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Research Title: Budgeting Strategies and Its Impact to the Financial

Decision Making of Technical Vocational Livelihood Students

Budgeting is a foundational skill essential for effective personal financial
management. Technical Vocational Livelihood students encounter distinctive
financial challenges, including limited income sources, potential educational
expenses, and career aspirations. Exploring how their budgeting strategies
influence financial decisions is essential for improving their financial
literacy. This study aims to uncover how Technical Vocational Livelihood
students make these decisions and whether their budgeting strategies shape
these choices. The research has the potential to provide insights into the
effectiveness of financial education programs within TVL curricula. Hence,
the importance of this topic lies in its direct impact on the financial well-
being of TVL students. As they often face unique financial challenges,
supporting their financial literacy through improved budgeting skills equips
them to make informed financial decisions. Additionally, the research
informs policy and education, aligning curricula with the practical financial
needs of these students, enhancing their readiness for future careers.
Finally, it contributes to financial research by addressing a critical
knowledge gap, providing insights into an underrepresented demographic's
financial behaviors.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to address the following key issues:
Budgeting Strategies: What are the prevailing budgeting strategies employed
by TVL students as they manage their finances during their education and
how does it impact the respondents Financial Decision Making?
SOP Questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?
2. What budgeting strategies do TVL HE students commonly employ in
managing their finances?
3. To what extent do budgeting strategies impact TVL students’ ability to
make informed financial decisions?
4. How does students demographic profile affects their budgeting

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