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Control and Coordination

Structural and functional unit of life


All infomation in our environment is detected by the specialised tips if
some nerve cells.
Receptors are usually near our sense organ like skin tongue n etc
Olfactory receptors detect smell
Gustatory receptors detect. Taste


Dendrites receives impulses

Then it travels to cell body
Then along axon to its end
Then this electrical impluse sets off to release of some chemicals
This chemicals cross synapse and start a similar electrical impulse
Distance between two nerve cells in known as synapse
Reflex arc
The process of detecting the signal or the input and responding to
it by an output action might be completed quickly.
Nerve pathway is involved in reflex action is called reflex arc

Reflex arc


Sensory neuron

Brain/spinal cord

Motor neuron



Nerves from all over the body meet in bundle in spinal cord on
their way to brain
reflex arcs are formed in this spinal cord
Information input also goes on to reach to the brain.

Nervous jsystem

Control Nervous Peripheral

nervous system
Brain Spinal cord
Human Brain made of billions of neuron
Fundamental structure of nervous system


Cerebrum Olfactory Lobes Diencephalen

Thinking part Area controlling
Largest part Functions
Old memories Smell Thalmus Hypothalamus
Nerve impluse Feeling of fullness

Hind Brain
Pons Medulla Cerebellum
Respiration Involuntary actions Voluntary actions
Breathing Blood pressure, salivation vomiting 2 largest part

Mid brain
Sensory info, controls movement of head, neck, eyes, muscle

Skull, 22 bones (14- facial bones ; 8- cranial bone)
How tissues are protected?
The vertebral column or backbone protects spinal cord.
The brain is fluid filled is protected by this.

How does the nervous tissue cause action?

Mucle tissue will do the final job when the action or movement is to be
Nerve impulse reaches to mucles and then they do actions
Mucle cells have special proteins that change both their shape and their
arrangement in the cell in response to nervous electrical impulses.

Coordination in Plants
Plants don't have well developed nervous system like humans
Coordination- Hormones
Type of movements in Plants
Growth Independent Growth Dependent
movement movement
Touch me not plant Seed germination
Just sensitive to touch Growth happening
No growth Movement occurs

Plant movements 2 Types Tropic and Nastic movement

Tropic movement :also known as tropism
This movements are directional to the stimulus like air,water,gravity, etc.
Any trigger that causs phisological response because of stimulus.
E.g sunflower which is directional (stimulus) light
They are always towards stimulus or away from stmulus
Light, chemical, force of gravity, water- Tropisms
They are slow movements can't be seen through naked eyes.
Types of tropic movements:

Phototrophic/Phototropism movement:
Movement towards light or away from light
E.g Roots are away from light

Geotropic/Geotropism movement:
Movement towards gravity or away from gravity
E.g Roots towards and Shoot away from gravity

Hydrotrophic/Hydrotropism movements:
Movement towards water or away from water
E.g Roots towards and Shoot away from water

Thigmotropic/Thigmotropism movement:
Movement towards Contract/Support or away from
E.g Tendrils coil around for support (pea plant)

Chemotropic/Chemotropism Movements:
Movements related to chemicals
E.g Pollentube, inside pistal/corpel
Where it attracts pollen grain to ovule- Boron Chemical
For Fertilization
Nastic Movement
Non-directional to stimulus

Seismonasty [Touch]
E.g Touch me not plant
Incresa in turger pressure [Pulvinus]
Any cell filled with water-stomata
Turgid state of cell
Flaccid state of cell-shrinking

Sleep movements of plants
Day/night- Plants
Normal daily movements of plants [stomata leaves]

Plant Hormones
Chemicals secreted by plants are called Phyto hormones
To regulate the phisological
Auxin (first hormone) - Dutch Botanist {Fritz W}

Types of plant hormones

Growth promoters
Auxin helps in growth of length of,roots,stem and shoot in sunlight
Helps in agricultural practices
Helps in stem elongation,germination
Cytokinins(cyto-cell; kinins-division)
Larger in size, fruits, stems
Also produced in laboratory.
Growth inhibitors
Also known as stress hormones
Increase tolerance of plant
E.g restricts transpiration process to stop evaporation from plants
Helps in food ripe

Biotic:- Human, animal
Abiotic:- storm,cyclone

Abscisic acid
Acts against auxins
Prevents enormous growth of plants

Ethylene acid
E.g green banana to yellow
Gaseous hormone
Helps in growth
It is naturally secreted in plants bus in kess quantity
Artifically sprayed
Helps in ripening

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