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Annual Examination

Class -3rd


Qn.1 Fill in the blanks [ 10 marks]

1. In a Rectangle,the_______ sides are equal.

2. A circle has ____ sides and ____ corners.
3. Rs.5 =____paise.
4. 4 hours=_____minutes.
5. 1 week =_____hours.
6. 2 hour=_____ minutes.
7. 3 metre=_____centimetres.
8. 4000 gram=______ kilograms.
9. 3 L =_______millilitres.
10. 800 cm=_____m.

Qn.2 Match the following-[5 M]

a. 5:15 = 60 minutes
b. 5:30 = 5 ‘o clock
c. 5:45 = quarter past 5
d. 5 :00 = half past 5
e. 1 hour = quarter to 6.

Qn. 3 Write True or False-[ 5M]

1. In a square, 4 sides are equal.

2. The part of a line between two points is called a line segments.
3. All the edges of a cuboid are equal.
4. All the edges of a cube are equal.
5. You can draw many straight lines through two points.

Qn.4 Choose the correct answer –[5 M]

1. Quarter past six is 6:15 / 6:30

2. In 3 weeks 21 days / 28 days.
3. The fraction whose numerator is 4 and the denominator is 7 is
i) 7/4
ii) 4/7
4. A cube has 6 faces/ 8 faces.
5. 1kg = 1000g / 100g.

Qn.5 Continue the pattern[ 5 M]

i)1250 1300 1350 __ __ __

ii) 5000 4975 4950 __ __ __

iii) 5 10 20 ___ __ ___

iv) 3 6 9 ___ ___ __

v) 640 320 160 ___ __ ___

Qn.6 Add the following- [10 M]

i)45 cm + 25 cm

ii)78 cm + 17cmm

iii) 128g+ 352 g + 257g

iv)260 mL + 575 mL

v) 20 cm+ 36 cm +70 cm

Qn. 7 Subtract the following-[8M]

i)250 mL - 67mL

ii)75 kg 846g – 46 kg 658 g

iii)500 L - 243L

iv) 368 m – 169 m

Qn 8 solve the following-[12 M]

a)18 cm × 3

b) 24 g × 6

c) 352 kg × 5

d) 65 mL ÷ 5

e) 135 L ÷ 3

f) Rs.81 .00 ÷ 9

Qn. 9 Change : [ 3M]

a) 6 hours to minutes

b) 5 weeks to days.

Qn.10 Solve the word problem-[ 12 M]

1)What length of pipe would you get by joining a pipe 4 m 20 cm long to another pipe 12 m 45 cm

2) A carton of books weighs 36 kg 120g.How much will 8 such cartons weigh?

3) A taxi driver uses 30 litres of petrol every day.How much petrol does he use in 7 days ?

4) Make a bill: Chair Rs 1200,tables Rs 2570, cupboard Rs 5895.

Qn 11 Look at this pictograph and answer the questions .

Games that children of Tina’s Class Like [5 M]


⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️ ⚽️2 children




1.How many children like football?____

2. How many children like Tennis?_____

3. Which game like the most?_____How many like it?_____

4.Which game is liked the least?_____How many like it?____

5.which two games are liked equally?_____

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