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Marketing Plan

Presented by:
Abdul Rehman Talha Mukhtar
Ali Akbar
Azher Mehmood
Fahad Ahmad
Our Idea:
Electric Vehicle Charging Points on
Motorways of Pakistan.
Market Research:
To investigate the market for electric vehicle (EV) charging
points on motorways in Pakistan, it's crucial to first grasp the
regulatory landscape supporting EV infrastructure. Look into
government policies encouraging charging station
development. Identify the main entities involved in
establishing these stations and pinpoint their current
locations on motorways. Examine the charging technologies
they employ, considering factors like speed and compatibility
with different EV models. Analyze the demand for EVs in
Pakistan, incorporating insights into consumer behavior and
travel habits. Explore partnerships between charging station
operators and other stakeholders. Keep an eye on future
trends, evaluate the financial feasibility of establishing and
operating these stations, and survey potential users to gauge
preferences and concerns. Conduct a competitive analysis to
understand the strengths and weaknesses of existing players.
Lastly, be aware of potential challenges like regulatory
complexities or technical limitations. Stay updated with the
latest information to ensure the research accurately reflects
the current status of EV infrastructure in Pakistan.

Target Audience:
People and groups interested in electric vehicle charging stations
on Pakistani highways are:
People who own electric cars:
If you drive an electric car, you'd want convenient places to
charge it during long trips.
Those traveling long distances:
If you're going on a road trip across cities in an electric car,
charging points on the highways would be beneficial.
Companies with delivery trucks or fleets:
Businesses that use electric vehicles for deliveries or have a fleet
of electric cars would need charging points for their operations.
Places where tourists stay and eat:
Hotels and restaurants along highways may attract more
customers if they offer electric vehicle charging points,
considering that more tourists use electric cars.
Government and rule makers:
Those who make rules and policies for transportation are
interested in supporting environment-friendly practices like
electric vehicles and charging infrastructure.
Companies running the charging stations:
Businesses managing and operating charging points are
interested in this, as it's their service.
Car manufacturers and sellers:
Companies that manufacture and sell electric cars are interested
because more charging points make their products more

People who care about the environment:

Individuals or groups passionate about the environment are
interested because electric vehicles help reduce pollution, and
having more charging points encourages their use.
Local businesses along the highways:
Shops and services along highways might attract more customers
if they offer electric vehicle charging stations.

Marketing strategies:
Here are a few marketing strategies we can use:
 Education: Inform the public about EV benefits.
 Convenience: Highlight the convenience of vehicle charge at
the motorway.
 User-Friendly Messaging: Simplify communication.
 Partnerships: Collaborate with local businesses and tourism
 Digital Presence: Maintain an active online presence.
 Mobile Apps: Develop user-friendly apps.
 Media Coverage: Seek media attention for awareness.
 Feedback Mechanism: Establish user feedback channels.
 Regular Updates: Communicate infrastructure
Goal and objectives:
Goal: Establish a widely-used electric vehicle (EV) charging
network on Pakistani motorways, encouraging sustainable


More Charging Points:

Increase charging points on motorways by 20% in the next year.
User Growth:
Get 15% more people using charging points each quarter.
Raise Awareness:
Make 25% more people aware of EV benefits and charging
locations in the next six months.
Build Partnerships:
Partner up with three large businesses to promote EV charging.
Improved App:
Boost the app's functionality, aiming for a 15% increase in
downloads and usage.
Connect with Communities:
Host two community events annually, aiming for a 10% increase in
public acceptance of EVs.
Government Support:
Work with the government for at least one new policy supporting
EV infrastructure in the next year.
User Satisfaction:
Keep user satisfaction at 80% through regular feedback and issue
Enhanced Safety:
Introduce more safety measures, targeting a 15% increase in user-
reported feelings of safety.
Media Presence:
Get featured in three major media outlets to highlight positive EV
Loyalty Program:
Introduce a loyalty program to increase user retention by 10%.
Clear Signage:
Improve highway signage, aiming for a 20% increase in users
finding charging stations easily.
Financial Sustainability:
Aim for financial self-sustainability in two years through revenue
streams and partnerships.
Environmental Impact:
Communicate the environmental impact, aiming for a 15%
increase in public perception of EVs as eco-friendly options.
Budget and Action Plan:
Budget Overview: Allocate funds wisely to achieve the goal.
Focus on expanding charging infrastructure, promoting user
awareness, improving technology, ensuring safety, and building
partnerships. Consider ongoing operational needs, marketing
efforts, and potential collaborations with government and

Action Plan:

Infrastructure Expansion (30% of Budget):

Invest in more charging points on busy motorways for wider
coverage and accessibility.
User Awareness and Education (20% of Budget):
Spend on marketing campaigns, including online ads, events, and
partnerships with influencers, to make people aware of the
benefits of EVs and where they can charge them.
Technology Improvement (15% of Budget):
Improving the mobile app to make it more user-friendly with real-
time updates and rewards for frequent users. Set aside funds for
ongoing app maintenance.
Safety Measures (10% of Budget):
Enhance safety at charging stations with better lighting, security
personnel, and surveillance.
Partnerships and Collaborations (10% of Budget):
Allocate funds to build and maintain partnerships with local
businesses, tourism boards, and large companies to promote EV
charging points.
Operational Costs (10% of Budget):
Cover everyday expenses like maintenance, customer support,
and regular safety checks.
Government Collaboration (5% of Budget):
Use funds to engage with government officials, advocating for
supportive policies and participating in relevant initiatives.
Environmental Impact Assessment (5% of Budget):
Assess our environmental impact and communicate the positive
outcomes of EV adoption. Allocate funds for effective
communication efforts.


Months 1-3:

Begin expanding charging infrastructure on high-traffic

Start digital advertising campaigns to raise awareness.
Kick off improvements to the mobile app based on user feedback.
Months 4-6:
Continue expanding infrastructure.
Host community events and work with local businesses.
Implement initial safety measures at charging points.
Months 7-9:
Evaluate and update the app.
Strengthen partnerships and explore loyalty programs.
Engage with government officials to discuss policy support.
Months 10-12:
Complete infrastructure expansion for the year.
Enhance safety measures at all charging points.
Adjust marketing strategies based on user feedback and
campaign performance.
Ongoing (Year 2 and Beyond):
Maintain and expand infrastructure based on user demand.
Regularly update app's features.
Strengthen partnerships and explore new collaborations.
Advocate for additional government support and policies.
Conduct periodic environmental impact assessments and
communicate findings.
SWOT Analysis:
A SWOT analysis assesses Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats related to a project or business.
Let's consider it for an electric vehicle (EV) charging
infrastructure project:


Sustainability: Supports eco-friendly transportation, reducing

carbon footprint.
Growing EV Market: Increasing demand for electric vehicles
creates a larger user base.
Government Support: Favorable policies and incentives for EV
infrastructure development.
Technological Advancements: Opportunities for innovative
and user-friendly charging solutions.


Infrastructure Costs: High initial investment and maintenance

User Awareness: Limited public awareness about the benefits
and accessibility of EV charging points.
Charging Time: Longer charging times compared to traditional
refueling options.
Regulatory Challenges: Potential regulatory hurdles and
complex permitting processes for charging points.

Market Expansion: As electric vehicle adoption increases,

there is a growing market for EV charging services.
Partnerships: Collaborate with businesses and local
governments to expand infrastructure efficiently.
Technological Improvements: Advances in charging
technology to reduce charging times and enhance user
Diversification: Explore additional services or features to
complement EV charging.


Competitive Landscape: Increasing competition in the EV

charging industry.
Changing Regulations: Shifting government policies
impacting the EV market.
Technological Obsolescence: Rapid advancements may make
current infrastructure outdated.
Economic Factors: Economic downturns affect consumer
spending and infrastructure investments.
Marketing Mix:
The marketing mix consists of:
What makes our EV charging service unique? Is it fast charging, a
user-friendly app, or some special features that make it stand out?
How much will it cost users to charge their EVs? We need to
figure out a fair pricing strategy, considering factors like electricity
costs and what competitors are charging.
Where are we putting these charging stations? We should focus
on busy motorways to make it convenient for travelers.
Partnerships with nearby businesses can also help spread the
How are we spreading the word? We'll use online ads, social
media, partnerships with local businesses, and even some
discounts or loyalty programs to encourage people to use our
Who's going to help users? Whether it's staff at the charging
stations or those managing customer service through the app,
they need to be friendly and helpful.
How easy is it for people to use our charging service? We want a
straightforward process, from finding a station to completing the
charging. The mobile app and clear signage at the stations play a
big role here.
Physical Evidence:
What will users see and feel? The charging stations need
to be well-maintained. We also want a recognizable brand that
people associate with a positive experience.

Monitoring and Control:

Monitoring and control are essential components of any business
strategy, ensuring that goals are met, resources are used
efficiently, and adjustments can be made when necessary. Here's a
simplified approach to monitoring and control for an electric
vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure:

Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

Define specific and measurable KPIs aligned with the objectives of
the EV charging project. This could include metrics such as the
number of charging sessions, user satisfaction rates, infrastructure
uptime, and financial performance.
Regular Performance Reviews:
Conduct regular reviews of performance against established KPIs.
This could be done monthly, quarterly, or as needed. Analyze data
to identify trends, successes, and areas for improvement.
Financial Audits:
Regularly audit financial records related to the charging
infrastructure. Ensure that the budget is being used efficiently and
that the project is financially sustainable.

User Feedback and Surveys:

Gather feedback from users through surveys, reviews, or direct
communication. Monitor user satisfaction and identify any
concerns or suggestions for improvement.
Technology and Infrastructure Checks:
Conduct regular checks on the technology, infrastructure, and
safety features of the charging stations. Ensure that all
components are functioning correctly and address any
maintenance issues promptly.
Ethical Considerations:
Ethical considerations for an electric vehicle (EV) charging
infrastructure project involve prioritizing fairness, transparency,
and environmental responsibility. Treat users, employees, and
stakeholders with respect, ensuring that the project aligns with
ethical standards and contributes positively to both the
community and the environment. Consider issues like data
privacy, accessibility, and fair treatment of employees while
keeping a commitment to sustainability and minimizing
environmental impact. Regularly assess and address ethical
concerns to build trust and ensure the project's long-term

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