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1. You can test the module using the account informaƟon below.

PayTR Account InformaƟon

a. Merchant ID
b. Merchant Key
c. Merchant Salt

2. PayTR developer URL: hƩps://

3. I don't know much about the module. If it would be easier to update the module, it could be a form like the one
in the Capture02 picture. The module normally has a form like the one in the Capture01 picture.

(We don’t need Save my payment details opƟon)

4. An issue related to the module caught my aƩenƟon. You can find the screenshot aƩached. There is no Install
buƩon on the module screen. Is this a technical problem or is it supposed to be like this? I hope it doesn't cause
any problems. Can you add this Install buƩon funciton?


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