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Different Types of Text Structure

1. Text Structure: Classification-Division
Lessons One Can Learn About Life from A Dog

There are so many lessons one can learn about life from a dog. Imagine this scenario: it is raining heavily outside and you
need to leave for someone’s house. The dog is up and eager, to go with you. You tell it to stay home. As you leave, you see it
squeezing out through the gap in the doorway. You scold it and order it back home. Then at every turn you make, you suddenly see
it following you sheepishly at a distance. It follows at the risk of being reprimanded for the sore reason of being somewhere nearby.
How else can we experience so selfless an instance of love and faithfulness? We can learn a lifelong lesson from this sincere warm
display of perpetual companionship. Observe the eating habits of your dog. It does not eat, except when hungry. It does not drink,
unless it is thirsty. It does not gorge itself. It stops eating when it has had enough. A dog also sets a perfect example of adaptability. If
it is moved to a strange place, it is able to adapt itself to that place and to its thousand peculiarities without a murmur of complaint.
It is able to learn and adapt to a new family’s ways and customs. It is quick and ready to please. Man, being accustomed to comfort
and wealth will be lost if suddenly stripped of all he is accustomed to. A dog also teaches us a thing or two about unselfish love.
When a dog knows death is approaching, it tries, with its last vestige of strength, to crawl away elsewhere to die, in order to burden
its owners no more. A dog does things with all vigor. However, when there is nothing to do, it lies down and rests. It does not waste
its strength and energy needlessly. Many working people are burning the candles at both ends. Many suffer nervous breakdowns
due to stress. Perhaps, they should learn to rest like a dog does.


2. Text-Structure: Chronological


It’s five o’ clock in the morning. Mang Eloy woke up early for work. He is a security guard at a downtown pawnshop in
Ozamiz City. Aleng Mameng, his wife prepared breakfast for the family and readied herself for work, too. She is a cashier at a
department store. “Coco, wake up now and take a bath!” called Aleng Mameng. “Yes, mother,” he replied while stretching and
yawning. When everyone was seated for breakfast, Mang Eloy talked to his son. “When you’re done with your breakfast, you need
to throw our garbage. Don’t forget to wash your hands too after doing that,” his father reminded. “Yes father,” he nodded while
reaching a glass of milk and called on to his mother. “Mother, we are running out of alcohol supply already,” he said. “Alright, just
text me later about it so I can be reminded,” she answered. Around 7:00 a.m. when they finished breakfast, Mang Eloy and Aleng
Mameng wore their face masks, grabbed their bags and rushed out of the house. After a while, Coco wore his face mask, took out a
bag of garbage from the trash bin, threw it away in their compost pit, and washed his hands with a foamy antibacterial soap. He
made sure he washed his hands properly and dried them thoroughly. At 9:00 a.m., he completed all his tasks, he then opened his
cellphone, texted his mother for the alcohol and finally opened his DepEd Commons mobile app for his online learning.


3. Text Structure- Problem and Solution


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a global infectious disease which affects different people in different ways. Some will
experience mild symptoms which do not need special treatment and will recover from it eventually. Others will experience most
common symptoms like headache, fatigue, fever or dry cough. Over nine million people all over the world was confirmed infected of
the disease and it caused millions of deaths too. It is an invisible enemy that continues to threaten the lives of many. There are
important ways to fight against the threat of this virus. All government agencies always remind us to practice protective measures in
order to protect ourselves against COVID-19. Proper handwashing and cough etiquette, boosting immunity, maintaining social
distance, wearing of face mask and avoiding crowded places are several ways to protect oneself from COVID-19. This pandemic will
continue to ruin many lives unless there is a massive cooperation from the people in the country and in the whole world.


4. Text Structure- Compare and Contrast


We all know how useful television and radio in giving important information and entertainment in our daily lives. Our elders
have been using them for centuries. The joys they give during our leisure times and the guide they deliver when natural and
unnatural emergencies occur make them survive through the tests of times. The television shows images and gives sounds for the
viewers’ complete experiences in acquiring knowledge. Although a radio only sends sounds, still, its listeners will experience a
wonderful way of getting informed because it allows the listeners to draw images from what they heard. Both the television and the
radio are common means of Filipinos way of spending time with the family. Truly, a television and a radio have become part of the
Filipino lives yesterday and today!


5. Text Structure- Cause and Effect


Importance of Trees

Trees have great impact to human life because they provide many things such as food, shelter and other life’s essentials.
Trees also contribute something beneficial to the environment like providing us oxygen, water and shelter to wild life. However,
nowadays, as we can observe, trees in the forest are alarmingly destroyed and there are some areas in the forest which are
denuded. This activity is called “deforestation.” Many people like the farmers suffer from poverty so they resort to the practice of
cutting down and burning trees for agricultural purposes. Many rely on the trees not only the humans but also the animals. Loss of
great amount of trees in the forest can lead us to different calamities like flooding, climate change, soil erosion, earth quake and the
like. Since trees are very essential to mankind and the community, let us support the advocacy to take care of the trees and the


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