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Age Height

33.4166 5.79079
Mean 7 Mean 9
0.43216 0.02941
Standard Error 8 Standard Error 1
Median 34 Median 5.75
Mode 36 Mode 5.75
Standard 4.23436 Standard 0.28816
Deviation 2 Deviation 7
Sample 17.9298 Sample
Variance 2 Variance 0.08304
Kurtosis -0.4174 Kurtosis -0.63506
Skewness -0.01049 Skewness -0.12499
Range 20 Range 3
Minimum 24 Minimum 3
Maximum 44 Maximum 7
Sum 3208 Sum 7
Count 96 Count 96
Largest(1) 44 Largest(1) 7
Smallest(1) 24 Smallest(1) 3

In this dataset, the mean value is 33.41667, and the median is 34. As depicted in Figure 1, there are a total of 96 data points,
indicating 96 observations. Additionally, the standard deviation of age is calculated to be 4.234362. The cumulative sum of age
values in this dataset amounts to 1088. The minimum age value observed is 24, while the maximum is 44. In a normally
distributed dataset, a significant proportion of values tend to fall within 3 standard deviations from the mean on either side.
Furthermore, in terms of the distribution's shape, it's important to note that kurtosis is calculated as -0.4174, and the skewness
value is -0.01049. As pointed out by Kline (2005), a commonly used criterion is to consider skewness and kurtosis values below
5 as indicative of a normal distribution. In a perfectly normal distribution, both skewness and kurtosis would ideally equal zero
(0). Given these considerations, the values observed in this analysis suggest that the dataset's distribution is indeed indicative of
a normal distribution, as both skewness and kurtosis fall below the threshold of 5.

In this dataset, the mean value is 5.790799, and the median is 5.75. As depicted in Figure 1, there are a total of 96 data points,
indicating 96 observations. Additionally, the standard deviation of age is calculated to be 0.288167. The cumulative sum of
Height values in this dataset amounts to 1088. The minimum height value observed is 5.083333, while the maximum is
6.416667. In a normally distributed dataset, a significant proportion of values tend to fall within 3 standard deviations from the
mean on either side. Furthermore, in terms of the distribution's shape, it's important to note that kurtosis is calculated as -
0.63506, and the skewness value is -0.12499. As pointed out by Kline (2005), a commonly used criterion is to consider skewness
and kurtosis values below 5 as indicative of a normal distribution. In a perfectly normal distribution, both skewness and kurtosis
would ideally equal zero (0). Given these considerations, the values observed in this analysis suggest that the dataset's
distribution is indeed indicative of a normal distribution, as both skewness and kurtosis fall below the threshold of 5.

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