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Life 2e Advanced End-of-year Test A Audioscript

Life 2e Advanced End-of-year Test A


Track 1, Part 1 transformed beyond all recognition. It

MP3 file: Track1_Life_Adv_TestA_Part1 had become a rather depressing place.
M Well, I’m all in favour of that, but I can’t
1 help feeling that the aim is just to sell
F Hi, Stefan. Haven’t seen you for ages. people things they can’t really afford.
How’s everything? Is the course going When I walked past, all I could see
well? were big advertising hoardings saying
things like ‘I refuse to be normal’ and
M The law course? Actually, I’m taking a
‘Release the individual in you’. I mean,
break from it this year. I couldn’t keep
up with all the work. I do night shifts at
a newspaper three times a week – F Yeah, that kind of message is really
journalism’s my other interest – and I’m annoying, isn’t it? As if we’d all be more
completely done in by the time I get to individual if we bought the same brands
my classes on Thursday. … I don’t think so.
F Do they allow that – taking a year off?
M Yeah, the college was really
understanding. I think they realize it’s in 3
no one’s interest if students become M How did the interview go, Vero?
burned out. Law’s great – kind of F Er, well … I don’t know what they
practical and cerebral at the same time thought of me. But I found it a really
– but it’s such a knowledge-based odd experience.
course, compared to other subjects,
M Why, what happened?
and your mind just doesn’t retain large
quantities of information when you’re F Well, so I got there a bit early, as you
run down. do, but no one seemed to be expecting
me, so I just ended up talking to this
F Tell me about it. I find studying really
woman at reception for about 40
gruelling and I’m not trying to hold down
minutes. She was really nice, actually –
a job at the same time.
we had a funny chat. But when I finally
M Well, I wish I had that luxury, but I have
got to see the manager, he only spent
to make ends meet somehow. My only
five minutes with me, checked a couple
worry is that when I go back, I’ll have
of details on my CV and that was it. I
forgotten even more.
reckon it was all just a formality and
they’d assigned the job elsewhere
M Hang on a minute. Did it occur to you
F Have you been down to the new
that the chat at reception might actually
shopping and leisure complex in the
have been the interview?
city centre yet?
F What?! No, it didn’t … Oh no, how
M No, I’ve just walked past it. Frankly, I
awkward! I told her all sort of things
don’t know what the council think
about my private life. Surely, they
they’re doing. It’s just a big monument
wouldn’t do that …
to their vanity.
M Well, it’s a bit sneaky, but not really.
F Well, it is a huge gamble on their part.
Employers have to be smart these days
All the trends point to people doing
and sometimes that means using
more online shopping, not visiting
unconventional tactics to discover what
shopping centres. But actually, it’s not
just shops. They’ve created some really someone’s really like.
nice leisure spaces too: there’s a great
hands-on arts and crafts centre for kids,
a new cinema and the library has been

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Life 2e Advanced End-of-year Test A Audioscript

Track 2, Part 2 on others and listen carefully to their

MP3 file: Track2_Life_Adv_TestA_Part2
The next step is to find a partner to help
Keisha Royston bring this idea to market. Crowdfunding is
Hello everyone. My name is Keisha Royston certainly a good way to finance development
and I’m senior advisor at the Institute for of your product without breaking the bank,
Innovation. I’m very grateful to Carson but sooner or later, you’ll need a commercial
College for inviting me here today and for partner to market it. The start-up
giving me this opportunity to share with you ‘ParkAtMyHouse’ is a good example. It’s
some of the insights that 22 years in this based on a simple solution to the problem of
industry has given me. The question that a shortage of cheap parking spaces in cities.
you all probably want answered is: Is there The ideas is that private households can
an innovator in me? The short answer to that rent out their parking spaces to commuters.
is ‘I don’t know’. But if you were to put it The founder first developed the idea through
another way and ask me – do I have any a crowdfunding website, that then caught
good ideas? – my answer would be a the attention of carmaker, BMW. They were
definitive ‘yes’. We’re all full of ideas and the so impressed that they invested in the
fortunate news for you is, the younger you company and from there it has grown …
are, the more willing you are to run with
them. As we get older, we become more
judgmental and dismiss ideas before they’ve
even had a chance to take root. But to go Track 3, Part 3
back to the original question – is there an MP3 file: Track3_Life_Adv_TestA_Part3
innovator in you? – well, that depends on
several factors. Int = interviewer, MR = Michelle Rosignol
The first is belief: not only do you need a Int So, Michelle, you specialize in the
good idea, you also need to feel passionate history of toys and games. How did
about the merits of it. If not, you won’t that interest come about?
persuade others to buy into it. MR Well, I have to say, most aspects of
history fascinate me. But with toys ... I
The second is application: having the idea is think the seed might have originally
the easy part – making a prototype, testing been planted when I saw the film Toy
that it could work practically and Story back in the 1990s. Although I
commercially, looking for backers or was probably only dimly conscious of
investors – the patience and hard work it then – I was only about 11 or 12
involved in all that is what separates real years old – the film was … well, apart
innovators from mere dreamers. Innovation from being a fantastic adventure story,
is not just a light bulb moment; it’s countless of course, it was really a nostalgic
hours of application before and after that glance back at the toys that my
moment. parents’ generation played with in the
60s and 70s.
The third is pragmatism: keep your feet on Int Toys like Mr Potato head?
the ground and don’t get carried away with MR Yes, exactly. And the slinky … and
the romance of invention. Seek out others’ the Barbie doll, and the little toy
opinions, be prepared to listen and to adapt soldiers. I’m sure that one reason the
your idea, or even to abandon it and go back film was so successful was because it
to the drawing board, if necessary. appealed to both generations –
children and adults. People love to
So, how do you advance from the idea to a reminisce about their own childhood
successful innovation? The first thing is to and there’s nothing more evocative of
take a long hard look at the idea and ask those years than your favourite toys ...
yourself: What does this thing do and is it Int Mmm ... that’s true. But you’ve now
really necessary? Or, if you like: What made that nostalgia your life’s work.
problem does it solve? Einstein said, ‘If I had MR Well, it’s not just nostalgia. I’m
20 days to solve a problem, I would take 19 interested in what determined the kind
to define it.’ In other words, understanding of toys and games people played with
the problem is critical. Test out your solution in the past. Are they a reflection of
their culture? Do they reveal what

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Life 2e Advanced End-of-year Test A Audioscript

people’s priorities were in some way? chairs, jugs, a small birdcage, even a
Or do they perhaps tell us something frying pan with fish in it. If, as we
about how they lived? If you examine believe, these are children’s toys, they
one of the 17th century doll’s houses in paint a very different picture of
the Amsterdam Rijksmuseum, for medieval childhood to the one that
example, you can learn a lot about Ariès has presented. It suggests that
domestic life at that place and time. someone went to the trouble of
Int Interesting. making these things for a child’s
MR But my main interest at the moment is amusement.
toys from the Middle Ages. The Int But it’s not conclusive evidence, is it?
conventional view among historians is MR No, but it is highly suggestive. I mean,
that children in medieval Europe didn’t it’s unlikely adults made these things
really have a childhood as we now for themselves.
know it. They use the fact that there Int And can we just go back to where we
are very few toys surviving from that started, with Toy Story, and talk about
period as proof of that. And that’s more recent history?
something I want to challenge, or at MR Sure.
least investigate. Int What do you think those toys that your
Int But, hang on, isn’t there some truth in parents played with tell us – or might
that? Because we know children in perhaps tell a future generation –
those days were often forced to work about our society? Are there any
from a young age. It was an economic conclusions to be drawn?
necessity. MR Oh, yes, I think so. You can see from
MR Well, yes, for all except richer families. the toys of the 60s and 70s that,
And, as I say, the prevailing view until compared to kids today, children were
fairly recently was that that pretty left much more to get on with things.
much denied children the type of They weren’t constantly supervised as
childhood they have today. There are children often are now. So, they
some historians, most notably a created their own imaginary worlds
Frenchman named Philippe Ariès, with dolls and action figures – that’s
who take the idea even further. From what the film Toy Story’s all about. I
this idea of the lack of a free and hear a lot of older people bemoaning
natural period of growing up, he infers the loss of that kind of creative play.
that the bonds between parent and .... I think it also reflects a society
child in those days were much which wasn’t so fearful or safety-
weaker. conscious. You couldn’t imagine a six-
Int Really? year old these days being left to play
MR Yes, in fact, he goes so far as to with a pea-shooter or even a Mr
question whether such emotional Potato head for fear that they’d hurt
bonds existed at all. Supporters of themselves .... or someone else.
that view also cite paintings of the
period – the type that depict children
as small adults – as further evidence
of the absence of empathy for
Int And you? Do you subscribe to that
view too?
MR I’d like not to! As I said, I’m seeking to
challenge it. In fact, my most recent
research has been all about that. An
archaeological dig near the River
Thames in London recently
uncovered some objects which we’re
pretty certain are medieval toys.
Int Really? What did they find?
MR Various items. Little replica guns and
cannons, some small figurines – like
dolls – and also miniature household
objects of the kind that you might find
in a doll’s house today such as little

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Life 2e Advanced End-of-year Test A Audioscript

Track 4, Part 4 to make other plans. Apart from

MP3 file: Track4_Life_Adv_TestA_Part4 costing me a fortune, I had a really
great time. And I found the whole
1 experience really educational. It
forced me to think about how you
M I travelled out to Ecuador last occupy your time and entertain
summer, on the face of it to do an yourself when there’s no one else to
intensive Spanish language course. organize things for you.
You see, my teacher here is from
Colombia and she told me that people
in Ecuador speak really slowly, so that 4
was a big incentive for me – I thought
it’d probably suit my rather ponderous F My friend Sarah and I had both
language learning brain. But deep wanted to visit Georgia and the area
down I was really thinking this is around the Black Sea for a long time
probably the only opportunity I’ll get to because we had read about how
visit the Galapagos Islands, one of gorgeous the scenery was around
nature’s wonders. I was a bit there. But Sarah’s never one to take
apprehensive because the trips out to the easy route and, anyway, she
the islands are very strictly managed wanted to do some fundraising for the
– you have to go in guided groups local hospice where she volunteers.
and that’s not really my thing. And So she decided that we’d canoe there
they’re not cheap either. But it was by way of the rivers of Europe. I
worth every penny. It’s a different honestly don’t know why I signed up
world – absolutely stunning! for it. It wasn’t about the fundraising. I
guess I just can’t resist testing my
own capabilities. There were many
2 times when I wished I was back at
home, but at the end, the feeling of
F I was at a conference in Szczecin in achievement was amazing.
Poland a few years back and I liked it
so much that I took my husband and
children back there during spring half- 5
term. I wished I hadn’t actually
because it rained for five of the seven M About 15 years ago, after I had left
days and it limited our options university and was wondering what to
severely. I often present at do next, I saw this ad in the paper for
conferences around the world so I get a courier. A Jordanian guy wanted
taken to places that I wouldn’t someone to drive a nearly new car for
perhaps otherwise think of visiting. him from Germany, where he’d
There’s an added advantage in that bought it, all the way to Jordan. I think
being with local hosts, you get to see he was trying to avoid the tax he’d
a place from their perspective, not just have to pay if he’d just imported a
as a tourist. But going back didn’t new car in the normal way. Well, it
work out. I guess there’s a lesson seemed like an interesting way to
there – don’t try to repeat your own make a bit of money. The trouble was
good experiences for the benefit of I had to do it in only five days. I was
others. absolutely done in by the end. Don’t
ask me what the countries I went
through were like, either. I couldn’t tell
3 you.

F I don’t really believe in travelling for its

own sake. I’d much rather go
somewhere for a purpose, like for
work or to look up someone I haven’t
seen for ages. That’s actually what
took me to New York last year, but
two weeks before I was due to go, my
supposed host announced he was
going to be away for his job, so I had

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