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1. In my country, there is a natural monument called “the Citadelle Laferiere” that is very beautiful.

It is
very beautiful because it is a magnificent mountain top fortress. _____, the natural monument has
many beautiful different types of trees. _____, Citadelle Laferiere has both palm and coconut trees.
_____, the view from the Citadelle Laferiere is very amazing. When you are at the top, you can watch
the city of Millot. You can also see the beautiful river nearby. _____, Citadelle Laferiere is a wonderful
place to visit
2. There are many reasons why I think that professional athletes don't need to receive a lot of money.
Professional sports are entertaining, but they are still only entertainment. The companies that are
investing in professional sports only think about earning more money. _____, there are many children
who want to be athletes. _____, the main reason they want to be athletes is because they can earn a
lot of money. It's good that children want to do sports, but it's not ideal that they do it only for the
money. _____ this is my brother. He focused on sports and didn’t think that it was important or
necessary to study since he was hoping to become a professional athlete. _____, he was never
chosen and now has to work at a local fast food restaurant because he doesn’t have any other skills.
_____, I agree with the opinion that professional athletes receive too much money.

3. If you want to find a good job, you need to follow certain steps. _____, you need to know what kind of
job you want. _____, if you know a lot about business, you will want to find a job related to business.
_____, you have to make your resume. This is very important because all businesses look at this
paper, and they choose whether or not you get the job depending on what you write there. _____, you
need to put all the important and impressive information about you on your resume: where you studied,
what you know how to do, and every other important details about you that you can give to the
company. _____, when you finish, you need to go to the business’s website, fill out an application, and
upload your resume. You can also visit the business to ask for a job application. _____, if you get an
interview, you need to be quiet and tell the truth. Trust in yourself because they have all your
information and wanted to interview you. _____, if you follow these steps, you can find a good job and
become more professional.

3 Exercise: Write with cohesive devices

Read the following essay. Are cohesive devices used? When used, are they being used accurately? With a
partner, discuss the paragraph and make any necessary changes.

How to Arrive Early to School

Have you been late for class this semester? How did you feel? You probably felt worried, embarrassed, or
maybe discouraged. Sometimes it is difficult to be on time because, as students, you have many distractions.
You stay up late doing homework or going to parties and then oversleep. In the morning, you may lose
something important that you need for school or not know what to wear. You will probably face many different
issues or challenges before getting to school, but there is a way to get to school on time. By choosing clothes
the night before, preparing your backpack and leaving early, you can be on time.

Choosing what you are going to wear for school the night before helps a lot. Sometimes you know what
you'd like to wear, but if the weather changes, you have to find a different outfit. To avoid these kinds of
situations, ponder about what you are going to do the next day. Look for an outfit that will fit with the kind of
day that you will have. Reviewing the weather will help you see if the clothes that you chose will suit the
weather. Remember that both things should be done the night before. Don't be lazy and plan the perfect outfit
for your day!

Prepare your backpack. This is an easy but important step. The night before, check your schedule and look
for the books that you will need for school. If you don't see something in your bag, find it. If you plan to find it in
the morning, you will probably waste time and be late for school. Also, if you are the kind of person that likes to
make a lunch, prepare it at night, too. Have your backpack ready because you can't go to school without your
prepared backpack.

Make a good decision about when to leave the house. Sometimes we believe that we have superpowers
and that we can get to school in one minute. That's impossible. Please be wise and think about the schedule
of the transportation you have to take, how long it will take you, and at what time classes start. Leave your
home 40 minutes before classes begin even if it only takes 30 minutes. The difference of 10 minutes will help
you to find solutions to unexpected challenges and to be on time. Be wise and leave on time.

Selecting what you are going to wear, preparing your bag, and being ready to leave home on time in the
morning will help you to be on time. Whether or not you like to prepare stuff the night before, you should try
these strategies to help you use your time more wisely. We're more able to solve issues at night rather than
right before leaving in the morning. Decide to start your day without stress in the mornings and to start the day
with a big smile. If you do these things, each day will be a lot better.

5 Exercise: Evaluate your writing.

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