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Life 2e Advanced End-of-year Test A Paper 3: Listening

Life 2e Advanced End-of-year Test A

Paper 3: Listening

Time: Approximately 40 minutes

Name: ________________________________________

Total score: _____ / 30


Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.
Listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.
Answer all the questions.
While you are listening, write your answers on the question paper.


There are four parts to the test.

Each question carries one mark.
You will hear each piece twice.
For each part of the test there will be time for you to look through the questions
and time for you to check your answers.

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Life 2e Advanced End-of-year Test A Paper 3: Listening

Part 1 MP3 file: Track1_Life_Adv_TestA_Part1

You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1–6, choose the answer (A, B or C),
which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract.

Extract One

You hear two friends sharing news about their work.

1 What is different about the two speakers’ situations?

A One of them works and the other one studies.

B One of them cannot afford to study without working too.

C One of them finds studying less of a strain that the other.

2 According to the man, law is different from other courses because

A it relies on memorizing a lot of facts.

B it requires a lot of previous knowledge.

C it combines abstract and concrete ideas.

Extract Two

You hear two friends talking about a new development in their city.

3 Why does the woman feel more optimistic about the new development?

A She feels that the trend for online shopping is just temporary.

B She feels that the council has taken a risk that will pay off.

C She is encouraged by the number of amenities which are not shops.

4 What did both speakers object to in the new development?

A The council being more interested in its own image than people’s needs.

B The misleading nature of the advertisements at the complex.

C The fact it encourages people to spend money they don’t necessarily have.

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Life 2e Advanced End-of-year Test A Paper 3: Listening

Extract Three

You hear a woman telling a friend about her job interview.

5 What did the woman assume after her interview experience?

A that it was a strange and disorganized company

B that there wasn’t actually a job available

C that the company preferred to hold informal interviews

6 What does the man think about the interview?

A that the woman should have been more guarded in her answers

B that the employer used unfair tactics to get information from her

C that it was a clever technique to get her to reveal more about herself

Marks (out of 6): _____

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Life 2e Advanced End-of-year Test A Paper 3: Listening

Part 2 MP3 file: Track2_Lilfe_Adv_TestA_Part2

You will hear a woman called Keisha Royston talking to a group of university students
about successful innovation.

For questions 7–14, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

The keys to successful innovation

In 22 years of working in the innovation sector, Keisha Royston has gained many
(7) .................................................... . The most important is that being a successful
innovator is not just a question of having (8) .................................................... ;
it’s also about having the will to implement them, something which
(9) .................................................... find easier. According to Royston, there are
three qualities an innovator must possess: a belief in what you are doing; the ability
to (10) ................................................... yourself to the task of making it a reality;
and pragmatism, which in certain circumstances could even involve
(11) .................................................... the project all together.

Einstein said that before you can solve a problem, you first have to
(12) .................................................... . Once you have done this, you will need
to develop your solution. This takes money, which could come from
(13) .................................................... . After that you will hopefully be able to attract
a (14) .................................................... , as in the case of ‘ParkAtMyHouse’ and

Marks (out of 8): _____

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Life 2e Advanced End-of-year Test A Paper 3: Listening

Part 3 MP3 file: Track3_Life_Adv_TestA_Part3

You will hear a radio interview with a historian called Michelle Rosignol who specializes in
the history of toys and games. For questions 15–20, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which
fits best according to what you hear.

15 What does Michelle say about how her interest in the history of toys began?

A She has always been a person who looks back fondly at the past.

B It was not actually the branch of history she was most interested in.

C She did not realize at the time that this would become an interest.

D The interest arose out of a love of children’s movies when she was a girl.

16 Which of these things does Michelle NOT mention when describing what toys tell us
about the past?

A They tell us how much people valued family leisure time.

B They tell us what was important to people and what was not.

C They show us various aspects of people’s everyday lives.

D They give us a view of what a specific culture was like in the past.

17 What we do know about children in the Middle Ages is that

A the majority of them lived in poverty.

B they were treated more like adults than children.

C they had relatively short lives compared to today.

D most had to earn money to help their families.

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Life 2e Advanced End-of-year Test A Paper 3: Listening

18 How does Michelle feel about Philippe Ariès’ suggestion that children in the Middle
Ages had no emotional bond with their parents?

A She wants to try and disprove it.

B She agrees with it in part.

C She thinks it is an extreme view.

D She thinks the evidence for it is weak.

19 The objects found near the River Thames that Michelle describes are

A different kinds of toys for both boys and girls.

B all small models of objects used at the time.

C obviously meant for children not adults.

D very unlike the toys children have these days.

20 The type of toys children were given to play with in the 1960s and 70s tell us that

A parents valued creative skills more highly than nowadays.

B children grew up in a safer environment than exists nowadays.

C parents did not manage their children’s lives as much as nowadays.

D parents were less concerned about outside influences on their children.

Marks (out of 6): _____

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Life 2e Advanced End-of-year Test A Paper 3: Listening

Part 4 MP3 file: Track4_Life_Adv_TestA_Part4

You will hear five short extracts in which people talk about specific travel experiences. You
will hear the recording twice. While you listen, you must complete both tasks.

For questions 21–25, choose from the list (A–H) the reason each speaker gives for making
their trip.

A as a personal challenge

B as a way to help someone in need Speaker 1 _____ 21

C to visit a place of natural beauty Speaker 2 _____ 22

D for their job Speaker 3 _____ 23

E for educational purposes Speaker 4 _____ 24

F to raise money for charity Speaker 5 _____ 25

G for a family holiday

H to visit old friends

For questions 26–30, choose from the list (A–H) what each speaker feels about their trip.

A they learnt a lot about themselves

B it changed their view of the world Speaker 1 _____ 26

C they regret going Speaker 2 _____ 27

D a huge feeling of satisfaction Speaker 3 _____ 28

E glad to have helped other people Speaker 4 _____ 29

F it was a depressing experience Speaker 5 _____ 30

G it was magnificent

H it was exhausting

Marks (out of 10): _____

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