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DATE: 15 th November
CLASS: 3rd grade
TIME: 50 minutes
TEACHER: Găvruș Anca Mariana
Unit 4: The tree house
TOPIC: rooms, furniture, location of objects
TYPE OF LESSON: Revision unit 4
MATERIALS/ RESOURCES: textbooks, workbooks, worksheets
Competențe generale
1. Receptarea de mesaje orale simple
2. Exprimarea orală în situații de comunicare uzuală
3. Receptarea de mesaje scrise simple
4. Redactarea de mesaje simple în situații de comunicare uzuală
Competențe specifice:
1.1. Identificarea semnificației globale a unui mesaj oral clar articulat în contexte familiare

2.2. Participarea la interacțiuni în contexte de necesitate imediată/ pe

teme familiare

3.2. Identificarea semnificației globale a unui text simplu pe teme familiare

4.2. Redactarea unui mesaj simplu către un coleg

Activity 1.

The Ss recycle vocabulary connected to objects in the house. They look at some pictures and label the
Then they play a guessing game. They look at the pictures again, choose an object, describe it and
mention its location and the others have to guess what it is.

Activity 2

The Ss have to complete the missing words in a text. Ex 3 page 41

The solve ex 12, 13, 14 page 27 in their workbooks. They have to circle the right answer, put the words
in the correct order and fill in some prepositions of place.

Activity 3 –game

The T asks a S to hide an object and the others have to ask questions like:

Is it in your schoolbag?

Is it under the desk?

Is it behind the chair?

Is it in front of the window? Is it next to the flowerpot?

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