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Hands on Exercise No.

Total Marks: 10
DigiSkills 2.0 Batch-01

Problem statement:
In the freelancing world, job selection is one of the most crucial phases especially for the newbies. Fake
projects and scammers are found on almost every freelance marketplace and newbies often find it difficult to
differentiate between real and fake projects. In this exercise, we have provided you a few screenshots of the
jobs so that you can identify as fake projects and save your time and effort by bidding on them.

1. Identify if the job is real or fake by carefully reading and analyzing the job posts given below.
(Provide one word answer for each job: Real/Fake*)
2. Mention at least 3 reasons for each job explaining why you think the job is real or fake. (Provide
maximum one line answer for each job*)
Job 1:

1. Fake
2. Reasons
• Payment method of the client is not verified
• Hire rate is 0%
• The job description is fishy, the client is asking to install the mobile application first then
he will award the project.
Job 2:

1. Real
2. Reasons

• Payment method of the client is verified

• Hire rate is 92% and the client has received good rating on the previously awarded projects
• The job description is to the point, and it seems like an authentic project
Job 3:

1. Fake
2. Reasons

• Payment method of the client is unverified

• Hire rate is 0%
• The budget set by the client is high and unrealistic for such kind of jobs.


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