Account Detail#Amount posted], 0)
3. AVAILABLEBALANCEDAYS IF([Time Management#Time Account Detail#Posting
Unit]="DAYS", [Time Management#Time Account
Detail#Amount posted], 0 )
4. EARNEDHOURS IF([Time Management#Time Account Detail#Posting
Unit]="HOURS" and [Time Management#Time Account
Detail#Posting Type]!="EMPLOYEE_TIME", [Time
Management#Time Account Detail#Amount posted], 0 )
5. TAKENHOURS IF([Time Management#Time Account Detail#Posting
[Time Management#Time Account Detail#Posting Date])<0 and
[Time Management#Time Account Detail#Posting
Type]="EMPLOYEE_TIME", -1*[Time Management#Time
Account Detail#Amount posted], 0)
6. PLANNEDHOURS IF([Time Management#Time Account Detail#Posting
[Time Management#Time Account Detail#Posting Date])>0 and
[Time Management#Time Account Detail#Posting

Type]="EMPLOYEE_TIME", -1*[Time Management#Time
Account Detail#Amount posted], 0)
7. AVAILABLEBALANCEHOURS IF([Time Management#Time Account Detail#Posting
Unit]="HOURS", [Time Management#Time Account
Detail#Amount posted], 0 )
10. EARNEDDAYS IF([Time Management#Time Account Detail#Posting
Unit]="DAYS" and [Time Management#Time Account
Detail#Posting Type]!="EMPLOYEE_TIME", [Time
Management#Time Account Detail#Amount posted], 0 )
11. POSTINGDATE [Time Management#Time Account Detail#Posting Date]

Filters in Query Designer

The filters added to the data sources are shown in the following images. You can add more filters, as

Table Filters
The following image shows the table filters defined for the query.

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

1. Time Account Details

Calculations added for Story Design
Get an overview of the calculations used in the Story designing, followed by images of each calculation
mentioned on the Calculation list. You can add more calculations, as needed.

Filters Used in Story Designer
The filters and Input Controls used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
filters and Input Controls, as needed.

Complex Widgets Used in the Story

The complex widgets used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
widgets, as needed.

SF Version: SF Version: 2105, Time Management, Time Account, Time Account Type, Earned
Days, Taken Days, Planned Days, Earned Hours, Taken Hours, Planned Hours, Balance,
Available Balance

[Story Title: SF_TIM_Time_Collector_Template_v1.0]

You can use the Time Collector Template report for further evaluations related to time collectors. Time
collectors are used to accumulate time data independently of time sheet periods. Time sheets are
independent of each other, however, there might be use cases to evaluate time data over a period of time,
which is longer than the period covered by a weekly time sheet.

Typical use cases include deriving:

• The total number of hours worked within one week or month

• The number of overtime hours within one week or month (hours collected)

• The number of days within one month of overtime worked (events counted)

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_TIM_Time_Collector_Template_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View

The Time Account Snapshot report can be used to determine
• The total number of hours worked within one week or month

• The number of overtime hours within one week or month (hours collected)
• The number of days within one month of overtime worked (events counted)

Component List
Below is the list of modules that must be in your system to be able to execute this Story.
• Employee Central Time

Query Designer)
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the query (data source).

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the query.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns
This story doesn't include any calculated columns.

Filters in Query Designer

The filters added to the data sources are shown in the following images. You can add more filters, as

Table Filters
The following image shows the table filters defined for the query.
Time filter defined in the query for Job Information

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

1. Time Collector Details

Calculations added for Story Design

Get an overview of the calculations used in the Story designing, followed by images of each calculation
mentioned on the Calculation list. You can add more calculations, as needed.

Complex Widgets Used in the Story

The complex widgets used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
widgets, as needed.

Number of Records

Number of Records per Time Collector Type

SF Version: 2105, Time Management, Employee Time Sheet, Time Sheet, Working Time, Time
Recording, Time Collector, Time Type Group, Overtime



The Time Pay Types Overview report shows the valuation view on the recorded times and the respective
time pay types.

According to the configuration of the time sheet, the time evaluation calculates time pay types based on both
times recorded by employees and times derived from a work schedule of an employee and holiday calendar.
Time pay types, for example regular time, regular overtime, overtime with premium, and business travel time,
are the basis for a payroll relevant time valuation result of an employee.

Template Story Title

The title of the template story is SF_TIM_Time_Pay_Type_Overview_v1.0.
Note: We highly recommend that you rename this story after you import it in your instance. This prevents you from
losing data, in case, the story is imported again.

Sample Report
You can directly run the imported story. If you have the permissions required to access the data and if
relevant data exists in your system, you'll generate a report that looks like the sample report shown below.

Page 1: Report View

This report can be used to determine

• Time pay types based on both times recorded by employees and times derived from a work
schedule of an employee and holiday calendar.

Component List
• Employee Central Time
• Employee Central User

Query Designer
The following diagram shows the different tables used for creating the query (data source).

Columns Overview
Here's a summary of all the columns that have been added to the query.

Selected Columns
The following images show the columns that have been added from the different tables used in the query.

Calculated Columns

There are no calculated columns

Filters in Query Designer

The filters added to the data sources are shown in the following images. You can add more filters, as

Table Filters
The following image shows the table filters defined for the query.
Time filter defined in the query for Cost Center, Job Information and Personal Information

Query Filters
There are no filters applied at the query-level.

Story Visualization
The following images provide a pictorial representation for the designing the tables used in the story.

Calculations added for Story Design

Get an overview of the calculations used in the Story designing, followed by images of each calculation
mentioned on the Calculation list. You can add more calculations, as needed.

Filters Used in Story Designer

The filters and Input Controls used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
filters and Input Controls, as needed.

Complex Widgets Used in the Story
The complex widgets used in the Story design are shown in the following images. You can add more
widgets, as needed.

SF Version: 2105, Time Management, Employee Time Sheet, Time Sheet, Time Pay Type, Time Type
Group, Working Time, Time Recording, Overtime, Time Valuation, Allowance


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