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AWS License Manager

AWS License Manager - Overview

 Definition:
 Service to manage software licenses across AWS and on-premises environments.
 Ensures compliance with software license terms, reducing non-compliance risks.

 Key Features:
 Centralized Dashboard: One-stop management for all license configurations.
 AWS Service Integration: Works with EC2, RDS, etc., for seamless license enforcement.
 License Rules Creation: Set up rules that match vendor licensing models.
Advanced Features & Benefits

 Advanced Features:
 License Mobility: Transfer licenses between on-premises and AWS.
 Discovery & Reports: Detect installed software and view usage reports.
 BYOL Simplified: Streamlined process for Bring Your Own License model.
 Automated Discovery: Auto-track licenses with Systems Manager Inventory.

 Benefits:
 Compliance Assurance: Stay aligned with licensing terms and conditions.
 Cost Management: Avoid unexpected overages or costs from non-compliance.
 Optimized License Utilization: Make the most of your software investments.

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