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DATE: 13 th November
CLASS: 3rd grade
TIME: 50 minutes
TEACHER: Găvruș Anca Mariana
Unit 4: The tree house
TOPIC: rooms, furniture, location of objects
TYPE OF LESSON: Extension and consolidation
MATERIALS/ RESOURCES: textbooks, workbooks, worksheets
Competențe generale
1. Receptarea de mesaje orale simple
2. Exprimarea orală în situații de comunicare uzuală
3. Receptarea de mesaje scrise simple
4. Redactarea de mesaje simple în situații de comunicare uzuală
Competențe specifice:
1.1. Identificarea semnificației globale a unui mesaj oral clar articulat în contexte familiare

2.2. Participarea la interacțiuni în contexte de necesitate imediată/ pe

teme familiare

3.2. Identificarea semnificației globale a unui text simplu pe teme familiare

4.2. Redactarea unui mesaj simplu către un coleg

Activity 1 reading-while listening

The Ss listen while reading the dialogue on page 38 in the textbook and then answer some
comprehension questions in ex 3 page 39.

Activity 2- writing

The Teacher revises the use of some prepositions of location:in, on, under, next to, in front of, behind

The Ss practice solving ex 2 page 22 in the workbook and recycle furniture vocabulary.

Mirror, wardrobe, sink,bathtub, fridge, lamp, sofa, cupboards, carpet

Activity 3.- speaking

The T asks questions about their rooms. The Ss take turns answering: 10/26 workbook

Is your bedroom big or small?

What colour are the walls?

Where is the bed?

Is there a wardrobe in you room? Where is it?

Have you got a desk?

What else have you got in your room?

Activity 4: writing

The Ss rewrite some sentences and correct the mistakes.: 9/26 –workbook

Homework: Describe your bedroom! Make a drawing!

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