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Stimuli and Responses

1.1 Human nervous system

Structure of the human nervous system

Peripheral nervous system

-12 pairs of central nerves (brain to sensory and internal organs)

-31 pairs pf spinal nerves (spinal cord to the skeletal muscles)

Functions of the human nervous system

Controls and coordinate organs and body parts

- Detects stimuli
- Send information in the form of impulses
- Interprets impulses
- Produce appropriate responses
Voluntary and involuntary actions

Voluntary actions

- control by the brain

- stimulus → affector →brain → effector → responses

Involuntary actions

- occurs immediately
- without conscious control or prior thoughts
- consist of two
o medulla obongata
o spinal cord
medulla oblongata

- heartbeat
- breathing
- peristalsis
- secretion of saliva

spinal cord

- withdrawing hand when it accidentally touches a hot object

- withdrawing foot when it accidentally step on a sharp object
- sneezing when dust enters the nose

Important of the network of human nervous system in daily life

- control and coordinate organs and body parts (breathing & body movements)
- damaging nervous system causes temporarily, partially or completely paralysed
1.2 Stimuli and responses in humans


- humans face constant change in surroundings

- exp: light, sound, chemical substances

Sensory organ

- to detect stimuli
- five sensory organs
o eye (sight)
o ear (sound)
o nose (smell)
o tongue (taste)
o skin (touch)


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