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How Do I Plan an Event to Run Successfully

There two kinds of people in planning an event, it’s people with the idea and concept of the
event and people who get involve in it. The event that we want to make will got some
measurable return, like what are those we want in return or get back from this event. To
takes an idea all the way through completion we need a process that combine two kinds of
people where I mentioned before. The first thing to do with this idea is creating a purpose
from this event that people actually want and need. We need to do a market research for
desires or trends and identify what kind of audience will we get.

Next step, is where you begin to play with creativity and innovation. We must to think like
guests or audience centric, get all creative and design stuff. The way to know this condition
could be use with ‘what if’ scenario, like kind of brainstorming with a whole bunch of idea
that fit the audience about what they might like. Then we need a team to organize,
persuade, and recruit of people on board. We’re gonna have to organize them into kind of
roles and how we’re gonna work with them as well, and we call it staffs which are the
people who get involve in this event. These people are goint to create project plan and
establish event requirements such as venue, stage, microphone, fences and all those sorts
of stuff. We also need to think about the budget and contractors that could provide stuffs
we need, and also have some sort of financial strategy.

For places or event spaces are include venue, we’ve got to do kind of set a venue criteria like
what condition do we prefer for this event and the guests. We must take a venue evaluation
after searching and visiting from one venue to another. So evaluating weather the venue fits
what it is that we’re trying to do the we’ll contract it. Also another thing we need to have, is
how we deliver the program that could make the event different and give impacts to the
audiences. It would be great when somebody leaves your event, they’ve had a good time
and remember this memorable event so they’re become different or behavior change in a
better way.

Event promotion is one of the things that we’re particularly keen on but we often leave the
promotion to the end. In my opinion, great event with poorly promoted equals certain
We need to know what is it the audiences like on their promotional media, by email or
social media. Tell them compelling reasons to attend your event like what will we’re gonna
get or benefits and advantages to come to your event. We also need to put money behind
this as well because actually promoting event takes time, effort, and money. Event
promotional plan will needed and has to turned up everyday.

With all the stuffs that mentioned before has done, the last step to plan an event is about
production. We’ll have to create an operational plan and build schedule, when things need
to arrive or what needs to happen. Other things that happen at production step are
ticketing, registration, technical sounding, catering, any guests or VIPs, and of course we
can’t ignore the health and safety considerations. This is where we start think about
insurance and risk assessments as well. And the final thing I need to tell again, this will only
work if you and the people around you have the same intention to drive this event. It’ll only
works if you’re committed to your event and think carefully about your internal team that
involve in this event and your external team which is the contractors and sponsors.

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