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M-Au Hi, I’m calling to book a train ticket from London to

Edinburgh, please. I'd like to leave around ten o'clock on Tuesday
W-Br Certainly, sir. I can reserve a seat for you on the train departing
for Edinburgh at ten-thirty. The cheapest fare is eighty-five pounds.
M-Au OK, I'd like to buy that ticket, please. I’d also like to find out
whether there's room on the train for passengers to take bicycles.
W-Br Yes, there is, but It’ll cost three pounds more to reserve a space
for your bike.

M-Br Hi, what time does your store close tonight? I need to get a
birthday gift for my wife.
W-Br We're open until seven P.M., and if you can't get to us today,
we'll be open at eight o'clock tomorrow morning.
M-Br I should be able to get there by seven-but in case I don't, could
you set aside an item for me? I can give you the item number.
W-Br No, I'm very sorry. We can't accept reserve requests over the
phone because a cash deposit is required.

M-Au Hello, I’m calling to place an order for a set of headphones I
saw in your catalog: the Music Master Deluxe headphones.
W-Br All right, I can help you with that. Can you give me the product
code for those? There are several different models in that product line
M-Au I have the catalog right here-if you can give me a moment, I'll
check it and see

W-Br Excuse me, do you work here? I’m interested in one of the
cameras on display behind the counter-it's on your right.
M-Au Oh, you mean this one-the Balani X13?
W-Br Yes, that's it.
M-Au Just so you know, the battery that's included doesn't last very
long-you might want to buy an extra one if you're planning to use the
camera a lot. A rechargeable battery only costs about fifteen dollars.
W-Br Thanks, but I'm on a tight budget, so I'lI just use the one that's

M-Cn This traffic is unusually heavy tonight. Let's call Juliana and tell
her we’ll be a little late getting to the theater.
W-Br Oh, we won't be able to reach her. She told me she's having dinner
with some of her coworkers before she meets us at the theater. She
always turns her mobile phone off when she goes out to eat.
M-Cn That makes sense. I guess we'll just see her at the theater. I’m
glad I gave her a ticket yesterday. I'd feel terrible if she missed the
beginning of the performance because we arrived a little late.

W-Am How was your trip to Florence?
M-Au Italy was fun. I caught up with relatives at my cousin’s
wedding . I was mostly helping out with the ceremony, so I didn't have
time to visit any museums.
W-Br That's too bad.
M-Au But I can always visit again. So what happened while I was gone?
W-Br Actually, our client asked us to present our sales pitch a week
earlier than scheduled. So now we have to work a little faster to
prepare for that meeting. I e-mailed you some notes about it.
M-Au I’ll take a look right away.

M-Cn Hi, Amal. I heard you attended an orchestra concert with Miguel
over the weekend .How was it? I heard it's long...about two hours,
right? Is it worth checking out?
W-Am Two hours wasn't enough!
M-Cn Really? Hmm... I’ve been busy for the last month working on
the product design presentation, so I haven't had a lot of time. I'd like
to see it with a friend.
W-Am Actually, Angie wanted to see it with us, but she felt a little sick
that day. Maybe you should ask her to go with you? She should be at
her desk now.

M-Cn Hello, I'd like to purchase a ticket for the 3 o'clock train to
W-Am Unfortunately, sir, that train's already full.Here’s a copy of the
daily train schedule - why don't you look it over and choose a later
departure .At this time of day, trains to Chicago leave frequently
M-Cn Hmmm... if I wait for the 3:40 train, I'll have time to buy some
souvenirs before leaving. Do you know if there's a gift shop in the
W-Am Yes, there's one just down the stairs and to the left.

M-Cn Excuse me? I’m trying to change my diet and I want to eat
something different for breakfast-you know, something healthier,
like, maybe yogurt? ls there a yogurt that's low in calories but also has
a lot of protein?
W-Br We have a lot of options you might like. Here's one of our most
popular brands of blueberry yogurt. See, there's a lot of protein...
M-Cn Mmm-nice! But my doctor told me I shouldn't eat a lot of
sweet foods-and it would put me over the daily amount he
recommended. That's more than 30 grams!
W-Br In that case, I’d suggest buying a plain version of this yogurt
and adding your own fresh fruit.

W-Am Hi, Mr. Olson? I'm Eun-hee Sohn from Circle Optical Supplies.
I'm calling about the order you placed yesterday.
M-Cn Oh, yes-I ordered supplies for my eyeglass store. Is there an
W-Am Well, we only have 25 of the eyeglass cases you ordered.
Unfortunately, we won't have any more in stock for another two
M-Cn Oh, no-we have a promotional event starting next Friday, and we
usually provide a case with each pair of eyeglasses our customers
purchase. Hmmm.. I guess I'll take the 25 cases you have, but I'll
have to order the rest from another company.
W-Am OK-I'lI update your order. And as an apology, my manager
told me to waive your delivery charge. So, we'll cover the
twenty dollar shipping fee.

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