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A Research Synopsis on





Submiteed by Vidushi Pandey

Course: PH.D in Environmental Science

Department: Zoology

Table of Contents


Research problem.......................................................................................................................4

Objectives of the study...............................................................................................................5

Social relevance of the study and justifications behind topic choice.........................................5

Recent data on the topic.............................................................................................................7



Expected outcomes and implication.........................................................................................15

Future research opportunities...................................................................................................15


Avian biodiversity refers to the birds and they are an integral part of the food chain and food

web. This species not only play a significant role in pollination, seed dispersal and nutrient

cycling, they can also control the insect and rodent populations. This process helps with

keeping the ecological balance in check and maintains a healthy ecosystem. Birds are called

avian as they are a group of warm blooded vertebrates with specific features. In this study, an

effect on avian biodiversity caused due to the industrial pollution is talked about (Senzaki et

al. 2020). The focus of the study is on Kanpur districts and a special reference is given to

restoration strategy.

Avian diversity is of more worth than reptiles and amphibians. These are the species which

exist almost everywhere in the world and they are in need of protection so that they can be

saved from extinction. On the other hand, the current development of nations is causing

tremendous air pollution (Shipley et al. 2020). This air pollution is giving the avian species

an inhalation exposure and has shown reactions to atmospheric gases and aerosols. It has

been already discovered that adverse human and avian health effects can occur from the

ambient air pollutants such ozone, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide.

The lack of buffer zones and green belts, the burning of solid waste, the use of coal and cow

dung for cooking, and traffic and transportation are the main causes of Kanpur's air pollution

issues. Additionally, the following elements also have a significant role to the issue:

1. An increase in the volume of traffic on the roads 2. Poor or damaged road conditions

3. Buildings that are still under construction

4. Smoke coming from chimneys in factories

The city has serious issues with smoke and dust, and there are several places where the 500

mg/m3 standard is frequently exceeded (Sonne et al. 2020). The effects of vehicle pollution

cause the air quality around major road crossings to surpass the standards of the lead and

suspended particulate matter (SPM). In many parts of the city, the concentrations of

respirable dust are likewise startlingly high.

Additionally, research conducted in the field and in laboratories has shown that exposure to

air pollutants causes heightened stress levels and greater effort required for birds to detoxify,

offering more proof of the detrimental effects of air pollution on avian species' health. This

research adds credence to the earlier debate of how birds exposed to health-damaging air

pollutants may be more susceptible to respiratory diseases by demonstrating that the avian

immune response may be compromised following acute or chronic exposure to pollution.

Challenges that are supposed to be addressed are as follows:

Impact of Climate Change: As environmental conditions change, climate change may make

air pollution problems worse, necessitating creative solutions (Mustafa et al. 2020).

Maintaining Environmental Protection and Economic Development in Balance: Maintaining

environmental protection and economic development will always be difficult, requiring

sustainable growth solutions.

Hence, the study aims to create focused and effective restoration strategies, a clearer picture

of bird numbers, habitat health, and pollution levels would be provided via research, studies,

and field assessments.

Research problem
This research is based on the problem of avian species going extinct and being highly

impacted by the increased air pollution levels at Kanpur India. In Kanpur the emission from

vehicles plying on the road and the coals burned by industry. Mostly it comes from unpaved

roads and proliferating tanneries which is combined into a toxic airborne pollution. Good air

quality is indicated by an AQI value of 50 or less, and hazardous air quality is indicated by an

AQI value of 300 or above. Real time air quality index (AQI) in Kanpur rates maximum No2

(Nitrogen Dioxide) AQI as 54. Kanpur has ranked as number 1 at pollution index in India

with 173 marks in PM 2.5 levels. As a result the biodiversity is being impacted specifically

by the bird species. Polluted air can cause birds to lose their appetite, develop pneumonia,

asthma, or coryza, which burns their eyes (Kumar et al. 2021). According to Raj Kumar, the

hospital's veterinary doctor, their inability to fly is being caused by skin ailments which occur

due to heavy air pollution. If this type of air pollution continues then it is very likely to hit an

AQI of 999, which is the concentrated and poisonous carbon monoxide (Co) and air could

reach the fatal level of 90. After that the entire civilization including humans, birds and

animals will be in the fear of death by pollution. Earlier, Siberian birds fly into Kanpur of

Uttar Pradesh during winter season. However, in today’s scenario there is very little available

in the atmosphere. Under these circumstances, analysing industrial air pollution with respect

to avian diversity becomes important to discuss.

Objectives of the study

 To identify the air pollution causes and types that leads to the avian biodiversity


 To focus on the solutions which can reduce air pollution in general and minimise

impact on avian biodiversity

 To analyse how the restoration strategies can be enabled and spread awareness among

people so that they stop usage of harmful elements (Bashir et al. 2020).

Social relevance of the study and justifications behind topic choice

Air pollution affects birds' respiratory systems and their sensory perception of light and noise

in their surroundings, making them vulnerable to the harmful impacts of pollution. Direct

exposure to pollutants (heavy metals, radiation, pesticides, medicines, oil, and plastic waste)

and debris can also cause injury to birds. In places like Kanpur, industrial air pollution can

have a big impact on the diversity of birds. Harmful compounds like sulphur dioxide,

nitrogen oxides, heavy metals, and particulate matter are frequently released as a result of

pollution, and these pollutants can have an impact on bird populations and their habitats

either directly or indirectly.

Many creatures face serious respiratory difficulties as a result of air pollution, which could

cause population decreases or even extinctions. Because their respiratory systems are so

fragile and so efficient, birds are especially vulnerable to air pollution. Kanpur’s majority air

pollution is caused by city vehicles' use of subpar fuel in residences (coal, wood, kerosene,

cow dung), open burning of trash, excessive generator use, extremely bad road conditions,

traffic jams and encroachments. Hence, the reason behind choosing the topic for discussion is

clearly visible.

Direct Effect on Avian Species:

 Air Pollution: Just like human beings, birds can experience respiratory issues as a

result of air pollution. This may have an impact on their general survival, reproductive

potential, and health (King et al. 2021).

 Physical Damage: Airborne pollutants can adhere to feathers, disrupting their

insulating qualities, which are vital for avian life, particularly in colder regions.

 Decreased Food Sources: Pollution can have an influence on bird populations by

upsetting the food chain and reducing the availability of insects, plants, and small

animals that birds eat.

Indirect Effect on Environment:

 Changes in Vegetation: Air pollution can harm trees and plants, changing the

environment and lowering the amount of areas that are suitable for birds to live.

 Water Contamination: The aquatic life that many birds rely on for food and nesting

places is impacted by pollution that seeps into water bodies.

However, countries can lessen the burden of sickness, including both acute and chronic

illnesses, by lowering air pollution levels. According to the current guidelines, average

annual concentrations of PM2.5 should not be higher than 5 µg/m3, and average 24-hour

exposures should not be higher than 15 µg/m3 on more than three or four days annually.

Hence, the study is socially relevant at this point of time.

Recent data on the topic

As many as 74 birds, including 51 crows and nine pigeons, were discovered dead in Kanpur

over the course of the previous day amid an avian influenza concern in Uttar Pradesh.

Officials said that these deaths were reported from the city's suburban and urban areas.

According to District Forest Officer (DFO), Kanpur, Arvind Yadav, up to 74 dead birds were

discovered in 13 distinct areas of Kanpur on Tuesday, including Chunniganj, Fazalganj,

Seesamau, Latouch Road, Kalyanpur, KDA Colony, Bilhaur, and Choubepur (Tran et al.


He stated that five fast response teams, formed in the aftermath of the bird flu crisis, visited

the locations, gathered samples, and disposed of the carcasses in an orderly fashion.

According to the DFO, 81 samples of poultry birds, including serum samples, have been

gathered from various locations and forwarded to the Indian Veterinary Research Institute

(IVRI) in Bareilly for virological and serologic testing thus far. He said the carcasses of two

pigeons and four crows that were discovered dead in KDA Colony, Sisamau, Kalyanpur, and

Fazalganj had been submitted to Bhopal for scientific testing. Among the labs around the

nation testing samples is the National Institute of High Security Animal Diseases in Bhopal.

All the samples indicate the damage is the result of pollution from industry.

The automobile industry, domestic cooking, road dust, and the industrial sector are some of

the main contributors to air pollution in Kanpur. About 5500 industries, including 75

medium-sized and major ones like the paint, fertiliser, detergent, and chemical sectors, are

located in Kanpur. A further possible risk to the environment (air and water) comes from 367

strong leather companies. Seventy of the companies in the Jajmau area near the Ganga river

are reportedly closed (PCB 2006). These extremely polluting leather industries are a serious

threat to the river's ecology and water quality, especially for aquatic life (fish and turtles).

Fish and turtle populations have drastically decreased, and even those that remain are unfit

for human food due to the presence of harmful substances (Zandalinas et al. 2021).

Consequently, this poses serious health risks in the form of incurable illnesses. The harmful

fumes that are getting mixed up with air is also an incurable issue. This is also posing serious

health risk for the avian species. All of these are together contributing towards a situation

which needs to be cured very soon.

The research will be based on collected data via secondary and primary sources. The

secondary sources of data collection will be books, articles, and so on. While the primary

source of data will be people. This is more of the qualitative type of data collection applied.

A survey based data collection will be done where the survey will give information on the

research topic. Through taking the answers of 20 participants in a close ended questionnaire

sheet the process will be completed. This is more on the quantitative type of data collection

that will be applied.

Deductive approach is appropriate for the research as broad literature consisting of theoretical

models are tested with the help of first hand/empirical data obtained through surveys and

interview, i.e. primary data. Inductive approach is not suitable for the study because the scope

for new theory development is very limited due to the fact that social media theories and

brand identity are common areas of study in the field of marketing research (Huxham and

Vangen, 2008). Moreover, the inductive process makes extensive use of secondary data

analysis and quantitative data interpretations, which are not extensively used in this research.

New knowledge developed on the basis of primary research findings such as observations

may not always be underpinning and could be subject to criticisms (Saunders et al. 2009).

Hence, in order to avoid any complexity due to new knowledge development the inductive

approach is avoided and testing existing theories, following deductive approach is found

feasible to carry out the research.

Positivism, interpretivism and realism are the key paradigms that constitute the philosophical

standpoint of epistemology. Positivism philosophy assumes that material facts already exist

in the universe and just need to be analysed using scientific method. The research will be

based on positivism theory since, positivism supports objective based studies and extensive

data testing using scientific processes (Jagiello, et al. 2019). As opposed to positivism, the

philosophy of interpretivism supports subjective based studies where in-depth qualitative

analysis can be carried out. Hence, for this survey based study having a positivism strategy is

the most beneficial. Positivism assumes that the purpose of scientific research is to uncover

the truth and make it possible to predict and control. It supports objective based studies using

scientific principles as used in natural sciences.

The major types of research designs used in academic research are in the form of exploratory,

explanatory and descriptive. Exploratory design is followed when the research problems are

not completely clear to the researcher and it helps to obtain peripheral information relating to

the area under study (Bryman and Bell, 2011). This design only provides a base level

knowledge that may be utilised to develop a research hypothesis.

On the other hand, explanatory design helps to establish the relationship between variables

while explaining ‘cause and effect’ relationship (Denzin and Lincoln, 2011). Descriptive

design helps to carry out an extensive research and explore the answers to the identified

research problems from several dimensions such as what? Why?, Who?, How? and When?.

Hence, in this the applicable format of research will be descriptive. In case of research

design, the descriptive investigation will be considered as it helps in providing the broader

perspectives of the research to the researcher and after following this, the researcher can

develop their own reasoning and the ideas.

Numerical response obtained through questionnaire is converted into percentage with the

application of Ms Excel tool. The converted data will be represented in the form of graphical

charts and tables to present the findings in an easy and understandable manner (Zandalinas,


Samples considered for studying branding and its impact on consumers’ decision-making

process are smaller in number that can suit the criteria of the research topic. The sample for

employees of Webpixiders web solution was simple random probability sampling where no

criteria for selection were considered. With the help of an online questionnaire, Employees

were asked to participate where a survey was performed based on Likert’s scale rating from 1

to 5.

Rich, in-depth and empirical information obtained from the interviews will be recorded in the

form of transcripts since digital recording is not permitted (Glencross et al. 2020). The

transcripts will be interpreted to analyse the qualitative data and the findings are explained in

context of the literature review and the identified research problems.

Any research topics are either longitudinal or cross-sectional in nature, depending upon the

time allotment considered for research for a particular topic. In the present research, cross-

sectional study is adopted that has a limited time-period so application of Gantt chart is

considered for easy completion of the research work. Saunderset al. (2009) stated that Gantt

chart helps in segregating the key tasks as per the structure of the study and helps in better

completion of the topic.

Main activities 1
4 +5
th th
7 th

week week week week week week

Selection of the topic

Composition of the literature


Research methodology

Collection of primary data

Analysis and interpretation of



Conclusion and

Final submission

The city is not currently set up to achieve environmental sustainability unless corrective

actions are put in place, according to an examination of the major environmental qualities

including air, water, and land usage. The demographic makeup of the population, their

economic status, and land use all have a significant impact on Kanpur's environmental

conditions. As a result, choosing the many requirements that must be completed for a city's

sustainable environmental plan falls to planners and policy makers. The study shows its

relevance by finding some of the prominent techniques for restoration such as:

Strategies for Restoration:

 Green Spaces: By supplying cleaner air and bird homes, the creation and upkeep of

green spaces, such as parks, gardens, and avenues lined with trees, can help lessen the

effects of pollution.

 Reducing Emissions: Stricter industry emission control regulations can aid in

lowering the amount of dangerous pollutants released into the atmosphere.

 Reforestation: Planting native trees and repairing damaged habitats can help to

improve the quality of the air and give birds a suitable place to live.

 Community Involvement: Educating and enlisting the help of nearby communities in

conservation initiatives can help spread the word about the need of protecting bird

habitats and lowering pollution.

Customising efficient restoration solutions will require a thorough understanding of the

particular contaminants, their sources, and their effects on Kanpur's bird species. Monitoring

and executing these tactics for sustained success requires cooperation between environmental

scientists, environmentalists, legislators, and local people.

Some immediate action can also be taken to help improve the situations and these are:

Reduction of Emissions:

 Industry Regulation: Promote more stringent rules and the implementation of

pollution standards for Kanpur's industry.

 Upgrades in Technology: To cut down on emissions of pollutants, encourage industry

to implement greener technology and procedures.

 Vehicle Emissions: Put in place strategies to reduce vehicle emissions by encouraging

the use of public transportation, doing routine maintenance inspections, or providing

incentives for electric vehicles.

 Monitoring of Air Quality: Establish and maintain a reliable system for monitoring air

quality in order to continuously determine the amounts of pollutants and pinpoint

areas that require quick action.

 Emergency Actions: Implement controls such as temporary production shutdowns,

traffic jams, or warnings to sensitive populations to stay indoors during extreme

pollution occurrences.

In order to alleviate traffic congestion and associated environmental issues, it is

recommended that new roads be constructed with increased width, along with pedestrian and

parking facilities. Traffic control is crucial in the city's central region. These roads should

have a mixed traffic flow, and certain slow-moving traffic, such as hand and bullock carts,

should be prohibited throughout the day. Every vehicle operating on the road must adhere to

the specified emission standards. Two-wheelers account for 70% of all vehicle emissions.

Having a well-organised mass transit system could decrease the usage of two-wheelers.

Government agencies, regional communities, environmental organisations, businesses, and

researchers must work together to implement restorative plans for managing air pollution. In

places like Kanpur, maintaining biodiversity and attaining long-term improvements in air

quality require prioritising sustainable practices and long-term planning.

There must be a master plan in place for the city that outlines precise regulations for various

land uses, including commercial, industrial, and residential. Policymakers and city planners

must forbid the use of heavy and medium-sized industries located inside city limits.

Planning would benefit from an environmental resource map that shows the locations of

natural forests, plantations, water bodies, agricultural land, and open spaces. Preparing an

environment management strategy would also be aided by a drainage and sewerage network

map that shows the locations of sewage treatment plants, pumping stations, disposal sites, and

drains/nallas. Strict regulations should be created to prevent poorly maintained vehicles,

which are the main source of noise pollution, from being allowed to continue operating on the

road beyond 15 years. Vehicles that contribute to air and noise pollution should be phased

out. It is necessary to outlaw their use on city roadways.

The idea of automobiles powered by compressed natural gas (CNG) should be adopted

gradually by the city. Phase-outs of tempos are necessary because they are primarily to blame

for the city's air and sound pollution levels exceeding permitted levels.

In order to implement corrective measures, efforts should be made to identify environmental

hotspots, such as areas with poor air quality, contaminated groundwater, unsewered areas,

waterlogged areas, slums, and polluted river stretches. Moreover, to ensure that development

initiatives are implemented as soon as possible, decision-makers in influential organisations

such as the Kanpur Development Authority, the Pollution Control Board, and UP Jal Nigam

should collaborate.

The city needs a centralised waste disposal facility so that wastes can be disposed of in a

different, dedicated location after being cleaned and burned. Furthermore, the networks for

garbage collection, storage, and transportation must be reinforced. Moreover, to enhance the

efficacy and efficiency of solid waste management across the whole collection,

transportation, treatment, and disposal process, integrated waste management planning,

interagency collaboration, and institutional capacity building strategies should be

implemented (Mustafa, et al. 2020).

Polluting industries should be relocated from non-confirming locations with appropriate

supporting infrastructure. Projects designated for Phase-II execution under GAP should be

started in accordance with the schedule and any leftover resources should be used to move

them under STP. Some top officers of the SPCB believe that a quasi-judicial organisation like

the Pollution Control Commission with broad powers should make decisions about the

issuing of licences for the installation of industries within the city limits, rather than KESCO,

KDA, and the police working together.

Expected outcomes and implication

The study is expected to come up with different solutions to the issues and manage air

pollution to a certain level. The goal of this study is to create a thorough environmental

management plan for the city of Kanpur by using baseline data on the quality and services of

the urban environment. The study examines in more detail the processes and reasons that are

causing the environment around Kanpur to deteriorate and diminish; identify the framework

of the state's policy currently in place for key environmental components. Following a

description of the environmental risks, the report attempted to outline action plans for the

future that would guarantee adherence to the suggested city growth plan.

Future research opportunities

It is clear from the research that Kanpur needs to process the strengthening of the CNG

programming and introduce advanced and cleaner fuel technology. Considering alternatives

to oil and gas allows encouragement of public transports and non-motorised transport and

reduces air pollution.

Some long term restoration strategies can be as follows:

1. Ecological Infrastructure:

 Reforestation and Afforestation: To enhance the quality of the air by acting as natural

air filters, plant trees and make green spaces.

 Green walls and roofs: Promote the use of greenery on structures to absorb pollutants

and lessen the effects of heat islands (Kumar et al. 2021).

2. Alternative Energy Resources:

 To lessen reliance on fossil fuels, encourage the use of renewable energy sources like

wind and solar energy.

3. Participation in the Community and Education:

 Through educational initiatives, increase public understanding of the effects of air

pollution on biodiversity and health.

 Engage nearby communities in workshops, clean-up initiatives, and tree planting

efforts to promote sustainable lifestyles.

4. Advocacy and Policy:

 Promote all-encompassing regulations that give biodiversity preservation and air

quality protection top priority in urban planning and development.

 Encourage studies aimed at determining the precise effects of pollution on Kanpur's

bird ecosystems and biodiversity.

5. Global Cooperation:

 Adaptive Management: Work together with global organisations to get finance,

technology transfer, and implementation experience for sustainable solutions.

 Flexible Administration: By conducting routine monitoring, evaluate the efficacy of

implemented tactics on a continuous basis and modify plans as necessary to meet new

difficulties (Glencross et al. 2020).

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