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1. What do you think is the most important in choosing a car?

- The Price
- The brand
- Functionality
A: Hello, I heard you are looking for a new car. What are you considering?
B: Well, I have a few options in mind, but I'm not sure which one to pick. Do you have any
A: Hm, there are several factors to consider, but I think the most important one would be
the functionality of the car. It's crucial to ensure that the car meets your specific needs
and requirements. For example, if you have a large family, you might need a car with
ample seating and storage space. On the other hand, if you have a long commute, fuel
efficiency might be a top priority.
B: I couldn’t agree more. Functionality is indeed important. But I also think the price is
most important. The total cost of the car, including any fees or taxes, needs to fit my
budget. If my financial situation does not allow for it, I will be unable to acquire the car,
despite its exceptional features.
A: That's exactly how I feel. Another important factor is the car brand. Different car
brands have their own strengths and weaknesses. Some brands have a reputation for
quality, performance, and customer service, while others may have issues with reliability,
safety, or resale value.
B: Thanks for your insights! I feel more confident now in my decision-making process.
A: You’re welcome.
2. What is the best way to reduce car accident?
- Limit transportation demands
- Reduce the number of cars
- More training for drivers
A: Hey, have you ever wondered what the best way to reduce car accidents is?
B: Absolutely! It's such an important issue. I think one effective approach could be to limit
transportation demands. By promoting alternative modes of transportation like public
transit, biking, or walking, we can reduce the number of cars on the road, thereby
decreasing the chances of accidents.
A: That's exactly how I feel. I agree that limiting transportation demands is a good way.
But I think the best way is more training for drivers. Enhancing driver education and
training programs could lead to safer and more responsible driving behaviors. It's crucial
to emphasize defensive driving techniques, awareness of road conditions, and the
importance of following traffic laws.
B: You’re right! But what about reducing the number of cars? Do you think it ís an
important way to tackle this issue?
A: Well, Implementing carpooling programs or encouraging car-sharing services can help
minimize traffic congestion and lower the risk of accidents.
B: I couldn't agree more.
3. What is the best way to maintain a good relationship?
Meeting frequently
Understanding each other
A: Hey, I've been thinking about what makes a good relationship. What do you think is the
best way to maintain it?
B: I believe meeting frequently is an essential factor. Regular communication and
spending time together are vital for maintaining a strong bond. When we meet frequently,
we have the opportunity to connect, share experiences, and create lasting memories. It
helps us stay connected and engaged with each other's lives.
A: I don’t think so. Despite the frequency of meetings, the lack of understanding can lead to
miscommunication, conflicts, and a sense of disconnect. Mutual understanding forms the
foundation of any healthy relationship. It allows us to appreciate each other's thoughts,
feelings, and needs. When we truly understand one another, it becomes easier to resolve
conflicts and find common ground.
B: You’re right! But what about tolerance?
A: Tolerance allows us to navigate through disagreements and challenges without
damaging the relationship. It's about giving each other space to grow and evolve while still
being supportive and compassionate.
B: I couldn’t agree more.
4. Who should be in charge of money issues in a family?
The father
The mother
A: Hey, who do you think should be in charge of money issues in a family? The father or
the mother?
B: In my opinion, the mother is in charge of money issues in a family. The mother is better
at managing finances because she has some strengths such as having more financial
literacy, being more risk-averse, and being more goal-oriented. So she can make smart
decisions, avoid debt, save for emergencies, and invest in the future.
A: I don’t think so. I believe that both parents should share the responsibility of managing
the family's finances. It shouldn't be solely one person's role. They can divide financial
tasks based on each parent's strengths and interests. For example, one parent can handle
budgeting and bill payments, while the other focuses on investments and long-term
B: What are the benefits of involving both parents?
A: By working together, both parents can bring their strengths, insights, and perspectives
to the table. It promotes open communication and ensures that both partners have a say in
important financial matters.
B: I couldn’t agree with you more.
5. What makes a good manager?
Leadership skills
A: What do you think is the most important factor to make a good manager?
B: I think a good manager must have very good knowledge. A good manager should have a
deep understanding of the industry, the specific work processes, and the organization's
goals and strategies. So she or he can work very well and set an example for all the staff
and other people will admire the leader.
A: I don’t think so. A good manager doesn’t need too much knowledge because he can ask
other people to do the job. He doesn’t directly do it
B: So what do you think is more important than knowledge?
A: I think it is experience. Experience provides practical knowledge and insights that can
guide decision-making. When he has experience, he can tell other people what to do and
how to do the work.
B: I agree with you. However, I also think leadership skills play a crucial role. A good
manager should be able to inspire and motivate their team and provide guidance and
A: I couldn’t agree more.
6. What makes a good movie?
The plot
A: Are you a fan of movies?
B: Oh yes, I really like watching movies.
A: So, in your opinion, what makes a good movie?
B: Well, there are several factors that contribute to making a good movie. One of the
crucial elements is a compelling plot. It must be interesting and thrilling, so that it can
attract people from beginning to the end.
A: I agree that the plot is important. But I also believe that talented actors bring life to the
characters and enhance the overall quality of the film. Their performances can evoke
emotions, create depth, and make the story more relatable.
B: You’re right, but what about the scenery?
A: A visually appealing movie with well-designed sets, stunning cinematography, and
captivating locations can enhance the viewing experience. It adds depth and visual
interest to the story.
B: I couldn't agree more.
7. Who should pay for athletes?
Sport clubs
A: Who do you think should pay for athletes? The government, sponsors, or sport clubs?
B: That's a good question. I think it depends on the situation. For example, in countries
where sports are highly valued, the government may provide funding for athletes to train
and compete at the international level.
A: But what about individual athletes who don't have government support? Should they
rely on sponsors?
B: Yes, sponsors can be a great source of support for individual athletes. They can provide
financial assistance, equipment, and other resources that can help athletes achieve their
A: But what if the athlete doesn't have any sponsors or government support? Should sports
clubs step in?
B: It's possible, but it depends on the club and its resources. Some clubs may have the
means to support athletes, while others may not. Athletes need to explore all their options
and find the best support system for their individual needs.
A: That makes sense. Thanks for your help!
B: You're welcome!
8. What do you think are the most important things in a marriage?
Good communication
Respect/ Trust
Unconditional love and understanding
A: What do you believe are the most important things in a marriage?
B: In my opinion, I think that unconditional love and understanding are the keys to a
lasting and fulfilling relationship. Marriage requires acceptance, forgiveness, and
empathy. Loving each other unconditionally, even during challenging times, promotes a
deep bond and strengthens the relationship.
A: I agree that unconditional love and understanding are important, but I also think that
respect and trust are equally essential. Mutual respect ensures that both partners value
each other's opinions, boundaries, and individuality. Trust forms the bedrock of a healthy
marriage, creating a sense of security and reliability.
B: You’re right. But what about good communication?
A: Good communication is also crucial. Without communication, there can be no
understanding, no compromise, no problem-solving, and no intimacy. Communication is
the foundation of a healthy and happy relationship.
B: I couldn’t agree more.
9. What makes a happy marriage?
Best communication
Good conflict resolutions
Trust/ respect
A: What do you think makes a happy marriage?
B: In my opinion, one of the most important is having the best communication between
partners. Open and honest communication allows couples to understand each other's
needs, resolve conflicts, and maintain a strong connection.
A: I agree that best communication is important, but I also think that respect and trust are
equally essential. Mutual respect ensures that both partners value each other's opinions,
boundaries, and individuality. Trust forms the bedrock of a healthy marriage, creating a
sense of security and reliability.
B: That's exactly how I feel. But what about good conflict resolutions?
A: Having good conflict-resolution skills is crucial. In any relationship, conflicts are bound
to happen, but how we handle them can make a significant difference.
B: I couldn’t agree more.
10. What do you think is the best way to solve problems at work?
Define the problem
Generate alternative solutions
Evaluate ideas and then choose one
A: When it comes to problem-solving at work, what do you think is the best approach?
B: I think the best way is to define the problem clearly and understand its root causes.
Without a clear understanding of the problem, it becomes challenging to come up with
effective solutions.
A: generate alternative solutions: It's important to encourage brainstorming and gather
ideas from different perspectives. This allows us to explore a range of possibilities. By
considering multiple solutions, we increase our chances of finding the most effective and
innovative approach to solve the problem.
B: By considering multiple solutions, we increase our chances of finding the most effective
and innovative approach to solve the problem. It's important to weigh the pros and cons of
each solution to make an informed decision. After evaluating the ideas, we can choose the
most suitable solution.
11. What is the benefit/ biggest advantage that being happiness have for the health?
Promote a healthy lifestyle
Reduce stress levels/ Protect your heart
Strengthen your life expectancy
A: What do you think is the biggest advantage of being happy when it comes to health?
B: Personally, I believe one of the significant benefits of happiness is that it promotes a
healthy lifestyle. When we're in a positive state of mind, we tend to prioritize self-care and
make choices that support our overall health. We are more likely to engage in activities
that are good for our physical and mental well-being, such as exercise, eating nutritious
food, and getting enough sleep.
A: That's exactly how I feel. But I think reducing stress levels is the biggest advantage that
being happiness has for the health. Reducing stress levels can have a positive impact on
our heart health. When we're happy, our stress levels tend to decrease, and this can lead to
a healthier cardiovascular system.
B: You’re right. Moreover, research suggests that happiness is associated with a longer life
expectancy. Studies have shown that individuals who report higher levels of happiness
and life satisfaction tend to live longer and have a lower risk of chronic diseases.
A: That's fascinating. It seems that happiness has a profound impact on our overall
well-being and longevity. By cultivating happiness, we can potentially improve our quality
of life and increase our chances of living a longer and healthier life.
B: I couldn’t agree more
12. What are the best way to increase happiness?
Express gratitude
Get active
Eat a healthier diet
A: I heard that happiness has many benefits for both the mind and health. Do you know the
best way to increase happiness?
B: Well, the first thing that blew my mind is to express gratitude regularly. Take a moment
each day to reflect on the things you're thankful for. When you intentionally acknowledge
and appreciate the things you're grateful for, it helps you cultivate a more positive
A: You’re right. I think another way to boost happiness is by getting active. Regular
exercise releases endorphins, which are known as "feel-good" hormones. Whether it's
going for a walk, hitting the gym, or practicing a sport you enjoy, physical activity can
have a positive impact on your mood.
B: That’s so true. Additionally, consider making changes to your diet. Eating a healthier
diet filled with nutritious foods can significantly impact your overall well-being.
A: I couldn’t agree more.
13. What factor has the greatest impact/ influence on health?
Housing/ Environments
A: I've been wondering, among education, income, and housing/environments, which
factor do you think has the greatest impact on health?
B: That's an interesting question. While all three factors are important, I believe that
education has the greatest influence on health outcomes.
A: Really? Why do you think education has such a significant impact?
B: Education plays a crucial role in health for several reasons. Education equips
individuals with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about their health. It
helps them understand the importance of healthy behaviors, such as proper nutrition,
exercise, and preventive care.
A: I don’t think so. I think financial stability plays a significant role in accessing
healthcare and living a healthy lifestyle. Income does have an impact on health, as it
affects people's ability to afford quality healthcare, nutritious food, and safe living
B: That’s so true. But what about housing and environments? Doesn't living in a safe and
clean environment contribute to good health?
A: Housing and environments have a direct influence on health outcomes. Access to safe
and affordable housing, clean water, sanitation, and a pollution-free environment are
essential for maintaining good health.
B: I couldn’t agree more.
14. Who is responsible for the homeless?
Local city

A: I often wonder who is ultimately responsible for addressing the issue of homelessness. Is
it the government, local cities, or individuals?
B: In my opinion, I think the government is responsible for the homeless. The government
has the resources and authority to implement policies and provide support for those
experiencing homelessness. The government, at different levels, has the power to
implement systemic changes and create a safety net for those in need.
A: Well, I think the responsibility is shared among various entities. Local cities can also
play a crucial role by collaborating with community organizations, providing shelters, and
implementing strategies to prevent and reduce homelessness.
B: But what about individuals? How can we contribute to addressing homelessness?
A: Individuals also have a role to play. We can support local organizations that provide
shelter, food, and services to those experiencing homelessness. Volunteering our time or
donating to these organizations can make a difference.
B: I couldn’t agree more

15. What is the best way to help the homeless?

Donate money
Donate items
Provide food
A: I've been thinking about ways to help the homeless in our community. What do you
think is the most effective way to make a positive impact? Should we donate money,
donate items, or provide food?
B: Well, the first thing that blew my mind was donating money. Donating money can
provide flexibility for organizations to allocate resources where they are most needed. It
allows them to address not only immediate needs like food and shelter but also long-term
solutions such as affordable housing initiatives.
A: That's exactly how I feel. I think another way is to donate items. Donating items can be
incredibly helpful as well, especially for meeting immediate needs. Items like warm
clothing, blankets, hygiene products, and non-perishable food can make a significant
difference in the lives of individuals experiencing homelessness. Many organizations and
shelters rely on these donations to provide essential supplies.
B: That's true. It's important to ensure that people have access to the basic necessities.
What about providing food directly? For example, volunteering at a soup kitchen or
distributing meals?
A: Providing food directly is another impactful way to help. Volunteering at soup kitchens
or participating in meal distribution programs can offer immediate nourishment and
show compassion to those in need. It's a direct way to address hunger and provide a sense
of support and community.
B: I couldn’t agree more

16. Is it better to use your extra money to buy objects or to increase your experiences?
- Better to buy objects (eg. Gadgets, clothes); Things help serve our daily needs.
- Better to increase experiences (eg. Travelling/ going to concert): experiences help
shape our passion and future.
A: Hey, imagine you have some extra money and you're wondering whether to use it to buy
objects like gadgets or clothes or to spend it on increasing your experiences like traveling
or going to concerts. What do you think is the better option?
B: Both options have their merits, but I personally believe that using money to buy object
can have a more profound impact on our lives. Objects like gadgets or clothes serve our
daily needs and can bring us convenience and enjoyment as well.
A: I don’t think so. Objects definitely have their practical uses and can enhance our
day-to-day lives. However, experiences have the potential to transform us in ways that
material possessions cannot. Experiences help shape our passions, broaden our
perspectives, and create lasting memories.
B:But doesn't the happiness derived from buying objects, especially ones we've been
wanting for a long time, also contribute to our overall well-being?
A: Acquiring objects we desire can indeed bring temporary happiness. However, research
suggests that the happiness derived from material possessions tends to be short-lived. On
the other hand, the memories and personal growth gained from experiences have a more
enduring impact on our well-being.
B: That’s true.
17. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:” School should give students
more time to play sports.
- Agree: More time to play sports help students healthier
- Disagree: Students should focus on study, and they can play sports after school.
A: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:” School should give students
more time to play sports?
B: I believe that schools should give students more time to play sports. It can contribute to
their overall health and well-being. While academic studies are crucial, physical activity
and sports offer numerous benefits to students. Regular engagement in sports can improve
their physical fitness, promote teamwork and social skills, and even enhance their
academic performance by reducing stress and improving focus.
A: I understand the importance of physical activity, but I disagree. I think students should
primarily focus on their studies, and they can engage in sports during their free time after
school. Physical activity is important, but schools have limited time and resources. The
focus should primarily be on providing a quality education. Students can participate in
sports outside of school hours through community programs or extracurricular activities.
18. What do you prefer: Having no ambition or having too many ambitions
- Have no ambition: No pressure in life
- Have too many ambitions: become a better version of yourself
A: I often wonder if it's better to have no ambition or to have too many ambitions. On one
hand, having no ambition may relieve the pressure of striving for success. On the other
hand, having too many ambitions can push us to become better versions of ourselves.
What are your thoughts?
B: It is a difficult question. I think having no ambition is better than having too many
ambitions. Having no ambition means you have no pressure in life. You can just enjoy the
present moment and be happy with what you have.
A: I disagree. Having no ambition means you have no purpose or direction in life. You are
wasting your potential and talents. You are not contributing anything to society or
B: But having too many ambitions is also bad. You are always chasing after something that
you may never achieve. You are never satisfied or content with what you have. You are
always stressed and anxious about the future.
A: That's true. Without any ambition, we might not have a clear direction or goals to
pursue. However, having too many ambitions could lead to feeling overwhelmed or spread
too thin, potentially hindering our ability to make significant progress in any particular
B: That's exactly how I feel. It's important to strike a balance.
A: I couldn’t agree with you more
19. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: ”It is important for young
people to vote”
- Agree: Young people are mostly affected by political changes
- Disagree: Young people know little about politics
A: Do you agree or disagree with this statement: ”It is important for young
people to vote”?
B: I strongly believe that it is crucial for young people to vote. They are often the ones most
affected by political changes and decisions.
A: I understand the importance of voting, but I'm not entirely convinced that young people
possess enough knowledge about politics to make informed decisions. Shouldn't voting be
reserved for those with a deeper understanding of political matters?
B: While it's true that some young people may have limited knowledge about politics, that
shouldn't be a reason to exclude them from the democratic process. Voting is a
fundamental right and a way for individuals to have a say in shaping the future they will
20. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: ”Cars should be banned from
city centers”
- Agree: This solves traffic jam problem
- Disagree: It would be inconvenient for everyone
A: I disagree with the idea of banning cars from city centers. While it may help alleviate
traffic congestion, it would also create significant inconveniences for everyone.

B: I understand the concern about inconveniences, but the traffic jam problem in city
centers is a significant issue. Banning cars could be an effective solution to reduce
congestion and improve the overall functioning of the city.
A: While it's true that traffic congestion is a problem, completely banning cars would have
far-reaching consequences. Many people rely on cars for their daily commutes,
transporting goods, and accessing essential services. Banning cars would disrupt their
routines and make it difficult for them to carry out their daily activities.
B: I acknowledge that cars play a crucial role in transportation, but we also need to
consider alternative modes of transportation. By promoting public transportation, cycling
infrastructure, and walking, we can provide viable alternatives to cars and reduce the
dependency on them in city centers.

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