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Writing Topic 4 A: In many countries, people throw away a lot of food from

restaurants and shops. Why do you think people waste food in this way?

There are many reasons why people waste food from restaurants and shops. Firstly,
Overordering: People often order more food than they can actually eat. This can lead to
leftovers that are either discarded or brought home but eventually go uneaten. Secondly,
Inconsistent eating habits: Irregular eating patterns can lead to food waste, as people
may buy or order food when they are not hungry and then end up not eating it later.
Thirdly, fear of spoilage: Concerns about food spoilage can lead people to throw out
food before it actually goes bad, especially if they are unsure about how to store it
properly. The next, Abundance of food: In developed countries, food is often plentiful and
relatively inexpensive, which can lead to a more casual attitude towards food
consumption and a lower regard for its value. Finally, Cultural norms: In some cultures,
large portions and abundant food are seen as signs of hospitality and generosity, which
can contribute to overconsumption and waste.

Writing Topic 4 B: What can be done to reduce the amount of food thrown away?
Here are some key actions that can be taken to address reducing food waste. Firstly, Public education
campaigns can play a significant role in increasing awareness about the environmental, social, and
economic impacts of food waste. Secondly, Cultivate a society that values food and recognizes its
preciousness. Encourage respect for farmers and food producers, and gratitude for the resources that
nourish us. Thirdly, Planning meals ahead of time can help reduce impulse purchases and prevent
overbuying at the grocery store. Encourage consumers to be mindful of portion sizes and avoid
overfilling their plates. Finally, Proper food storage can extend the shelf life of fruits, vegetables, and
other perishable items. Provide guidance on how to store different types of food properly to minimize
spoilage.By combining these strategies and fostering a culture of waste reduction, it is possible to make

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