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Research Thesis:

Contextual Study of
contemporary designs
in print and web media
Student Name: Raimohan Das
Student ID:
• The two powerful pillars of advertisements
have been identified as the web media and
print media
• With the change in time the popularity of
print media is going downwards and it is at
the verge of extinction
• The correct uses of media types are
expected to manage the brand’s image
• Uses of cross-media is the only way to
save print media so far
Evolution of Media Advertisement: Print media
Early Years: In the 17th century, written materials such as
newspapers, handbills, and posters were the primary source of
Advantages of print media
• Target Local Audiences.
• High Return on Investment.
• Reach Multiple Age Groups.
• Stand Out from the Competition.
• Low cost production
Cons of print media
• Limited Ad Placement Control.
• Scheduling Difficulties.
• Potentially Higher Costs.
• Digital Advertising is wining market
Evolution of media
advertisement: Radio and
television era
 Television Advertising: With its ability to tell stories visually, television (TV)
became a potent medium in the middle of the 20th century
 Radio Advertising: Radio emerged as a major advertising tool in the early
1900s. Advertisements and radio programs were sponsored by brands.
 The radio and television commercials fall under the category of mass marketing
as the national as well as global audience can be reached through it.
 Tv advertisements are best since the consumers are spending more time in front
of Tv. rather than any other medium
Evolution of media advertisement:
Digital Revolution
• Internet and Websites: By giving online advertisements to a worldwide audience, the
internet revolutionised advertising
• Social media: By providing user interaction and tailored advertisements, sites like Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter have revolutionised advertising. Influencer marketing started to
proliferate the current lifestyles of people
• Programmatic advertising: This uses algorithms to buy and sell ad space in real time
depending on user behaviour and data analytics, while giving rise to data-driven advertising
• Mobile advertisement: With an evolution of smartphones, mobile advertisement grows
• Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with influencers to promote products/services to their
Highlight on advertising
techniques and strategies
 Social Perception- The advertisements that consumers see are what
turn a thing into a status symbol.
 Clearly Define the Product Benefits- Complex new-to-market
goods and services advertise the advantages of their offerings in
their advertisements.
 Motivating customers to Buy- Businesses produce advertisements
to entice more customers to purchase their goods (Venkatrama et
al. 2021).
Ethical Consideration
• Truth, justice, and equity and the customer
experience are the cornerstones of ethical
advertising (Upadhyay, & Joshi, 2014).
• The advertiser need to take responsibility of the
advertisement shown online and respond to
customer queries
• The ethical regulations in advertising in India
allows safeguarding the consumers against
indiscriminate advertising of hazardous products.
Future trends and challenges
 AR and AR: The technologies of virtual reality (VR) and
augmented reality (AR) have created new avenues for engaging
and interactive advertising campaigns
 Chatbots, voice-activated advertisements, and personalised
recommendations are examples of AI-driven advertising that has
gained popularity
 Native advertising: To improve user experience, ads are subtly
incorporated into content. Video content is another best way to
reach out to target audiences.
On the other hand, the challenges are as follows:
 Privacy Concerns: Customers are constantly worrying about data
privacy due to too much information sharing on online media
 Ad Fatigue: When consumers are constantly exposed to
advertisements, their effectiveness declines and their use of ad-
blocking rises.
Impact of media evolution on
consumer behaviour
 Brand Awareness: Consumers' awareness of goods and
services is influenced by advertisements, which increase
brand familiarity and recognition (Zhang et al. 2014)
 Purchase Intent: By convincing viewers to think about a
certain good or service, effective advertisements increase
consumers' intent to make a purchase.
 Peer Recommendation: Peer recommendations can affect
social circles and influence purchasing decisions through
the sharing of advertisements, particularly on social media.
 Ethical Concerns: Deceptive or manipulative
advertisements can cause backlash and undermine the trust
of a brand
Choice of relevant literature
To create an understanding of literature the following writings were considered such as:
 Upadhyay, P., & Joshi, J. (2014). Impact of Advertising on Buying Behavior of Youth in Kota City with Special
Reference to Branded Outfits. International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research (IJMSR), 2(2), 1-20.
 Venkatraman, V., Dimoka, A., Vo, K., &Pavlou, P. A. (2021). Relative effectiveness of print and digital
advertising: a memory perspective. Journal of Marketing Research, 58(5), 827-844.
 Zhang, Y., Yu, R., Shi, X., & Hong, K. (2022). Visual communication design in print advertising under new media
environment. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2022.
 Bhardwaj, A., & Kumar, V. (2022). Web and social media approach to marketing of engineering courses in
India. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 27(4), 541-555.
 Kalombe, C., & Phiri, J. (2019). Impact of online media on print media in developing countries. Open Journal of
Business and Management, 7(04), 1983.
 Mathai, S., &Jeswani, S. (2021). Effectiveness of print media marketing in digital age: a study on Indian
telecommunication industry. FIIB Business Review, 10(3), 242-254.
 Pareek, M., M., Dua, N., & Mittal, M.(2022). Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 26(1), 1-19.
 Only 48% of respondents believe
in online video ads, compared to
63% who trust TV commercials
 There is still a chance of reviving
the entire community of
advertisement by clearly
defining product benefits
 Businesses produce
advertisements to entice more
customers to purchase their
goods hence, choosing great
channels to give advertisement is
Thank You

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