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My one of the biggest fears in my life is losing my parents. Because I do not know what to do
or how to live my life without them. It would be hard for me to accept their absence. And
second one of them is being unsuccessful in business or school life. I always do my best with
my exams and want to get good grades. If I fail in one of my exams, I blame myself and feel
bad. And the third of them is feeling regret about the things I do. I do not want to be regretful
about my life.


I would like to change my bad habits because they would bad for me one day. One of them is
being emotional. I am too sensitive person and I would cry anything that is so dramatic.
Because of that I feel myself weak and I would like to change this. And the other one is my
obsessions. I would like not to be obsessive about the things because sometimes it drives me
crazy. For instance, I like to be clean and hygenic and when I go home from someone’s house
first thing that I do is to change my socks or wearing slippers. If I do not change them I feel


I would like to visit Japan the most. Because I am interested in the nature of the country. I do
not know that it is true or not but whenever I think about Japan I always dream about their
fresh air. I would like to see the city centre and taste their food as well. Maybe I do not like
their food because I pick food. But I want to try to eat their traditional foods. The technology
in Japan is incredible also I would like to experience that. I hope one day I have a chance to
visit Japan.

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