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AWS Resource Groups

and Tag Editor

AWS Resource Groups - Overview

 Definition:
 Organize and manage AWS resources based on tags or CloudFormation stacks.
 Suitable for managing resources by projects, environment, etc.

 Key Features:
 Tag-Based Grouping: Cluster resources using assigned tags.
 CloudFormation Integration: Group resources via AWS CloudFormation stacks.
 Unified Management: Manage diverse AWS services in a single manner.
 Save & Use Queries: Save frequently used tag-based searches.
 AWS Console Integration: Directly access and manage groups via the AWS Console.
AWS Tag Editor - Organize & Manage Tags

 Definition:
 Feature in AWS Console to search, manage, and edit tags for multiple resources.
 Supports batch tagging and bulk-edit functionalities.

 Key Features:
 Global Resource Search: Locate resources by tag, type, or ID.
 Bulk Actions: Simultaneously tag, re-tag, or remove tags from numerous resources.
 Data Export/Import: Extract search outcomes in CSV for audits or analyses.
 Audit & Compliance: Ensure resource tags align with cost, operations, and regulations.
 Service-Wide Integration: Use across many AWS services for a centralized approach to tag

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