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Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Division of Davao City


Multiple Choice. Read the questions or statements carefully. Select the best answer among the
given choices. Shade the oval, that represents your answer, in the Zip Grade template; or write the
letter of your choice in a separate sheet of paper.

Do not cheat! Cheating is an insult to your intelligence .

1. Which are the three main philosophies and religions of ancient China?
a. Christianity, Buddhism, and Taoism c. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
b. Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity d., Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism
2.. Who is the personalities founder of Taoism?
a. Brahman b. Confucius c. Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) d. Lao Tzu

3. What is the basic teaching of Taoist?

a. Complete submission and obedience
b. Going with the flow and Living in harmony
c. Offering oneself to the will of nature and universe
d. Surrender to the will of Lao Tzu

4. What is the sacred text a collection of wisdom of many different people?

a. Chuang-tzu b. Tao te ching c. Tanakh d. Torah

5.. Which of the following concept of Taoism they are opposite but complementary forces?
a. Wu wei b. The De c. Tao d. Yin and Yang

6 How to pronounced Tao?

a. Dew b. Taodow c. Dow d. Daw

7. Taoism originated from what country?

a. China b. Korea c. Japan d. Taiwan

8. What is the particular belief of Shintoism

a. Atheism b. Monotheism c. Polytheistic d. Theism

9. Considered the original and native religion of the people of Japan

a Shinto b. Taoism c. Confucianism d. Buddhism

10. A Shinto shrine, called ________, is the “dwelling place of the kami.”?
a temple b. Jinja c. Tori d. Michi

11. The goddess of the sun is?

a Izanami b. Susanoo c. Izanagi d. Amaterasu

Republic of the Philippines
Region XI
Division of Davao City
12. Which of these best describes the kami?

a. animal and nature totems

b. divine powers of the cosmos in the form of deities, features of nature, and exceptional humans
c. invisible ancestors and the spirits of those who haven't moved on
d. Shinto's pantheon of gods

13. Who is the goddess of dawn and revelry?

a Uzume b. Susanoo c. Izanagi d. Amaterasu

14. Which of the following statements is not a belief and practice of Hinduism?
a. Dharma (code of living that emphasizes good conduct and morality.)
b. karma (the universal law of cause and effect).
c. Passover (Jewish holiday that celebrates the Biblical story of the Israelites escape
from slavery in Egypt.)
d. Samsara (the continuous cycle of life, death, and reincarnation)

15. Who controls the winds in Japan?

a Uzume b. Susanoo c. Fujin d. Amaterasu

16. Which of the following deities in Hinduism is a god responsible for the creation of the world
and all living things?
a. Brahman, supreme god c. Saraswati, goddess of learning
b. Krishna, god of compassion and love d. Vishnu, god that protects the universe

17. Which of the Hindu beliefs is regarded as a worship ritual performed by Hindus to offer
prayer to one or more deities, to host and honor a guest, or to spiritually celebrate an event.?
a. Hindus believed in Dharma, which is described as right conduct, righteousness, moral law,
and duty.
b. Hindus believed in Moksha which is the soul’s release from the cycle of death and rebirth.
c. Hindus believed in Puja which is a worship ritual to offer devotional homage and
prayer to one or more deities
d. Hindus believed in Vedas which is the sacred texts that contain revelations by
ancient saints and sages.

18. Which of the Hindu beliefs is regarded as a collection of verses and hymns?
a. Hindus believed in Dharma, which is described as right conduct, righteousness, moral law,
and duty.
b. Hindus believed in Moksha which is the soul’s release from the cycle of death and rebirth.
c. Hindus believed in Puja which is a worship ritual to offer devotional homage and
prayer to one or more deities
d. Hindus believed in Vedas which is the sacred texts that contain revelations by
ancient saints and sages.

19. How do Hindus describe Karma?

a. It is the cause of man’s action. c. It is the reincarnation of one’s soul.
b. It is the consequence of one’s action. d. It is the way to eliminate the transmigration of soul.

20. In Hinduism, there is a belief in three highest deities which fulfill different functions in the universe.
Republic of the Philippines
Region XI
Division of Davao City
Which of the following deities are part of the Trinity?
a. Brahma (Creator), Parvati (mother goddess), and Vishnu (Preserver)
b. Brahma (Creator), Shiva (Destroyer), and Vishnu (Preserver)
c. Lakshmi (goddess of wealth), Parvati (mother goddess), and Saraswathi (goddess of speech)
d. Lakshmi (goddess of wealth), Shiva (Destroyer), and Vishnu (Preserver)

21. Who founded Buddhism?

a. Brahman b. Confucius c. Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) d. Lao Tzu

22. The four noble truths comprise the essence of Buddha’s teachings on the cause of sufferings
and how to overcome suffering.
Which of the following statements is not a noble truth in Buddhism?
a. Life is full of suffering, pain and sorrow.
b. The cause of suffering is the desire for things that are really illusions, such as riches,
power and long life.
c. The only cure of suffering is to smoke cigarettes and drink liquor.
d. The way to overcome desire is to follow the Eightfold Path

23. Which among the religious beliefs and teachings is followed by the Buddhists religiously?
a. The Ten Commandments and Beatitudes
b. The Five Pillars of Islam
c. The Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path
d. The Golden Rule of Confucianism and Taoism

24. The central figure in Buddhism is Siddhartha Gautam known as the Buddha.
Which of the following terms is the best description of Buddha?
a. The Awakened and Enlightened One c. The Most Powerful god and goddess
b. The Devoted and Holy One d. The One who knows and fulfills faith

25. The religious doctrine that is also associated in Buddhism is the “Eightfold Path,”
which summarizes Buddha’s teachings on the elimination of life’s suffering.
Which among the terms is not associated with the Eightfold Path?
a. Conduct and Morality c. Mental Development
b. Insight and Wisdom d. Vices and Violence

26. Which of the following scenarios shows the essence of the Middle Way or the life of moderation
practiced by the believers of Buddhism?

a. Andrea managed her time in studying her lesson, doing household chores, praying to God,
and chatting with her friends.
b. Andrew plays online games excessively.
c. Nicole spends whole day chatting with her friends.
d. Noel was praised by his friends for spending too much of his time playing basketball.

27. In Buddhism, the Middle Way or life of moderation is a system of eight principles that must be
followed in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment and the end of suffering.
Which among the Buddhists’ practices is not part of the eightfold path?
a. Right Action b. Right Livelihood c. Right Pleasure d. Right Speech

28. Which of the following statements shows “Right Mindfulness’?

Republic of the Philippines
Region XI
Division of Davao City
a. Avoiding lies, unkind speech, and frivolous talks.
b. Producing an attitude of steady and cheerful determination.
c. Learning to be attentive to our actions and conditions at present moment.
d. Showing an understanding of what life really is and what life’s problems are composed of.

29. Which of the following statements shows “Right Livelihood’?

a. Avoiding thoughts of anger, greed, and illicit desires.
b. Producing an attitude of steady and cheerful determination.
c. Doing one’s best in doing good things at the right time and at the right place.
d. Disengaging to injurious business such as harmful drugs and intoxicants,
gun shops, and liquor stores.

30. Which of the following statements shows “Right Speech’?

a. Avoiding lies, unkind speech, and frivolous talks.
b. Producing an attitude of steady and cheerful determination.
c. Doing one’s best in doing good things at the right time and at the right place.
d. Showing an understanding of what life really is and what life’s problems are composed of.

31. Which of the following statements shows “Right Action and Effort’?
a. Angela does her homework and household chores diligently and responsibly.
b. A group of students cheats during the summative test in World Religions’ class.
c. Anthony skips classes in the afternoon and spends this time in doing unnecessary activity.
d. Alvin takes prohibited and illegal drugs since he believes this will make him a strong person.

32. The five precepts of Buddhism form the basis of morality for the Buddhists and their primary task
is to refrain from certain things that may cause harm to oneself or another being.
Which of the following statements is not the correct precept of Buddhism?
a. I take the precept to abstain from destroying living beings.
b. I take the precept to abstain from sexual misconduct.
c. I take the precept to abstain from taking things not given and false speech.
d. I take the precept to consume anything that causes intoxication such as
getting drunk and using illegal drugs.

33. Which of the following religions is not the main philosophies and religions in China?
a. Buddhism b. Confucianism c. Hinduism d. Taoism

34. Who among the personalities is the founder and the third symbol of Confucianism?
a. Confucius b. Lao Tzu c. Mencius d. Siddhartha Gautama

35. Which among the symbols of Confucianism is an important element, a source of life, and very
essential to the natural world?
a. Fire b. Metal c. Water d. Wood

36. Which among the symbols of Confucianism is a balance between two opposite forces that
represent duality or the idea that two opposite characteristics can actually exist in harmony
and complement each other?
b. Fire b. Metal c. Water d. Wood

37. The religious doctrine that is also associated with Confucianism is the “Golden Rule,”
which reminds us that we are peers to others who deserve comparable consideration like
Republic of the Philippines
Region XI
Division of Davao City
to treat others as you consent to being treated in the same situation.
Which of the following statements is the Golden Rule of Confucianism?
a. Do not do unto others what you would not want others to do unto you.
b. Do not do unto others what you want to be done unto you.
c. Do unto others what you do not like others to do unto you.
d. Do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you.

38. Which of the following statements is not the principle of Confucianism?

a. The principle of Chung which is to uphold that loyalty strengthens the bond between
the rulers and the citizens of the country.
b. The principle of Li which is showing disrespectfulness and dishonesty to
oneself and other people.
c. The principle of Xin which is faithfulness and being honest towards oneself and other,
and helps the individuals to earn admiration.
d. The principle of Yi which is righteousness as the basis of human virtue and able to
differentiate what is right and wrong.

39. Who among the personalities is the founder of Taoism or Daoism?

a. Confucius b. Lao Tzu c. Mencius d. Siddhartha Gautama

40. Which of the following statements is not the basic teaching of Taoism?
a. Going with the flow by allowing things to take their natural course.
b. Living in harmony through peace and orderliness in all aspects of life.
c. Simplicity, patience and compassion in actions and thoughts
d. Understanding and embracing change by letting go of the good way of life and prioritize
the bad way of life.

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